LAB 03-09-2009
The LAB met on March 02,2009 with the following members present:
Carol Cyr Mary McAllister Ruth Tienor
Neota Brady Gail Douglas Margaret Riley
Melissa Uhlhorn Pattie Lovelady Laura Wilson
Guests: Bob Brockman Recorder: Jeri Chance
Ruth Tienor, Chairman, called the meeting to order. She presented each member a
pencil holder made from scrap siding from the new library.
Hearing of Residents?Bob Brockman asked if any fundraiser was replacing the penny
barrel. Gail responded that the Adopt a Pig fundraiser had been launched.
1.MINUTES- Minutes were presented by Jeri Chance. Patty Lovelady made
motion to accept the minutes. Seconded by Neota Brady. Motion passed.
2.Treasurer?s Report- Treasurer?s report was presented by Laura Wilson.
January?s deposits were $925.96. Disbursements were $151.21 leaving a total balance of
$13,082.76 in the cash account. Total with investment account is $45,458.36. Feb book
sales were 759.80. Margaret Riley moved to accept the report, seconded by Mary
McAllister. Motion passed.
3.Librarian?s Report-
Library stats for Feb:
Circulation- 19,953 Patrons- 15,063 Computer Use- 2109
Phone calls- 860 Info/ref/comp questions- 723 ILL loans- 115
Volunteer hours- 220 Restitution hours- 15.5 Children?s story time- 717
Melissa Uhlhorn ?
*Purged 2,749 patron accounts inactive since Sept 2006.
*Reported that Polaris calculates stats differently, understating usage stats.
*Nicky, children?s librarian, fell and broke her hand and will possibly have surgery.
Melissa will handle children?s reading hours.
*Advisory board has been updated and a new list given to each member.
*Cost for pavers, concrete, extra costs associated with library are due. Costs of
roads will be shared with the new Recreation center. Still some construction issues.
The building will be completed by May 31, but no move will be made until
children?s summer programs are completed.
Gail Douglas-
*Passed status of reserves list to members.
*Reported $526,000.00 in ?Writing the next Chapter? fund.
*Finished grant writing to LCRA for $19,928.00
*Negotiating $10.000.00 from USAA and Frost Bank. Frost is arranging meeting.
*Adopt a Pig campaign going very well. Deadline of Mar 31 may be extended.
*Found an experienced volunteer to work on opening Gala.
*Going to workshop in Kerrville on fundraisers.
4.Bookstore Committee Report-
* The name for the new bookstore was voted and approved. The new name will be
?Read Before Books?
*Side walk sale- Plans completed for Mar 28 sale. A sign-up sheet was sent
around for work schedule, and set up plans were completed. Mary, Carol, Neota,
and Ruth will move boxes of books to lobby on Friday. Requested 10 tables, lawn
chairs (bring your own), and a $100.00 cash box to be available for set up. Agreed
to start $3.00 a bag sale at 2:00pm, vintage books not included.
*Ruth presented new items for sale in bookstore. Prices were set at
Note card ? 6 pack $1.98
Lighted magnifying glass- $7.50
Magnetic book mark $0.25
Remote control holder from ?library? wood- $10.00
Million dollar book mark with Mr. White?s picture will be forthcoming.
*A meeting luncheon will be planned for all bookstore volunteers and the advisory
board before the new opening.
*A patron has volunteered to paint plaques on wood from library in exchange for a
Perry Mason collection. These will be sold.
*Milissa and Ruth talked more about furnishings for bookstore. Will look into
ordering a toddlers book cart and a Pick-a-book cart for children?s books.
*Mary McAllister suggested new bookstore hours.
*Mary asked about a place for donations during the time we are closed. This will be
decided later.
The next LAB meeting will be April 6, 2009
ADJOURMENT-A motion was made by Mary, seconded by Neota to adjourn the
meeting. Motion passed.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ruth Tienor, LAB Chairman Mary Mc Allister, LAB Secretary
Jeri Chance, Recorder