September 3 2002 .' SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (4-B BOARD) September 3, 2002 The Schertz Economic Development Corporation (4-B Board) convened on Tuesday, September 3, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those members present were as follows: President Ken Greenwald, presiding; Vice-President Steve White, Secretary Johnie McDow, Director Ramon Cook, Director Norma Head, Director Reginna Agee and Director Tony Wilenchik. Also present were Interim City Manager, Mark Marquez, Finance Director and Board Treasurer, Vijay Jain, and Recording Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by President Ken Greenwald. #2 Approval of Minutes: April 11, 2002 Vice-President White moved to approve the minutes, as written, for the meeting of April II, 2002. Director Agee seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. #3 Review and Update ofFY 2002/2003 Budget. President Greenwald reminded everyone they have copies of the budget in their packets. Mr. Marquez commented they expect the sales tax to flatten, but remain smooth. Line Item #670, Miscellaneous Revenue, under which $100,000 had been designated for Urban Design has been taken out. They will not spend it for the urban design project. They may possibly spend ten or fifteen thousand in anticipation of a bond issue. Mr. Marquez went on to say the $4,000 under Line Item 438, Other Equipment, has been taken out for now, but may be included again later. It was intended as a table display for marketing. President Greenwald noted that if sales taxes are bigger than anticipated, it could be adjusted at mid-year. Vice-President White questioned the $17,000 under Line Item #415, Signage. Mr. Marquez explained it was for consistency of signage on the buildings. It was also in last year's budget. They don't anticipate spending any next year. There was then discussion about Department 19, Public Information Officer. Mr. Marquez pointed out they have scheduled $25,000 for postage and $10,000 for printing and binding services. They are going to start mailing out the newsletter. Vice-President White asked if it couldn't go out with the water bill and Mr. Marquez replied no, because of the cycles. Secretary McDow inquired if they use bulk rate postage and was told they do. . Mr. Marquez related they would mail out approximately 8,000 newsletters each month. Secretary McDow wondered if they would still have newsletters to hand out as a courtesy or woulrl they discontinue that practice. Mr. Marquez indicated the cost for having handouts is minimal and Mr. McDow's point is well taken. He will see that it continues. Mr. Marquez then reported the 6% increase for employees is pretty straightforward. There are only a few exceptions. Mr. Greenwald stated he is assuming the budget will pass. #4 Discussion and possible action on replacement of physical fitness equipment in Police Department. Mr. Marquez related that other employees, not necessarily only Police Department employees, use the equipment and the City does need a fitness plan for employees. The current equipment was not the best when they got it. He estimates that anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 should be adequate to replace it. Vice-President White thought they had purchased physical fitness equipment as part of the furnishings for the original building. He is not against furnishing the equipment, he just wonders if there was money for it two years ago. President Greenwald said it seems like when they held the open house for the new buildings, there was a mixture of both old and new physical fitness equipment. Vice-President White suggested they get the Board a figure so they can vote on it. Secretary McDow suggested doing an informal survey of the City employees. President Greenwald commented they need to tell the Board what they really want. It would probably be best to look at commercial quality equipment. Mr. Marquez told the Board when he first looked at the fund balances, he was very concerned. They don't have a requirement for a debt service reserve, but in thinking it through, he feels they should maintain one. He feels they should keep $500,000 in reserve. He is hesitant to use too many funds until the balance stabilizes. The City needs to position itself for the future. Director Cook mentioned he doesn't see any flag-raising issues. President Greenwald asked if anyone had anything else to discuss and no one did. #5 Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, President Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 6:31 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED this the day of _ 2003. Signature of all Directors whether present or absent. President Direct . Vice-President irector / Secretary Director Treasurer~v~?~