BOA 11-30-2009
November 30,2009
The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened on November 30, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Municipal Complex,
Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas.
Earl Hartzog, Chairman
Frank McElroy
Donald McQueen (arrived 6:05 pm)
Christopher Montgomery
Rebekah Inmon, Alternate
Richard Dziewit, Alternate
Michelle Sanchez, Director of Development Services
Lesa Wood, Planner I
Michael Spain, City Attorney
Norman Slocum
Wade Hawkins, SCUCISD
Glenn Mueller, SCUCISD
Robert Brockman, 1000 Elbel
Mark Davis, 3644 Marietta Ln.
Harry Hills, 3532 Hamilton Place
Brian Wanke, 3909 Windy Brook
Lilian Sebastian, 19378 Old Wiederstein Rd.
Called under Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Litigation, pending litigation.
Mr. Hartzog called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and seated Ms. Inmon and Mr. Dziewit as a voting
The Board adjourned into executive session at 6:00 pm.
Mr. Hartzog, Chairman, reconvened the meeting at 6:22 pm and restated his previous announcement to
include Mr. McQueen as a voting member and Ms. Inmon as alternate.
As a result of the Executive Session, Mr. McElroy moved that the Board agree to the settlement of a lawsuit
by John Gannon, Incorporated against the City of Schertz and the Schertz Board of Adjustment by a mutual
settlement and release agreement containing the following basic terms:
. Payment of thirty thousand dollars to the City of Schertz by John Gannon Incorporated;
. Conveyance to the City of Schertz by John Gannon Incorporated of the property on which the
Gannon sign was located;
. Permission to John Gannon Incorporated to rebuild the sign as a steel monopole sign at its original
location at the same height and area to be a permitted non-conforming use;
. John Gannon Incorporated and any future owners of the sign will not permit any advertisement on
the sign of alcohol, tobacco, or sexually oriented business;
. Release of claims by all parties.
For the record such settlement was approved by the Schertz City Council on November 17,2009.
Board of Adjustment
November 30, 2009
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Mr. McQueen seconded the motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
Mr. Hartzog called the regular meeting to order.
Alternates were seated prior to regular the regular agenda.
No citizen comments.
Regular Meetings - October 26, 2009
Mr. McElroy moved to approve the minutes. Mr. McQueen seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Motion carried.
BOA 2009-009 - to allow a free standing sign with electronic message center to encroach the
minimum fifteen (15) foot setback completely as required by Section 21.11.13 (E) at 1060 Elbel Road
(ABS 221, Survey G Malpaz) known as the SCUC ISD Central Office.
Public hearing opened at 6:26 pm.
Ms. Sanchez gave a short presentation on the electronic sign encroachment into the front setback; which is
where the current sign is located. She stated that the applicant submitted for a building permit and was denied
and advised of the variance option. Thirty-nine (39) public hearing notices were mailed with one (I) in favor,
one (I) neutral, one (I) opposed and one (I) returned as undeliverable.
Ms. Sanchez offered staffs recommendation of approval.
There being no one else to speak the Public hearing closed at 6:33 pm.
Discussion followed on the site visibility, location of sign, and concerns of distractions from the movement of
the information placed on the sign. Ms. Sanchez stated that the UDC was approved by the City Council
allowing electronic signs within the City and the sign will have to comply with the restrictions of the UDC
related to electronic sign.
Mr. Hawkins stated that the sign would be real time information that can be controlled at the Central office
and provide information to the public about events.
After a short discussion, Mr. McElroy moved to approve the request. Mr. Dziewit seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by a vote of 4/1.
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November 30, 2009
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B. BOA 2009-010 - to allow a free standing sign with electronic message center to be located
approximately ninety (90) feet from residentially zoned property when Section 21.11.13 (H) requires a
minimum distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet for property at 420 Fairlawn Avenue (Lot I, Block
I, Riata Elementary School Site Subdivision) known as Sippel Elementary.
Public hearing opened at 6:44 pm.
Ms. Sanchez gave a short presentation on the encroachment of the free standing sign with electronic message
center into the minimum distance that is required by the UDC to a residentially zoned property. She stated the
site has no free standing sign currently. Ms. Sanchez advised the Board that the applicant submitted for a
building permit and was denied and advised of the variance option. Thirty-five (35) public hearing notices
were mailed with zero (0) in favor, zero (0) neutral, and two (2) opposed.
Ms. Sanchez offered staffs recommendation of approval.
Mr. Hartzog recognized the following to speak:
. Mr.Wanke, 3909 Windy Brook, stated that he feels the signs are a bad idea because of the high traffic
area in the school zone.
There being no one else to speak the Public hearing closed at 6:51 pm.
Discussion followed on the information being displayed on the signs.
Mr. Hawkins stated the signs would display anything relevant to the district and each school would have
district wide information and information related to that school.
After a short discussion, Mr. McElroy moved to approve the request. Mr. McQueen seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by a vote of 4/1.
C. BOA 2009-011 - to allow a free standing sign with electronic message center to be located
approximately seventy-five (75) feet from residentially zoned property when Section 21.11.13 (H)
requires a minimum distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet for property at 806 Savannah Drive (Lot
I, Block I, Intermediate School #1 Subdivision) known as Laura Ingalls Wilder Intermediate.
Public hearing opened at 7:09 pm.
Ms. Sanchez gave a short presentation on the encroachment of the free standing sign with electronic message
center into the minimum distance that is required by the UDC to a residentially zoned property. She stated the
site currently contains a free standing sign which would have to be removed if the request for variance was
granted. Ms. Sanchez advised the Board that the applicant submitted for a building permit and was denied and
advised of the variance option. Ninety-one (91) public hearing notices were mailed with three (3) in favor,
two (2) neutral, and three (3) opposed.
Ms. Sanchez offered staffs recommendation of approval with the condition that the existing sign be removed.
Mr. Hartzog recognized the following to speak:
. Mark Davis, 3644 Marietta Lane, expressed concerns with traffic and lights from the sign encroaching
the residential property.
. Ann Hills, 3532 Hamilton Place, stated she was opposed to the sign.
. Mr.Wanke, 3909 Windy Brook, expressed concerns with safety and the sign lighting and display
. Mr. Brockman, 1000 Elbel, expressed concerns with the height of the new sign and the trees that may
block the view of the sign.
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November 30, 2009
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There being no one else to speak the Public hearing closed at 7:20 pm.
Discussion followed between the Board, staff and applicant on the amount of information being displayed and
lighting being placed on the electronic message board and traffic safety.
After a short discussion, Mr. McElroy moved to approve the request. Mr. Dziewit seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by a vote of 4/1.
D. BOA 2009-012 - to allow a free standing sign with electronic message center to be located
approximately one hundred twenty (120) feet from residentially zoned property when Section 21.11.13
(H) requires a minimum distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet for property at 590 Savannah Drive
(Lot I, Block 1, Savannah Elementary School Subdivision) known as Norma A. Paschal Elementary.
Public hearing opened at 7:25 pm.
Ms. Sanchez gave a short presentation on the encroachment of the free standing electronic message center into
the minimum distance that is required by the UDC to a residentially zoned property. She stated the site
currently has an existing monument sign located at the front of the property where the proposed electronic
message center is proposed to be placed. She stated that the applicant submitted for a building permit and was
denied and advised of the variance option. Fifty-seven (57) public hearing notices were mailed with two (2)
in favor, zero (0) neutral, one (I) opposed and two (2) returned as undeliverable.
Ms. Sanchez offered staffs recommendation of disapproval of the request due to the heightened traffic which
includes commercial traffic and advised the board that the site already has an electronic reader board attached
to the front wall of the school.
Mr. Hartzog recognized the following to speak:
. Mr. Hawkins stated he understands the concerns. He stated that the site has lots of trees and the
existing sign was erected in honor of Ms. Paschal and the district cannot tear down the sign. He stated
that this site is important for getting information out to the public.
. Mr. Brockman asked if the sign is two sided.
. Mr. Hawkins stated that this sign will be one sided.
. Tim Wright, 3496 Dartmouth Cove, stated that he is opposed to the request. He expressed concerns
about the safety and appreciated all concerns. He stated that the district has numerous avenues to
provide information.
. Mr.Wanke, 3909 Windy Brook, expressed concerns with safety and the sign distractions.
There being no one else to speak the Public hearing closed at 7:36 pm.
Mr. McElroy moved to disapprove the request. Mr. McQueen seconded the motion. The motion was
disapproved by a unanimous vote.
E. BOA 2009-013 - to allow a free standing sign with electronic message center to be located
approximately eight (80) feet from residentially zoned property when Section 21.11.13 (H) requires a
minimum distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet for property at 1694 Green Valley Road (Lot 40,
Block 2, Green Valley Elementary Subdivision) known as Green Valley Elementary.
Public hearing opened at 7:36 pm.
Ms. Sanchez gave a short presentation on the encroachment of the free standing sign with electronic message
center into the minimum distance that is required by the UDC to a residentially zoned property. She stated the
site has no free standing sign currently. She stated that the applicant submitted for a building permit and was
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November 30, 2009
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denied and advised of the variance option. One-hundred nine (109) public hearing notices were mailed with
zero (0) in favor, two (2) neutral, three (3) opposed and 5 returned undeliverable.
Ms. Sanchez offered staffs recommendation of approval.
Mr. Hartzog recognized the following to speak:
. Mr.Wanke, 3909 Windy Brook, expressed concerns with safety and the sign distractions.
. Mr. Brockman asked if the sign is two sided.
. Mr. Mueller stated that this sign will be two sided.
There being no one else to speak the Public hearing closed at 7:43 pm.
Mr. McElroy expressed concerns with the proximity to the homes.
Mr. Hawkins stated that the sign is proposed in this location to get close to the road to catch cross traffic and
get the most visual impact.
Mr. McElroy moved to disapprove the request. No second.
Mr. McQueen moved to approve the request. Mr. Dziewit seconded the motion. The motion was disapproved
by a 3/2 vote. According to Local Government Code 211.009 a concurring vote of 75 percent of the members
of the board is necessary to decide in favor of an applicant.
Requests by Members to place items on a future Board of Adjustment
No requests by members.
B. Announcements by Members and Council.
. City and community events attended and to be attended
. Continuing educations events attended and to be attended
No announcements by Members and Council.
C. Announcements by City Staff
. City and community events attended and to be attended
Ms. Sanchez announced the following:
. Tree lighting Ceremony, December 1,2009.
. Festival of Angels, December 4,2009.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Chairman, Board
Recording Secretary, City of Schertz
Board of Adjustment
November 30, 2009
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