The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session on Tuesday, March 10, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway.
Those present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session February 25, 1992
George Vick made a motion to approve the minutes for, the
regular session February 25, 1992. Bobbie Vonada seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion
There was none.
Recovery Review
John Bierschwale, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, was not
present at this time so this item was suspended until later
in the meeting.
In regard to Capital Recovery Fees, Steve Simonson asked the
Commission if they had read his notes to them about CCMA
raising their rates from $500 to $900.
Chairman Andrews asked if CCMA gave any reason for the raise
in rates and Steve Simonson explained they cited more and
more stringent government regulations as the reason.
Abandoned and Junk Property,
Ordinance 91-D-19
A. Recommended Changes to Procedures
B. Recommended Changes in Letter to Owner
A. Recommended Changes to Procedures
Merwin Willman, who had written up the recommended changes,
told the Commission he had attempted to upgrade the
procedures to bring them in line with the ordinance.
The Commission reviewed the recommended changes to the
procedures and suggested the following revisions:
(a) Where Mr. Willman had 1. SUBJECT: Abandoned and Junked
Property Hearing, the Commission suggested adding the word
Procedures at the end.
(b) Where Mr. Willman had 4. FINDINGS, the Commission
suggested renaming it to CHECKLIST.
(c) Also under item 4, paragraph d., Mr. Willman had asked
three extra questions and the Commission decided only the
third question was relevant, so the other two were deleted.
(d) Under 5. CONCLUSION, Mr. Willman had listed. paragraphs
a. through f. and several word additions were suggested by
the Commission.
In paragraph c. where it says "Vehicle cannot be classified
the Commission recommended saying "Vehicle can/cannot
be classified
In paragraph d. where it says "Vehicle in question is a
junked vehicle as defined by this Ordinance, and cannot be
classified.....", the Commission recommended saying "Vehicle
in question is/is not a junked vehicle as defined by this
Ordinance, and can/cannot be classified....."
B. Recommended Changes in Letter to Owner
Merwin Willman informed the Commission he had composed the
letter by trying to explain things so the owner could
understand them.
The Commission felt the letter to the owner needed no
George Vick questioned if these items have to go to City
Council and was informed they do not - they are .procedures
for the Commission.
Keith Van Dine made a motion to accept, as corrected, the
recommended changes to procedures and the recommended changes
in the letter to the owner. George Vick seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous in favor. ..Motion carried.
for Change in Zoning District Map
A. Petition for Zoning/Rezoning
B. Checklist for Zoning/Rezoning
Chairman Andrews advised the Commission letter C. under this
item had inadvertently been omitted and it should be New and
Unscheduled Use Request.
A Petition for Zoning/Rezoning
Merwin. Willman had worked up a petition for rezoning and the
last item (item 4) before the signature of the petitioner
reads as follows:
"If this petition is approved, a list of owners of property
with their current address within 200 feet of the. land
proposed for reclassification will be furnished to the City
Secretary within two weeks of the date this petition is
approved for a public hearing."
Jim Shriver asked if the City doesn't currently furnish the
list of property owners and send out the letters.
Steve Simonson replied the City does and it is the City that
is ultimately responsible for seeing that these 'procedures
are carried out correctly.
The Commission discussed this briefly and decided that even
though Merwin Willman had a good idea, the City is still
liable. Therefore, the Commission suggested deleting item 4
from the petition for zoning/rezoning.
B. Checklist for Zoning/Rezoninq
No revisions .were recommended to the checklist for
George Vick made a motion to approve, as corrected, the
petition for zoning/rezoning and the checklist for
zoning/rezoning. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
C. New and Unscheduled Use Request
Steve Simonson explained that the City is looking at
purchasing two acres of land for a new Animal Control
facility and distributed a packet to the Commission with
further information, a map of the location, and a diagram of
the proposed facility.
Mr. Simonson drew a diagram for the Commission of the
proposed facility saying it will have a privacy fence,
parking, a driveway, landscaping, pens in back for large
animals and room for future expansion of the facility. Mr.
Simonson also pointed out there will be space for offices and
for training sessions.
There is no classification in the General Business category.
of the ordinance for an animal control facility and the City
Manager has asked the Commission to make a determination on
Jim Shriver then commented that it just needs to be added to
the uses and Steve Simonson admitted they could do that or
specifically add it as a new and unscheduled use.
George Vick brought up the fact that the Schedule of Uses is
not all inclusive and perhaps something could be interpreted
as being the same as an animal control facility.
Steve Simonson stressed that the City feels this request
should go to a public hearing. They could have asked for the
land to be changed to Public Use District, but they feel
better bringing it as a formal item with a pubic hearing as a
,l` new and unscheduled use, especially since we are a City.
Chairman. Andrews remarked that one question that should be
asked is if an animal shelter will be acceptable in a General
Business zone. Mr. Andrews continued on saying another
question that should be asked is if it will be detrimental to
adjacent property owners.
Steve Simonson pointed out that the nearest dwellings would
be homes in Silvertree, Payless Gas, a farm, and Dobie Middle
School. Nothing will be built near it because of the large
drainage facility and the electrical lines.
Keith Van Dine questioned the sewage and Steve Simonson
stated there is a major sewer line nearby.
Keith Van Dine made a motion to recommend to City Council
approval of the assignment of an animal control facility as
an allowed use in the General Business category of the Zoning
Ordinance. Merwin Willman seconded the motion.
Before the vote, Jim Shriver asked that the motion include
mention of the fact that the area where the new- animal
control facility is proposed to be built was recommended
previously by the Commission (in a letter to City Council) to
be rezoned from General Business to Neighborhood Services.
The vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Comprehensive Plan.
Chairman Andrews related that Steve Simonson had provided
them information this evening on transportation.
Steve Simonson noted that more refining to all their
information needs to be done and mentioned that he will need
help with housing data. As soon as housing is finished, they
will have the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan.
Chairman Andrews requested that Steve Simonson let him know
when there's a time for them to get together and he will help
.with the housing information.
Steve Simonson commented he is hopeful to have the final
draft to them by the next meeting.
Chairman Andrews remarked that after they have the final
draft, they can then go page by page and refine it.
George Vick asked if it will be sent forward to City Council
as a draft.
Steve Simonson replied yes it will and then it will come back
to the Commission to be sent to the department heads for
their final changes. Mr. Simonson emphasized he thinks the
- Commission will find legislators will eventually designate
Comprehensive Plans as the major tool for cities.
Keith Van Dine•
(a) Reported that the citizens of the 5chirmerville area are
up in arms over the road situation. Pfeil Road, in
particular, is in terrible shape.
Steve Simonson told Mr. Van Dine the Street Department is
scheduled to begin repairs in the Schirmerville area the week
after next'.
Bobbie Vonada•
(a) Invited everyone to attend the 50's dance this Saturday
evening at the Schertz VFW Hall. It is being sponsored by
the Schertz Business Club. .
Merwin Willman•
(a) Asked the status of revoking platting fees on Schertz
Steve Simonson remarked that is on hold until another
mechanism can be found that would generate funds.
(b) Inquired what happened to the request from Jesse Hellums
for a continuation on the non-conforming use at Oakview
Mobile Home Park.
Steve Simonson replied the Commission had given him a
consensus at the last meeting to send it forward to City
Council for a Board of Adjustment determination.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald:
(a) Informed everyone there will be a library book sale the
27th, 28th and 29th of this month.
(b) Suggested everyone attend the 50's dance this Saturday
at the VFW.
(c) Related that CVACAC is offering a seminar on March 19th
- at 7:00 P.M. at the Schertz library on adolescent gangs and
gang recognition. It will be presented by an officer from
l the Converse Police Department. All interested persons are
invited to attend. There is no charge.
(d) Reported that .540 children have signed up for. BVYA
softball this year. That is an increase of about 240 over
'last' year. For those who are interested, opening day, is
April 4th.
The girls state tournament championship will be held here in
The boys TexMex championship will also be held here and
whoever wins goes on to the world championship.
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Referred to the housing rental and sales market, saying
there is a high demand in Schertz of people looking for homes
in this school district.
Steve Simonson:
(a) Enlightened the Commission on the fact that the City
now has the 20' easement from Southern Pacific Railroad for
FM 78. The State Highway Department is only waiting to
hear from Austin on a date for a public hearing on the
widening of FM 78.
Mr. Simonson said there are several things that should be
known about the widening of FM 78. First, Universal City
still has to obtain some right-of-way and second, when FM 78
is widened, the connection under the bridge will be no more.
Chairman Andrews asked how traffic will get to FM 1518 and
Steve Simonson answered there will still be transition at
that corner.
Jim Shriver commented there needs to be a better bridge on
(b) Distributed copies to the Commission of information
pertaining to Tax Increment Financing and asked them to look
it over so it can be on the agenda of the next meeting for
Jim Shriver•
(a) Asked what's being done about Gary Bricken's replace-
ment. Steve Simonson replied notices are being handed
out to everyone paying water bills, the vacancy has been
announced at City Council meetings, and there will be an
article in the April Newsletter.
George Vick•
(a) Asked if anyone had. heard anything on the racetrack
coming into the area. Jim Shriver said they are still trying
to get financed.
Since John Bierschwale had not showed up by this time, Item
#4, Semi-Annual Capital Recovery Review, was tabled until the
next regularly scheduled meeting.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:15 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is March 24, 1992.