10-26-2009 SCHERTZ PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: October 26, 2009 Minutes LOCATION: 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas Bob Andrews Conference Room in City Hall Board Members present: Chairman Mustapha Debboun, Vice Chairman Deedy Wright, Aundra Davis, Mark Davis, Samantha Hennes, Harriet Higgs, Sally Macias, and Floy Simmons. Staff present: City Council Liaison Jim Fowler, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director George Logan, Park Manager Charles Van Zandt and Administrative Assistant Sandy Bryant. Others present: Robert Brockman, Crescent Bend Park representatives Bob Kurtz, Clare Layton, Steven Layton, and Joel Tanner, Media Relations, Mary Spence. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mustapha Debboun at 5:35p.m. Hearing of residents: Mr. Joel Tanner, President of the Greater Lost Meadows Neighborhood Watch speaking on behalf of the members notified the Advisory Board they had questions about the future use of Crescent Bend Park. They are interested in forming a Friends of Crescent Bend Park group and would like to insure the park remains a nature park. Mr. George Logan said they hoped to form that group in January 2010. Regular A~enda• Agenda Item No. 1. Approval of the minutes from the September 28, 2009 Schertz Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting_ A presentation was not made on this item. Motion was made to approve the minutes from the September 28, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting as amended. Motion: Mark Davis Second: Harriet Higgs Ayes: Mark Davis, Harriet Higgs, Aundra Davis, Mustapha Debboun, Samantha Henness, Sally Macias, Floy Simmons and Deedy Wright. Nays: None Abstains: None Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No. 2. Publicity for Parks Advisory Board. Media Relations, Mary Spence briefed the board on the publicity sources available and asked the board what information about the board they would like to have publicized. She noted the deadline for articles in the Schertz Tales is the 10 of the prior month and that information can be emailed to events@Schertz.com. No action was taken by the board on this item. Agenda Item No. 3. Ashley Park Update. This item was postponed to the December meeting. Agenda Item No. 4. Parks Advisory Board Recognition Committee Report. Chairman Debboun stated the Committee was unable to meet prior to this meeting so they are still working on their draft for the board and hope to have the report ready for the December board meeting. No action was taken by the board on this item. Agenda Item No. 5. Skate Park Update• This item was postponed to the December meeting. Agenda Item No. 6. 3009lSchertz Parkway Trail Connectivity Update. This item was postponed to the December meeting Agenda Item No. 7. Parks Project Updates. Director George Logan presented the following updates to the board: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has reimbursed the City for 80% of the trail costs. Construction on the trail should begin in November. Pavilion renovations are completed at Pickrell Park and they are currently installing 12 mister ceiling fans. Recreation Center should be opening January 1, 2010. The addition of the 180 acre Crescent Bend Park brought the City's total park acreage to 355.5 acres. Discussion only item. Agenda Item No. 8. Parks Maintenance Update. Mr. Van Zandt discussed the Parks August report presented to the City Council. He stated Parks standards are the expectation of service; the City has adopted the National Recreation Parks Association standards. These are the standards the City wants to go to. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are how we get there. He has been tasked to get the trail completed and to have the SOPs completed by January 1, 2010. Discussion only item. Agenda Item No. 9. Holiday Schedule for meetings. Sandy Bryant requested the board decide on meeting dates for November and December because of the holidays. Board chose to combine the November and December meetings on December 7, 2009. Agenda Item No. 10. Request by Advisory Board Chairman and Board members for items to be placed on a future Board a eg nda. The Board requested the following items be placed on future agendas: • Doggie Park • Skate Park • Parks Advisory Board Recognition Committee • Ashley Park • CIP update: where are we going in 2010? • Trails update: connectivity, benches, map of proposed trails • Tree Planting: soccer fields and Northcliffe Agenda Item No. 11. Announcements b~Advisory Board Chairman and members. Chairman Debboun requested a round of applause for Mr. Logan for the great job he is doing. Agenda Item No. 12. Announcements by City Staff. The next Board meeting will be on Monday, December 7, 2009. Adiournment: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:35pm. Motion: Floy Simmons Second: Harriet Higgs Ayes: Floy Simmons, Harriet Higgs, Aundra Davis, Mark Davis, Mustapha Debboun, Samantha Henness, Sally Macias and Deedy Wright. Nays: None Abstains: None Approved: S-0 ; z R ~ ~ ~ti_.. ~ Ch rman, arks d Recreation Board Recording Se etary, Ci ' of Schertz