April 11 2002-ns SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (4-B BOARD) April 11, 2002 The Schertz Economic Development Corporation (4-B Board) convened on Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those members present were as follows: President Ken Greenwald, presiding; Secretary Johnie McDow; Director Ramon Cook, Director Norma Head, Director Reginna Agee and Director Tony Wilenchik. Absent: Vice-President Steve White. Also present were City Manager Dewey P. Cashwell, Jr., Finance Director and Board Treasurer, Vijay Jain, and Recording Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by President Ken Greenwald. #2 Approval of Minutes: February 14, 2002 Director Cook moved to approve the minutes as presented with the following corrections: Item #5 read Review and approval of audit report and expenditures for Fiscal Year ending September 20,2001. The date should be corrected to read September 30,2001. Also, in the first paragraph under Item #6, the last sentence says Mr. Wilenchik pointed out they've already approved $163,000 of that so they talking about approximately $663,000. At the end of the sentence it should s~y so they're talking about approximately $663,000. Mrs. Head seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. #3 Approval of allocation of funds for Fire Department brush truck. Glen Outlaw, Fire Marshal, was at the meeting to represent the Fire Department. Mr. Outlaw reported they had put $65,000 in their budget for a brush truck. They went out for bids and even though there are six (6) vendors who carry them, they received only two (2) bids. The low bidder was American Lafrance at $66,932. With some of the options they desired such as a tank vision gauge, an intercom, a nozzle on each front bumper with electric valve, a radio, and a breathing air bottle, the total came in at $72,306. Mr. Outlaw reminded the Board that $750,000 was approved for the aerial ladder truck and they were able to purchase it for approximately $675,000. Mr. Cashwell had suggested using the remaining $75,000 from that and returning the $65,000 to fund surplus. Director Cook asked if the brush truck is crew or standard cab and Mr. Outlaw replied it is standard cab. Director Cook then asked about the tires and Mr. Outlaw answered they are off road/on road tires. It is a 550 4-wheel drive with a diesel engine. President Greenwald questioned how many cubic feet the breathing apparatus has and was told by Mr. Outlaw it is good for about three hours. It allows the crew to wear the breathing apparatus without the tank on their backs. Treasurer Jain advised that the money for the brush truck is covered under the loan they already have. Director Cook moved to allocate funds for the purchase of a brush truck, as equipped, by the Fire Department in the amount of $72,30~. Sec;retary McDow seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. #4 Request for approval of funds to be used for a Community Design Process in the amount of $100,000. Mr. Cashwell noted they had discussed Council's financial disposition earlier and these funds would be used for a follow-up process of the Comprehensive Land Plan. They would pay for a more concerted effort to apply for designations in strategic planning. Mr. Cashwell went on to say the Urban Design Team wants to know what we want to focus on for the next 15 years. Their priority projects are a Sports Complex, a new Community Center, enhancement of Main Street/FM 78 and the Cibolo Creek and other entrances to the City. He had distributed information to the Board members describing further details of these priority projects. These things will generate revenue, but they need to be placed well. The hiring of a Leisure Services Director is imperative to tie all these projects together. We need to acquire professional services and talk about an RFP for Design Services. Mr. Cashwell then mentioned the City needs to provide green spots, The Main Street renovation and revitalization has to be designed to coordinate with the rest of the community. President Greenwald stressed there is no way the City cannot involve BVY A and other soccer people for input. BVY A has outgrown their current facifities. Secretary McDow questioned if the $100,000 is for a preliminary design phase and Mr. Cashwell replied yes. Director Cook verified that working drawings would not come out of that money. Mr. Cashwell indicated these priority projects could be used to kick off the bond campaign. Director Head mentioned it would be nice, if for this money, they could have them do drawings to include the hiking and biking trails mentioned in the Comprehensive Land Plan and tie the park and Pecan Grove area together. President Greenwald emphasized this is just a feasibility study, not drawings, and Secretary McDow added the $100,000 gets you headed in the right direction. President Greenwald was sure there are people in the City who would like to have input on these priority projects. Mr. Cashwell stated this is an exciting step forward and something tangible. Chad Stranahan, who has worked with him previously, is willing to help draft the RFP free of charge. There are probably three or four firms out there willing to do the work. Director Cook mentioned they have to be sure they are State licensed. President Greenwald wanted to make sure this falls within the jurisdiction of the 4-B Board. Mr. Cashwell noted how great the sports complexes are for the youth in the community. Director Head emphasized she would like to see some hotels and motels for the parents. Secretary McDow reported on the regionaVsectionll;llevel of tournaments. The Mustang Regional is in San Antonio this year. You have to have the right facility in order to host it. The Baseball USA facility in Houston is an $8,000,000 facility. They have eight ballfields - each for a specific sport. They have snack bars and playscapes. It took them several years to put up a fence, but they are one of the very few who can lock the gate and do a tournament Secretary McDow went on to say the City needs different sizes of fields. Seventy-five percent of the kids are 10 years of age or younger. BVY A got squeezed for practice fields when the school population exploded. Director Head mentioned the need to find RV parks, etc. to accommodate peop'le coming in for tournaments. Secretary McDow agreed and also mentioned that usually hotel rates are reduced. Secretary McDow moved to allocate $100,000 to City Council to be used for a Community Design Process. Treasurer Jain said he would like to clarify that annual receipts are committed. At the end of March, the Board had $649,000 and that is a healthy balance. This $100,000 would come from fund balance, not from sales tax. President Greenwald suggested a possible budget adjustment for the auditor and there was a brief discussion about that. At this time Director Head seconded the motion made by Secretary McDow, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. Director Head commented it would be fun taking the bus and looking at all these possibilities. Mr. Cashwell said he sees tremendous potential for this community. President Greenwald indicated he doesn't want to see money going out ofthe City. There was discussion about a soccer facility, a skateboarding facility and a place to play volleyball, and about the fact that sports build character. Director Head mentioned that in Ithaca, New York they bit the bullet and built a skateboard facility. The people fought it, but they are not sorry now that they did it. Director Wilenchik stated he had served on the Parks Commission in Converse and it seemed like they were always looking for ways to restrict sports rather than getting them into parks. Secretary McDow thanked Mr. Cashwell for attending the opening ceremony ofBVY A, #5 Adjournment r Secretary McDow moved to adjourn the meeting and Director Wilenchik seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present, President Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED this the _ day of Signature of all Directors whether present or absent. ,2002. President Director Vice-President Director Secretary Director Treasurer