The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular
session on Tuesday, July 12, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway,
Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session June 28, 1994
Merwin Willman moved to approve the minutes for the Regular
Session June 28, 1994. David Richmond seconded the motion
• which carried with a unanimous vote.
There was none.
Sally Leeson, 1036 Abercorn, for a Special
Exception Allowing Them to Install an Above
Ground Portable Pool
David and Sally Leeson were at the meeting to represent this
- request.
Chairman Andrews reminded the Commission that, as they can see
_ from the information in their packets,. Mr. and Mrs. Leeson
- - - - are requesting 4' variances for both the building setback and
_encroachment into the easement. Mr. Andrews then asked for
Staff input and. Steve Simonson referred to his notes to the
Commission where he had suggested they pay attention to the air
conditioning unit location because the Southern Standard
Building Code requires you maintain the electrical outlet 10
feet from the pool.
David Leeson reported they did not have a lot of choice about
where to put the pool, but it will be above ground, there will
be no digging, and it should be fairly easy to disassemble in
case one of the utilities needs to go through the easement.
Mr. Leeson also mentioned they plan to put brick interface
around two sides of the air conditioner motor.
Pia Jarman questioned Steve Simonson regarding the Southern
Standard Building Code requirements that the pool be 10' away
from the air conditioner. Mr. Simonson indicated that what it
actually says is that the pool has to be 10' from the
electrical connection on the wall not from where it goes into
the air conditioner.
Mrs. Jarman then observed that the interface around the air
conditioner won't help, so Mr. Leeson inquired if there is
some way to protect it. Steve Simonson told Mr. Leeson to
contact the Inspection Department and perhaps something can be
worked out. "
Merwin Willman remarked that 4' into the easement is a long way
and Chairman Andrews asked how much of the patio they are going
to have to take out. David Leeson replied about 6 feet. Mr.
Andrews then asked if there will be a deck and Mr. Leeson
replied there will not.
Sally Leeson commented that when they purchased their home, no
one told them there was a 12' easement in the back yard. They
had a choice of lots and chose a cul-de-sac because of safety
for their children, but they may have made a different choice
if they had known about the easement.
Chairman Andrews, referring to letters from the Leesons,
remarked the pool is going to be used for therapy and David
Leeson admitted that's correct. Mr. Leeson went on to say
that naturally it will be for pleasure, but also for therapy
for his wife who has had cervical fusion surgery.
George Vick implied a pool of that size (12' x 28') is not
easily portable and would,- if full, take several days to drain.
Mr. Leeson- explained that with the pump it should not take
near that long._
Chairman Andrews wondered if any contact had been made with-the
util-ity companies to see how they feel about -it and Mr. Leeson
admitted he .had not had time to contact them. -
_There was a brief discussion on whether or not a pool could be
classified as an accessary building.
_ -2-
Chairman Andrews indicated that, in his opinion, the Commission
cannot make a definite decision on this request until they
receive something in writing from the utility companies
acknowledging the pool is in the easement, identifying the
location of their lines in the easement, saying who's
responsible for moving the pool, listing what time frame would
be required to move it, and naming who's responsible for
repairs if the pool is damaged. Mr. Andrews also told David
Leeson they will need something to show how the electrical
connection will be protected.
Chairman Andrews wanted to know if there will be a pump and
filter system with the pool and if so, they need to know the
location. David Leeson replied there will be, but he needs to
inquire about their location.
- Merwin Willman asked if the pool could.be.smaller .and David..
Leeson replied they. had considered it, but they would rather
not put one in than to have one too small. Sa11y Leeson added
it is necessary they have one large enough so she can do laps
for her therapy.
Mr.. Leeson asked if he could pxesent these documents .by hand
to someone at the City or do they need to come back-for another
meeting. Chairman Andrews answered that's something they need
~to discuss and Steve Simonson reminded Mr. Andrews this
requestneeds to go to the Board of~Adjustment~. George Vick
preferred to table the request.
David Richmond moved to table the request from David and Sally
Leeson for a Special Exception until the Commission receives
the necessary information from the utility companies and is
provided with something showing how the electrical connection
will be protected. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
Maddox, 800 Mitchell, for a Special Exception
Allowing Him to Install a Carport
Leland Maddox was not at the meeting.
Steve Simonson told the Commission it was explained to Mr.
Maddox that he could get as close as 3'. Because of his R.V.
and the width of the yard for getting it in and out, Mr.
Maddox feels he needs to be as close to the fence as possible.
Mr. Simonson reminded the Commission they have a copy of a
letter from Mr. Maddox's neighbor indicating he has no_ problem
. with the. carport being that closeto his property. If Mr.
_ Maddox stays 18" away from his neighbor's fence and maintains
_ the. area and water doesn't run off it into the neighbor's yard,
he should be okay. This request is ~or:a 14" variance.
The Commission had questions about whether or not water will
drain onto his neighbor's property, about how he will get into
his back yard, about whether or not there are gas meters in the
alley behind his property, about whether or not there's a big
easement behind his property, and about where he currently
parks his RV.
Chairman Andrews recommended tabling this request until the
next meeting.
George Vick recommended, because Mr. Maddox was not present,
disapproving the request and having him resubmit it. It was
pointed out he would have to pay another fee in that case.
Keith Van Dine moved to table the request from Leland Maddox.
for `a ' Special E'xcept~ic~ri"~uz~til he "~YS ~~~~ontacted and ~~can' ~ ~~rtak~ ~ "
arrangements to come in and answer our questions. David
Richmond seconded. the motion. which carried with a unanimous..
vote. .
Buffington Homes for Permanent Signage Along
FM 78 and Along FM 3009 (PC #213-94) Tabled.
June 28, 1994.
.Jim Leonard was at the meeting to. represent this request.
Chairman Andrews, noting Steve Simonson had sent letters to the
property owner and to the developer, asked if replies had been
received. Mr. Simonson answered he had received a letter
today from Brad Galo of Anchor International, the property
owner, giving Buffington Homes permission to place a Thistle.
Creek sign on Greenshire property along FM 3009. Mr. Simonson
passed the letter around to the Commission for them to read.
Mr. Simonson went on to say Brad Galo understands there will
' be only one sign permitted.
Chairman Andrews asked Jim Leonard if he had figured out what
to do with the little sign if they put up a big one and Mr.
Leonard replied they will probably put it at the front of the
subdivision where it will be more visible.
David Richmond asked the size of the sign Buffington is
planning on putting up and .Jim Leonard answered an 8' x 8'
sign. That size will be appropriate when FM 3009 is completed
and will also be of a size able to compete with-the Dover Homes
sign. Mr. Leonard then, once again, offered to remove the
existing Vaughan sign and the exiting 4' x 8' sign.
_ The corner of FM~3009 near Alamo Waste had been discussed at
the last meeting as a possible location for the~Buffington sign
and Chairman Andrews asked Jim Leonard if they had ever
-contacted the owner of the land. Mr. Leonard replied they had
Chairman Andrews reminded Jim Leonard they can only approve a
sign for FM 3009. The FM 78 situation was covered at the last
meeting. Mr. Leonard related they had been in touch with
owners of billboards along FM 78 and pretty much solved the
problem themselves.
David Richmond moved to approve the request from Buffington
Homes for placement of an 8' x 8' development sign,
advertising Thistle Creek, to be displayed near the old
Vaughan Homes sign on the frontage of FM 3009 in the Greenshire
Subdivision. This approval will be for a period of three
years, with yearly renewal by the Commission to insure upkeep/
maintenance of the sign. Also approved was Jim Leonard's
offer to remove the existing Vaughan sign and the existing
4' x 8' sign.
~Ke~ith ~Va~n Dime ~ •.seconded~~ the•- ~mation• which ~ carried- with• ..the. ~
following votes.:.
AYES: B. Andrews, M. Willman; K: Van Dine, D. Richmond and
P. Jarman.
NAYS: None
Chairman Andrews informed.Jim Leonard that. Steve Simonson will
send him a letter verifying the Commission's action. Mr.
Andrews also reminded Mr. Leonard if there is a change 'in
personnel, the Commission needs a name and number for point of
contact and the sign needs to be maintained.
Plan Approval From American Freightways
Corporation (PC #214-94)
Jim Trammell was at the meeting to represent this request.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission they all_have a copy of
the Site Plan. The big question of drainage has been solved.
American Freightways will be running a pipe from the front of
their property down near the frontage of FM 3009 across Technos
and across Mr. Vestal's property to the natural drain outlet
by Tri-County.
Mr. Simonson further stated American Freightways has put in a
greenbelt area along FM 3009 and the entrance has been approved
by the Highway Department. The City thinks it will be a good
addition- and recommends approval contingent on written
verification of the drainage easement being granted.
- Chairman_Andrews asked how many acres American Freightways has
and Jim Trammell replied 18.2 acres. -Approximately 14 _ acres
will be paved initially. - - -
-5- ~ _
Chairman Andrews expressed concern about where all the water is
going to come out. Is there a holding pond? Steve Simonson
describing the path, (it follows the natural drain area that
comes across FM 3009 from Tri-County) assured Mr. Andrews the
velocity will be slowed down.
Chairman Andrews inquired about covers over the gutters and
also about the lighting. Jim Trammell pointed out the shields
on top of the gutters and informed Mr. Andrews they have 36
doors to each side of the building, so there will be 36 lights
on the roof on each side of the building, there will be lights
around the perimeter and in several other places. George Vick
wondered if this will be the type of lighting that reflects
down and was informed it will be.
- David•~ ~ Richmond asked if they are proposing a sign' for ~ the ~ ~ •
location and Jim Trammell answered they're planning a.monument
sign. 11' long and 4' high. It will be located on the frontage
on the other side of the entrance.
Merwin Willman mentioned several items that should be shown on
the Site Pian which he does not seer landscaping, type of
fence, waste container location,- on-site drainage and a
vicinity map. Mr. Willman stressed-that if we're not going to
require these things, -then we should delete them from the
Jim Trammell, saying a lot of these things will be shown on the
building plans, commented there will be landscaping and the
fence will be chain link with three probe barbed wire on top.
Mr. Trammell then indicated the location of the on-site
drainage to Mr. Willman.
Merwin Willman asked about handicap parking spaces and Jim
Trammell, saying they will be also be shown on the building
plans, pointed them out on the Site Plan.
David Richmond wanted to know if the landscaping in front of
the building is trees or shrubs and Jim Trammell answered it
will be grass and native trees.
Chairman Andrews, noting this Site Plan is stamped
"Preliminary", wanted to know if the Commission will see
anything else prior to construction. Steve Simonson advised
that, if the Commission desires, the exterior lighting can be
shown on the Site Plan and P & Z can approve it contingent on
that. ~ _
Keith Van Dine moved to approve the Site Plan for American
_ ' Freightways Corporation contingent on the addition of- the
exterior sighting plan being added and contingent on being.
:-provided a signed copy of the drainage--.easement -agreements.
-Pia Jarman seconded the motion which carried-.with a unanimous
-6- -
Chairman Andrews asked when they plan to start building and was
informed by Jim Trammell they hope to go out for bids in about
two weeks.
Mike Moore, Herb Quiroga and Tim Fettler were at the meeting
representing RAYCO.
Mike Moore told the Commission RAYCO just closed on the Talley
property of 155 acres located between Savannah Square and
Woodland Oaks. The property is zoned R-2. In talking with
Steve Simonson, they were informed the Commission wants a
minimum of 60' lots and they are here this evening to discuss
the_ oppostion~to 55' lots and. hear the Commission's: comments.
The following points were brought up by Commissioners:
(a) There is a continual problem with small backyards and
people requesting. variances so they can install storage sheds
or pools. One solution is placing all utilities in front and
another solution is 60' lots.
(b) We wish to retain trees and ambiance and don't .want a
.cookie cutter appearance. A lot. of people moved here for~~the
.country atmosphere.
(c} RAYCO will have to rezone to build what they want to build.
What they're basically talking about is something in the R-6
zoning range.
(d) We are concerned with density as well as aesthetics and not
solely with profit.
• (c) Wondered what prompted RAYCO to build its Classic Series in
Schertz because that seems to be a plan for cramming in as many
houses as possible. All we seem to attract are starter homes.
(d) We have an opportunity with Schertz Parkway to have
something extraordinary and unique, not more of what we already
have. Posted on the. wall is a drawing of our Vision for
Schertz Parkway. The main growth along it will be business
with housing as a secondary growth. If Schertz Parkway is
planned correctly, we won't see businesses soon, but we will 20
years down the road.
(e) If =housing is to be considered, it will depend on the
layout and the amenities. We are not adverse to islands and
angles in the roads to save trees. We_ would also require
masonry_fences, not wood. _
_(f) We.have a buffer. zone (greenbelt) requirement along Schertz
The following points were brought up by the representatives.
from RAYCO:
(a) They are planning. lots of 55' x.120' yielding approximately
500 homes.
(b) They have deeper lots, so the backyards are large. .The
lifestyle in this part of the country is in the backyard.
(c) Every house in the Classic series is 40' wide, so a lot
55' wide will still leave 15' for the side yard.
(d) The difference in density between 55' lots and 60' lots is
less than 1/10 lot per acre unless you. have garden home. lots.
(f ) They 'do not build the same ~hous~es ~ besideeach other and
their houses are .always perpendicular to the street...
(g) Starter homes are typically in the range of $49,000 whereas
they will be building homes in the $87,000 and up range. They
do surveys constantly to see what will sell in a particular
area and build their homes to fit the needs of the consumer.
After all the discussion, Steve Simonson observed that~the main
question they need answered right .now is the zoning. question
and as was mentioned before, we're ~alkng.~basically about the
R-6 type zoning. .
The representatives from RAYCO agreed to put something together
as a result of tonight's discussion and come back with a formal
request to the Commission.
David Richmond:
Asked if there's any word on HEB. Steve Simonson related their
sign is back up. He sent their corporate people a graph
showing all homes built in Schertz since 1983 and gave them an
honest building count. They still haven't gotten back with him
to let him know whether or not Schertz made the cut for their
1995 building plan.
Keith Van Dine:
Related that a representative from the Public Works Department
tested his_ water, but they still haven't gotten back to him
with the results. Will they let him .know? Steve Simonson
answered yes they will.
. Pia Jarman•_ _
_(a) Referred to American Freightways and the fact their
representative said they would be planting native Texas trees.
Mrs. Jarman asked Steve Simonson if he could mention the
xeriscape park to them as an example of what is already being
done in the City and maybe what they plant could tie in with
that theme. Mr. Simonson replied yes he could. The. City
doesn't demand businesses put in native Texas xeriscape areas,
but they do try to encourage it.
(b} Declared she had seen the large Christmas card that will
be part of the decorations this year. It's the City's way of
greeting everybody. The card is currently at the library. All
you have to do is stop in and sign it and give a little
Georcte Vick
Apologized. ..f or missing ..the last:meet.ing.. He got caught in.. a
traffic jam as a result of_ an..accident in New Braunfels.
Councilman Greenwald:
(a) Reminded the Commission about Steve Simonson's notes where
he informed them the contract has been .approved to correct the
drainage problem in Savannah Square and Deer Haven.
(b) Reported the Council will look at and discuss the first
draft- tomorrow night of the ordinance for the new Board of
(c} Advised he had attended a Canyon Regional Water Authority
meeting last night. The water plant is running manually right
now and the Spring Hills system should be running by Friday. A
transmission line is still needed between us and Lake Dunlap.
The basic figures right now are $1.17 per thousand and ten
cents per foot maintenance on the line. Mr. Greenwald
stressed Schertz is in a lot better shape than most cities
. because they had foresight.
Referring to water usage, George Vick noted that when he and
his wife were traveling through New Mexico, Arizona and Utah,
the restaurants there were not serving water unless it was
(d) Stated that starting this month and completing October 1,
1995, all flight line maintenance will be converted to Civil
Service. Keith Van Dine asked if that has been approved and
Mr. Greenwald replied yes it has, they are now accepting 171's
(e) Expressed the desire that everyone had a good time at the-
4th of July Jubilee. Chairman Andrews said several people had _
_ told him they. appreciated- it being more than a one day
- _ celebration. Pia Jarman remarked; that according to the Police
Department,-they were able to use a lot of the Citizens' Police
Academy alumni to help direct traffic.
- -9-
Steve Simonson:
(a) Indicated the Planning Department has been getting lots of
requests for zoning information and for Site Plan information.
One inquiry was about locating a mobile home subdivision .off
Lookout Road in the M-1 district. Chairman Andrews asked how
many acres. the mobile home subdivision would entail and Mr.
Simonson replied 40 plus acres. Mr. Simonson remarked the
City has a lot of things going on right now. American
Freightways is just the tip of the iceberg.
(b) Implied the City has an opportunity to turn a large area
of IH-35 into an Enterprise Zone. Before the Economic Develop-
ment Commission gets into it, Planning and Zoning needs to
be briefed. Mark Marquez is here tonight for that. reason.
Mark Marguez•
Spoke at this tithe about the Enterprise Zone:. Mr. Marquez
commented the zone has to have a minimum .amount of square
miles, it will not. affect the zoning regulations, and the
target is commercial enterprise, primarily industrial. The
zone is state driven, not federal, and for each new job brought
into the area, the state will rebate $2,000 back tb the
company. In addition, if the company qualifies, they can get a
rebate on their franchise tax.
The downside to this, although there's not much downside, is
that just because we have an Enterprise zone, it doesn't mean
everyone will be a qualifying business and just because we have
an Enterprise Zone, it doesn't mean we're going to grant them
anything special.
Naturally, the state is expecting the City to give these
businesses a better deal. There are several things we can do.
• One way is to sweeten the tax abatement package. Another is to
give waivers here and there on things that are not overly
expensive. The City does not, however, waive capital recovery
fees .
The general value of having an Enterprise Zone is that we're
going to have the only one around here. Our last shot at
getting one is based on the low to moderate income and they've
found a pocket. somewhere. Part of this is driven by the desire
to provide jobs for low to moderate income people.
Initially all the property Forbes owns will be in the Zone and
also Tri-County Business Park. We're looking at a_500' .strip
. ~ all along IH-35 frontage throughout the City limits,. skipping -
those parts that belong to other cities and skipping residences
and some business areas. ~ -
_ -10-
We can use our ETJ to fit in this zone if we want to. We're
looking at getting all the way out to FM 2252. Also, a
consultant will be hired, paid for by Zemex and Forbes.
Chairman Andrews asked what this does to the Free Trade Zone
and Mark Marguez replied nothing, they are separate entities.
Mr. Andrews then asked how many square miles are involved and
Mr. Marquez answered approximately 18, but we will probably
end up with something in the range of 2 square miles.
Mr. Marquez stated he is toying with the idea of having a
joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the
Economic Development Commission. He doesn't know when yet but
will let us know.
Chairman Andrews..:..
Asked if curbside recycling is going to start shortly because
someone had asked him. Councilman Greenwald, acknowledging it
had been passed at the election, indicatedCouncil is in
discussion about it. It is more complicated than people think.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at .9:3.5 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is July 26, 1994.