The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a
regular session on Tuesday, March 23, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Complex conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway,
Schertz, Texas. Those_,prESent were as ...follows:
~'i~a~ rman Andrews. called the meeting to order at 7:Ofl P.~. -
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session March 9, 1993
Sophie ..Vonada .made - _.~.~~~sa..ta .a~rove :the minutes fir the
regular session March 9, 1993. David Richmond seconded the
motion and. , ~iL',. vQte was a5 follows :
AYES::"B. Andrews, G. Vick, O. Nelson, K. Van Dine, B. Vonada,
D. Richmond
'NAYS: None
Motion carried.
There . wa.s, ..none ,
'hONSiDER :ANfl'~TAiC£"` ROPRhATE •'~"AC°PiC3N. i -I'irta7 ` P3.a~ .and
Site Plan Approval - HEB 3~I~'M :309 -
.Subdivision jPC #.191-93) - -
David Allen of MBC Engineers was at the meeting to represent
this request.
Chairman Andrews asked for Staff input.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission they have the final lat
and site plan before them. The Cit E P
and recommends approval. Everything islnowronatheesiteeplanem
it shows a staggered layout. Also,. in the package is a picture
of What they-propose for their pylon sign. They are requesting
a 10' variance allowing them to
Jack-in-the-Box, McDonald's and Dpamond Shamrockgallnhave signs
~ which are 75' in height. The
~ pylon sign they are requesting is
' the type authorized for a shopping center.
Merwin Willman asked where the height of the sign is shown and
was told on both the site plan and the picture in the package.
Steve Simonson commented that on FM 3009 they are showing a 6'
x 13' HEB berm sign which falls within the requirements of the
overlay ordinance. The Staff finds nothin to
acceptance of the final plat and site plan. g Preclude
13airman Andrews, noting it shows the FM 3009 sign to be 6' x
asked which figure is the height and David Allen informed
him 6' is the height. Mr. Andrews then went on to say they
have had continuous requests from businesses for variances on
their signs and wants to make sure the people from HEB
understand the ordinance and won't want to tear down the sign
and change it at a later date. Mr. Andrews then asked Steve
Simonson what the ordinance allows and Mr. Simonson replied
18'9" in height and 90 some square feet.
David Richmond made a motion to approve the final plat and site
plan for the HEB 35/FM 3009 Subdivision. Oliver Nelson
seconded the motion and the vote was as follows:
AYES: B. Andrews, G. Vick, O. Nelson, K. Van Dine, B. Vonada,
D. Richmond
NAYS: None
Motion carried.
and Aileen Greaves to Rezone a 6.6897 Acre
Tract of Land from Residential Agriculture
(R/A) to General Business (GB).
(This item was tabled February 9, 1993)
Chairman Andrews asked Steve Simonson for an update.
Steve Simonson related that he and Chairman Andrews reviewed
all the paperwork submitted by Alvin Greaves and found Mr.
Greaves to be telling the truth. He never lost control of the
40 acres (of which the 6.6897 tract is a part) prior to or
after annexation by the City of Schertz. Technically, he is
grandfathered. Mr. Greaves has been cleaning up the area as
far as taking care of illegal things and has been cooperating
with the City.
Chairman Andrews advised the Commission they need to disa
Mr. Greaves request because pprove
zoning. Mr. Andrews went on totexpPainvthat bwould be spot
'the request Mr. y disa
use of the land canrcontinuelonsas issats PProving
Y - grandfathered. His
it, present until he sells
Keith Van Dine observed the Commission has no need to approve
or disapprove the request if Mr. Greaves' pro ert
grandfathered. P y is
Steve Simonson pointed out the Commission is simpl tak'
formal action on Mr. Y ing
parliamentar Greaves written request - it is a
item Y Procedure type of action. When you have a tabled
you have to either approve or disapprove it.
Bobbie Vonada
Greaves cannotquerectnanylmoreecommercialdbuildincslY that Mr.
and Steve Simonson said that's right. g out there
Mervin Willman made a motion (based on evide
Alvin Greaves that he was grandfathered whene theovCaty of
Schertz annexed the area behind Randolph Air Force Base and
never lost control of 40 acres of land of which the requested
rezoning of a 6.6897 tract is a part) to disa
from Alvin L. and Aileen Greaves to rezone ap6r6897tacreetract
of land from Residential/Agriculture (R/A) to General Business
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous
in favor. Motion carried.
Ke_ Van Dine•
(a) Asked if anyone has heard anything about a company called
Cable Max. They say they have a tower in Schertz and the
people they are providing service to are are happy with them.
Steve Simonson indicated he is not aware of any tower other
than the request for a cellular telephone tower.
Mr. Van Dine commented it costs a minimum of $100 for the
installation and then the basic package is anywhere from $24 on
up to $46.
Steve Simonson noted that Paragon Cable has plans to convert
from wire to fiber optics and that will change a lot of things.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated that T.J.
was at the last City Council workshop andC~was11askedPaabout
providing service to the Schirmerville area. Mr. Connoll
said they are rethinking the ,situation and going back and
looking at possibly providing service to smaller clusters of
Mr. Van Dine then asked Steve Simonson if the Cable Max people
shouldn't be coming into City Hall to notify the City they are
going to be selling in the area and Mr. Simonson replied yes
they should.
Oliver Nelson inquired if Paragon makes improvements, will they
raise their basic rates. Councilman Greenwald replied they are
looking at reducing prices because if they don't do something,
they will be re-regulated.
Chairman Andrews mentioned he had spoken to a telephone company
employee and was told something they are doing is taking a 10"
cable and turning it into a cable about the size of your finger
(which will handle about 10 times as much as a 10" cable) and
then they can go into you security system, your TV set and lots
of things right in your home. It wouldn't require any more
cables because they would already be there. The cable
companies are getting a big scare because the telephone company
has the ability to do this.
Councilman Greenwald mentioned that the GVEC telephone
cooperative is into cable TV and home security at about a third
of the cost.
Chairman Andrews then welcomed Merwin Willman back and asked if
he had anything for General Discussion.
Merwin Willman•
(a) Asked the status of the street name change of Live Oak
Boulevard because City Council concurred at their workshop the
Commission should go ahead with the process.
Chairman Andrews commented nothing has ever come back to the
Commission from City Council.
Councilman Ken Greenwald acknowledged the Commission should get
some paperwork from City Council telling them to go ahead with
the process.
George Vick•
(a) Noted that at Randolph and Curtiss they have a huge
antenna. Does it met City regulations? Steve Simonson said
yes it does.
(b) Reported that at Lindbergh and Brooks there is an RV on a
concrete pad with the wheels off and it appears they're hooking
hose up for sewer purposes. Steve Simonson said he would check
into it.
Steve Simonson•
(a) Informed the Commission they need to sign the HEB plat.
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Related he had been looking over what's been done on the
Development and Growth Plan and asked if we shouldn't be
referencing the appendices since they won't be in the Plan
itself. What we are doing is making basically a one sheet
scenario for each area in a very general context for a
long-range Plan.
Also, to make the Plan more or less perpetual, Mr. Andrews
suggested that in the Goals and Objectives we state there are
3-5, 5-10 and 10-20 year plans for each area and those be
reviewed and updated every year to coincide with the budget
process. That way each area in each of the appendices has to
go back and review their 3-5, 5-10, and 10-20 year plans before
coming to City Council for their budgets. If they are already
doing that on an annual basis, then rewrite the plans and
update the appendices covering those areas to stay in agreement
with where the long-range Development and Growth Plan is going.
This assures that each and every year the Plan will be
automatically updated and we will wind up with a perpetual
Development and Growth Plan.
George Vick remarked the Planning and Zoning Commission should
review these plans and appendices annually to make sure they
comply with the Development and Growth Plan.
Bobbie Vonada pointed out they should be reviewed after the
budget is approved because the departments might not get some
of the things they want.
Chairman Andrews commented that if the Commission sees a trend
in conflict with the Growth and Development Plan, then they
need to take a look at the Goals and Objectives to see if they
should be changed.
Mr. Andrews then said he likes the general statements in the
Plan, even though they have been criticized.
George Vick indicated that along with the appendices, the maps
should be referenced.
Mr. Andrews mentioned we already have the section on
Transportation, 'but it needs to be broken -.out as to the
individual areas and the same applies to the sections on
Climate and Natural Resources.
Steve Simonson advised he will have these ready by the next
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 7:35 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is April 13, 1993.