1997S18- REZONING APPROX. (ONE) 1 ACRE ORDINANCE NO. 91- $- /1' AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE NO, 96-S-28 BY REZONING APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) ACRE OF LAND OUT OF BEXAR COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ UDC ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT, Texas, UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of is hereby amended in the following manner: Schertz, "Rezone approximately one (1) acre of land out of Bexar County, Texas, being more particularly described on the Field Notes attached and made a part hereof, from Residential/Agriculture (R/A) to General Business (GB)." SECTION II THAT the Zoning District Maps described and referred to in Article III, Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of the City of Schertz UDC Ordinance 96-S-28 shall be changed to reflect the above amendments. Approved on first reading the o?~day of May, 1997. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the of June, 1997. Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~ ~-€-/ City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) l ~ , \ "' ,A ., ' \N]rI[[ " Prepared by the State Bar of Texas for use by Lawyers only. 7-70-S0M To select the proper form, fill in blank spaces, strike out form provision! or inlert special terms constitutes the practice of law. No "srandom form" can meet all requirements. BEXAR } ..... a ..,~ ,- ..- ,-, '-'J ." 00 ~; -.J '. (;:) '- 259057 THE STATE OF TEXAS DEED OF TRUST COUNTY OF KNOW ALL MEN BY,'THESE' PRI\SgNTS:' t,;,' ,'f' That we, ALBERT WHITE and wife, KATHRYN L. WHITE r'''F' ,.,', ~ -.. ............ ;:;; -.} 00 00", ~;,;),j))' ~ ~) , '.'" AUG-"':di. 1 ~ i'Lt :~6 "'ts..... I ",' ;' :~, , -","-''1 ; i' ':1 .'.:"', "j. . ,,' ,.' .'~:. ,;"'.r:;-; ,~- , ~;;"1 -.- of ...........B.ex~r.....................m_ County, Texas, hereinafter called mantors (whethu or\~ 6r mor.) fot the purpose of securing the Indebtedness hereinafter described, and in consi.leratlon l)f the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) to u. In hand paid by the Tru.tee here\ttafter named, the receipt of which i. hereby acknowledged, and for the further consideration of the uses, purposes and trusts hereinafter set forth, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant. aell and convey unto ..mm .,..... _.ROY_..W,.._SJRQWLmmmm..m....... Tru.tee, oL......P.~~{l_r....u...._u..__________County. Texa., and his sub.titute. or successors, all of the following described real property situated in u_'m___a~~ar.u..m..mm_..mm..m..._ County, Texas, to-wit: A 10 ac~e t~act, mo~e o~ less, out of the Stanley A, Hunt 30 ac~e tract out of the Joseph Peasley Su~vey 318, Abst~ct 584, CB 5084, tying and being situated in Bexa~ County, Texas, said Stanley A. Hunt 30 ac~e tract being mo~e particula~ly desc~ibed in Wa~ranty Deed f~om Gus (Gustav) Schaefe~ et al to Stanley A. Hunt and wife, A. Ohleta Hunt as ~ecorded in Vol. 2375 p~ges 573-576, Deed Reco~ds of Bexa~ County, Texas. The 10 ac~e t~act, mo~e o~ less, herein conveyed being all that pot-ticn of said Stanley A. Hunt 30 acre t~ct remaining after: A. Conveyance of 10 acres by Warranty Deed f~om StanleyA. Hunt, et Wl:, A. Ohleta Hunt to Darvel Hodge et ux, Mattie E. Hodge, as ~eco~ded in Vol. 4161, pages 485-7, Deed Records of Bexar County, T=s, and.,,~c~ ________c_.__ B, Conveyance of 10 acres by Warranty Deed frO//! A, Ohteta Hunt to Dar1Jet Hodge, Jr., as recorded in Vol 6071, pagee 336~339j Deed Reoords of Bexar County, Texas. Subject to restrictions and easements of record. I ~ " \ d" ,. .\0:::' j It' "'^"!':%Pit" 't ;'" / _ q <l, 'l<~ll~ ;p(:, ,~;,." ,I ;.'" ; I" n.,' ',;l')':; f/~," I """:1 .., j' ;.- , r I;; ,;}'lV,!J"^ ,,, is; l'fU~\ "fl'::::- 'r 'fCr:-"'i'11)' ...,1' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described property. together with the rights privileges and appurtenance. thereto belonging unto .t~e said Trustee, ,!"d to his substitutes or successors forever. And Grantorsdo hereby bind them.elve.. their heirs, exe.cutors, admlnlstrators and aSSigns to warrant and forever defend the said premises unto the said Trustee his substitutes or successors and assians forever, against the claim, or claims, of all persons claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. This conveyance, however, is made in TRUST to secure payment of __m_Qn~"'UH"_h:_mo promissory note ...__nw of even date herewith In the principal sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NOll OO---------.~------------ h - - -... _ nnn.hh _ _ _n.._ h__ ___u.__ ___ n._.nuu__ h.. ...._ _u _. _.o~u ..0.. _hd. _ n. _ u....., _nn, _...., h. n. n. _ __ _________~n________u___________;.______;.___.___ II $' !lM.tlll) . ' unu....nnnn..__mu.......nmnn..______..___c__.....__.__.ncmu.__.____n______u uO ars ( nn!__...n___.. executed by Grantors. payable to , l , ha~e GRANTED, SOl,p AND, CONVEYED. and by these presents do GRANT, SELL ANO CONVEY unto the said. STAmEY A. HUNT and wHe, A. OHLf':TA HUlIT, of the County of Hex-aI', and the State of Texas, the following described real eatate, together with all improvements thereon, situated in the County of Bexar and the State of Texas, being more par\icularly described 31 follows, to-wit: Tldrt.y (30) aerGS of land, beillg the rhl1't.hwe'3t, portion of' the 99.S-o.cre tract in the Joseph pcasley Survey :ns, conveyer! by G. VI. Stapper to AUt:ust Pfeil by deed dated Allgu:, t. 9, ,1690, .an,l l'e"QJ1ded in V,/l.. 71., page .371" Daerl Records of 13exar County, Tell'as"apd ,trans:l,'erred to Heletw Schaeffer in t.he parLition of the estat.e of I Jol[anna Pfe~l, ; dF'cea~adj 'the por'\.ion here~TJ con"{eyed beinll Inore p"rticularlY ae.cribed by ,metes an,\ ,bo)lnds,. I3;s Jf?,110ws: m:G1NNING ~t, t,he it!terscction of ,the ,southeast line of the Green Ro~c1 'y1~ th t.he,nqJ:tl1eastFno of the (ircyt?""tHo:Hl, for t.he norUlvrest corner of the port.ion h,n'ell\ copvey..r!; ,THENCE N. 30' E, aloog the S,~:. lure ,of' t.he Green Ro,,,l, 10S2 feet \;0 Us 'int.ersecLi()~ Vlithth" N;E; line ,,,r .\,1'le 99.5-acre traet; .THEnCE S, 600 E. along the .' 7 0" 'i '}"7r- f.;''';i4 VOL r"u tJ l'fIGE t)' - ' II.E. lin" of t.l18 99.~-3.cre tra~t, 1:>10 feet to,a.stake for, S.E. corn",. of , this portionl TlJ1i:IlCE S. 260 ?O' VI, 930 feot. to a .st."ke in the nort.h.right-of-Viay line of U. S. Highvmy No, 90; TI1V,IlCE s. 680 SOl VI, parallel.vdth and 60 feet dist.ant from the cent.er line of 80.i,\ Hlf'hvmy 100 feet: Lo an "ng18 in fenee; TllENCt N. 8S.,20' W. along fence, 1.00 feet to.l.h" H.E, lit"., of the nreyta'lnRoad; THUICE N. GO'W. "long tltA II.E. HnA ef the (;reyl,,,mHoad, 1132 feet to the rl.I\CF, OF Hl\GIlININ(;l containing 30 acres of l"nd, accordinf~ t.o stlrvry by R, S. Jahn, Surveyor" Fehrtlary 3 ,,119h7. ., . F , .' . , ,_._..._..._..._............... '.' ...r...... ......~. ,_,_, I , , , hav'e GRANTED, SOtP, .-\ND, CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL ANI) CONVEY unto tlie uid. STANl.EY A. HUNT and wife, A, OHLETA HUNT, of the County of Sexar, and the State of Te..s, the following described real estate, together with .11 improvemenu thereon, situated in the County of Bexar and the State of Texas, being more par\icularly described aI followl, to-wit: Thirty (30) acres of lund, being the lIol'tlmest pOl'tion of Llle 99.S-o.cre tract in the Joseph Peasley Survcy 310, conveyed by G. VI, Stapper to August pfeil by deed dat~d A'1gu:,t.9, .1890, .awl l'ec;<.>pued in Vyl.. 71, page 3711' Deed Records of Sexar County, .Tel'a;;,' apd ,trans~err~d yO .Helene ~chaeffor in t.~le partition of the estate of . I Jo~anna Pfetl, I dpc\"as..d; . tlle porhon here;tl'j con'feyed belng Tnore particularlY described bY,metes an,l,hoWlds, !,:s jfl'ltolYs: m:G:!JINING 'lt \he irytersection of ,th?..southeast line of the Green Road JI~ th the ,nOlltheast ,11n.. of the (/rcyto.mRoad for t.he nortl"west corner of the Jlortion he,'Gin copvey..d,; ,TllENCt N, 30. E, along the'S,\':, line 91' the Green Road,10S2 feet to its~l)tBrsectip~ Vl1tll:th\'l N;E:,lineyf,l.lle 99.S-acre tract; .TllENCE s. 60' E. along the " l ','( : , " VOL2375 mGF5'74 1"1 N.E. Iln'l cf the 99.5-acre trad, 1;>10 feet to.a, stake for,S.E. cornel' of,this portlonl TIlI':NGE s. 26. ~O' VI, 930 feet to a .stake in thenort,h,right-of-way Une of U. s. ' 111.ghway No, 90; THRllGE S. 680 501 W; pamllel with and 60 feet dist.ant from t.he center, line of sald HJ~hway 100 feet: ~o im angle in fence; TllENct N. 85',201 W. slong fence, 100 feet. to: I.he H.g, line of t.he Greyta'l'nRoad; THENCE N. 60' VI. along tlll'l N.E. 11.ne . of the Greyt.omTload, 1132 feet t.o the pLI\GE OF HF,GIllNINGJ containing 30 acres of land, acoordinr. t.o sllrvry by R. S, Jahn, Surveyor,. Febrllary 3,!19h7. .... . . " f ;, . PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT J:~..' I County of Guadalupe er1-5-r1 / (~)~~ fill/V C~. ) ((Ltkd ~ rf/1.1b THE STATE OF TEXAS, Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared L. A. REYNOLDS known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Advertising Director of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and fore- going AD was published in said newspaper 2 times before the return day named therein, ORDINANCE NO. 97-5-18 .~ By the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, " Amendingtheuniheddeve~ ORDINANCif NO. 97-5-18 opment ':ode (UOC) Ordl- By the ..lity Council 01 the nanee No. 96-5-28 by re- City of Schertz, Texas, zoning approximately (1) Amending the unified devel- acre of land out of Bexar opment code (UDC) Oldi- County and reflecting such nanee No. 96-5-28 by re- chang.8s on certain ~onlng zoning approximately (1) maps In accordance with the acre of land out of Bexar Schertz UDC ordinance. County and reflecting such Passed, Approved and ch '. Adopted the 3td day of ang.as on certain ~onlng June 1997 maps In accordance with the No~a Alth~use Schertz UDC ordinance. City Secretary. ' Passed, Approved and Adopted the 3rd day 01 June, 1997. Norma Atthouse, City Secretary. such publications being on the following dates: June 8, 1997 June 12, 1997 and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. -...., ~ _// ._:00 ." 'd-' Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 17th day of June 97 A.D., 19 ~'Pv'}11 ..t;'~::'-"'.".,(/lll I._~o', ..!' " 1. i )+~: ;. ~ NotaryPobll:.StailolTeros ~ \ V"0. / J MyCommlSSion8q)1reS12.21-l999 \<!'';-i~-'''''--''-<'''~ ./ 111\'(O.~\o. ~ '"'''''''''~''' RUTH AYERS ~ ~,,", ~, ,~~.......,;"-'" Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS, I~~. * County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared l , I _/~r I ~ ~~I (~Z.lb L. A. REYNOLDS known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Advertising Director of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and fore- times before the return day named therein, AN ORDlNANCE- By the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, Amending the unified devel. opment code (UDC) Ordi- nance No. 96-8.29 by re- zoning approximately one (1) acre of land out of Bexar County and reflecting such changes on certain zoning maps in accordance with the Schertz UDC Ordinance. Approved on first reading the 20th day of May, 1997. Norma Althouse, City Sec- retary going AD was published in said newspaper 2 such publications being on the following dates: May 28, 1997 May 29, 1997 and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. r-'~- ,~c, -~ 11 0 L 'c '~ Notices . AN ORDINANCE By the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, Amending the unified devel- opment code (UDC) Ordi- nance No. 96-8-29 by re- zoning approximately one (1) acre of land outot Bexar County and reflecting such ~hanges on certain zoning maps in accordance with the Schertz UDC Ordinance. Approved on first reading the 20th day of May, 1997, Norma Althouse, City Sec- retary Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 30th day of May 97 A.D., 19 '~l f4"~;Y'~~;~\ Ii,:;:.;"', RUT!-1 J\YEF\S i' . . ~ \';1;.'; ;'l:l.i~L SlJll ,,11,,)(;1\ , . ~ .~~. ' ",. ::: r,~\, CI!; :",,: :scoel. EXl1lrr~c, .! .~ I . 1'1.1;] l \,".-:.> ~;~.! . '\ '8';F n ~' S '\\""-""'~--- l_ ~---_.-~,",_........ J / ~ Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas