The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular
session on Tuesday, September 27, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Municipal Complex conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway,
Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session September 13, 1994
David Richmond moved to approve the minutes for the Regular
Session September 13, 1994. Tony Moreno seconded the motion
and the vote was as follows:
AYES: B. Andrews, D. Richmond and T. Moreno.
NAYS: None
Due to the fact there were only four Commissioners present to
vote and Mrs. Jarman abstained, the approval of the minutes
.for the Regular Session September 13, 1994 was tabled until the
next meeting.
There was none.
Dawna Figol to Rezone a Tract of Land from
R-2 (Single-Family Dwelling District) to R-4
(Apartment/Multi-Family Dwelling;District)
(Tabled 9-13-94)
Dawna Figol was present at the meeting to represent this
_ request. -
Chairman Andrews asked for Staff input. Steve Simonson
informed the Commission his input is the same as at the
previous meeting. The location of this property is the Palms
Apartments. They are looking to expand and realized it is not
zoned for what's there. The City Inspector informed them
before they could expand, they needed to have the property
rezoned. The apartments were there before the City had a
Zoning Ordinance, but somehow this area was missed when we
revised the Zoning Map.
Chairman Andrews explained to Dawna Figol that this item had
been tabled at the previous meeting because the Commission
wanted to make sure she and her husband are aware of the
proposed widening of FM 78, the result of which will probably
limit access to the apartments.
-Councilman Greenwald commented they don't have access now.
Steve Simonson explained that Wuest Street is not legally a
street and that Burch Roofing has closed off the .access to it.
Mr. Simonson then asked Dawna Figol if they have any legal
documents regarding access to their property and Mrs. Figol
answered she does not know.
Chairman Andrews remarked that Exhibit A mentions a 15'
ingress/egress easement on a northwest corner, but its not a
survey so he really couldn't tell what he was looking at. Tony
Moreno questioned if 15' meets the code for City safety
vehicles and was informed by Steve Simonson it does. Mr.
Moreno then expressed some concern over the traffic count,
especially if the number of apartments increases and the access
becomes more limited due to the FM 78 widening.
Chairman Andrews told Dawna Figol that if she does have a
document showing a 15' ingress/egress, it would be good to have
it plotted out if the Commission recommends this go to a public
- hearing. It would also be good to explain that the Wuest
- access is closed, that FM 78 is going to be widened and show
how patrons are going to get in and out of the apartments.
Tony Moreno suggested the possibility of working up an
agreement with the neighbors for ingress/egress.
Wanda Koch asked Steve Simonsan if the property the Figol's
want to rezone doesn't end right at Church Street. After some
discussion, Mr. Simonson noted it looks like it daes at the
back and that may offer a possibility for a way out of there.
Mr. Simonson added, though, that you don't want to put a lot
of apartments to the back. Chairman Andrews stated this
request .will require a public hearing by both the Commission
and by City Council.
Tony Moreno moved to recommend to City Council that the request
from Dennis and ,Dawna Figol to rezone a tract o'f land from R-2
(Single-Family Dwelling District) to R-4
- (Apartment/Multi-Family Dwelling District) be scheduled for a
public hearing. Pia Jarman seconded the motion which carried
with a unanimous vote. _
Chairman Andrews informed Dawna Figol that Steve Simonson will
send her a letter with the dates for the public hearings and it
would be good for her to get information on easements,
.rights-of-way and ingress/egress. Tony Moreno added it would
be advisable to have something, like diagrams, to show the
public rather than just trying to explain it verbally.
Parkland Dedication
Kimberly Murphy and Bob Liesman were at the meeting to
represent this proposal.
Chairman Andrews asked for Staff input and Steve Simonson
advised that the developer is proposing to dedicate half of the
greenbelt now (approximately 30 acres) as part of the parkland
requirement and then is asking for approval to pay
cash-in-lieu-of-land at a rate of one-half the designated
$225.00 per lot for the remainder of the dedication.
Chairman Andrews asked if we have any further information on
the homeowners association. Kimberly Murphy related they have
a tentative agenda for a meeting scheduled for October 4th at
the Schertz Community Center. Letters have gone out to all the
.current residents of Greenshire Oaks.
Tony Moreno questioned if everyone has to belong. Kimberly
Murphy explained there is Master Association for the entire
development and that includes the existing homeowners
.association and all new property. The 52 current residents of
Greenshire Oaks have the option to keep the one they belong to
up-to-date and still belong to the Master, but according to the
_ covenants there can be only one Master. Ms. Murphy said it is
her understanding that the current Greenshire Oaks residents
had never been assessed any fees, those were taken care of by
Mark Vaughan. In order to get this homeowners association set
up, the developer has paid past due franchise taxes that were
owed by Mark Vaughan.
Chairman Andrews asked if the original association was a
mandatory one and Kimberly Murphy replied yes it was. Ms.
Murphy noted that the covenants at the present time specify a
-minimum 1200 square foot house with 50$ masonry and they would
like to upgrade .that to a minimum 2000 square foot house with
75~ masonry. They would, however, in order to accomplish that,
need the signatures of 75$ of the existing homeowners and those
signatures would need to be notarized.
David Richmond wondered if there's any way to ensure that the
- green area remains in its natural state and doesn't get
cluttered with picnic tables, jogging trails, etc. Does the
homeowners association decide how it will be used? Kimberly
Murphy replied yes it does.
Mr. Richmond went on to say a major concern of the current
residents who back onto the greenbelt is that once all the
homes are built, they will have little to no control over the
30 acres of greenbelt. Bob Liesman thought maybe a legal
document could be attached to the plat designating the specific
uses permitted in the greenbelt. Chairman Andrews pointed out
that should be covered in the declarations and covenants.
Councilman Greenwald mentioned that the City will have input on
anything permanent being put in a drainage right-of-way, and
Steve Simonson agreed.
Kimberly Murphy, commenting she understood no one wanted a
public park, assured David Richmond she thinks they can all
work together. Mr. Richmond also mentioned some concern about
the use of the area for dune buggies and Ms. Murphy stated
they can restrict those in the covenants.
Tony Moreno moved to approve the proposal from the developer of
Greenshire Subdivision to dedicate half of the greenbelt now
(approximately 30 acres) as part of the parkland requirement
and also to approve the cash-in-lieu-of-land payment at a rate
of one-half the designated $225.00 per lot for the remainder of
the dedication. David Richmond seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
Miller Bros. Partnership No. 3 Subdivision
(PC #218-94/A)
No one was at the meeting to represent this request..
Chairman Andrews asked for Staff update. Steve Simonson
related this plat contains all the minor corrections we asked
them to include. It shows the contour lines, shows the correct
effective date of the floodplain map and eliminates the County
Engineer signature block. They know they have to submit a Site
Plan and have been working with the City on that.
David Richmond moved to approve the final plat for Miller Bros.
Partnership No. 3 Subdivision. Pia Jarman seconded the motion
which carried with a unanimous vote.
Ashley Place Subdivision, Unit 1
Don McCrary was at the meeting to represent this request.
Chairman Andrews asked for: Staff input and' Steve Simonson,
noting there- are two sheets, to the play, informed the
Commission they have more clearly defined the common areas next
to Schertz Parkway and at the end of Ashley Park where the road
comes in and splits.
Referencing the second sheet, Steve Simonson told the
Commission they. can see where the sanitary sewer easement will
flow out and go back to the existing 25' sanitary sewer
easement of CCMA which is the outfall main CCMA uses in this
area. This outfall main also. serves Fox Run and Rolling Oaks
mall. This is how the subdivision will be sewered.
Mr. Simonson remarked there is one correction. At the top of
the plat, at the end of Samantha Drive, you will see a half
circle and you will notice that a 10' drainage easement goes
into a 30' drainage right-of-way. We cannot have that. Both
have to be the same, so they will have to change the 10'
drainage easement to a 10' drainage right-of-way. The City has
to have a way to get back to that drainage right-of-way to mow
.it. You can't really give this to the property owner because
it is accepting water from a number of areas, not just that
particular lot.
Mr. Simonson further stated this type of drainage right-of-way
is not uncommon. He doesn't like it from a Staff point of view
because the City will have to maintain it. He tried to get
Rayco to make it an easement, but they said because of past
..litigation regarding drainage, they wouldn't do it. Mr.
Simonson then asked Don McCrary if they plan on putting cement
over the top of it or leaving grass and Mr. McCrary replied
they will probably leave the grass.
Steve Simonson indicated the construction plans have not been
fully approved, so he recommends the Commission authorize this
plat contingent on approval of those plans.
Tony Moreno moved to approve the final plat for Ashley Place,
Unit 1 contingent on changing the 10' drainage easement to a
10' drainage right-of-way and contingent on approval of the
construction plans. David Richmond seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
#8 CONSIDER AND MARE RECOMMENDATION: Discussion of Suggestions
for Future Annexation
Chairman Andrews informed the Commission Steve Simonson .had
suggested this item be placed on the agenda because we have
been remiss lately in recommending areas for possible
.annexation. Mr. Simonson felt there are two areas in
particular which require consideration. The first area_is all
of our ETJ south of FM 2252. Alamo Waste has relocated to FM
2252 in our ETJ and Mr. Simonson admitted he would like to get
them into our City limits. The second area is the Lakewood
Acres Subdivision. (where John Bierschwale lives) and as far
down toward 1-10 as possible. Tony Moreno asked if San Antonio.
is looking into annexing in that area. Steve Simonson replied
he does not know, but their ETJ comes right up to it.
There was a brief discussion on the suggested areas, on other
areas of possibility, and on future growth in the Schirmerville
area. Chairman Andrews suggested the Commission think about it
and when they get back from the APA convention,' start the
process of choosing areas for possible future annexation.
Members. Who May Wish to Renew their Terms
(Merwin Willman, George Vick, Tony Moreno and
Keith Van Dine) and Discussion Regarding
Election of Officers (this will be an action
item on the first agenda in October)
Chairman Andrews reported that Merwin Willman, Tony Moreno and
Keith Van Dine have all expressed the desire to renew their
terms. George Vick has tendered his resignation due to the
amount of time he is spending in school for the Knights of
As far as the election of officers, Mr. Andrews pointed out
they will need a new Vice-Chairman since George Vick is
resigning and then noted that he will step down as Chairman.
Mr. Andrews commented he will stay on, but not as Chairman,
until the UDC is finished,. then he will resign. He has enjoyed
his twelve years with the Commission, but feels it is time for
him to direct his energy toward other things in his life.
Pia Jarman asked if Merwin Willman is interested in continuing
as Secretary for the Commission and Steve Simonson replied he
believes Mr. Willman wants to keep his office.
David Richmond:
Asked if it would be considered a conflict of interest if he
were to be an officer for the Greenshire homeowners
association. Chairman Andrews told Mr. Richmond no it would
not be, however, if something should be on the Commission's
agenda which Mr. Richmond feels is a conflict of interest, all.
he has to do is excuse himself from discussion and voting on
that particular item.
Tony Moreno•
(a) Related he had attended the Savannah Square homeowners
association meeting last month and had encountered someone who
went on and 'on about the City Council and the Planning and
.Zoning Commission being part of the "good old boy" system and
doing whatever they want without consideration for the
citizens. This came about because of concern over Rayco. .
Citizens are still considering Rayco; in light of its old
reputation and are not aware that things have changed in the
past several years and that Rayco builds a quality product.
N~ o e~ ~aine~i s the meeting .~,o-~a~~ ~
ay~.~y a showed them all the plans
and presented all the facts, they were somewhat mollified.
Steve Simonson acknowledged he had received several calls from j'~ o
people wanting to make Savannah Square a closed subdivision and
he told them you can't do that after all the plans and ~
infrastructure are in place. Mr. Simonson further stated he ~
had run several scenarios by these callers about what could ~6
happen if Savannah Square were closed off and they hadn't
thought about things that way before.
(b) Referring to the mix of lots we gave Rayco, suggested a
checklist to keep track of the actual percentages. Steve
.Simonson indicated we could request a note on the plat showing
the breakdown of percentages. Councilman Greenwald suggested
the .possibility of Ford Engineering doing it since they review
all the plats.
Pia Jarman•
(a) Noted that in the minutes she has observed the change from
writing "made a motion" to "moved" and that's correct.
According to Roberts Rules it should be either "moved to" or
"moved that" when someone makes a motion.
(b) Told the Commission they should be thankful for the space
they have. She just returned from Japan where they have
absolutely no space. If neighbors, side by side, stuck their
arms out their windows they could shake hands. She told her
uncle about the work the Commission does regarding planning and
he was totally astounded.
Councilman Greenwald:
(a) Reported he and several City Council members and Tony
Moreno had attended the meeting on September 26th at the Live
Oak Civic Center where the results of the economic development
survey were presented. Mr. Greenwald brought a booklet for
everyone to read if they so desire. Mr. Greenwald said
Schertz is prominently noted in several areas of the booklet.
He takes exception to some of the survey's conclusions, but
there is a lot of information there for discussion. Schertz is
trying to take the lead in forming a joint economic development
task force for the Metrocom area.
(b) Advised that City Council is in the process of setting up a
discussion on water and water rights at one of their future
workshops. Mr. Greenwald suggested that all of the
Commissioners try to attend that workshop.
Steve Simonson:
Stated he will be on vacation at the time of th_e Commission's
October 11th meeting, but Mr. Sweatt will fill in for him.
Chairman Andrews:
Mentioned the two zoning changes to R-4 and asked if Joe Veytia
has given any indication when he will start building on the
corner by the Sycamore Creek Apartments. Steve Simonson
replied Mr. Veytia had not provided a date. As far as the
area on E. Live Oak Road, Mr. Andrews commented he thinks
it's a great area for a senior citizen complex, but not
necessarily for apartments. What happens if Cottage Lifestyles
doesn't build? Councilman Greenwald pointed out we have a
letter from Cottage Lifestyles stating they have no objection
-to us rezoning the land again after six months if they don't
build.. Steve Simonson said he had spoken with Russell Hutchins
and they should know in approximately thirty days if the
project will move forward. Mr. Andrews stressed we need to
stay on top of it.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is October 11, 1994.