OCTOBER 19 2000
OCTOBER 19, 2000
The Schertz Economic Development CotpOration convened on Thursday, October 19,
2000 at 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway,
Schertz, Texas. Those members present were as follows: Vice-President Steven White,
presiding; Director Ramon Cook; Director Ken Greenwald; Director Glyn Williams and
Director Norma Head. Absent: Secretary Johnie McDow and Director Reginna Agee.
Also present were Interim City Manager Steve Simonson, Recording Secretary Norma
Althouse and Fire ChieL'lnterim EMS Director Johnny Woodward.
#1 Call to order.
Vice-President White called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
(There was a problem with the copies of the minutes. While that was being corrected,
Vice-President Steven White moved to Item #4 on the agenda.)
#4 Consider and take action regarding fiscal year 200012001 budget.
The bond money was discussed and the library was mentioned. Vice-President White
and Director Cook inquired about additional contracting for the library. Chief Woodward
explained there was a problem with the roof leaking, they had to contract for guttering,
there was extra cost on the front (windows, etc.) and the air conditioning unit had to be
upsized. Mr. Simonson admitted he would have to go back and look, but he didn't think
a new roof for the library was part of the City budget this year.
Director Cook asked if any other items needed to be considered. Mr. Simonson replied
they are asking for $40,000 for remodeling the other side of the Municipal Complex. The
other side is that which was not previously occupied by the Police Department. They
intend to use the money for carpet, paint, ceiling tiles, walls and windows. There is such
a contrast between the side where the old Police Department was remodeled and the rest
of the building. Mr. Greenwald questioned if the lawyers said it is okay to use part of the
bond money for that purpose and Mr. Simonson replied yes they have said it is okay.
Director Cook, saying if the Board wishes to be polled he has no objection, moved to
approve the budget as presented and to authorize the Interim City Manager to expend
$40,000 of the bond money for remodeling of the side of the Municipal Complex where
the Police Department was not previously located. Director Williams seconded the
motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present.
#2 Approval of Minutes:
September 28, 1998
October 27,1999
November 3, 1999
September 281998
Director Cook moved to approve the minutes of September 28, 1998 as written. Director
Greenwald seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:
AYES: Vice-President White, Directors Cook, Greenwald and Head.
NAYS: None.
ABSTENTIONS: Director Williams.
October 27, 1999
Director Cook moved to approve the minutes of October 27, 1999 as written. Director
Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors
November 3, 1999
Director Greenwald moved to approve the minutes, as written, for November 3, 1999.
Director Williams seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors
#3 Consider and take action regarding election of officers.
Director Williams moved to nominate Ken Greenwald for President. Director Cook
seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present.
Director Greenwald moved to nominate Steven White for Vice-President. Director
Williams seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present.
Director Greenwald moved to nominate Glyn Williams for Treasurer. Director Cook
seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present.
#5 Final briefing on Public Safety Buildings projects and funds available.
Mr. Simonson reported they have been working with the architect. Some of the items on
the punch list have been corrected and some have not. The contractor has been non-
Chief Woodward related they have all made a list and supposedly someone is coming out
Monday. There have been problems with the sealed floor, plumbing problems in the
EMS building, problems with water coolers not working, and problems with locks not
working right.
Vice-President White inquired if the sub-contractors are responding and Chief Woodward
replied no they are not. Chief Woodward went on to say they have had problems with
E.E. Roberts from the beginning. His personal opinion is they should deduct everything
from the bill that has not been repaired and pay the rest. E.E. Roberts would be happy.
Mr. Simonson added that the bond company is also unresponsive. He feels they should
sever the contract with the original contractor and use the money on hand to pay the
current contractors to complete the project. Director Cook pointed out they can support
the intent, but cannot act. There needs to be a legal opinion. Vice-President White stated
if the lawyers support the action suggested by Mr. Simonson, then the Board would
support it.
It was suggested the word "final" be removed from this agenda item and it be carried
forward to the next meeting of the Board.
_ #6 Consider and take action regarding purchase of fire truck.
Chief Woodward reminded the Board they are aware the Fire Department had a fire truck
that was a problem child. There is no market for used fire trucks and it has been taken
out of service. They have searched for a new fire truck and there is only one that meets
the specifications. It comes from Ferrara out of Louisiana and costs $214,829. It could
be delivered in 60 to 90 days. The last fire truck they purchased was from Ferrara and
they have had no problems with it.
Director Cook asked about the size and Chief Woodward answered it is bigger. All the
rescue gear is complete and is included in the price. It would require about $8,000 to
equip it.
There was then discussion about how the Board could justify buying this fire truck. Mr.
Simonson indicated they are waiting for an answer from the City Attorney.
Vice-President White moved to purchase the fire truck for $214,829 from Ferrara plus
spending an additional $8,000 to equip it, pending approval from the City Attorney.
After further discussion, Director Greenwald moved to amend the motion to allocate a
total of $225,000 for purchase of the fire truck. Director Williams seconded the motion,
which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present.
Mr. Simonson then mentioned they are experiencing some difficulties in the EMS
Department. Juan Gurrerro is on administrative leave and Johnny Woodward is serving
as the Interim EMS Director. It has been discovered they have a flaw in one ambulance
and another is in the shop most of the time. Chief Woodwards's observation is they
cannot man five ambulances. It is his recommendation they get rid of the two that area
problem and buy two new ones. It would cost appproximately $82,000 to $85,000 each
to replace them.
Director Head commented there had been some discussion by Council about not being
able to man five ambulances. Would. there be a problem with Chief Woodward's
suggestion of getting rid of two and buying two new ones? There was discussion on this
and Vice-President White verified that Chief Woodward is recommending they have a
total of only four ambulances.
There was then discussion about what it costs to call Metro Ambulance as aback-up.
Chief Woodward did not know and admitted he needs to find out. There was also
discussion about mutual aid agreements and the possibility of recouping some of the
bond money from other cities. It was decided they need to have another meeting, at the
convenience of the City Manager, to work out all these things.
#7 Adjournment
Director Cook moved to adjourn the meeting. Director Greenwald seconded the motion,
which passed by unanimous vote of all Directors present. The meeting was adjourned at
7:05 p.m.
MINUTES APPROVED, this the day of , 2001.
Signature of all Directors whether present or absent.
President Dire or ,
Vice-President r
Secretary Dir ctor
T easurer/Director