LAB 04-09-2009
The LAB met on Apr 06 2009 with the following members present:
Simone Bailey Carol Cyr Mary McAllister Melissa Uhlhorn
Neota Brady Margaret Riley Ruth Tienor Gail Douglas
Pattie Lovelady Laura Wilson Nicki Stohr
Recorder: Jeri Chance
Guests: Bob Brockman
Ruth Tienor, Chairman, called the meeting to order.
1.Minutes- Jeri Chance presented the March minutes. Pattie made motion to
accept the minutes, seconded by Carol Cyr. Motion passed.
2.Treasurer?s Report- Laura Wilson presented the Feb treasurer?s report. March book sales
were $538.20 for the sidewalk sale and $1048.44 for the bookstore. Mary moved to accept the report,
seconded by Neota. Motion passed.
3.Librarian?s Report
Melissa Uhlhorn reported:
*March Library stats:
Circulation- 23,402 Patrons-17,469 Computer use- 2246
Phone Calls- 936 Info/ref/comp questions-764 ILL Loans- 115
Volunteer hrs- 319.5 Restitution hrs- 27.25 Children?s Story Time- 480
Income generated- Polaris $2240.80 Misc $543.71
*The new Children?s Assistant Librarian is in training. We should expect a drop in story time
attendance, as happens when there is a change in children?s personnel.
*We will be closed Easter Sunday.
*The new building is coming along beautifully. They are working on the parking lot and redoing
the entrance to make it ADA compliant. Center walls are clad in wood, color is on walls, lights in
parking lot up, the tree is doing great, irrigation is installed, fence up in courtyard, ceramic tile is
down. The landscaping will be done last. Anticipated finish is May 31. We can start moving as
soon as we get building clearance. Melissa reminded everyone to be careful if they are in or around
the building.
Gail Douglas reported:
*Fund raising has reached $530,000.00. Total of 450 pigs have been adopted.
Grant has been turned in to LCRA and Frost Bank. Gail is now working on a $150,000.00
Economic grant.
*Gail reported on the workshop on securing grants at the James Avery ranch in Kerrville. She said
it was very productive with Ms Avery giving many tips and hints on requesting grants, mainly to be
up front and clear about how the money is being spent.
*New library possibly opening by 1 September.
*Committee from LAB will help Melissa and Gail with float for 4 July. Could have a big blue pig
wearing a bandana. Adopt a pig fundraiser has been extended to July 31.
Nicki Stohr reported:
*Nicki had to change some activities, as we will not be in the new library this summer as planned.
She reported that a standard week has 8 different activities. For the summer she has planned a
Zines gaming party and two reading programs in addition to the regular programs. The reading
programs will be a Missing Chapters program where children write their own ending, then will be
given the missing pages, and a Travel Club where they pick an author and read their way back
home. Other activities are Spikey Mikey- a magic workshop, Jumble Jim with live reptiles, and the
Lego contest.
*Summer registration begins on May 15. Nicki asked for funds for the summer. A motion was
made by Mary to give Nicki up to $1500.00 for the summer programs, seconded by Neota. Motion
*There will be no book fair this spring.
4.Bookstore Committee Report-
*Ruth reported that she had found a vintage book Poems Asked for by Teachers.It is copyright
1930 and retails for $70.00. Selling books on E-bay was discussed. Jeri will look into it.
*Mary thanked everyone that helped with the sidewalk sale.
*Discussed ideas that would make next sale easier.
*Ruth discussed prices for custom made magnetic bookmarks. Simone Baily volunteered her
daughter to draft and print labels. Will order 160 magnetic sheets. Ruth will choose color and
*Ruth asked for end cap for paperbacks. Mr. Brockman offered extra carts for the bookstore. He
will meet with Melissa on this.
*Ruth reported a wonderful time at the TLA meeting in Houston. Mr. and Mrs. White were
recipients of the Benefactor of the Year award. The application was read and affected the crowd
tremendously, giving them a standing ovation. The ALA president came down and personally
thanked Mr. White and spoke with Don Taylor and Hal Baldwin. Others attending were Gail,
Melissa, Nicki and Ruth.
ANNOUNCEMENTS- The May meeting will be devoted to ideas for opening activities for the new
ADJOURNMENT- Mary made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Neota. Motion carried. Next
meeting will be May 04, 2009.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Ruth Tienor, LAB Chairman Mary McAllister, LAB Secretary
Jeri Chance, Recorder