01-13-2011 SSLGC.MinutesMINUTES OF THE
On this the 13~' day of January 2011, the Schertz/Seguiri Local Government Corporation
(SSLGC) convened at 1:36 p.m. in the City of Schertz Council Chambers located at 1400
Schertz Parkway, Building #4, Schertz, Texas. The following directors being present and in
Ken Greenwald President
Patricia Ramirez Secretary
Andrew Koenig Treasurer
Jim Wolverton Director
Betty Ann Matthies Ex-Officio
and the following directors being absent:
Robin Dwyer Vice-President
Hal Baldwin Ex-Officio
constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quorum for the transaction of
business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance with the provisions of
Texas law. Also in attendance were:
Alan Cockerell
Johnny Bierschwale
Emery Gallagher
Georgia Hanks
Crockett Camp
Bill Klemt
John Winkler
Patrick Lindner
Jack Fickessen
General Manager
Schertz Assistant City Manager
Seguin Water Utility Manager
Administrative Assistant
Consultant/Project Manager
Hydrologist Consultant
COriSUltant (Walker Partners)
COU11sel (Davidson & Troilo)
Legislative Consultant
The first order of business was the Calling of the Meeting to Order.
President Ken Greenwald called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m.
The second order of business was Public Comment.
Mr. Robert Brockman, a Schertz resident, addressed the Board during public comment. He
referred to an article in the San Antonio Express News which said that State Senator Troy Fraser
had written a bill that would make groundwater a vested property right, i.e., property owners
would own the water before it is pumped from the ground. Currently, property owners own the
groundwater after it is pumped from the ground.
The third order of business was Approval of the Minutes for the Board Meeting held on
December 16, 2010.
Secretary Patricia Ramirez made a motion to approve the December 16, 2010 minutes as
written. Treasurer Andrew Koenig seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the
motion carried by unanimous decision.
The fourth order of business was Presentation of the General Manager's Report -
Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
General Manager Cockerell's written report was included in the board agenda packets. He added
the following items to his written report:
o Water Production. Water production for the month of December was 56.5% of
Gonzales County Underground Water Conservation District's (GCUWCD) monthly
allowable. Mr. Cockerell referred to Seasonal Pumping and Monthly Water Sales charts
which were included in the agenda packets. He stated that seasonal pumping was lower
this year in comparison to the last two years, mostly due to weather, and consequently
sales were also lower than the last two years.
o GCUWCD. The Underground District met January 11, 2011. A copy of the agenda was
included in the board agenda packets. Mr. Cockerell referenced several agenda items
which included:
a) Agenda Items 7 - 21 -Requests from irrigators in the county for historic use
pumpage status. These agenda items were tabled due to District Rules which
require a 30 day notice for exceptions to the rules. Landowners/irrigators did not
meet the June 2010 deadline with their applications and asked for exceptions to
the rules. The District will put a notice in the paper and include exception and
application for historic use status on its February 2011 agenda to comply with the
30-day notice for exceptions to the rules.
b) Agenda Item 22 -Dual-annexed area in Caldwell County (annexed by Gonzales
County and Plum Creek). No action was taken. Legal litigation may follow. Mr.
Cockerell will keep board members informed.
c) Mr. Cockerell read a portion GCUWCD District Manager Greg Sengelmann's
report which stated that the Water Protection Agency in Gonzales County is in the
process of suing GCUWCD for issuing water permits to SAWS. The deadline for
filing a response to the lawsuit is January 24, 2011.
d) Mr. Cockerell referenced an article, "Eagle Ford Shale Play and the Carrizo
Aquifer" by Darrell Brownlow. Mr. Brownlow stated in the article, "Hydraulic
fracturing using groundwater from the CarriZO Aquifer in the Eagle Ford Shale
has enormous economic potential for landowners, oil production companies and
the entire region. Moreover, from a geologic and water planning perspective,
additional impact on the aquifer (beyond existing planned groundwater uses)
appears minimal."
Discussion was held regarding the amount of water used in a hydraulic fracturing
job and the definition of a "large" amount of water which is relative to .the
industry using the term.
e) Mr. Cockerell informed the Board that Mr. Kenneth Schoenfield (SSLGC grazing
lease tenant on the Ashley Ranch) has complained of gates being left opened,
stolen tools and small equipment and damage to his oats field in the vicinity
where Global Geophysical is doing. its seismic survey. Mr. Cockerell is working
with Global Geophysical to compensate Mr. Schoenfield for any damages.
f) Attorney Bill Knobles has informed Mr. Cockerell that he may have a possible oil
and gas lease to present to the Board at the next board meeting. The lease will be
presented to the executive committee at the February executive committee
meeting before being presented to the Board.
g) Mr. Cockerell gave a plant tour to representatives from the City of Converse,
Councilman Steve Brown and Interim City Manager John Quintanilla. They were
interested in SSLGC's operation, water planning and water use in general in the
Carrizo Aquifer. Mr. Cockerell complimented SSLGC Water Superintendent
Shaw Shimek and SSLGC operators for their help with the tour and the excellent
condition of the Nixon plant.
The fifth order of business was Resolution SSLGC Rll-O1 to Amend SSLGC's FY2010-
2011 Maintenance and Operating Fund Budget for 3/4 Ton Full Size Pickup -Alan
Cockerell, General Manager.
Mr. Cockerell explained that agenda items S and 6 would be discussed collectively.
A budget adjustment is necessary in order to approve the vehicle purchase in agenda item 6. The
funds approved in the Capital Outlay section of the FY 2010-2011 Maintenance and Operating
Fund Budget were not enough to pay for the vehicle. Mr. Cockerell asked the Board to approve
Resolution SSLGC Rl l-O1 to transfer $3,426.84 from Technical Services to Capital Outlay. He
explained that he had anticipated a larger amount to be paid to Guadalupe County Groundwater
Conservation District than actually required and excess funds for the truck purchase were
available in that line item of Technical Services.
Director Jim Wolverton made a motion to approve Resolution SSLGC Rll-O1 to amend
SSLGC's FY2010-2011 Maintenance and Operating Fund Budget by transferring
$3,426.84 from Technical Services to Capital Outlay for the purchase of a 3/4 ton full-size
pickup. Secretary Ramirez seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion
carried by unanimous decision.
The sixth order of business was to Approve Truck Purchase -Alan Cockerell, General
Mr. Cockerell referred to a bid tabulation sheet prepared by the City of Seguin for the purchase
of several vehicles. Although the bid for SSLGC's truck was not the lowest, it did meet the
requirements for a local purchase. He asked the Board to approve the purchase of the truck from
Griffith Ford in the amount of $31,426.84.
Director Jim Wolverton made a motion to accept the bid from Griffith Ford in the amount
of $31,426.84 for the purchase of a 3/4 ton full-size pickup. Secretary Ramirez seconded the
motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The seventh order of business was Resolution SSLGC Rll-02 to Revise SSLGC Rate Study
and Long-Term Financial Plan Prepared by Economists.com -Alan Cockerell, General
Mr. Cockerell handed out a copy of a presentation by Dan Jackson with Economists.com of a
modified rate study and long-term financial forecast for SSLGC. He gave a summary of the
changes in the rate study as he referred to sections of the presentation. Earlier in the year the
Board had approved SSLGC's rate study and long-term financial plan which was prepared by
Mr. Jackson. The study included status quo and SAWS scenarios. It was based upon certain
assumptions of how costs would be allocated between SSLGC, SAWS and other customers. The
study showed that due to "economies of scale," a contract with SAWS would be beneficial to
SSLGC, SAWS and SSLGC's current customers in terms of rates. After negotiations with
SAWS, two major assumptions were changed and Mr. Jackson updated the rate study with the
following: 1) SSLGC water lease costs were removed from the SAWS rate; and 2) debt services
costs to include all assets that are used and useful to SAWS were included. The water lease costs
pertain to SAWS water that SSLGC would treat and transport for SAWS. SSLGC's excess
water would be sold at the same rate as other SSLGC customers. After the water lease costs
were removed from the SAWS rate, Mr. Jackson .and SSLGC staff reevaluated debt services
costs. Although SAWS would have a lower cost of service and SSLGC would have lower
savings, SSLGC would continue to realize a significant savings. In conclusion, Mr. Cockerell
asked board approval of SSLGC's revised rated study prepared by Economists.com, Resolution
SSLGC Rl 1-02.
Director Wolverton made a motion to approve SSLGC's revised Rate Study and Long-
Term Financial Plan prepared by Economists.com, Resolution SSLGC Rll-02. Treasurer
Koenig seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous
The eighth order of business was to Approve SSLGC Credit Card Agreement and
Authorization for American Bank of Texas Credit Card -Alan Cockerell, General
Manager. -~~
Mr. Cockerell asked for Board approval for a Corporate credit card for the general manager from
American Bank of Texas with a credit limit of $5,000. He also asked for approval of SSLGC's
Credit Card Agreement which addresses guidelines for employee use of the credit card.
Secretary Ramirez made a motion to approve SSLGC's Credit Card Agreement and
authorization for an American Bank of Texas credit card with a limit of $5,000 for the
general manager. Treasurer Koenig seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the
motion carried by unanimous decision.
The ninth order of business was Gonzales County Expansion Proiect -Alan Cockerell,
General Manager.
Mr. Cockerell provided a summary of the activities below on the Gonzales County expansion
o A construction update meeting was held with Weisinger, Incorporated and Harris Road
Company on December 22, 2010. Another update meeting will beheld in late January.
o The collection system, roads and pipeline construction are on schedule.
o Mr. Cockerell and Consultant John Winkler will meet with Gonzales County officials on
January 14, 2011, regarding repairs to CR114.
o At the request of Gonzales County Commissioner Bud Wuest, SSLGC supplied water
without charge to Gonzales County for repair to CR127. The amount of water supplied
was deducted from the amount used to determine SSLGC's transportation costs to the
o Water quality analyses performed on well #9 and well #121ook good.
o Pumping tests on well #10 will begin in the next few weeks.
o Pipe has been laid to well #11.
o Aright of entrance and easement has been obtained from Mr. Walter Koepp for the surge
tank location. Bids for storage tanks will be requested soon.
The tenth order of business was Legislative Update -Jack Fickessen, Legislative
Mr. Fickessen extended an invitation from Representative John Kuempel for SSLGC board
members and staff to visit him in Austin. He reported that members of the Texas State 82nd
Legislature were in the process of forming committees and electing Chairmen of those
committees. Senator Troy Fraser will most likely be appointed Chairman of the Natural
Resources Committee. Mr. Fickessen reiterated that Senator Fraser had written a bill that would
make groundwater a vested property right as mentioned by Mr. Brockman during Public
Comment of the meeting in progress. He added that a bill would eventually come forth from the
House of Representatives regarding issues such as Desired Future Conditions and permit
allocation. The bill should address how these issues correlate between the Districts and
Management Service Areas in order to make sure the requirements are the same. He concluded
by mentioning an article Mr. Cockerell had included in the board agenda packets pertaining to
Bexar Met.
The eleventh order of business was Wholesale Water Contracts with SAWS and the City of
Converse -Patrick Lindner, General Counsel.
Counsel Patrick Lindner referred to the contract between SSLGC and the City of Converse. The
Board had previously approved the contract and the City of Converse has agreed to the rate.
However, Converse city representatives asked for two additional months to complete the point of
delivery. The contract states that payment would begin when Converse begins taking water or
six months from the effective date. They want to modify the contract to state that payment
would begin when Converse begins taking water or eight months from the effective date to
accommodate delays in the field. Counsel Lindner asked the Board to reapprove the contract
with the City of Converse as amended.
Director Wolverton made a motion to approve a water supply contract between SSLGC
and the City of Converse as amended. Secretary Ramirez seconded the motion. Upon a
vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
Counsel Lindner stated that items for discussion regarding the SAWS contract would be for a
financial/managerial decision by board members and not a legal decision. He would answer
questions from board members regarding their rights and obligations under the contract in
Executive Session. He continued by presenting the contract to the Board and explained that it
was the most reasonable and fair contract that he, consultants and other staff members were able
to negotiate in concurrence with the financial reports Mr. Jackson had prepared. He noted that
the financial reports showed a substantial savings to SSLGC and its customers by contracting
with SAWS. Counsel Lindner referred to the executive summary of the contract which was
included in the board agenda packets and stated that nothing substantial had changed from the
contract presented to the Board in December 2010. He added that Bond Counsel had reviewed
the contract three times since December and only made changes they deemed necessary to
enhance the ability to issue contract revenue bonds described in the contract and to enhance the
enforceability of the contract revenue bonds to the bond holders. Mr. Cockerell handed out a
copy of the contract with the latest revisions to board members for their review. He stated that
SAWS would address the .contract on February 1St. He concluded by saying that if the Board
moves forward with the SAWS contract, both contracts (the City of Converse and SAWS)
would be presented to the City Councils of Schertz and Seguin for approval the following week.
Director Wolverton made a motion to approve a water contract with SAWS and requested
the city councils of Schertz and Seguin to proceed with review and approval. Secretary
Ramirez seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous
At the advice of General Council Patrick Lindner, Director Wolverton made the following
Director Wolverton made a motion to grant President Greenwald authorization to sign
further non-substantial amendments to the water contract with SAWS which are agreed
upon by SSLGC's executive committee. Secretary Ramirez seconded the motion. Upon a
vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
Upon recommendation from General Counsel Patrick Lindner, agenda items twelve and
thirteen pertaining to executive session were passed.
The twelfth order of business was Executive Session called under Chapter 551 Government
Code, Section 551.071, to seek the advice of its attorney on legal matters, and Section
551.072, for deliberations regarding real estate.
The thirteenth order of business was to Consider and Take Action as a Result of Agenda
Item #12.
The fourteenth order of business was Consideration and/or Action on Questions and
Possible Items to be placed on the next Agenda.
No additional discussion was held.
The fifteenth order of business was Adjournment.
President Greenwald declared the meeting adjourned at 2:31 p.m.
The next regular meeting was scheduled Thursday, February 17, 2010, in Seguin.
ecretary, Board of Directors