1987S11- REVISED CIVIL STATUES OF TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. _82.-:5:::-:// AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING ARTICLES 974a and 9'70a, REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS; REGULATING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS AND WITHIN THE APPROPRIATE SURROUNDING LANDS; ESTABLISHING SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE OR GUARANTEED TO BE MADE BY THE SUBDIVIDER AND PRESCRIBING THE SPECIFICATIONS OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; REQUIRING AND REGULATING THE PREPARATION ANO PRESENTATION OF PLATS TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED IN APPLYING THESE RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS IN ORDER TO EFFICIENTLY SUBDIVIDE THE LAND WHILE PRESERVING THE HEALTH AND INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING ALL PREVIOUS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING FOR INTERPRETATION OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR VARIANCES; PROVIOING A PENAL TY FOR VIOLATION; SETTING FORTH Sf'ECIF ICATIONS AND CHECKLISTS. WHEREAS, Articles 9'74a and 9'70a of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas empower the City to enact subdivision rules and regulations and provide for it's administration, enforcement, and amendmen t, and WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zoning Commission, empowered with the authority to formulate such rules and regulations by Articles 974a and 970a and when the City Council has favorably received and voted on these rules, recommends to the City Council that this Ordinance be adopted, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I. GENERAL. PROVISIONS SECTION 1 SECTI ON 2 SECTION 3 SECn ON 4 SECTION 5 SECTI ON 6 SECTION 7 SECTION 8 SECT ION 9 SECTION 10 SECn ON 11 SECTION 12 SECTION 13 SHOR T TITLE JUR I SD ICTION INTERPRETATIONS AND PURPOSE ADOPTION OF LEGISLATIVE GRANT OF POWER CONFORMANCE TO GENERAL PLAN RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION APPEAL. FROM PL.ANNING COMMISSION ACTION ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS LEGAL PROVISIONS VARIANCE GUARANTEE OF PERFORMANCE _ DEDICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF STREETS ARTICLE II. PROCEDURE SECTION 14 SECTION 15 SECTI ON 16 PRE--APPLICATION CONFERENCE PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PL.AT ARTICLE I I I. DESIGN STANDARDS SECTION 17 SECTION 18 SECTI ON 19 SECTION ;?O SECTION 21 SECT ION ;?2 SECT I ON r~3 SECTI ON 24 SECTION 25 GENERAL. DESIGN PRINCIPL.ES AND 08dECTIVES STREETS AL.LEYS EASEMENTS PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION BLOCKS LOTS PUBLIC SITES AND OPEN SPACES PROTECTION OF NATURAL FEATURES ARTICL.E IV. RElJUIRED IMPROVEMENTS SECT ION 26 SECTION 27 SECn ON 28 SECTION 29 SECTI ON 30 SECTION 31 COMPLIANCE MONUMENTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS WATER SYSTEM SEWERAGE SYSTEMS DRAINAGE ARTICLE V. FL.OOD HAZARD AREAS SECTION :32 GENERAL ; 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 8 8 8 8 13 18 I8 19 23 ;.~4 24 ;.:.~5 25 27 28 ;.;~8 28 29 30 30 31 :;~2 33 :33 ARTICLE VI. OTHER PROVISIONS 39 SECTI ON :,3 SECTION 34 SECTI ON ~~5 SECTI ON 36 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION EMERGENCY CLAUSE REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES OR ORDERS SEVERAB I LI TY CLAUSE 39 39 40 40 EXHIBIT "A" 41 SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS IMROVEMENTS 41 A. COPIES REQUIRED FOR FINAL PLAT B. STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWAL.KS AND CROSSWALK WAYS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES C. DRAINAGE CRITERIA AND SPECIFICATIONS D. HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC REQUIflEMENTS FOR WATERSHEDS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE Crry OF SCHERrZ E. STORM DRAINAGE F. INSPECTIONS, TESTING AND CHANGES G. SU8DIVISION REQUIREMENTS H. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR Srl~EETS, AL.L.EYS, CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALl,S I. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, PEDESTRIAN WAYS, CROSSWAU, WAYS, OR IVE APPROACHES AND ALLEYS J. STORM DRAINAGE K. LABORATORY TESTING 41 41 47 50 51 61 63 65 69 T7 f32 EXHIBIT "B" 102 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CERTIFICATES 102 EXHIBIT "C" 105 DEFINIT IONS 105 i i ARTICL.E 1 Sec t i on 1 Section 2 See t i on 3 Sec t i on 4 GENERAL. PROVISIONS Short Title. This Ordinance along with it's attachments, exhibits and amendments, shall be known as the "Subdivision Ordinance" of the City of Schertz, Texas. Jurisdiction. No per'son shall cr'eate a subdivision of land within the corporate 1 imits of the City of Schertz, Texas, or within it's extraterritorial jurisdiction, without complying with the provisions of this Ordinance. All plats and subdivisions of any such land shall conform to the rul~s and regulations herein set forth. This Ordinance shall govern all subdivision of land within the corporate 1 imits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of SChertz, subject to the laws of the State of Texas. In the event that the distance from the City 1 imits is changed by the Texas legislature, such distance provided for (by) this Ordinance shall hereafter conform to the distance provided by the legislature. Interpretations and Purpose. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be min imal in nature, and whenever' the principles, standards or requirements of any other applicable provision of other ordinances of the City of Schertz are higher or more restrictive, the latter shall control. The purpose of this Ordinance is to achieve orderly urban development through land subdivision; to promote and develop the utilization o' land to assure the best possible community environment in accordance with the General Plan of the City of Schertz; to provide for adequate municipal services and safe streets; and to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare. Adoption of Leqislative Grant of POl~er. This Ordinance Is adopted under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the State o' Texas, including particularly Chapters 231, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927, as heretofore or hereafter amended (compiled as Article 974a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes) and the provisions of Section 4 of the Mun ic ipal Annexat ion Act as heretofor'e or hereafter amended (compiled as Article 970a VATCS) . -2- Section 5 Section 6 See t i Cln 7 Section 8 Sec t i on 9 Con fOF"mance to GeneF"a 1 Plan. No plat or subdivision of land within the City of Schertz, and within it's extraterritorial Jurisdicti ion as determined by Article 974a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, and Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, may be approved unless the plat considers the General Plan of said City and it's roads, streets, alleys, easements, parks, playgrounds and pub1 ic util ity fac i 1 it i es, i nc 1 ud i ng those loJh i ch have been or may be laid out to the General Plan for the extension of said City and of it's roads, streets, alleys, easements and publ ic highways as regards to publ ic util ities. Rules and Regulations of the City Planning .Comm i ss Lon. The Planning Commission may adopt rules of procedures to govern It's actions and, after a publ ic hearing, may adopt rules and regulations governing plats and subdivisions. Such rules shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, and with the laws of the State of Texas, and shall become effective upon being filed with the City Secretary. Appea 1 fF"om P 1 ann I ng Comm i ss i on Ac t ion. Any subd I v i der aggr i eved by a find i ng OF' ac t i on of the City Planning Commission may appeal to the City Council within thirty (30) days from the date of such finding or action, and not thereafter. Nothing in this section shall prevent a right of review by a court of competent jurisdiction. En fOF"cemen t. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the City and it's officers shall have the right to enjoin any violation of this Ordinance by injunction issued by a court of common jUF"isdiction. Special Provisions. a. That it shall be unlawful for the County Clerk of any county in which such land lies to F"eceive or F"ecord any such plan, plat OF" F"ep1at, unless and until the same shall have been aproved by the City Planning Commission. (Article 974a, Section 3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). b. No peF"m it sha 11 be I ssued by the installation of septic tanks on sLlbdivision fOF" which a final plat the City fOF" any lot I n a has not been -3- appr'oved and f i 1 ed for' r'ecor'd, or. any subdivision in which the standards her'e i nor. r'efer'red to here i n have compl ied I~i th in full. lot in a contained not been c. No per'mit shall be issued for' any str'uctur'e on a lot in a subdivision for which a final plat has not been appr'oved and f i 1 ed for' r'ecor'd, nor. for any structure on a lot within a subdivision In which the standards contained herein have not been compl ied with in full. d. The City shall not repair, maintain, install or provide any streets or publ ic util ity services In any subdivision for which a final plat has not been appr'oved and f lIed for record, nor i n I~h i ch the standards contained herein Dr referred to herein have not been complied with in full. e. The City shall not sell or supply any water or se.oerage serv I ce 10 i th i n a subd i vis i on for which a final plat has not been approved or filed for r'ecord, nor in I~hich the standards contained her's i nor' r'efer'r'ed to her'e i n havE~ not been compl ied with in full. f. In behalf of the City, the City Attar'ney shall, when directed by the City Council, Institute appropriate action In a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance or the standards referred to herein I~ith respect to any violation ther'eof which occurs within the City, within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City as such jurisdiction as determined under the Municipal Anexation Act, or within any area subject to all or part of the provisions of this Ordinance. g. If any subdivision exists for I~hich a final plat has not been approved or in which the standard contained herein or referred to herein have not been campI ied with in full, the City Council shall pass a resolution reciting the fact of such noncompl lance of failure to secure final plat approval, and reciting the fact of such noncDmpl iance ar failure to secure the final plat approval, and reciting the fact that the provisions of paragraphs a, b, c, d and e of this Section will apply to the subdivision and the lots therein, the City Secretary shall, when directed by the City Council, cause a certified copy of such r'esol ut i on under' the cor'por'ate sea 1 of the City to be filed in the Deed Records of the county or. counties in which such subdivision -4- Sect ion 10 10.1 10.2 Section 11 11. 1 or part thereof 1 ies. If full compl iance and final plat approval are secured after the fil ing of such resolution, the City Secretary shall forthwith file an instrument in the Deed Records of such county or counties stating the paragraphs a, b, c, d and e no longer apply. h. Provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not be construed to prohibit the issuance of per'm i ts for' any lots upon wh i ch a residence building exists and was in existence prior to passage of this Subdivision Ordinance nor to prohibit the repair, maintenance, or installation of any street or publ ic utility services for, to or abutting any lot, the last r'ecor'ded conveyance of wh i ch pr i or. to passage of this Ordinance was by metes and bounds, and/or any subd i vis i on, or. lot ther'e in, r'ecor'ded or- unrecorded, which subdivision was in existence prior to the passage of this Ordinance. leQal Provisions. Confl ictinQ Ordinances. Any pr-ior' subdivision or-dinances, or. amendments to them, are hereby repealed. If any other City Or'd i nance, i ncl ud i ng but not 1 i m i ted to, the Zoning Ordinance, Flood Hazard Ordinances, and the City Codes, are in confl ict with this ordinance, the most stringent or restrictive r-ules shall gover'n. Severabil ity Clause. If any provisions of appl ication thereof circumstances, is held the Ordinance, and provision to other shall not be effected this Ordinance, or the to any person or inval id, the remainder of the appl ication of such persons or circumstances, thereby. Var. i ance. Conditions The City Planning Commission may authorize a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance, when in it's opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance. In granting a variance, the City Planning Commission shall prescribe only conditions that it deems necessary or. des i rab 1 e to the pub 1 i c i nter'est. In mak i ng their findings, the City Planning Commission shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved and existing uses of land in the vicinity, the number of -5- 11.2 Section 12 per'sons who will r.es i de or. wor'k in the pr'oposed subdivision, and the probable effect of such variances upon traffic conditions and upon the publ ic health, safety, convenience, and welfare in the vicinity. Variance shall not be granted unless the City Planning Commission finds: a. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that the strict appl ication of this Ordinance would deprive the appl icant of the reasonable use of his land. b. That l~i 11 not safety, property the granting of the be detrimental to the publ ic or. wel far'e, or. i njur' i ous in the ar.ea. variance health, to other' c. That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Such findings of the City Planning Commission, together with the specified facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting at which such variance is granted. Variances may be granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance so that the publ ic health, safety, and welfare may be secured and justice done. Pecuniary hardship to the subdivider, standing a lone, sha 11 not be deemed to const i tute har'dsh i p. The Comm i ss i on may estab 1 ish a time per' i ad for execution of each granted variance. Guarantee of Performance. No plat of any subdivision shall receive final approval unless the subdivider has compl ied or provided for campI iance with the pol icies and procedures set forth in Article IV and Exhibit "A", "Specifications and Design Standards for Publ ic Works Improvements", I~hich is attached her'eto and made a par.t her'eof. Unt i 1 such po 1 i c i es and pr'ocedures have been comp 1 i ed t~ i th by the subdivider and the plat approved by the City Planning Commission as herein required, no building, water, sewer, plumbing or electrical permit shall be issued by the City as to any property in the subdivision. -6- 12.1 Per.for'mance Bond. Prior to the approval of the subdivision plat, the subdivider must file with the City Secretary a bond executed by a surety company holding a 1 icense to do business in the State of Texas in an amount equal to the cost of improvements guaranteeing to the City that such improvements shall be constructed and completed in a sa t i sfac tory manner and \~ i th in a per i od specified, but such period shall not exceed t,~o years. Said bond shall be approved by the City At tor'ney and sha 11 be made payab 1 e to and enforceable by the City of Schertz. Upon substantial compl iance and approval of all improvements as viewed by City Staff, the bond may be released in writing by the City Secretary and may be returned to the developer. 12.2 Wher'e Bond not Pr.er'eou i site to Appr'ova 1 . The filing of a performance bond shall not be a condition precedent to the approval of a plat where the subdivider, prior to the last regular meeting of the City Planning Commission and before the expiration of thirty (301 days from the date the plat was filed for approval, has signed and filed with the City Planning Commission an instrument in substantially the follo'~ing form: I, _...._._......._......_.__."...._"' do her'eby agr"ee that, if the proposed plat _______________, filed by me for appr'oval on the _'".'".'_'..' day of _...._............_...._., is approved by the City Planning Commission of the City of Schertz, Texas, the City Secretary of said City may retain said plat in his/her possession, without recording same, until I have either constructed all site improvements required under the provisions of the City of Schertz Subdivision Ordinance other than gas and electric 1 ines, or have filed with the City a bond in an amount equal to the cost of all such incompleted impr'ovements, as e~.timated by the City Engineer, guaranteeing that all such incompleted improvements will be constructed within two (2) years from the date of such bond. Said bond shall comply with the r'equir'ements of Sections 12.1 insofar as such requirements are appl icable. 12.3 ServinQ Subdivisions with Util ities. Unless and until a plat of a subdivision has received final approval, and the subdivider has constructed the streets, curbs, gutters, paving, util ities and dr'ainage facil ities ther'ein, in the manner' prov i ded for in th i s Ord i nance, it sha 11 -7- Section 13 ARTICLE II Sec t i on 14 Sect i on 15 15.1 be unlawful for any official of the City of Schertz to serve or connect any public utilities owned, controlled, or distributed by the City of Schertz to any land, or any part thereof, covered by said plat, or to the owners or purchasers of said land, or any part thereo~. Dedication and Maintenance of Streets. Disapproval of a plat by the City Planning Comm i ss i on sha 11 be deemed a r'efusa 1 by the City of Scher t z to accep t the of fer'ed ded i ca t ion shOl.n thereon. Approval of a plat shall not be deemed an acceptance of the proposed dedications and shall not Impose any duty upo~ the City concerning the maintenance of or improvements of any such dedicated parts until the proper authorities of the City have actually appropr'iated the same byentr'y, use or. improvement. It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the City to maintain the streets in a subdivision, and the City will not accept or maintain said streets, unless and until such streets have been surfaced, curbed, the required util ities and drainage facil ities have been installed and such improvements have been accepted in writing by the City and the City Eng i n.~er. PROCEDURE Pr'e-'ADD 1 i cat ion Con fer'enc e.. Prior to the official fll ing of a prel iminary plat, the subdivider should consult with and present a proposed plan of the subdivision to the City Planning Department for comments and advice on the procedures, specifications, and standards required by the City for the subdivision of land. At such a meeting the City Staff will be able to make any suggestions that would direct the prop()sed subdivision to,.ard desirable objectives and possibly prevent unnnecessary work and e:"pense I f object i ves are not met. Th I s step d~1es not r'equ i r.e for'mal appl I cat i on or. fee. Prel iminary Plat. .aener'a 1. In order to secure the review and approval of a proposed subdivision by the City Planning Commission, the pr'ospective subdivider' shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat by a r'eg i ster'ed sur'veyor' or. r'eg i ster'ed eng i neer. in accordance with this Ordinance. -8- 15.2 Time foy' Fil inCl and Copies ReClUiy.ed. Twelve (12) blue or black-l ine copies df the plat shall be submitted to the Planning Department along with the required preliminary street, util ity, drainage layouts and fil ing fee (See Schedule of Fees) at least ten (10) wor'kdays befoy'e foy'mal appl icat ion of the prel iminary plat is made to the Commission. 15.3 Over'all Py'el iminary Layout Plat of Lay'oer'Ty'act; or Master Plan. Wher'e the Py.oposed subd i vis i on const i tutes a un i t of a 1 ay'ger trac t olqned by the subd i v i der wh i ch he intends to be subsequently subdivided as additional units of the same subdivision, the subdivision plat shall be accompanied by a layout of the entire area, showing the tentative layout of street, blocks and drainage for such area. The overall layout, or Master Plan, if approved by the City Planning Commission, shall be attached to and filed with a copy of the approved subdivision plat in the permanent files of the City. Thereafter, fractional plats of subsequent un i ts of such subd i vis i on must be subrn i tted foy' prel iminary plat approval, and shall conform to such approved overall layout on the Master Plan unless changed by the City Planning Commission. 1=;.4 Foy'mal Appl ication. For property not within the City I imits, the subdivider will be responsible for fil ing the prel iminary plat with the appl icable Commissioner Court after the Commission approval is received under the provisions of this Ordinance. Requirements with differences between the county and City must be resolved before final plat approva 1 . 15.5 Soecifications. A preliminary plat of any proposed subdivision shall consist of not less than twelve (12) blue- 1 ine or black-line copies or prints of the proposed subd i vis i on dralqn on sheets a max i mum size of 18" by 24" long and drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch. Prel iminary plat shall show the foIl OVI i ng i nfor'mat ion: a. The date, scale, and north point; a key plan showing location of the tract; the title under which the plat is to be recorded, and the names of the owner and engineer, land planner, landscape architect, architect or surveyor or other person preparing the plat. -9- b. The existing boundary 1 ines and acreage af the land to be subdivided, and property I ines and names of Olqner.s of ad jacen t pr.oper. ties together. with respective plat or deed references. c. The location of the center line af existing lqater courses, ra i 1 r.oad and other s i mil ar drainage and transportation features, and the location and sizes of existing streets, easements, alleys, lots and publ ic acr.es on or. adjoining any part of the land. d. Topogr.aphical infor.mation appr.o>,:imately equivalent to five foot contour 1 ines, such contour. 1 i nes to be not mor.e than one hundr.ed (1001 horizontal feet apart, and based on U.S.G.S. datum, which shall be specified on the plat. e. The location, size, and flow 1 ine of all existing drainage structures on the land being subdivided and on adjoining tracts. f. Lot and Block Numbers, lot 1 ines and building 1 i nes of the pr.operty. g. The locations, widths, and dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, and other public space sites far all private use. h. The route of any existing or proposed utility 1 i nes 0..... easements. i. Pr.oposed name of the subdivision, which shall not have the same spell ing as or be pronounced similar to the name of any other subdivision located within the City of Schertz or l~ithin the City's statutory E.T.J. j. Descr.iption, by metes and bounds, of the subdivision and location of site with respect to a cor.ner of the sur.vey or. tr.ac t or. an or. i g i na 1 corner of the original survey of which it is a part. (Effective June 10, 1985, Texas Legislaturel k. Primary control points or descriptions, and ties to such control points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, block numbers and similar data shall be r.efer.red. 1. Location of City Limits boundary, and/or county 1 ine boundary if appl icable; if they transverse the subdivision, from part of the boundary of the subdivision, or are contiguous to such boundary. -10- m. Vicinity sketch or map at a scale of not more than 111 = 1,000'. n. Regulator-y 100 Year- Floodway elevations and boundaries of flood-prone areas, including area subject to inundation by the 100 Year Flood, surface elevation of the 100 Year Flood at inter-vals of ever-y five hundr-ed 1 ineal feet based on an engineering survey taking into consideration the full development of the watershed. If no portion of any lots on the plat is within the special flood hazards zone, then such must be stated on the plat. o. A one--foot non-access easement along major- streets when lots have another dedicated access to a publ ic right-of-way. p. A statement shall be on the plat identifying any property located within areas as identified by Randolph AFB, Texas Air Installation Compatible Use Zone as being in an Accident Potential Zone or Noise Zone. q. Street names will be included Sect i on 18.101. (reference 15.6 ProcessinQ of Prel iminarv Plat. a. The City Planning Department shall check the prel iminary plat as to it's conformity with the General Plan, major street plan, land use plan, zoning districts and the standards and specifications set forth herein or referred to herein. b. Per-tinent copies of the prel iminary plat shall be submitted, as required, to various applicable City Departments including the City Eng i neer-, and sha 11 be checked by the same for conformity with the standards and specifications contained or referred to herein. c. Each plat data sLlggest ions alterations department shall return the pre 1 iminary to the Planning Department with as to the modifications, additions or of such plat data. d. The Planning Department shall notify the subd i v i der of items requ i ring cor-r-ec t i on or- attention before submitting the preliminary plat to the Commission. -11- e. Within thirty 1301 days after the prel iminary plat is formally filed with the Commission, the Comm i ss i on sha 11 cond i t i ona 11 y appr'ove or. disapprove such plat or conditionally approve it with modifications. f. Conditional approval of a prel iminary plat by the Commission shall be deemed as an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary plat as a guide to the final design of str'eE!ts, water', sewer. and other' r'equ ired improvements and utilities and to the preparation of the final plat in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Conditional appr'oval of a pr'eliminar'y plat shall not constitute automatic approval of the subdivision except for' those var'iances that may be permitted by the Commission. g. Conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall be effective for six 161 months unless r.ev i ewed by the Comm i ss i on in the 1 i ght of net.' or. significant information which would necessitate a revision of the prel iminary plat. If the Commission should deem changes in a prel iminary plat as necessary, it shall so inform, in writing, the subdivider. h. If no development has occur'r'ed which would affect the proposed plat, after six 161 months of effective appr'oval the Commission may, upon appl ication of the subdivider, extend the approval of an additional six 161 months. If no request is received, the prel iminary plat appr'oval shall be ter'minated, includ ing any variances, and the subdivider will be notified in writing by the City. The Planning Department shall notify the developer thirty 1301 days prior to pending expiration date of the preliminary plat. The fil ing fee loJill not be refunded and must be paid again the next time the prel iminary pIa tis f i 1 ed . 15.7 Correction/Amendment Plats. When a subdivision plat has been approved by the Comm i ss i on and has been recor'ded, and it is found that an error exists in said plat, then a cor'r'ection plat shall be pr'epar'ed and filed with the Commission for approval under the provisions of this Ordinance. There shall be a note on the plat stating exactly what correction has been made. The fil ing fee for a correction plat within the City 1 imits is listed in the Schedule of Fees. The fee for' a coy'r'ec:tion plat on -12- ~ 15.8 Sec t i on 16 16.1 16.2 property not within the City 1 imits is 1 isted in the Schedule of Fees and the subdivider will be ,,'esponsible fo,., reco,,'ding the co,,',,'ection plat with the appl icable County Commissioner Court a f te,., the Comm i ss ion appr'ova 1 under' the provisions of this Ordinance. Replat. Replat of property not within the City limits will be the responsibil ity of the subdivider for filing with the appl icable County Commissioner Court after approval is obtained from the City Planning and Zoning Commission under the provisions of this Ordinance. The fil ing fees will be the same as those for correction/amendment plat. Final Plat. Gene,,'al. Within six (61 months after the preliminary plat is approved by the Commission, the subdivider shall cause to be prepared a final plat and accompanying data as required herein of the land platted on the preliminary plat, and incorporating any and all changes, modifications, al ter'at ions, cor',,'ect ions, and cond i t ions impC'Jsed by the Commission and this Ordinance. a. Time for Fil ing and Copies Required: Ten (101 blue-l ine copies of the final plat and accompanying data as required herein shall be submitted to the Planning Oepartment at least ten (10) workdays before the formal appl ication for the final plat approval is made to the Commission. The final plat, three (31 reproducible mylar copies and fifteen (151 blue- 1 ine copies will be required in order for the City to record the final plat with appropriate cClunty upon Commission apP,,'oval. b. Formal Appl ication: Formal appl ication for final plat approval shall be made by the subdivider in writing to the Commission. For property not within the City 1 imits, the subdivider will be responsible for coordinating the final plat approval through the appl icable County Commissioners Court in conjunction I~ith the City final plat approval process under the provisions of this Ordinance. Spec i f icat ions. The final plat shall upon film, linen, be drawn in black india ink tracing cloth or other -13- permanent tracing material 18" wide and 24" long to a scale of 100 feet to one inch and shall include the following in addition to the information required on the prel iminary plat: a.. L.egal r.estr-ic:tive covenants imposed on the land if desired by the subdivider. b. A statement signed and acknowledged by the owner dedicating, or agreeing to dedicate when the City can accept, all streets, alleys, easements, parks and other open spaces to public use, or that the subdivider has made provision for perpetual maintenance thereof, to the inhabitants of the subdivision. (See Part 1 of Exhibit "8" in the appendix.) c. Space for signature of the City Engineer attesting that the plat conforms to the SLlbdivision Or'dinance r'equir'ements. (See Par.t 2 of Exhibit "CD in the appendix.) d. The space for and Secretary of attesting approval Exhibit "8" in the the signatures of the Chairman the City Planning Commission of the plat (see Part 3 of the append i:>>: ) . e. A certificate bearing the signature and seal of the engineer or surveyor who made the survey certifying that the requirements hereof have been compl ied with (see Part 4 of Exhibit "B" in the append i x ). f. If the subdivision is not to be served immediately by potable water, a restriction pr.oh i bit i ng occupancy of any lot unt i 1 water' satisfactory for human consumption is available from a source on the land, a community source, or a publ ic utility source, in adequate and sufficient supply for family use and operation of a septic tank and system, shall be provided. g. If the subdivision is not to be served immediately by a sewage collecting system connected to a community septic tank or treatment plant or to a public sewer system, a restriction pr'ohibiting occupancy of any lot, until a s~'ptic tank has been installed on such lot and has been inspected and approved by the City-County Health Officer, shall be provided. -14- 16.3 ProcessinQ of Final Plat. a. The copies of the final plat will be del ivered to the appropriate City Staff. b. A final plat oP an approved prel iminary plat or a por t i on thereof sha 11 be subm i t ted to the Commission within six months of the date of approval of prel iminary plat, otherwise the approval of the Commission shall become null and void, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Commission. c. Within thirty (30) days after the final plat is for'mally filed ,~ith the Commission at a for'mal meeting, the Commission shall approve or disapprove such plat. If the Pinal plat is disapproved, the Commission shall inform the subdivider at the meeting of the reasons such action is taken. The subdivider will also be notified in writing of the disapproval and reason for action. d. When the City Planning Commission is satisfied that the technical requirements of any such subdivision plat have been compl ied with by the subdivider, the Planning Commission shall enter an order giving final approval of the plat, and will sign the certificate stating the same. e. Failure to take action thereon, within thirty (30) days from said fil ing date shall, on demand, be issued by the Planning Commission, and said certificate shall be sufficient in 1 ieu of a wr.itten endor'sement or. other' evidence of appr'ova 1 . 16.4 RecordinQ of Final Plat. a. The Commission be recorded with counties in which shall cause the final plat the county clerk in county the subdivision 1 ies. to or b. The approved final plat will not be recorded unless the subdivider has acc~npl ished one oP the '01 1 Ol~ i ng l (1) Subdivider has constructed all required improvements and such improvements have been accepted by the City; or (2) Subdivider has filed a security and ma intenance bond for' the est i mated cost of said construction. -15- 16.5 Vacation of Plat. a. This Subdivision Ordinance authorizes that any such plat or replat may be vacated before or after the sale of any lot therein. Any area required to be vacated will be presented and identified through the preliminary and final plat process contained in the ordinance with required fees and approvals contained in the platting process. The area to be vacated will be clearly identified as being vacated on the plat. Furthermor'e, every lot or block I.hich is vacated, or resubdivided, will be assigned a new lot number. The number assigned to any lot or block must not dupl icate any previous number within a block in any plat process related or previously r'elated to the or'iginal plat for' this pr'oper.ty. Where ther'e are mor.e than one Ol.ner for a pIa t or replat, the Commission will be required to conduct a publ ic hearing except as follows: a. 1 . When representaives r'eplatting; all of owner.s or. previous duly plat author' i zed agr'ee to a.2. To correct an error in any course or distance shown on the prior plat; a.3. To add any course or distance that was omitted on the prior plat; a.4. To correct an error in the description of the real property shol.n on the prior plat; a.5. To indicate proper location or ~,h i ch has been charac ter'; monuments or. to shol" the character of any monument changed in loc:ation or. a.6. To correct any other type of scrivener or clerical error or omission as previously appr'oved by the Comm i ss i on or. gover'n i ng body at the time of platting; such error and omissions may include, but are not 1 imited to, lot numbers, acreage, street names, and identification of adjacent r'ecor'ded plats; a. 7. To cor.r'ec t an er.ror in courses and distances of lot 1 ines between two adjacent lots where both lot owners JOin the appl ication for plat amendment and neither lot is abo I i shed, pr'ov i ded tha t slJch amend men t does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions and does not have a material -16- adver-se ef fee t other OlJ.,ners in on the property rights the pIa t; of the a.S. To relocate a lot 1 ine in order to cure an inadvertant encroachment of a building or i rnpr"overoent on a 1 at 1 i n~.;I or- on an easement. a.9. To correct a course or size of an easement when adjacent owners JOin the application for plat amendment and does not have an adver-se ef fec t on the pr-oper- ty r- i gh ts of the other o_mers in the plat; a.l0. Or-, when the City 1 imits, from the county located. pr-oper.ty is located outs i de approval must be obtained within which property is b. Notice advance in of pub 1 i c hear- i nQ sha 11 be g i VEi!i'_J..rL the following manner: b.l. Publication no later than fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and designated as the official publ ication of the City, stating briefly the reason for the public hearing, time and place of such hear i ng; b.2. Wr-itten notice at least fifteen (15) days in advance of hearing shall be sent to all property owners of lots from the previous plat; if previous plat has more than 100 lots, such notice need only be sent to those owners within five hundred (500') 'eet of the area being vacated; property owners will be identified from the most recently approved ad valor-em tax r-oll and deposited pr-oper-ly addressed and postage paid in the United States Post Office. c. In the event twenty (20X) percent, or more, to whom notice is required to be given files with the Commission a wr-itten pr-otest of such replatting or resubdivision prior to Dr at the hearing, the Commission will not approve the proposed replatting or resubdivision except as authorized in Vernon's Statute 974a. In computing percentages of ownership, each lot in such subdivision shall be consider-ed equal to all other lots regardless of size or number of owners of each lot and each owner shall be entitled to cast only one vote per lot. -17- ARTICLE I II See t i on 1 "7 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 DESIGN STANDARDS General OesiQn Principles and Objectives. Conformity with General Plan. All subdivisions shall conform to the General Plan for orderly and unified development of streets, utilities, neighborhood design, and publ ic land and facilities, as well as other provisions of this and other present ordinances and codes. Standards and design criteria contained herein represents minimum values considered necessary for the health, safety and l~el fare of the cornmun i ty. The des i gn eng i neer. and developer' ar.e r'equ i r'ed to meet or. e}(ceed the requirements of these standards by providing a mor.e conser'vative design cr'iter'ia, however', they shall not permit their design to fall below the standards of this Ordinance. Where local regulations or requirements permit lower standards than required herein, the minimum design standards shall apply. Approval of plans and specifications by the City shall not be construed as reI ieving the design engineer/developer of responsibil ity for compl iance with this Ordinance, nor with other local, county or state authority having jurisdiction. No preliminary or final plat shall be approved by the Commission, and no completed improvements shall be accepted unless they conform to standards and detailed specifications as contained herein. Ach i ev i nQ Des i r'abl e Ne i ghborhood Development. Residential subdivisions shall be designed to take advantage of the principles and general designs for neighborhood development as establ ished by the General Plan and Planning Commission in order to achieve the most advantageous development of the ent ire neighborhood unit in which the subdivision is located. Provision for Future Subdivision. The subdivision shall be so arranged as to allow logical further subdivision and the opening of future str'eets. Standards for Site Improvements. All streets, alleys, sidel~alks, utility i nsta 11 at i on and other' site i mpr'ovements requ ired to be installed by the subdivider under the pr'ov i s ions of these r'egu 1 at ions sha 11 confor'm to the requirements of this Section and to the -18- Sect i on 18 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 current pol icies, specifications, and regulations of City of Schertz, or other approved agencies responsible 'or design, construction methods and standards, payments, refunds, credits and other financial arrangements. Streets. Str-eet Layout. The arrangement, extent, character, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the Major Street Plan and the General Plan. Minor residential streets shall provide adequate c i rcu 1 at ion with in the ne i ghbor-hood and yet discourage through traffic. The street layout shall be arranged to achieve the most desirable development of the entire neighborhood unit with appropriate consideration of creeks, drainage channels, wooded areas and other topographical featur-es wh ich lend themselves to spec ial treatment. Per-m its must be ob ta i ned fr-om Te;.:as Department of Transportation for driveways and streets accessing any State highway. The proposed location of driveways needs to comply with the State safety requirements including sight distance and taper driveway approaches required by the City of Schertz. Permit appl ications must be reviewed by the City be'ore submittal to the Highway Department. Relation to AdJoininQ Streets. When appropriate to the neighborhood pattern, existing streets in adjoining areas shall be continued and tied into the street layout. Projection of Streets. When adjoining areas are not yet subdivided, the arrangement of streets shall provide for the proper projection of streets into the adjoining unsubdivided areas as will be required to c:c.)mpl ete the ne i ghbor-hood patter-n or- confor-m to the General Plan. Private Streets. Pr- i vate str-eets wh i ch ser-ve mor-e than one residential lot, or one or more multi-family s true tur-es owned by mor-e than one per-son or- corporation are expressly forbidden. All such streets shall be dedicated to the publ ic in accordance with these regulations. All subdivisions shall have a minimum of two publ ic accesses to existing public streets. -19- 18.5 Dead-end Str'eets and Cu l-de-'sacs. a. Dead'-end streets shall be proh ib i ted, except as shor.t stubs pr'ojected to be cant inued in ~uture subdivisions in con~ormance with Section 18.3 or. when des i gned as Cll 1 -'de-sacs. Tempor'ar'y turnarounds shall be provided on projected streets until such time as they are extended. b. Cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed five hundred (500') feet in length and shall have a turnaround of not less than fifty (50') feet in diameter in single family residential areas, seventy-five (75') feet in multi-family areas and not less than two hundred (200')feet in diameter in commercial and industrial areas. 18.6 Maroinal Access Street. Wher'e a subdivision (development) abuts or. contai'ns an existing or pr'oposed arterial street, the Comm i Ss i on may requ i r.e mar'g i na 1 access street, or such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic. Wher'e a subdivision bor'der's on or. ce.ntains a railroad right-of-way or limited access highway r. i ght-of-'way, the Comm i Ss i on may r'equ i r.e a str'eet approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way, at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land, as for park purposes in residential districts, or for commercial or industrial purposes in appropriate districts. Such distances shall also be determined with the due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations. 18.7 Al iClnment. The al ignment of all arterial and collector streets shall conform to the General Plan and the requirements of Exhibit "A" of these regulations. Minor street al ignment shall meet the requirements of Exhibit "A" and in no case shall street jogs be offset less than one hundred fifty (150') feet on centerl ine. 18.8 Intersections. All inter'sections on major' and ce.llector. str'eets shall be at ninety (90) degrees. The curb radius at street intersections shall conform to specifications in Exhibit "A". -20- 18.9 Riqht-of-Wav and Pavement Widths. All street and pavement widths shall the General Plan and the requirements "A" and Section 28 of this Ordinance. confor-m to of Exhibit 18.10 Street Names. Names of new streets shall not dupl icate the names of existing streets within the City of Schertz and it's Statutory E.T.J. unless the new street is a continuation of or part of a future continuation of such existing street. Street names sha 11 be chosen to avo ids i mil ar i ty or confusion with existing street names. Names of all net~ streets shall be subject to appr-oval by the Comm I ss i on and be coor-d i nated on an ar-ea wide basis. Street names should be limited to fourteen (14) char-acter-s and should have pr-ior- approval of the San Antonio Post Office Address Infor-mation System Unit. Str-eet addr-esses should also be coordinated with present existing addresses. The City will advise the subdivider as to the street numbers. 18.11 Other Minimum Improvements. Additional improvements such as street lights and street name signs shall be installed in accordance with minimum requirements of Exhibit "A" and then current pol icies of the City Planning Commission. 18.12 Construction Standards. All streets shall be constructed with reference to base, surfacing, curbs, grades, horizontal curves and intersection curve radius in accordance with the standards prescribed in Exhibit "A" of these regulations and the current specifications of the City of Schertz. 18.13 Reser-ve Ar-eas ar-e Pr-oh I b i ted. There shall be no reserve areas control 1 ing access to land dedicated or intended to be dedicated to publ ic use. 18.14 Temoor-ar-v R i qht-of-Way. When deemed necessary by the City Planning Commission, tempora"'y right--of-'~ay shall be pr-ov i ded for- certa I n uses or. 1 ocat ions, such as the provision of turnarounds on projected str-eets. Such temporar-y 1'- i ght-of...."Jay sha 11 revert to the abutting property owners when no longer required for it's original purpose. -21- 18.15 Street JOjlS.. Street jogs with center I ine offsets of less than one hundred fifty (150') feet shall be avoided. 18.16 Half Streets or Adjacent Streets. In the case of residential minor, or marginal access streets, no new half streets shall be platted. Wher'e the proposed subdivision abuts upon an e:,d st i ng str'eet or. hal f str'eet that does not conform to requirements of this Ordinance, the subdivider shall dedicate required right-of- way sufficient to make the full right-of-way width conform to such requirements as necessary, and there shall be paved so much such right-of- way as to make the full pavement width comply with such requirements. Before any pavement is laid to widen existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be sawcut back a minimum of two (2') feet to assure an adequate sub-base and pavement Jo i nt. 18.17 Publ ic Accesses. All subdivisions shall have a minimum of two (2) publ ic accesses to existing publ ic streets. The Commission shall not permit "island" subdiVisions, lots or streets that would be sur-r'ounded by the flood water' of 100 Year- Flood unless the area is accessible to high ground by at least one dedicated street elevated above the 100 Year Flood level. 18.18 Safety L.anes. Mobile Home Par'ks, Recreat ional Veh icle Par'ks, Apartments, Multi-Family, Malls, Commercial and Business areas should have driving surfaces within the site identified as safety lanes or fir'e lanes for' fir'e protection, EMS, etc. These areas must be paved with an all-weather material and be maintained by the owners. Exits from these sites shall be a minimum of thirty (30') feet in width and must exit onto a dedicated street which is not an internal part of any other zoning distr'ict. The pavement width for- inter.jor' safety lanes will be a minimum of twenty-four (24') feet and additional width will be required when adequate off-street parking is not provided. Safety lanes will need to be named using the same pr'ocedure for street names I~hen located I~i thin Mobile Home Par-ks. Cul-de-sacs will r'equir'e the same diameter as required elsewhere herein. 18.19 Access to Major' and Sec:ondar'v str'eets. Access to major and secondary streets should be 1 i m i ted to pr'otec t the f 1 Ol~ of tr'a f fie fr'olO the -22- 18.20 Sec t i on 1 9 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 lots. A one-..foot non-"access easement shoul d be prov i ded along major and secondary streets ,~hen lots have another dedicated access to a public r i ght-of'-l~ay. Street and Traffic Control SiQns. COrd. 86-S-16, _June 17. 1986) All street signs in a new subdivision within the City 1 imits, including street name, speed limit, stop and yield signs, etc. shall be installed by the subdivider. (See Exhibit "A" for specifications) T....affic control devices r-equired within the subdivision shall be installed in accordance with the latest revision of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices f')r Streets and Highways. Alleys. Commer'cial and Industr'ial Distr'i.i:j;_s... Paved alleys not less than twenty (20') feet wide shall be provided in all commercial or industrial districts, except that the Planning Commission may wa i ve th i s r'equ i rement "Jhere other' def i n i te and assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading and parking consistent with an adequate plan for the uses pr'oposed. Garden Home Zon i nQ D i str u;_ts-" Where Garden Home Districts are designated by the developer to require rear ingress/egress, a t\~enty (20') foot paved alley shall be pr'ovided. Intersections and Turns. All ey in tersec t ions and shar'p changes in al ignment shall be avoided, but where two alleys intersect, or an alley turns at an angle sharper than one hundred CI00) degrees, a cut-off of not 1 ess than ten (10') feet fr'om the norma 1 intersection of the property 1 ines shall be p....ov i ded. Dead-end Alleys. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided. Construction. All alleys shall be constructed in accordance with the standards prescribed in Exhibit "A" of these regulations. Limitations. Constr'uction of and industrial alleys is 1 imited districts and to c:omrner'c i a 1 proh i b i tad in -23- Sec t i on 20 20.1 20.2 20.3 Sec t i on 21 21. 1 residential areas except districts. in Garden Home zoning Easements. Uti] ity Easements. In r'esidential areas, easements shall be pr'ovided for installation of utilities. In general, the r.ear. easement shall be sixteen (16') feet wide, centered on the rear lot 1 ines. Standard lClcatlon for' electr'ic 1 ines in easements ",ill be on the north or west side of the easement and all telephone 1 ines in the south and east side of the easement. Any gas 1 ine ,~i 11 be located in the c!.'mter' of the easement. Any other' r.equ i r'ements will be found in Exhibit "A". DrainaQe Easements. Wher'e the subd i vis i on is tr'aver.sed by a ",ater' course, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be pr'ovided a stor'm water' easement or. drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the 1 ines of such water course, and of sufficient width and following construction standards to accommodate further width or construction and allow access for maintenance. Erection of Fences in Easements. Erection of fences in easements should be limited tr.l gate or. dr'op fences or. any other' type of fence that will not interfere with the access to utility lines nor restrict the movement of utility personnel or vehicles needed to service different util ities. Pedestrian Circulation. Sidewalks. Concrete -sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all streets in a subdivision, unless the subdivider does not control one side of a street or if the street is a local marginal access road parallel to a major street. Construction of the sidewalks on each street is not necessary until the construction of the first house begins on that street. However, to avoid undue costs and damage to sidewalks, the developer' or' bui lder' may construct the sidewalk on each lot as it is developed. Ever'y inter'section must pr'ovide handicap access. In no case will a Certificate of Occupancy be issued for a building until the requ ired s i de'~a 1 ks have been cons truc ted. The s tandar'ds for' cons tr'uc t i on sha 11 be in accor'dance with Exhibit "A". -24- 21.2 Section 22 2c!.1 22.2 ~~2. 3 Sect ion 23 23.1 Cr"osswa 1 ks. Pedestrian crosswalks (or elevated walkways) not less than ten (10') feet wide, with not less than four" (4') feet of paved sur"face shall be dedicated to the publ ic in subdivisions l~here deemed necessary by the Planning Commission, to provide access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers and other neighborhood facil ities. Blocks. Gener"al Layout. The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: a. Pr"ovisions of suitable to the special contemplated. adequate building sites, needs of the type of use b. Zoning requirements as to lot sizes and dimensions. c. Needs for" convenient access, cir"culation, control and safety of street traffic. Lenath. In gener"al, block lengths along minor- or" secondary streets shall not exceed one thousand four hundred (1400') feet or be less than five hundred (500') feet and along major streets shall not exceed one thousand eight hundred (1800') feet or be less than nine hundred (900') feet. Width. In general, blocks shall be platted of sufficient width to contain two tiers of lots with alley (if c,jmmer"cial, industr"ial, or- Gar"den Home dl~elling zoning districts) between them or util ity easement if r"esidential, except wher"e lots ar"e doub 1 e-..fronted on major streets, ra i lr"oads or drainage channels, or where overall neighborhood design justifies a different layout, or where a single tier of lots is platted to adjoin the rear of existing lots or lots on presently unplanned tr"acts. Lots. Gener"al Layout. The size, width, depth, shape and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the neighborhood in which the subdivision is located and for the type of development and use contemplated, to assure pr"ov i s i on of pr"oper" open space and preven t overcrol~d i ng. -25- 23.2 L.ot Dimension. L.ot dimensions Ordinance or the r'estr' i ct i ve: shall conform to the following requirements, Zoning if more a. In residential lots not ser'ved by publ it: or' approved off-lot sewer, the Planning Commission sha 11 r'equ i r.e the deve 1 oper' to cause a percolation test to be made, but in no case will the lot size be less than fifteen thousand square (15,000') feet. b. Res i den t i allots wher'e ser'ved by pub 1 i cor. approved central sewerage system shall be at least fifty (50') feet wide at the building setback 1 ine, at least one hundred (100') feet deep and have an area of at least five thousand square (5000') feet. c. Depth and width of pr'oper.ties laid out for' commercial or industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type of use and development contemplated. d. Corner lots shall have sufficient width to permit the required building setback and proper orientation to both streets. Lots abutting on Cr'OS<!t...IB 1 ks sha 11 be tr'eated as corner. lots. e. Where a residential lot backs up to a railroad right-of-way, high pressure gas 1 ine, industrial area or any other land use which may have a depricating and/or potentially dangerous effect on residential property, and ,.her'e no marginal access street or other street Is provided at the rear of such lot, additional depth shall be required, not to exceed a total of one hundred fifty (150') feet. Where a lot sides to any of the above, appropriate additional width shall be required. A planting screen, or non- access easement of at 1 east ten (10') feet shall be provided along the 1 ine of lots abutting such traffic artery or other disadvantageous land use. f. Radial residential lots shall be at least fifty (50') feet wide at the building line. L~3. 3 Orientation. Residential lots shall be oriented to take advantage of topography, and the best relationship to the overall design of the neighborhood and to minimize the effects of any surrounding depreciating land uses. -26- 23.4 23.5 Section 24 24.1 a. The placing of residential lots facing directly upon a major street shall be avoided unless lots face a marginal access street parallel to such major street. Lots should side or" back to major" str"eets and other" depr"ec i at i ng land uses. b. The placing o' lots at right angles to each other (with rear and side lots adjacent) shall be avoided. c. Side lot 1 ines shall be perpendicular as practicable to the lot faces, or radial to curved street. as near"l y street the Access. Ever"y lot sha 11 be prov i ded with adequate access to a public street, either by direct frontge on such street, or" by pub 1 i c pedestr" I an accessor"y approved by the Planning Commission. Rear and/or side driveway access to major streets shall be prohibited. A one (1') foot non-access easement must be shown on plat. Bu i 1 d i na Lines. Minimum front and side building setback 1 ines at streets and crosswalks shall be shown on all plats and shall conform to the restrictions, if any, imposed on the subdivision by the subdivider, but in no event shall such setback 1 ines be less than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The front 1 ine setback shall be measured from the point where the public rlght- of-way ends to the front face to the building, covered porch, covered ter"race or attached accessory building. Publ ic Sites and Open Spaces. Conformance with the General Plan. Where a proposed park, school, playground, or other public facility as shown in the General Plan or official neighborhood plan is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the subdivider shall dedicate such land to public use, or agree to dedicate it when the City can accept the dedication. If it is determined that an alternative in the immediate area of the open space shown on the General Plan will adequately service the area, or if there are no plans or needs for par"ks, schools, or open space in the pr"oposed subd i vis i on, the subd i v i der" sha 11, as an alternative to dedication, give to a Park Fund establ ished to maintain and equip the parks an -27- 24.2 24.3 Sec t i on 25 ARTICLE IV See t i on 26 26.1 amount equal to five (5%1 percent of the market value of the land in the proposed subdivision. In this manner, all subdividers will help provide services to the residents of the subdivision and of' the City. Other Public Land. Where deemed essential by the Planning Commission, upon consideration 0' the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision, especially where there are no facil ities in the ar'ea or' in 1 ar'ge sca 1 e subd i vis ions not shown in the General Plan, the City Planning Commission may require the dedication, or a payment in 1 ieu of dedication, of up to five (5%) percent of the land or the market 'value o' it for use of the land in developing parks, schools, playgrounds, or' other ne i ghbor'hood pub 1 i c ser'v ices. Conditions for All par'k land street. Land par'k 1 and. Par'k Land. must have easy access in a floodplain is to a publ ic acceptable as Protection of Natural Features. The Planning Commission may decline approval if due regard is not shown for the preservation of natural features such as large trees, water courses, scenic points, historical spots and similar community assets, which i. preseved, will add attractiveness, stabil ity and value to the pr'oper'ty. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS Compl iance. Construction Plans. Four (4) complete sets of construction plans, specifications and contracts/cost estimates including performance, payment and maintenance bonds covering said construction, in the form of plans, or other satisfactorily written descriptions shall be filed with the City Secretary upon .il ing of final plat. These shall shOlq such features as road,qays, cross-sect ions, and longitudinal slope 'or drainage, full description of proposed pavement or street improvement, it's gr'ade and slope, dimensions and specifications concerning publ ic utilities to be i nsta 11 ed ShOlq i ng pr'oposed pc,s it i on on the ground, specifications of materials and construction, and profile maps of all sanitary and storm sewers showing both ground surface and -28- 26.2 26.3 Sec t i on 27 'low line, and other pertinent information of similar nature. All plans and documents submitted must be signed and sealed by a Texas Registered Professional Engineer. Inspect i on o' Impr'ovements. The City's authorized representative shall fr'om time to time inspect the construction of all utility facilities and streets in the subdivision during the course of construction to see that the same comply with the standards governing the same. In this regard, 'ree access to the subdivision shall be accorded the City's duly author' i zed r'epr'esentat i ve by the subd i v i der, his agents and employees. Final Plans. Upon the comp 1 et i on of constr'uc t i on of any such utility or improvement, one (1) set of reproducible tracings of complete final plans, dated, signed and certified as-built by the design engineer in charge shall be filed with the City o' Schertz showing all features as actually installed, including materials, size, location, depth of elevation, numbers, ends of lines, cClnnections, l~yes, valves, storm sewer. dr'ains, inlets, and any other pertinent items. The City of Elcher.tz shall make no connect ions to such util ities until the foregoing has been campI ied ~) i tho Monuments. Concrete monuments shall be placed at all block corners, angle points, points o' curve, and all corners of boundary 1 ines of the subdivision as required by Exhibit "A". All intermediate pr'oper.ty cor.ner's sha 11 be mar'ked with i r.on stakes. Placement, size, length and type of monument shall c:onfor'm to specifications of Exhibit "A". A minimum of two (2) benchmarks shall be established in each subdivision. Benchmarks shall be establ ished on iron rods embedded in concrete monuments six (6") inches in diameter and set in the ground to a depth of thr'ee (3') feet, or on equally per'manent locat ion approved by the Commission and set to U.S. Coast and Geologic Survey Datum. See Exhibit "A". A Texas Registered Public Surveyor shall certify that above monument cr.i ter. i a have been met. Monuments shall be identified on the plat ,~ith elevation and elevation shall be stamped on top of monument. Using top of manholes as a benchmark is not acceptable. Any elevation refer'ence marks identified on flood insurance -29- Section 28 r'ate map (FIRM) must be shown on the plat if located near or within the subdivision. Str'eet 1 lOor.overnen t,? All stl'"'eet impr'ovements shall meet the curr'ent requirements of the General Plan and the requirements of Exhibit "A" of these regulations, but in no case shall be less than the follolqing spec i f icat ions: Classification Row Pavement Drainage S i delqa 1 k Major. Thoroughfare Minor. Thoroughfar'e ColI ector', Local St. Commer' cia 1 86' As required by General Plan, City Planning C()mmission and Highlqay Department 86' Cur'b or. Cur'b 8< Gutter 4' Both Sides 48' 60' Cur'b or Cur'b & Gutter 4' Both Sides 42' Marginal Access 50' (Non-Residential) 30' Cur'b or' Cur'b & Gutter 4.' Both Sides Mar'g i na 1 Access (Residential) 40' Paved Alley 28.1 Sect i on 29 29.1 26' Cur'b or Curb & Gutter 4' Both Sides 20' 20' No Dr'ainage design of alleys shall be designed on the basis of a five (5) year frequency to carry storm water 'rom only the lots within the block abutting the alleys. The drainage for Minor and Marginal Streets shall be designed on a five (51 year frequency. Other streets shall be designed based on a ten (10) year' 'r'equency. Street widths shall not be widened beyond width determined by street classification. Runoff rates shall be computed in all cases on the basis 0' ultimate development of the entir'e watershed contributing runoff water to the proposed subdivision, on the basis of concrete 1 ined channels and streets carrying storm water in the contributing area. Water System. Gener'al. All water' distribution installed in supply treatment, storage and facil ities shall be furnished and compl iance with the requirements of -30- 29.2 29.3 29.4 Sec t i on 30 :30.1 Exhibit "A" o' these regulations and current pol icies, and the Texas State Department of Health Resour'ces. Developer' must obtain a per-mit from the Texas Highway Oepartment for any pr'oposed tie into existing water- lines or- water' 1 ines to be placed in the State right-of-way. Permit appl ication must be approved by the City before submittal to the Highway Oepartment. Facil ities Required. Every lot in a subdivision shall be provided with an approved supply of water, either by the constr-uct ion of a d istr- ibut ion system, connected to an adequate appr'oved publ ic ,,,ater system, or- i. such publ ic source is not available, by construction of a complete water system, including a safe, adequate water source, proper treatment facil ities, pumps, storage facilities and distribution system approved by the Texas Department of Health Resources. F i r'e Hvdr-an t. Hydrants to be properly located so there will be a fire hydrant every three hundred (300') feet in the mercantile and industrial areas, and every six hundred (600') feet in residential areas, so that every building in the City limits will be within five hundred (500') feet of a standard City 'ire hydrant. Private Water Supply. No private water supply shall be installed in any subdivision in the Schertz ETJ or City Limits without City Council approval and a water franchise agreement. No tile or concrete sanitar-y sewer. shall be located within one hundred <100') feet of any ,,,ater ,,,ell and no septic tank, lateral lines, no animal feed lots, 1 ivestock pastures, pump grounds, sanitary landfills or land irrigation by sewage plant effluent of any other waste water facilities sha 11 be per-m it ted ~Ji th in two hundr-ed (200') feet o' any "Jater ,,,ell. In the event an ex i st i ng water- well is not pl ugged accor-d i ng to the Department of Health Standards or a water well is proposed, a Sanitary Control Easement shall be provided by the subdivider. Sewer-aqe Systems. Genera 1. All facilities 'or the collection and disposal of sewage shall be furnished and installed in comp1 iance with the requirements of Exhibit "A" -31- 30.2 30.3 Section 31 31. 1 31.2 of these regulations, the current pol icies and the Texas Department of Health Resources. Developer' must obta in a per'm i t fr'om the Texas Highway Department for any proposed .tie into e:,dsting sewer. I ines or. sewer 1 ines to be placed in the State right-of-way. Highway Department r'equir'es appl ication be appr'oved by the City before submittal to them. San i tarv Sewer's. Sanitar'y sewer.s shall be installed to ser.ve each lot in all subdivisions where connection is to be made immediately to a community disposal system or to a publ ic sel~erage system. Where such connection is not to be made immediately, plans shall be prepared for installation of a sewerage collecting system to serve each lot, and those parts o' such system which will 1 ie in the por.t i on of str'eets and all eys intended for vehicular traffic shall be installed before such street or. alley is paved. Sept ic Tank. In all subdivisions planned for septic tank use, the minimum lot area shall be a minimum fifteen thousand square (15,000') feet per single family dwell ing. Septic tanks shall be installed on each lot concurrent with any development thereon and the design of such system and the method of installation shall confor'm in all r'espects to the requirements of the City and County Health Unit of the appl icable County. The County Health Unit shall have the authority to vary the lot ar.ea requir.ement wher'e satisfac:tor'y evidence is presented indicating that soil conditions are such as to warrant a modification. grainage. Genera 1. No lot in any subdivision flooding by rainfall shall drainage facilities adequate rainfall have been provided. which is subject to be approved until to carry off such Facil ities Required. All necessary storm drainage facil ities including enclosed storm sewer, bridges, culverts, and water course improvements, to carry off storm water within the subdivision and integrate such subdivision drainage with the overall urban drainage system, shall be installed in accordance with Exhibit "AU of these regulations and official urban and county drainage plans. -32- 31.3 ARTICLE V Sec: t i on 32 32.1 Flood Disaster Protection Requirements. All subdivisions shall con'orm to the "Flood Disaster. Pr.otec t i on Act" of 1973, Pub 1 i c L.aw 93-. 234, HR 8448 of the 93rd Congress and latest revisions thereof. The City is also required to comply with the appl icable portions of HUD requirements of Title 24 - Housing and Housing Credit, setting requirements for review of building permits and subdivision. Federal floodplains are based on a hundred year frequency discharge and apply only in those areas I~her.e official HUO.-FIA 27 maps have been pr.epar.ed, or. wher.e Hundr.ed Year. water. and sur.face profile studies are available for Schertz or it's Eo T. J. FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Gener.a 1 . a. The flood hazard areas of the City of Schertz ar.e subject to periodic inundation ,~hich may result in loss of 1 ife, property and health, and present safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services plus extraordinary fI"'" ic O!xpenditures for flood protection reI ief and impairmant of the tax base, all of which may adversely affect the publ ic health, safety and general welfare. These flood losses are caused by: b. The cumulative effect of flood plains causing increases and velocities. obstr.uct ions in in flood heights c. The occupancy of flood hazard areas by uses vulnerable to floods, or hazardous to other lands which are inadequately elevated or otherwise protected from flood damages. d. This section is based upon a r.easonable method of analyzing flood hazards, to wit: Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Publ ic Law 93- 234, HR 8448 of the 93rd Congress and latest revisions thereof. Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to promote the public health, safety and welfare and to minimize loss. a. Restrict or prohibit subdivision of lands for uses I~h i ch are dangerous to hea 1 th, sa fety or -33- pr-oper-ty in reasonably e>::ce'E'~S i ve velocities. times of flood or which, with anticipated improvements, will cause increases in flood he I ghts or- b. Require that each subdivision lot in an area vulnerable to floods be provided \~ith a safe building site with adequate access, and the pub 1 i c fac i 1 i ties l~h i ch serve such uses be installed with protection against flood damages. c. Protect individuals from buying lands which are unsuitable for intended purposes because of flood hazards by prohibiting the subdivision of unprotected flood hazard lands; requiring that 'lood hazardous areas be del ineated with the base flood elevation identified on the final plat, and reserving through deed restrictions, areas not suitable for development. 32.2 Appl ication. This section shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of the City of Schertz Flood Ordinance del ineated as flood hazard areas on HUD FIA 27 Map. 32.3 WarninQ and Disclaimer o' Liabil ity. The degree of flood protection required under this section is minimum 'or regulatory purposes and is based on engineering and scientific methods of study. L.arger 'loods may occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes, such as bridge openings restricted by debris. This Ordinance does not imply that areas outside of the delineated flood hazard areas of land uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This Ordinance shall not create 1 iabil ity on the part of the City of Schertz or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reI iance on this Ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. 32.4 Land Suitabil ity. No land shall be subdivided which is held unsuitable for it's intended use by the Commission for reasons of flooding, inadequate drainage, soil and rock formations with severe 1 imitations for development, susceptibil ity to mudsl ides or earthsl ides, severe er-osion potential, unfavorable topography, inadequate \"a ter supp 1 y or sel~age d i sposa 1 capab i 1 i ties, or any other feature harmful to the health, safety -34- or. I>lel far'e of the future r.es i dents or. pr'oper.ty owners of the proposed subdivision or the community at large. However, the Commission may approve prel iminary and final plats if subdividers improve land consistent with the standards of this and other applicable ordinances to make subdivision areas, in the opinion of the Commission, suitable for their intended uses. The Commission may also approve the pre 1 iminary and final plats if subdividers agree to make suitable improvements and place a sum in escrow pursuant to this Ordinance to guarantee performance. In determining the appropriateness of land subdivision at a site, the Commission shall consider' the objectives of this section. a. The danger to I ife and property due to the increased flood heights or velocities caused by subdivision fill, roads, and intended uses. b. The danger that intended uses may be swept onto other lands or downstream to the injury of other's. c. The adequacy of proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to pr'event disease, contam i nat i on and unsanitary conditions under flood conditions. d. The susceptibil ity of the proposed facility and it's contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner. e. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community. f. The ava i 1 ab i 1 i ty subject to flooding and land USes. of alternative locations not for' the pr'oposed subd i vis i on g. The compatibil ity existing development foreseeable future. of the proposed uses with anticipated in the h. The to the pr'ogr'arn r'el at i onsh i p general plan for' the ar.ea. of the proposed subdivision and flood plain management i. The safety of access to the property for emergency vehicles in times of flood.. j. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the flood waters expected at the site. -35- k. The costs of providing governmental services during and a.ter 'lood conditions including maintenance and repair of public util ities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems, and streets and bridges. 32.5 Bu i 1 ding Site Improvements_. a. No subdivision or part thereof shall be appr-oved i f proposed subd i vis i on 1 evees, fill s, structures or other features will individually or collectively significantly increase flood flows, heights or damages. b. Building sites 'or residences, motels, resorts or other dwell ings of accommodation uses shall not be permitted in floodway areas. Sites for these uses may be per'm i t ted ou ts i de the 'loodway if the sites are elevated or 'illed to a height at least one (1') foot above the elevation o' regulatory 'lood or if other provisions are made for elevating or adapting structures to achieve the same result. Required fill areas must extend twenty-five (25') feet beyond the 1 i m its of Intended str'uctur'es and, if the subdivision is not to be sewered, must include areas of opposite water disposal. The amount of fill or structure required to elevate the building site must be obtained or. r'emoved fr'om the same general area to prevent the elevation of the regulatory flood levels. c. Building sites for structures not included in "b" above shall similarly not be per'mitted In floodway areas. Such sites located outside floodway shall ordinarily be protected as provided by this Ordinance. However, the Cornrn i ss i on may a 11 o\~ subd i vis i on of ar'eas for' commercial and industrial use at a lower elevation if the subdivider protects the areas to a height of one (1') foot above the regulatory flood protecting elevation by levees, channel mod if i cat ions, or other protect i ve techn i ques; if the subdivider assures that uses will be protected through structural Flood-proofing, f 1 ood--war-n i ng systems or. other' techn i ques specified in this Section. The amount of fill or structure required to elevate the building site must be Db ta i ned or removed fr'om the same genera 1 ar'ea to pr'event the elevation of the r'egulator-y flood levels. d. of a If the Commission determines that only part proposed plat can be safely developed, it -36- shall 1 imit development to that part and shall requ i re that development proceed cons i stent '" i th this determination. e. When the subdivider does not intend to develop the plat himself and the Commission determines that additional use controls are requ i red to insure sa fe deve 1 opmen t, i t may require the subdivider to impose appropriate deed restrictions on the land. Such deed restrictions shall be inserted in every deed and noted on the face of the final recorded plat. 32.6 DrainaQe Facil ities. Storm drainage facil ities shall be designed to store and/or convey the flo'~ of sur.face I~aters ff"om a 100 Year' Flood fr'equency stor'm witholJt damage to per'sons or pr'oper ty. The system sha 11 insure drainage at all points along streets and provide positive drainage away from buildings and on-site waste disposal sites. Plans shall be subject to appr'oval by the Commission. The Commission may require a primarily underground system to accommodate frequent floods and a secondary surface system to accommodate less frequent floods. Drainage plans shall be consistent with local and regional drainage plans. 32.7 Roads. ~_.._-_.- "_..- The finished elevation must be above the regulatory flood protection elevation. The Commission may r'equire, wher'e necessary, pr'ofiles and elevations of streets to determine compl iance with this requirement. Drainage openings shall be sufficient to discharge flood flows without increasing flood heights or obstruction of the natural drainage flow. When an alternate street is available, the Commission may approve a proposed str'eet with a 10l~ I~ater cr'ossing. When a low water crossing is acceptable, access serv ices must be prov i ded and constr'uct i on done under the supervision of the City. a2.8 panitary Sewer Facilities. a. Sewage Disposal Facil ities. l~e Commission may prohibit installation of sewage disposal facil ities requiring soil absorption systems where such systems will not function due to high ground water, flooding, or unsuitable soil characteristics. The Commission may require that the subdivider note on the face of the plat and in any deed of conveyance that soil absorption fields are prohibited in designated areas. -37- b. Adequate Methods for' Waste Disposal. The Commission may prescribe adequate methods for waste disposal. If a sanitary sewer system is located on or near the pr'oposed subdivision, the Commission shall require the subidvider to provide sewage facil ities to connect to this system where practical, and shall prescribe the procedures to be followed by the subdivider in connection to the system. c. Water Facilities. All water systems including individual wells located in flood prone areas, whether public or private, shall be flood- proofed to a point at or above the flood pr'otection elevation. If ther'e is an existing publ ic water supply system on or near the subdivision, the Commission may require the subdivider to convert to this system. d. Er'osion and Sediment Control Measures. The Commission may require the subdivider to util ize grading techniques, subdivision design, landscaping, sedimentation basins, special vegetation cover, and other measures to reduce erosion and sediment. e. Floodproofing. The Commission may, as a condition of approving any plat for an area subject to flooding, require flood-proofing of intended USeS. Flood-pr'oofing plans must be individually approved by the Commission before such uses are constructed. Flood-proofing may include: Ca) Anchorage to resist flotation and lateral move men t. Cb) Installation of bulkheads and shutters, c 1 OSLIt'".e. \.<,ater,t i ght door's, or similar methods of Cc) Reinforcement of walls to resist water pressur'es. Cd) Use of paints, membranes or mortars to r'educe <seepage of water thr'ough I~alls. Ce) Addition of mass or weights to structures to resist flotation. Cf) Installation of pumps to lower water levels in structures. -38- ARTICLE VI Section 33 See t i on 34 (gl Construction of treatment systems entrance of flood water' so as \~ater's. supply and waste to prevent the (hI Installation of pumps or comparable facil ities for subsurface drainage systems to reI ieve external foundation wall and basement flood pr'essur'es. (i I Building design and resist rupture or collapse pressure or floating debris. constr'uct i on to caused by \~ater' (jl Installation of valves or controls on sanitary and storm drains which permit the drains to be closed to prevent back-up of SEwage and storm waters into buildings or structures. (kl location and installation of all electrical equipment circuits and electrical appl iances so that they are protected from inundation by the ~egulatory flood. (1 I Location of storage facil ities for chemicals, explosives, buoyant materials, flammable 1 iqLlids or' other' to>dc mater'ials which could be hazardous to publ ic health, safety and welfare at elevation above the height associated with the regulatory protection elevation; or design of such facilities to prevent flotation of storage ccmtainers, or damage to storage containers which could result in the escape of toxic materials into flood waters. OTHER PROVISIONS Penalty for Violation. Anyone violating any provision of this Ordinance within the corporate 1 imits of Schertz, Texas shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined.* Each day that such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense and be punishable as such. Prosecution or. cony i c t i on under' th i s See t i on sha 11 never. be a bar to other remedies of reI ief for violations of th is Or'd i nance. *(See Schedule of Feesl Emergency Clause. This Ordinance, and all additional parts that may follow, shall go into effect upon passage and -39- appr-ova 1 of the Counc i 1 . The on 1 y except ions to this Ordinance will be that developers with a plat already filed will not need to change that plat, but all futur-e plats I~ill be filed in accordance with this Ordinance. Sec t i on ~~5 Repeal of Confl icting Ordinanc.~s or Or-dEWS. Ordinances and all orders, ordinances or parts of ordinances in confl ict with this Ordinance, specifically Ordinance No. 80-S-13, Ordinance No. 81-S-15 and Ordinance No. 86-S-16 or inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby r-epealed to the extent necessar-y to give this Ordinance full force and effect. Sect ion 36 Severabil ity Clause. Should any portion or part of this Ordinance be held for any reason inval id or unenforceable, the S"Hne shall not be construed to effect any other- val id portion hereof, but all val id portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED AND 19 ~? AOOP1ED th is the 16- (1ay of .~_. _, ~d~xL .._n.. Mayor, City of Sc (CITY SEAL) -40- EXHIBIT "A" SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC WORf~S IMPROVEMENTS All urban subdivisions shall comply with the specifications and design standards as hereinifter outlined. Suburban subdivisions shall comply with the specifications and standards with the exception of such items as sidewalks, curbs and gutters, etc. which are not required in rural slJbd i vis ions. When such items wh i ch ar.e not r'equ i r'ed ar.e nevertheless installed by the subdivider, these specifications shall apply. A. Four copies of plans and profiles for streets, alleys, sidewalks, water, sewage, and drainage easements including the following information shall be submitted with each final plat. B. Streets. Alleys, Sidewalks and Crosswalk Ways & Traffic Con tro 1 Dev i c(~S 1. Plans for' str'eets, alleys, sidewalks and cr'osswalk ~Jays shall be prepared in accordance with the following standards: (al A Pol icy on Geometric Design of Highway American Association of State Highway and Officials, 1984, or latest edition. and Str'eets, Transportation (bl Highway Design Division Operations and Procedures Manual and the Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, Texas State Department of Highways and Publ ic Transportation, 1982 or latest revision thereof. (c) Te:X:,1S Manual on Uniform Traffic Contr'ol Devices for Streets and Highways, 1980, or latest edition. (dl Street Markers Two street name signs shall be erected at subd i vis ions for' str'eet having the following specifications all street intersections in such mar'ker's: (1) The material of the street name signs, the method of attaching the sign to the post, the details of lettering, painting, and method of installation, as well as the location of the sign at the intersection shall be in ac:cor'dance ,.) i th the spec: i f i ct ions on f i 1 e in the off i ce of the Traffic Engineer of the City of Schertz, and as indicated herein. (2) The street name signs shall be of the crossarm type, and shall be reflectorized on extruded aluminum metal blanks. -41- (3) Signs shall have lettering for the respective street name in four (4" I inch min imum height standard letters with the str'eet, dr' i ve, place and etc., in t"JO (2") inch minimum height standard letters and a border width of one- half (1/2" I inch. (4) Such signs sha 11 be suppor' ted on a ten and one-ha 1 f (10 1/2') foot long pipe mounted a minimum of two (2') feet in the ground. Distance from the bottom and top of the street name sign to the ground surface shall be a minimum of eight (8') feet and a maximum of ten (10') feet respectively. This sign support must have a break-al~ay device at ground level. (5) The t,~o (2") A 120 or. pipe support for the street name sign shall be inch hot dip galvanized tubular steel pipe, ASTM equal. (.080 wall thickness) (6) All street name signs ,~i 11 be 1 ight with a white border and letters. Private coral background with a white border and lanes, if approved by the City, will be with white border and letters. blue background str'eets will be letter's. Fire r'ed backgr'ound (e) Street LiQhts Street lights in new subdivisions within the City 1 imits and the annexed areas of the City shall be installed from time to time pursuant to agreement between the City of Schertz and the appropriate electric util ity company. 2. In general, the plans shall consist of a plan view of the subdivision drawn on a scale of 1". 50' or larger. The plans shall show the following; (a) fr'ont 1 ine dimensions, (b) lot and block numbers and (c) other pertinent data that may be required to fully illustrate the proposed improvements (d) The right-of.-'~ay ,~idth, (el paved \~idth of all str'eets, (f) the top of cur'b gr'ade, (g) distances sha 11 be sho'~n along with the elevations at all centerl ine intersections and grade br'eaks. Four (4) copies of all plans shall be provided. When submitted, all plans and engineering calculations shall bear an Engineer's certification. Four (4) copies of detailed unit price cost estimates shall also be provided. Plans and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practice under the supervision of an engineer registered to practice engineering in the State of Texas. Constr'uction plans shall include the following and shall conform to standards as indicated. -42- 3. Street L.ayout: Adequate streets shall be provided by the s(Jbdivider, and the arrangement, character, extent, width, gr'ade and location of each shall confor'm to the comprehensive plan of the City and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to publ ic safety and convenience, and in their appropriate relationship to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets. The street layout shall be devised for the most advantageous development of the entire neighborhood. The location and type of traffic control device to be installed by the subdivision developer shall be indicated on at least one (1) set of plans. This shall include the proposal of all Stop, Yield, Speed, Parking and Movement Series devices. 4. Relation to Adjoining Street BY-st~mJ Where necessary to the neighborhood, existing streets in adjoining areas shall be continued, and shall be at least as wide as such existing streets and in al ignment therewith. 5. Projection of Streets: Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in the subdivision shall make provision for the pr'oper projection of str'eets into such unsubdivided areas. 6. Str'eet JOQs: Whenever' pass i b 1 e, str'eet Jogs with center' 1 ine offsets of less than one hundred fifty (150') feet will be avoided. 7. Half-Streets or Adjacent Streets: In the case of collector, minor, or of marginal access streets, no new half- streets shall be platted. 8. Str'eet Inter'sect ions: nearly at right angles as terrain and topography. Str.eet inter'sect ions shall be as practicable, giving due regard to 9. Dead-End Streets: Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except as short stubs to permit future expansion. 10. Cul-De-Sacs: In gener'al, cul-de-sacs shall not e:x:ceed five hundred (500') feet in length, and shall have a turnaround of not less than fifty (50') feet in radius in residential areas, and not less than sixty (60') feet in radius in commercial and industrial areas. Street length shall be measured from the centerline of the feeder street to the radius point of the cul-de-sac. 11. MarQinal Access Streets: Where a subdivision has frontage on or borders an arterial street, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require marginal access streets to be provided on both sides or on the subdivision side of the arterial street; unless the adjacent lots back up to, side up to, or front with extra depth and access off an alley, and provide some other means of restricting individual access -43- directly to the arterial, or unless the City Council determines such marginal access streets are not desirable under the facts of a particular case for adequate protection of the lots and separation of through and local traffic in ~Jh i ch case a five (5') foot non--access easement sha 11 be provided. 12. SPECIFICATIONS: (a) ARTEHIAL. STHEETS - MINOH THOROUGHFARES (Design Speed 45 mph) Minimum right-of-way width __________________ 86 feet Minimum pavement width ______________________ 48 feet Minimum horizontal curve radius _____________ 900 feet Minimum tangent between reVerse curve _____ 200 feet Maximum sustained grade (shall not be over 300 feet) __________________________ 6 X Intersection curb radi i ______________________ 30 feet Base: 12" Cr'ushed Limestone Base Cour'se appl ied in 2 1 i fts or- 8 inches of Cement Stab i 1 i zed Cr'ushed limestone Base Cour'se. Surface: Asphalt Hot Mix - Hot Laid Type "0" - 2" (220 *sy) or 6" Reinforced Concrete 3500 psi with 6 x 6 mesh or equivalent #3 steel. (b) COLL.ECTOR STREETS: <Des i gn Speed 30 mph) Minimum right-of-way width __________________ 60 feet Minimum pavement width ____________________ 42 feet Minimum horizontal curve radius _____________ 400 feet Minimum tangent between reverse curve _______ 100 feet Maximum sustained grade (shall not be over 300 feet) _______________________ 7 X Intersection curb radii ___________________ 30 feet Base: 10" Cr'ushed Limestone Base Cour.se app 1 i ed in 2 1 i fts or. 6.7 inches of Cement Stab i 1 i zed Cr'ushed Limestone Base Course. Surface: Asphalt Hot Mix - Hot Laid Type "0" - 2" (220 *sy) or 6" Reinforced Concrete 3500 psi with 6 x 6 mesh or equivalent #3 steel. (c) LOCAL STREETS SERVING COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY (Design Speed 30 mph) Minimum right-of-way width __________________ Minimum pavement width ______________________ Minimum horizontal curve radius _____________ Minimum tangent between reverse curve _______ Maximum sustained grade (shall not be OVer 300 feet) Intersection curb radi i 60 feet 42 feet 400 feet 100 feet 8 X 30 feet -44- Base: 10" Cr'ushed L.imestone Base Cour.se appl ied in 2 1 ifts or 6.7 inches of Cement Stabll ized Crushed Limestone Base Cour'se. Surface: Asphalt Hot Mix - Hot Laid Type "0" - 2" (220 #sy) or 6" Reinforced Concrete 3500 psi with 6 x 6 mesh or equivalent #3 steel. (d) MINOR STREETS SERVING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY (Design Speed 80 mph) Minimum right-of-way width __________________ 50 feet Minimum pavement width ______________________ 80 feet Minimum horizontal curve radius ____________ 400 feet Minimum tangent between reverse curve ____ 50 feet Maximum sustained gr'ade (shall not be over 300 feet)____________________ 8 X Intersection curb radii _____________________ 25 feet Base: 8" Crushed Limestone Base Course applied in 2 1 ifts of 5.5 inches of Cement Stabil ized Crushed Limestone 8ase Course. Sur.face: Asphalt Hot Mix -- Hot L.aid Type "0" -. 1 1/2" (165 #sy) or 6" Reinforced Concrete 3500 psi with 6 x 6 mesh or. equivalent #3 steel. (e) Non-residential right-o'-way width pavement width of at marginal access streets 0' at least fifty (50') least thirty 130') feet. shall have feet and a a (f) Residential marginal of-way of at least forty at least twenty-six (26') access streets shall have a right- (40') feet and a pavement width of feet. (g) Pavement cr'Ol'ln shall have a cr.oss slope of 1/4" per' foot or a minimum of IX on wider streets. 13. The developer' shall be r'esponsible for' construction of pavement width and rightS-Of-way dedication of streets forming part of the boundary of the subdivision adjacent as follol'ls: (a) The subdivider shall dedicate a right-of-way of forty- three (43') feet in width for new adjacent arterial streets, and twenty-four (24') feet of such right-of-way shall be paved l~hen determ i ned necessar'y by the City. (b) New adjacent collector, local or marginal access streets shall conform to Paragraph B.II. (b) of this section. Ic) Where the proposed subdivision abuts upon an existing arterial street or half-street that does not conform to Paragraph B.ll. (a) of this Section, the subdivider shall dedicate right-of-way sufficient to make full right-of-way width conform to such paragraph if necessary, and there shall -45- be paved so much of such right-of-way as to make the full payment width comply with such paragraph. With regard to paving the adjacent arterial street, the City reserves the right to waive this requirement. In considering such waiver, the following factors shall be considered by the City: 1. Current condition of the roadway. 2. Current daily traffic on roadway. 3. Estimated additional daily traffic resulting from pr'oposed subd i vis i on. 4. Total cost for ,~idening roadl~ay. 5. Abil ity of City to finance road widening in the next several years. Before any pavement is laid to widen existing pavement, the exist ing pavement shall be cut back tl~O (2') feet on each side to assure an adequate sub-base and pavement joint. 14. Curb and Gutter and Sidewalks: Shall be installed by the subdivider on both sides of all adjoining streets forming part of the boundary of the subdivision. All lots must front upon concrete sidewalks which shall be at least four (4') feet in width. All corner lots shall have such sidewalks on both the front and side thereof. 15. Alleys (a) Alley right-of-way minimum shall be twenty (20') feet wide and a minimum of twenty (20') feet of concrete pavement. Eight (8X) percent is the maximum sustained grade for an alley and shall not exceed three hundred (300') feet. Concrete pavement shall be a minimum of six (6") inches in depth - 3000 psi in commercial alleys and a minimum of five (::;j") inches in depth 3000 psi in r'esidential alleys. Alleys shall be designed on the basis of a five (5) year frequency to carry storm water from only the lots within the block abutting the alley. (b) IntersectinQ alleys: Where two alleys intersect or turn at right angle, a cutoff of not less than ten (10') feet shall be pr'ovided along each pr'oper.ty or. easement 1 ine. (c) Oead-End Alleys: Dead-end alleys are not permitted. (d) Over-Hang Easements: In all alleys, over-hang easements for electric and telephone 1 ines of at least four (4') feet on each side of the alley strip at a height at or above eighteen <18') feet shall be pr'ovided if requested by the appropriate electric util ity company. (e) !>lleys Which Do Not Connect On a Straight Course: If alleys are not themselves straight within each of adjoining blocks, or if the same do not connect on a straight course with the alleys of adjoining blocks, then an easement may be -46- provided for the placing of guy wires on in order to support poles set on curving of-way of alleys as determined necessary electric util ity company. lot division 1 ines or deviating right- per the appropriate 16. Fire L.aneS". (a) Fire lanes will only be allowed within the City under special circumstances as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A fire lane is interpreted as a hard-surfaced, all-weather material, driving surface constructed specifically for- the use of emer-gency vehicles. Fir-e lanes sha 11 be des i gned on the bas i s of a five (5) year fr-equency to carry storm water from only the lots abutting the fire lane. (b) Fire lanes shall have a minimum width feet and a driving surface of no less than and shall connect on a straight course. of sixteen (16') twelve (12') feet (c) Where two (2) fire lanes angles, a cut-off of not less provided along each property or intersect or than ten <10') easement 1 ine. tur-n at right feet must be (d) Dead-end fire lanes are not permitted. C. Drainage Criteria and Specifications Intr-oduct ion The pr-ov i s ions for- adequate dr-a i nage in ur-ban ar-eas is necessasry to preserve and promote the general health, welfare and economic well-being of the region. Drainage is a regional feature that affects all governmental Jurisdictions and all parcels of property. This characteristic of drainage makes it necessary to formulate a program that balances both public and private involvement. Overall coordination and master pI ann i ng must be pr-ov i ded by the governmenta 1 un i ts most directly involved, but drainage planning must be integrated on a regional level. When planning drainage facil ities, certain underlying principles provide direction for the effort. These principles are made operational through a set of pol icy statements. The appl ication of the policy is in turn facilitated by technical criteria and data. When considered in a comprehens i ve manner, on a reg i ona 1 1 eve 1 I~ i th pub 1 i c and private involvement, drainage facil ities can be provided in an urban area in a manner that will avoid uneconomic water losses and disruption, will enhance the general health and welfare of the region, and will assure optimum economic and social relationships. -47- Bas i c Pr i nc; LpJg$ .!,Jrban Sub'-Sys1;em. Drainage is a sub-system of all urbanization. The planning of drainage 'aci! ities must be included in the urbanization p~'ocess. The first step is to include d~'ainage planning \~ith all regional and local development master plans. Storm water management facil ities, such as channels and storm sewers, serve both a conveyance and storage function. When a channel is planned as a conveyance feature, it requires an outlet as I.,ell as dOl~nstream storage space. When the space ....equ i ....ements a....e cons i de....ed, the p....ov i s i on '01" adequate drainage becomes a competing use for space along with other land uses. If adequate provision is not made in a land use plan for the drainage requirements, storm water runoff will confl ict with other land uses and will result in water damages, and will impair or even disrupt the functioning of other urban systems. I...al~ Section 11.086 of The Texas Water Code States that it shall be unlawful for any person to divert the natural 'low of surface waters in this state or to impound surface waters in a manner that damages the property of another' . Statute also grants remedies, both at law and in equity, to any party injured by such a diversion. Statute establ ishes diversions and the d i ver.s i on. str'ict liability remedies include for these unlawful damages caused by Dr'ainage Plan 2< Calculation Pr'epar.~tion Plans and calculations for storm drainage shall be prepared in accordance with the following appl icable standards: 1. Federal Insurance Administration, City of Schertz, Texas, COmmLIn i ty Numbe.... 480269B. 2. Federal Emergency Management Agency floodplain management criteria. 3. Federal Highway Administration. 4. Texas Highway Department, Hydraul ics Manual. 5. Texas Department of Water Resources, Texas Water Code. -48- Minimum Requirements: A. Plan and profile shall be drawn on sheets 24" x 36" to a horizontal scale of 1" = 20' or 1" - 50' and a vertical scale of 1" = 2' or- 1" = 5' (e:><cept that scales may var-y on special projects, such as culverts and channel crass- sect ions). B. Good qua 1 i ty r-epr-oduc i b 1 e be presented to the City approval and shall remain City of Schertz. of the original drawings shall prior to the receipt of final the permanent property of the c. Stationing shall proceed upstream with the North arrow pointing to the top o' the sheet, or to the right. D. Plans for- the pr-oposed dr-ainage system shall include property 1 ines, lot and block numbers, dimensions, right- of'''way and easement 1 ines, flood plains, street names, paved surfaces (existing and/or proposed); location, size and type of: inlets, manholes, culverts, pipes, channels and related structures; contract 1 imits, outfall details, miscellaneous riprap construction, contour 1 ines and title block. Wherever pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic I"ill cross any drainage structure, hand/guardrails shall be incorporated into the design criteria. E. Profiles shall indicate the pr-oposed system (size and material) with elevations, flow 1 ines, gradients, left and right bank channel profiles, station numbers, inlets, manholes, ground 1 ine and curb line elevations, typical sections, riprap construction, fill ing details, minimum permissible slab elevations within 100 year flood plains and adjacent to open drainage features, pipe crossings, design flow capacities, and title block. F. A general location map of the en t i roe I"a tershed I" i th .:on tour Quadrangle is satisfactory.) development showing the is requ i red. (USC&GS G. Computations for design of storm in tabular form as defined by XXIII and loc~ted on plans. sewers shall be presented ASeE Manual No. 37 Table H. Two (2') foot contour's based on USC&GS datum. All street widths and grades shall be indicated on the outlet and inlet side of all drainage ditches and storm sewers and at all points in the street at changes of grade where the water- enters another- str-eet or- storm sewer- or- dr-a i nage channel. Drainage easements shall be indicated. I. Drainage calculations shall be signed and sealed by a Texas Registered Professional Engineer as required herein. -49- D. Hydr'ologic And Hydr'aul ic Requirements For' Water'sheds Within The Jurisdiction Of The Cit)t'_OP. Schertz Hydr'o 1 Cl,gy For drainage areas less than one hundred sixty (160) acres, runoPf may be analyzed using the rational method. For drainage areas larger than one hundred sixty (160) acres, an analysis using one of many hydrograph methods will be r'equ i r.ed. The Cor'ps of Eng i neer.s HEC-l computer' pr'ogr'am contains many of the watershed models that will be required. HEC-l involves the modification of hydrograph parameters which are correlated to basin characteristics. As a flood hydr'ogr'aph pr'oceeds down a channel system, the shape of it is altered due to the effect of channel and reservoir storage and the inflow of additional downstream runoff. Flood routing will be required in the design of flood control projects in order to evaluate the impact a development in upper port ions of a I~atershed may have on flood conditions downstr.eam. In all cases runoff rates shall be computed on the basis of ultimate development of the entire watershed contributing runoff and on the basis of wet antecedent conditions. DesiQn Frequencies A. Major' Dr'ainage System -, Ar'eas designated by F.E.M.A. Flood 80undary, Floodway, Flood Insurance Rate Maps or the recent Flood Insurance Study as being within the 100 year frequency flood. All constr'uc:tion shall be designed to contain the r'unoff from the 100-year frequency storm ultimate conditions. B. Minor Drainage System - Areas not designated by F.E.M.A. Flood 8oundary, Floodway, Flood Insurance Rate Maps or the recent Flood Insurance Study as being within the 100 year frequency flood. Channe 1 s - 25 year' u 1 t i ma te with fr'eeboar'd Structures - 25 year ultimate development Storm Sewers - 25 year ultimate development Streets a. Minor Streets 5 year' b. Major Streets - 10 year -50- E. Storm Drainage Design Criteria (A) Runoff Criteria: Runoff rates shall be computed at not less than the following: CHARACTER DF AREA PERCENT RUNOFF SLOPE: UP TO 1 % UP TO 3% UP TO 5% OVER 5% Business or Commer- cial Area (90% or mor.e Imper'v i OUS) 95 96 9-7 97 Densely Developed Ar'ea (80t. to 90t. Impervious) 85 88 91 95 Close 1 Y 8u i 1 t Residential Area 75 77 80 84 Undeveloped Area 68 70 '72 75 Average Residential Ar'ea 65 67 69 72 Hydrau 1 i cs In designing a facil ity for flood control purposes, a hydraul ic analysis must be conducted which includes all the factors significantly affecting the water surface profile or the hydraulic grade 1 ine. For open channels, the primary losses are due to friction, bridges, culverts, confluences, transitions and bends. Use of Corp. of Engineers standard-step backwater HEC-2 will be required to analyze major channels due wide acceptance, flexibil ity and the base studies area utilized to set the existing flood maps. pr'ogr'am to it's in this Bridges, culverts and expansion and contraction losses are taken into account in the HEC-2 computer program. Minor channels which do not have significant geometric losses may be designed utilizing a normal depth procedure. For a given channel condition of roughness, discharge, and slope, there is only one possible depth for maintaining a unifor'm flow. This depth is the normal depth. When roughness, depth, and slope are known at a channel section, there can only be one discharge for maintaining a uniform flo'~ through the section. This discharge is the normal d i schar'ge. -51- If the channel is uniform are in exact balance, the the bottom of the channel. flow. and resistance and gravity forces water surface will be parallel to This is the condition of uniform Uniform flow is more often a theoretical abstraction than an actual ity. True ,miform flOl~ is difficult to find in the field or obtain in the laboratory. Channels are sometimes deSigned on the assumption that they will carry uniform flow at the normal depths, but because of conditions difficult if not impossible to evaluate and hence not taken into account, the flow will actually have depth considerably different from unifor'm depth. fhe engineer must be a'~are of the fact that un i for'm flow cornputat ion pr'ov i des on 1 y an appr'ox i mat i on of what will occur; however, such computat~ons are useful and necessary for planning. Water Surface Profiles Open-channel flows in urban uniform because of bridge This necessitates the use final channel design work. drainage systems is usually non- openings, curves and structures. of backwater computations for all A water surface profile must be computed for all channels and shown on all final drawings. Computation of the water surface profile should utilize standard backwater methods or acceptable computer routines, taking into consideration all losses due to changes in velocity, drops, bridge openings and other obstructions. Channe I Cr'oss See t ions The channel shape may be almost any type suitable to the location and the environmental conditions. Often the shape can be chosen to suit open space and r'ecreational needs to create additional sociological benefits. A. Side Slope Except in horizontal curves the flatter the side slope, the better. Normally slopes shall be no steeper than 3:1, which is also the practical 1 imit for mowing equipment. Rock or concrete 1 i nes channel s or those \~h i ch for other reasons do not require slope maintenance may have slopes as steep as 1 1/2: 1. B. Depth Deep channels are difficult to Constructed channels should pr'act ical. maintain and can be hazardous. therefore be as shallow as C. Bottom Width Channels with narrow bottoms are difficult to maintain and are conductive to high velocities during high flows. It is -52- desirable to design open channels such that the bottom width is at least twice the depth. The minimum bottom width shall be six (6') feet 'or earth channels. O. Trickle Channels The low flows, and sometimes base 'lows, 'r'orn ur-ban ar-eas must be given specific attention. If erosion of the bottom 0' the channel appears to be a problem, low flows shall be carried in a paved trickle channel which has a capacity of 5.0 percent of the design peak flow. Care must be taken to insure that low flows enter the trickle channel without the attendant problem 0' the flow parallel ing the trickle channel. E. Fr.eeboar-d For channels with 'low at high velocities, the surface roughness, wave action, air bulking, and splash and spray are qLlite er--osive along the top of the flow. Fr'eeboar-d height should be chosen to provide a suitable safety margin. The height of freeboard shall be a minimum of one (1') foot. For deep flows I~ith high velocities one may use the for-mula: Fr'eeboar-d (i n feet) = 1.0 + Vsquar-ed /2g, wher-e g = ~32. 2 ft/sec2 For- the fr-eeboar-d of height must be added arooun t: a channel on a shar-p cur-ve, to the outside bank of wall e>(tr-a in the H = Vsquared (T + B) 2gR H - additional height on outside edge of channel (ft_) V.- velocity of flo'~ in channel (fps) T = width of 'low at water surface (,t.) B = bottom ,~idth of channel (ft.) R = centerl ine radius of turn (ft.) g = acceleration of gravity (32.2 ft/se(2) I' R is equal or greater than 3 x R, additional freeboard is not required. F. Easemen ts 'or ear- th channe 1 s sha 11 extend ami n i mum of two (2') feet on one side and fifteen (15') feet on the oppos i te side of the e)-(tr-eme 1 i m its of the channel, when such channel abuts an alley or roadway, the easement shall extend a minimum of two (2') feet on both sides of the extreme 1 imits of the channel. -53- Channel Dr'ops The use of channel drops permits adjustment of channel gradients which are too steep for the design conditions. In urban drainage work it is often desirable to use several low head drops in lieu of a few higher drops. Special attention must be given to protecting the channel 'rom erosion in the area of channel drops. The use of sloped drops will installations. Sloped drops the channel topography. gener'ally reslJlt in 10~Jer' cost can easily be designed to .it Channel easement r'equ i r'ed Access: A minimum sixteen to concrete 1 ined and earth for maintenance equipment. (16') 'eet access channels will be Concrete Lined _Ch<3DDe.L~: The des i gn of concr'ete 1 i ned channels shall be based on a twenty-'five (25) year' frequency and shall comply with the following general r'equ i r'ements: The side slopes shall be a maximum of 1-1/2 horizontal to 1 vert i ca 1. a. Vertical walls will be permissible in depths not to exceed t\~O (2') feet unless pr'operly fenced or enclo~;ed. b. Easements for concrete 1 ined channels shall minimum of two (2') feet on both sides of the 1 i m i ts of the concr'ete 1 in i ng. e)<tend a e>(tr'eme c. Flow velocities shall not exceed eighteen (18) 'ps for reinforced 1 inings during the twenty-five (25) year flood. Concrete I ining shall have (ACI Code) Section 7.71: 5 1/2" minimum thickness concrete and NO.3 bars at 18" on center both '~ays. a. The concrete 1 ining shall extend one (1') foot above the twenty-five (25) year water surface elevation. CClncr'ete Fin i sh The surface of the concrete 1 ining shall wood float finish. Excessive working finish shall be avoided. be provided with a or wetting of the _Concrete Cur i flY... All concrete shall be cured by the immediate appl ication of a 1 iquid membrane-forming curing compound upon completion 0' the concrete finish. -54- Reinforcement Steel a. Steel r'einfor'cement shall be gr'ade 60 defor'med bar's. Wire mesh shall not be used. b. Reinforcing steel shall be placed at the center of the section with a minimum clear cover of three 13') inches adjacent to the earth. Ear thluor.k The following areas shall be compacted to at least ninety 190%) percent of maximum density as determined by TEX-113- E: a. The twelve 112") inches of subgrade immediately beneath concrete 1 ining Iboth channel bottom and side slopes). b. Top twelve 112") inches of maintenance road. c. Top tluelve 112") inches of earth sur.face luithin ten 110') feet of concrete channell ip. d. All fill material. Ear.th Channel s The design of ear.th channels shall be based on t,uenty."'five (25) year frequency, subject to the approval of the City, and shall comply "lith the following gener'al specifications: a. Mulch seeding or sol id sodding shall be placed over the entire surface area of the channel. b. fhe side slope shall not be steeper than three (3) horizontal to one II) vertical. c. Grassed velocities er.os i on. channels shall have sufficient grade to provide that are self-cleaning but will not create Roughness factors In), which are unmaintained channel conditions, shall analysis of water surface profiles. r'epr'esen ta t i ve be used for of the Roughness factors In), which are representative of maintained channel conditions, shall be used to determine velocity 1 imitations. Erosion control structures, such as riprap check drops or check dams, may be required to control flow velocities, including the initial storm runoff. -55- SeedinQ and SoddinQ (1) Sodding shall be St. Augustine, Bermuda, Seville, Raleigh and/or a grade Zoysia with sufficient soil atached to sustain growth and must be al ive at the time of appl ication. (2) Hydromulch shall be appl ied as follows: Betl~een April 15 and October 1, for each 1,000 squar'e feet, three (3) pounds of hulled Bermuda seed and twenty (20) pounds of fertil izer (16-20-0) with magnesium and sulfur. On slopes add forty (40) pounds of cellulose fiber mulch and one-half (1/2) pound of Hydro-Tack soil binder or acceptable substitute. Between October. 1 and Apr'il 15, for' each 1,000 sqLlar'e feet, eight (S) pounds of Rye grass seed, twenty (20) pounds of fertilizer (15-10-10) with magnesium and sulfur. On slopes add forty (40) pounds of cellulose fiber mulch and one-half (1/2) pound of Hydro-Tack soil binder or acceptable substitute. As SO(Jn as practical, after April 15, the April 15 to October 1 appl ication described above must also be made, provided, however, surfaces must be reshaped to original configuration prior to the second appl ication. (3) Broadcast seeding will only be accompl ished between March 1 and August 1. Side slopes must be covered with a geote)(tile material or other appr'oved' er'osion contr'ol blanket. Seeding rate shall be of twelve (12) pounds per acre or a minimum of two (2) ounces per two hundred fiFty (250) square feet. A mixture of seed shall be composed of, but not 1 imited to: Bermuda, Smoothe Brome, Orchardgrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Nezpar Indian Ricegrass, BufFalo Grass, Sand Lovegrass, Sido Oats Grama, and Bluegrama. Twenty (20) pounds of fertil izer (15-10-10) with magnesium and su 1 fur per one thousand (1,000) square feet sha 11 be included with the seeding process. (4) Vegetation growth must be establ ished over eighty-five (85%) percent of appl ied surface prior to acceptance of subd i vis i on i mprovernen ts l~ i th 110 e:.:posed ar.ea exceed i ng ten (10) squar'e feet. "Established Gr'owth" shall be interpreted to mean -- the vegetation has reached a minimum height of four and one-half (4 1/2") inches and is of density such that it can be reasonably expecting to be Sf~ 1 f -- su s t a i n i n g . (5) If in the opinion of the City Engineer, weather conditions, such as drought, excess precipitation or extreme heat or cold, are unsuitable for hydromulching or sodding, such application shall be deferred by the developer'. Under' these conditions, subdivision improvements may be accepted upon the provision of a letter -56- of cr-ed i tin a for-m acceptab 1 e to the City Attor-ney, in an amount of twice the City Engineer's estimated cost of the sodding appl ication and where appropriate, resurfacing, reshaping and maintaining, and reappl ication. If the developer is unable to meet the requirements of the paragraphs above within six months of subdivision acceptance, the letter of credit will be drawn on the pr-oc:eeds used to obtain the requir-ed vegetati ion cover. Flow Velocity and Capacity The maximum nor'mal depth velocity for' the tl~enty-five (25) year flood peak shall not exceed 6.0 feet per second for grass 1 ined channels, except in sandy soil where the maximum velocity shall not exceed 5.0 feet per second. The Froude Number (turbulence factorl shall be less than 0.8 for grass 1 ined channels. Grass 1 ined channels having a Fr-oude Number' gr-eater- than 0.8 shall not be per-mitted. The m i n i mum ve 1 oc i ty, I~herever pass i b 1 e, sha 1 1 be grea ter than 2.0 feet per second for the initial storm runoff. Street Dra i na~ge A. No lowering of the standard height of street crown shall be allowed for the purposes of hydraul ic design. In no case l~ i 11 it be a 11 Ol~ed on thor-ough far-es or' expr-essl~ays. 8. Where additional hydraul ic capacity is required on the street and is not obtainable by modification of crossfall, the gradient must be increased, or curb inlets and storm sewers installed. C. Minor streets shall be designed on a basis of a five (51 year frequency, major streets shall be designed on a ten (101 year frequency. Stor-m Sel~ers Wher'e stor'm sewer's ar-e r-equ ired, des i gn sha 11 be based on a twenty-five (251 year frequency and the entire twenty-five (251 year discharge will be picked up at the point where the street can no longer handle the runoff flowing curb full. Pipe shall be reinforced concrete and shall be manufactured and installed in compl iance with the Manufacturer's minimum construction and installation standar-ds. Bridoes and Culverts Genera 1 : The water-I~ay open i ng of a br- i dge must be des i gned to pass the design year frequency flow without causing backwater, str-uctur-al, or- er-osion pr-oblems. For- major- channels, the goal is to keep the low beam or low chord of the bridge one -57- (1') foot above the 100 year' water' sur'face, or. at or. above natural ground, whichever is higher. For minor channels, the low chord of the bridge must be at an elevation which does not cause the upstream 100 year water surface profile to rise above natural ground. A hydraul ic analysis must be submitted showing the 100 year flood profile through the proposed bridge and upstream to a point where it is obvious the flood profile will not exceed the natural ground. A new bridge must span the existing or design channel so as to minimize energy losses due to contraction and expansion 0' the flow and so as to allow for future channel en 1 argemen t, i f necessary. The channe 1 sec t ion shou 1 d be carried under the bridge without modification. For channels, with wide flood plains, approach embankments can bE' used pr'ov i ded the embankments do not i ncr.ease flood levels by encroaching in effective flow areas. Where approach embankments do restrict the effective flow areas, channel improvements must be constructed to compensate for the reduced flow area of the overbanks. A hydraul ic analysis of the 100 year water surface elevations and floodway is required. Bents and abutments must be al igned parallel to the longitudinal a:>(is of the channel in order to minimize obstr'uction of flol'J. Bents should be located outside of the channel bottom if possible. This reduces debris collection and provides for more effective flow during stor'm events. Bridges constructed on interim channels must be designed for the ultimate channel section, or allow for future bridge expansion to the ultimate channel section requirements. Bent locations and lengths as well as span lengths should be determined to accommodate both the interim and the ultimate sections. Culver.ts Genera 1 : In many cases a culvert may be a more economical structure than a bridge. Culverts must be designed to pass the design year frequency flow without causing backwater, structural, or erosion problems. For approval of a proposed culvert, calculations must be submitted indicating that the culvert does not create out of bank flooding for either the interim or ultimate flow conditions. Culverts must be al igned parallel to the longitudinal axis 0' the channel centerl ine. If the culvert is located at another al ignment, the hydraul ic capacity of the culvert will decrease due to poor entrance and exit conditions. Also, erosion could under'mine the culvert, headl~all, or wingwall. If the flow velocity exceeds six (6') feet per -58- second at the outlet, some type of ener.gy dissipator. or. channel protection should be used if the downstream channel is not 1 i ned. Hvdraul ic Desiqn The hydraul ic capacity of a culvert depends not only on the physical features of the culvert, but also on the type of flow through the culvert. Flow through culverts can generally be classified as either inlet control or outlet control. Design shall be based on the "Texas Highway Department Hydraulic Manual" or the Federal Highway Administration "Hydraul ic Design of Highway Culverts". Computations A. Any reference to official flood plain maps shall mean the highest order of flood plain designatiohn recognized by the City. The Design Engineer shall maintain an up-to-date file of such designations. Unless otherwise declared in writing by the City, the descending order of flood plain studies shall be as follows: 1. Any off i cia 11 y or.der.ed study such as those water.shed studies completed as part of the Master Drainage Study. 2. Computations by qual ified engineering in conformity with the requirements Specifications and accepted by the City of- consultants of the Scher.tz. made NFIP 3. Any Flood Plain Information CFPIJ Study prepared under the dir.ection of the U.S. Ar.my Cor.ps of Engineer.s. 4. The official maps of the Flood Insurance Administration of the Oepartment of Housing and Urban Development on which flood prone areas are del ineated. B. The highest available order of study shall be the basis of design unless it can be clearly shown that the subject is in error. Contested studies shall be brought to the attention of the City who shall submit the claim of error along with supporting data to the study author for consideration. Final decision as to the credibil ity of the study shall be r.endered in wr.iting by the City. Easements and RiQhts-of-Way Natural waterways and channels should be used wherever practical to carry runoff. Any modification to existing waterways and channels must be approved by the City. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, natural channel or stream, there shall be provided a right- of-way conforming substantially to the 100 year flood plain 1 imits of such water course, plus additional width based on ultimate development of the watershed. -59- (a) Storm drainage easements of fifteen (15') feet minimum width shall be provided for existing and proposed enclosed droainage systems. Easements shall be centeroed on the systems. Larger easements, I~tlere necessary, shall be prooov i ded as reqlJ i roed by the Des i gn Eng i neero. (b) Storm Drainage easements along proposed or existing open channels shall provide sufficient width for the required channel and such additional width as may be required to provide ingress and egress of maintenance equipment; to provide clearance for, fence and space for util ity poles; to allow maintenance Of the channel bank; and to provide adequate slopes necessary along the bank. (cl Storm drainage easements shall be provided for emergency overflow drainageways of sufficient width to contain, within the easement, storm water resulting from a 100 year frequency storm less the amount of storm water caroroied in an enclosed system. Flood Hazards A. New Development: Level of the 100 Yearo Flood: It is hereby required, until a regulatory floodway is designated, that no new construction, substantial improvements, or other development (including fill) shall be permitted in an area having special flood hazards, unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative affect of the proposed development, ~,hen combined I~ith all othero existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the 100 year flood at any point within the City's subdivision Jurisdiction. In areas where the defined 100 year flood plain is altered due to improvements (Clearing, channel izing, fill ing) that change the flood boundaries or elevations, a map Revision t~ill be submitted to F.E.M.A. by the design engineer. B. 100 Year Flood in an area having the plat: Hazarod Area on Plats: Net., subdivisions special flood hazarods shall be sho'~n on 1. A flood easement shall be proovided foro that aroea which is subject to inundation by the 100 year flood. 2. The surface elevation of the 100 year flood at intervals no greater than every five hundred (500') 1 ineal feet. This must be based on a cerotified engineering survey taking into consideration the full development of the watershed. c. Flood Hazards - Review of Proposed Subdivisions: Prooposed subdivisions shall be roeviewed to assuroe that: -60- 1. All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize ~lood damage; 2. All publ ic gas, electrical and constr"ucted and util ities and 'acil ities, such as sewer, and water systems are located, elevated to minimize or el iminate flood damage; 3. Adequate drainage is exposure to flood hazards. pr"ov i ded so as to r"educe o. Flood Hazar"ds - Water" and/or" Wastewater" Syst~.!!l.~: Nel~ or rep 1 acement I~ater supp 1 y systems and/or l~astel~ater systems shall be designed to minimize or el iminate infiltration of flood waters into the system, discharges from the systems into flood waters, and to require on-site waste disposal sys tems to be 1 oca ted so as to avo i d i mpa i roman tor" contamination from them during 'looding. F. Insoections. TestinQ and CharQes 1. Whenever" a developer", contractor or" eng i neer" needs an inspection of any street or util ity improvement, the Parks & Streets Superintendent and/or the Water & Waste Water Superintendent shall be contacted first, a minimum of at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the inspection. When the Parks & Streets Superintendent and/or the Water & Waste Water Superintendent or his (their) designated representative has committed to a time and date, then the City Planning Department should be contacted. Messages should not be le.t on a proposed date and time for inspection with anyone other than the Parks & Streets Superintendent and/or the Water 8< Waste Water Superintendent or their designated repr"esentative. The design engineer" or" his designated representative shall be present at all inspections. With regard to testing of water and sewer 1 ines, all testing will be done according to Amer"ican Water Works Association (AWWA), ASTM and ASCE Standards. In addition, the following procedures for testing of these 1 ines will be followed: (a) No new water lines will be connected d1rectly to an existing City 1 ine. A backflow preventor with a hand valve ( jumper") sha 11 be used between old and nel~ 1 i nes 'or" load i ng. lb) No new sewer 1 ine will would prevent testing of any sewer 1 ines t~i 11 be tested. be installed in a manner that part of the new 1 ine. All new (c) Pre-testing of water and sewer by contractor prior to calling for all lines I~ill hold r"equir"ed r"epr"esen ta t i ves arr" i ve and find the 1 i nes I~ i 11 be an inspection pre'E"~sur.e. lines have not conducted to assure If City been pr"e- -61- tested, they have site immediately rescheduled. been instr-ucted to leave the inspection and the reinspection will have to be With regard to street inspections, streets shall be checked by contractor to insure readiness prior to call ing for an inspection. No streets cover-ed with debr-is, vehicles or- equipment will be inspected. Inspections of water and sewer lines and streets will be made at the same time on all such 1 ines and streets within that particular subdivision. Minimum test spacing set out shall be not less than five hundred (500') feet. No piecemeal inspection of par-ts of 1 ines or- small sections of str-eets will be made. However, with regards to subgrade inspections, sections of the street can be inspected when needed to protect the subgrade from bad weather or other conditions that may deteriorate the subgrade. No more than three (3) subgrade inspections will be made in anyone (1) subdivision. 2. The City Staf', or an authorized inspector, may, at the direction of the City, inspect all subdivision site work at any time and any stage. The City shall bear the cost of all inspections and the subdivider shall bear the cost of all re- inspections. The Judgment of the City and/or o' the City Engineer as to the need for any re-inspection of any part thereof, at any stage shall be final. The subdivider shall immediately reimburse the City for the full actual cost and expense of all such r-e...inspections after- the initial inspect i on requested by the developer e:>>:cept str-eet subgrade inspect ions as noted above upon be i ng bill ed ther-efor-e. 3. Testing will be testing laboratory. adhered to: per- formed by an approved, i ndependen t The following test schedule will be (<3) Str-eets: of one per each spacing. Subgrade moisture, density test at the rate block not to exceed five hundred (500') feet (b) Flexible Base: P.L.., L.L.., P.I. material used; moisture, density test on subgr-ade. and gr-adat i on same spacing of as (c) Concrete Structures: Concrete cyinders, one/50 cy. or for each pour is less than 50 cy. shall be taken for cur-bs, drainage structures and sidewalks. (d) All testing is the responsibil ity of the developer. Copies of all test results shall be furnished to the City before final approval of the subdivision is given. 4. Before initial final acceptance of a subdivision is given by the City for street or util ity work, the consulting -62- engineer responsible for the design of said work shall issue a letter to the City stating that he/she has made an inspect i on of such i mpr'ovements and that sa i d i rnpr'ovements were constructed in accordance with the approved construction plans. Attached to the letter shall be one (1) set of reproducible mylars or sepia mylars "As Built" drawings shOlq i ng the wor'k to be accepted for' use by the City. 5. Guarantee of Ma ter i a 1 s and Work!flal1_~.b i p: The subd i v i der or. developer' sha 11 r'equ i r.e of his constr'uct ion contr'actor's with whom he contracts, and shall himself be responsible for guaranteeing that all materials required under this Ordinance and workmanship in connection with such improvements are free of defects for a period of one (1) year after such acceptance of the improvements by the City. The responsibil ity for all cast of the in-place improvements as required by this Ordinance shall be borne by the subdivider. G. Subdivision Requirements General: No plat or construction plans shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and no completed impr'overnents shall be accepted by the City unless they conform to the subdivision design requirements and applicable standar'ds. Str'eet. Alley, Cur'b 8< Gutter', and Sidewalks ._..LI1!fl!::Q"lfEi'!llEmt Plans: The plans and profiles for street, alley, and crosswalk ways, and drainage easement improvements submitted shall include the following information: 1. Street Improvements (a) Typical sections showing the pr'oposed pavement width, type, thickness, and crown; the proposed curb or curb and gutter type, location in relation to centerl ine and exposure; the proposed sidewalk dimensions and location in relation to curbs and property lines; the proposed parkway grading slopes. This information shall be given for each of different types of streets and alleys in the subdivision. Construction details of all drainage structures including dimensions, reinforcing and components such as grates and manhole covers. (b) Al ignment of each street, alley, crosswalk way, and drainage easement showing a beginning and ending station; each deflection angle of the centerl ine and the station of the point of intersection; the station of the point of curvature and the point of tangency of each curve; the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another street, alley or draiange easement, the station and radius of each curb return; the location of adjacent right- of-way 1 ines; the location and 1 imits of sidewalks and curbs of each street; the location of each drainage structure; the -63- location and size of all storm sewers; the location of monuments. (e) Location, description, and elevation of Bench Marks; the top of curb grade at each curb return; the centerl ine grade at each end and at each fifty (50') foot station of alleys and drainage ditches; the gradient of each tangent grade and the location and length of each vertical curve; the direction of storm drainage flow at each intersection; the flow 1 ine elevation of each storm sewer at each point of grade and each end and the intervening gradients. The profiles of streets, alleys, and drainage ditches shall show the natural ground at adjacent property 1 ines and the pr-oposed center-l ine. (d) Scale, north arrow and date. drawn to scales of one (1") inch horizontally and one (1") inch vertically on sheets not larger than by thirty-six (36") inches. Plan and profile shall be equals fifty (50') feet equals five (5') feet twenty-four (24") inches (e) All street and alley signature and seal of a registered in the State of plans and Registered Texas. profiles shall bear the Pr-ofess i ona 1 Eng i neer, (f) Street the terr-a in here i n. and alley grades shall, in general, conform to and sha 11 not exceed gr-ades pr-ev i ous 1 y pr-ov i ded (g) No street or alley grade shall be less than five-tenths (0.5') feet of one (1%) percent on curb and gutter. A minimum of one (1%) percent fall over asphalt across street intersections is required. If a one (1%) percent fall cannot be made across street intersections, a five (5') foot concrete gutter shall be required. (h) Hoy- i zontal road i us of cur-ve measur-ed fr-om the face of curb sha 11 not be 1 ess than those prev i ous 1 y pr-ov i ded here in. (i) Parkway slopes are to be one quarter (1/4") inch per foot forl~ar-d tOI~ard the street except in heavy cuts, wher-e a maximum of one (1") inch per foot will be permitted. (j) Tl~o Bench Marks sha 11 be estab 1 i shed on iron rods embedded in concr-ete monuments six (6") inches in diameter- and set in the ground to a depth of three (3') feet, or on equally per-manent locations appr-oved by the City Council and set to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Datum. (k) Removing and replacing pavements, curb and gutter, driveways and SIdewalk: (1) Scope: This specification shall gover-n for- all I~or'k necessary to complete the removing and replacing of all types of pavements, curb and gutter, driveways and sidewalks as required to complete the project. -64- (2) Method of _Cu_1;!;J_ng: The outl ine of the tr'ench shall be marked on the surface to be cut. The cut shall be made as nearly vertical as possible. The excavated pavement or concrete shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the contr'actor'. (3) Concrete Pavement: Replace with eight (8") inch thick 2500 psi concrete slab, reinforced with No.3 bars on twelve 112") inch center cut *3 dowels into existing concrete at eighteen (18") inch minimum spacing. Repair to be eighteen (18") inches on each side wider than ditch excavation. Concrete slab and reinforcement to rest on at least twelve 112") inches of undisturbed soil on each side of ditch. (4) Asohaltic Concrete Pavement: Replace with eight (8") inches thick 2500 psi concrete. Tack coat of RC-2, cut back asphalt shall be applied at a rate of ten one hundredths 10.101 gallons per square yard. Apply hot mix- hot laid asphalt concrete appl ied at the rate of 165 lb./sy compacted to one and one-half (1 1/2") inch thickness. Hot mix shall conform to Texas Highway Department Standard Specification Item 340-Type D. Repairs to be eighteen (18") inches on each side wider than ditch excavation. Concrete base shall rest on at least twelve (12") inches 01 undisturbed soil on each side of the ditch. (5) Reolacino Concrete Drivewavs: Replace with 2500 psi concrete, six (6") inches thick, reinforced with 6 x 6 No. 6 wire mesh when no deta i 1 is shown on the dr'a.~ i ngs. Finish replaced section same as that appearing on old dr'iveway. Use an epoxy bonding agent, in confor'rnance with the manufac turer' s recornrnendat i ons, ,~hen bond i ng net~ concrete to old concrete. (6) Reolacino Concrete Sidewalks: Replace with 2500 psi concrete four 14") inches thick, reinforced with 6 x 6 No. 6 ..J i r'e mesh when no deta i 1 i s shOl~n on the dr' a,., i ngs. Fin i sh rep 1 aced sec t i on same as tha t appear i 11g on the old s i del'Ja 1 k. Use an epoxy bond i ng agen t, in con for'mance with the manu fac turer 's recomrnenda t ions, l~hen bond i ng nel~ concrete to old concrete. (7) _ReD 1 ac i ng Cur'b and Gutter': concr'ete sect i on confor'rn i ng In section. All cold joints must deta i 1 sheet. Replace with 2500 psi all details to original be steel r'einfor'ced, see H. Construction Specifications for Streets, Alleys, Curb & Gutter and Sidewalks 1. Str'eet -65- When the ter-m "the Eng i neer-" is used in Texas Highway Specifications referred to herein, it shall be interpreted to mean the City Engineer for the City of Schertz or his authorized representative. (a) Sub--Gr-ade _ Pr-eRa_r-...""J on: All unstab 1 e or other-w i se objectionable material of the subgr-ade shall be removed and replaced with approved materials. All holes, ruts, and depressions shall be filled with approved material, and i f r-equ ired, the subgr-ade sha 11 be thor-ough 1 y wet ted with water, reshaped, and rolled to the extent directed in order to place the subgrade in an acceptable condition to r-ece i ve the base lOa ter i a 1 . The sur- face oi' the subgrade shall be finished to 1 ine and grade as establ ished in conformity with typical sections, and any deviations in excess of one-half (1/2") inch in cross-section and in length of sixteen (16') feet measured longitudinally shall be cor-r-ec ted by loosen i ng, add i ng, or- r-emov i ng mater- i a 1 s, reshaping and compacting by sprinkl ing and roll ing. Sufficient subgrade shall be prepared in advance to insure satisfactory prosecution of the work. 1. Subgrade materials shall be compacted by approved mechanical tamping equipment to an apparent dry density oi' the total material of not less than ninety (90%) percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the TEX-113-E compaction test made in accordance with the procedure outl ined in the Texas Highway Department Testing Manual. Tests i'or density will be made within tl~enty--four (24) hours after compact i on operat ions are comp 1 eted. I f the mater- i a 1 i'a i 1 s to meet the dens i ty spec if i ed, it sha 11 be r-el~or-ked as necessary to ob ta i n the density required. 2. When a fill is required to achieve the prescribed subgrade elevation, such fill shall be placed in uniform 1 ifts covering the entire width of the cross- section. Prior to compaction, the layers shall not exceed a six (6") inch depth where pneumatic tire rolling is to be used and shall not exceed eight (S") inches in depth for roll ing with other types of rollers. Each lift shall be compacted to the required density before succeeding 1 ifts are placed. 3. Swell ing soils (soils with plasticity index of 20 or more) shall be treated as required by addition of Grade A, Hydrate Lime and compact the mixed material in accordance with the requirements of the Texas State Highway Department Specification,_________________ Item 260. Developer must provide the City with lab reports on soil conditions. 4. All earthwork parkway grading, wi th in the r- ight-oi'---way, includ ing required to achieve the Typical -66- Section shown on the plans, shall be conjunction with the preparation of subgrade case will it be allowed to remain incomplete paving is completed. done in and in no after' the (bl Flexible Base: The flexible base course shall have a compacted thickness as designated by the typical cross- sections, and shall be constr'ucted as her'ein specified in two or more courses of equal compacted thickness, not to exceed five (5") inches each on collector and local streets and six (6") inches on arterial streets. 1. The lOa ter' i a 1 sha 11 con for'm to the requ i r'emen ts of Texas State Highway Department Specifications, Item 248 (Type A, Gr'ade 1 Crushed Stone I. The cr'ushed stone shall have an abrasion of not more than forty (40) when subjected to the Los Angel es Abr'as i on Test (AASHO-T96). a. F i r'st Course: The r'equ i red amount of spec i f i ed material shall be del ivered in each one hundred <100') foot station. Material deposited upon the subgr'ade sha 11 be spr'ead and shaped the same day. In the event inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances render impractical the spreading of the material during the first twenty-four (24) hour period, the material shall be scarified and spread as directed by the Engineer. b. The mater'ial shall be spr'inkled, if dir'ected, and shall then be bladed, dragged and shaped to confor'm to typical sections as shOl~n on plans. All areas and nests of segregated coarse or fine mater' i a 1 sha 11 be cor'r'ected or' r'emoved and r'ep 1 aced I~ i th I~e 11 '-graded ma ter i aI, as d i rec ted by the Engineer. If additional binder is considered desirable or necessary after the material is spread and shaped, i t sha 11 be fur'n i shed and app 1 i ed in the amoun t d i r.ec ted by the Eng i neer. SIJch binder' material shall be carefully and evenly incorporated l~ i th the lOa ter i a 1 in place by scar.i fy i ng, har'rOI~ i ng, br'oom i ng, or by other' appr'oved methods. The cour.se shall then be sprinkled as required and rolled as directed until a uniform compaction is secured. Throughou t th i s en tire opera t i on, the shape of the course shall be maintained by blading. The surface upon completion shall be smooth and in conformity with the typical sections shown on the plans and to the establ ished 1 ines and grades. c. Succeed i nQ Cour'ses: Constr'uc t i on methods shall be the same as prescribed for the first course. Any deviations in the finished cour'se in excess of one- fourth (1/4") inch in cross section and in length of sixteen (16') feet measured longitudinally shall be -67- cor.r.ec ted by loosen i ng, add i ng, or. r.emov i ng material, reshaping and recompacting by sprinkl ing and r'olling. All ir'r'egular'ities, depr'essions or. I~eak spots I~h i ch develop sha 11 be cor'rec ted immediately by scarifying the areas affected, adding suitable material as required, reshaping and recompacting by sprinkl ing and roll ing. d. Flexible base materials shall be compacted by approved mechanical tamping equipment to an apparent dry density of the total material of not less than ninety-five (95%) percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the TEX-113-E compaction test made in accordance with the procedure outl ined in the Texas Highway Department Testing Manual. Tests for density will be made within twenty-four (24) hours after compaction operations are completed. If the mater'ial fails to meet the density specified, it shall be reworked as necessary to obtain the density r'eql.l i r'ed. e. Each course of five (5") inches or less shall be compacted to full required density before succeeding layers are placed. (c) Stabil ized Base as alternate to the flexible base, Texas State Department of Highways and Public Tr'anspor.tation, Item 274, Cement Stabilized Base, with Proctor density of ninety-five (95%) percent may be used, cement content shall not be less than seven (7%) percent of the dry weight of the cement base material mixed. Depth shall be as specified on the plans. (d) Prime Coat: The asphalt material for Prime Coat sh all meet the requirements for Cutback Asphalt, MC-l, Item 310, Texas Highway Department Specifications. Prime Coat shall be appl ied, as directed by the Engineer, within approved sprayer at a rate of not to exceed 0.20 gallon per square yard of surface. (e) Tack Coat: The asphalt material for Tack Coat shall meet the requirements for Cutback Asphalt, RC-2, Item 310, Texas Highway Department Specifications. Tack Coat shall be appl ied when and as directed by the Engineer, with an approved sprayer at a rate of not to exceed 0.10 gallons per square yard of surface. (f) Surface Coat: The compacted sur.face cour.se shall be appl ied at the rate of one hundred sixty-five (165) pounds per' squar.e yar'd on minor' r.es i dent i al str'eets and tl~O hundred twenty (220) pounds per square yard for local, collector and arterial streets. -68- 1. Measur'ement by weight shall be on tr'uck scales. Records shall be kept on the tare load, total load, and net load of the mixture for each load of same. 2. The paving mixture and construction methods shall conForm to Item 340, Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete, "Type 0", of the Standard Specifications adopted by the State Highway Department of Texas, September 1, 1982, with the exceptions of the amended clauses cited below: a. Stab i 1 i ty of Item 340, descr' i pt i on is her'eby supplemented by the following: b. The stability of the cc~pacted mixture shall not be less than forty-five (45%) percent nor more than sixty-five (65%) percent. c. Cour'se Aggr'egate, of Item 340.2, Mater'ials, is hereby supplemented by the following: d. The cour.se aggr'egate for' "Type 0" sha 11 have an abrasion of not more than thirty-five (35) when subjected to the L.os Angeles Abrasion Test (AASHO-T- 96). e. If crushed gravel is used for "Type 0", it shall be so crushed that ninety (90%) percent of the par.t i c 1 es have mor'e than one cr'ushed face. f. Spreading and Finishing Machine, of Item 340.4, Equipment, is her'eby supplemented by the following: g. The sur.face course spreading and 'inishing trowel ing type approved shall be laid by use machine of the screening by the Engineer. of a and h. the the The sur. face requirements sur.face test. of the finished pavement shall meet of the typical cross section and I. Concrete Sidewalk, Aooroaches and Alleys: typical sections and to plans. Pedestr. i an Way, Cr'osswa 1 k~.a.Ys>.J . Shall be constructed in conformity the 1 i nes and gr'ades as shOl~n Dr.ive to the on the (a) Sidewalks: Concrete sidewalks having a width of not less than 'our (4') feet and thickness of not less than four (4") inches shall be constructed on each side of each street within the subdivision. Said sidewalks shall be two (2') foot minimum behind the curb and gutter within the street right-of-way and shall extend along all street frontge including the side of corner lots and block ends; provided, hOI~ever, that l~here it is impractical for the subdivider to provide such sidewalks on the side lot 1 ines -69- abutt i ng maJor' thor'oughfar'es or. dr'a i nage ditches, then, in those instances, sidewalks may not be required. 1. For'ms may be either' meta lor' wood. Wher'e ~'ood forms are used, they shall be of material well seasoned and clean. All foroms must ever-ywheroe extend the full depth of the concrete and must be well braced so that the placing and tamping of the concrete will not bulge them. Sefore concrete is placed, forms must be thoroughly wet with water or treated with alight clear oi 1. 2. Suborade for sidewalks, crosswalk ways, alleys and dr' i ve approaches sha 11 be excava ted so as to have a layer or cushion at least two (2") inches thick of good adobe gravel, crushed screenings, gravel and sand, cr'ushed rock or. cour.se sand wh i ch must be spread, wetted and thoroughly tamped and leveled to not less than four 14") inches below the establ ished grade for sidewalks and crosswalk ways and not less than five (5") inches below the established grade for alleys and dr i vel~ay approaches. Wher'e the subgr'ade is r'ock, adobe, or' gr.avel, seventy (70%) per'cent of which is rock, the two (2") inches of cushion need not be used. The quest i on as to l~hether' the foundat i on r'equ i r.es two (2") inch cushion shall be determined solely by the Eng i neer.. (a) In the event the subgrade is undercut, the necessary backfill shall be made with the same material used for the two (2") inch cushion. (b) Reinforcement for sidel~alks and cr'ossl~alk l~ays shall consist of one II) layer of 6"x 6" No.6 wire mesh or No.3 three- eights (3/S") inch round bars placed not more than eighteen lIS") inches on centers both directions. Reinforcements shall be elevated a minimum o' one (1") inch above cushioning. Wher'e stf~el is lapped, the lap shall not be less than 'ifteen (15") inches. Reinforcement for drive approaches shall consist of one (1) layer of 6" x 6" No.6 wire mesh or No.3 bars as specified for sidewalks. Alleys shall be constructed of six 16") inches of reinforced concrete. I c) Tr'ansver'se Red~'ood expans i on Jo i n ts thr'ee-. eights (3/8") inch in thickness, and extending the full width o. the walk, shall be provided at intervals of not more than l'ifty ISO') feet. Joints must be the 'ull depth of the concrete. Where a new section of sidewalk is to connect with a walk previously constructed, or abuts on the curbing, an expansion Joint must be made and filled as above -70- provided. Reinforcing bars shall extend ten (10") inches beyond the expansion Joint, and the ends shall be wrapped with building paper so that the ten (10") inches shall not be bonded to the concrete. Appr.twed types of sl ip joints may be used in place oj' ..rapp i ng ends oj' bars. When .. i re mesh reinj'orcing is used, three (3) three-eights (3/S") inch round smooth dowel bars not less than eighteen (IS") inches in length, installed as specified above for bar reinforcing, shall be provided at each e~<pans i on Jo i nt. (d) Concr'ete shall have ami n i mum compr'ess i ve strength of 2500 pounds per square inch at twenty- eight (28) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not exceed seven (7) U.S. gallons per sack (94 lbs.) of Por.t 1 and Cement. The slump of the concr.ete shall not exceed four (4") inches. Concrete which has partially set shall be disposed of. All tests for ingredients and (:oncr'ete shall be made in accordance with the appl icable methods of tests of the American Society for Testing Materials. (e) Sidewal ks and cr'osswal kways shall have a monolithic finish and shall be floated and troweled to a uniform smooth surface, then finished with a camel hair brush or wood float so as not to be left with a slick or glossy finish. (f) The markings of joints on the top surface be done with a specially devised marking tool for such purposes. Edges of the sidewalk expansion joints shall be rounded with an edger radius of one-half (1/2") inch. must made and to a (g) The comp 1 eted ..a 1 ks and dr' i ve appr'oaches sha 11 be cured in accordance with good engineering practice as approved by the Engineer. 3. Curb and Gutters: Combined curb and gutter SEKt ions sha 11 be constr'uc ted of Por.t 1 and Cement Concrete and installed in accordance with the specifications of the City on all streets within the subdivision along the 1 ines and grades approved by the City. Comb i ned cur'b and gu t ter' sha 11 be pr'ov i ded on both sides of all streets and be of "L" type, City of Schertz Standard, with a minimum height of seven (7") inches. Dr i ve..ays sha 11 be des i gned as a "1 ay-dol.n" cur'b and gutter' or. a str'aight dr'iveway section. The driveway width between the curbs shall not be greater than the width approved by the City of Schertz. (a) Forms may be either metal or well-seasoned ,.ood not less than two (2") inches in thickness. All -71- forms must extend the 'ull depth of the concrete and must be well braced so that the placing and tamping of the concrete will not deform them. Before concrete is placed, all forms must be thoroughly cleaned and oiled. Templates 'or joints shall be made of steel not less than three-sixteenths (3/16") inch in thickness and patterned to the shape of the curb and gutter. Templates shall be cleaned and oiled the same as the forms and spaced so as to cut the curb and gutter in sections of not less than eight (8') 'eet nor. more than ten (10') 'eet in length. Steel templates shall extend throughout the entire cross-sectional area of curb and gutter. Steel templates for the curb shall be six (6") inches wide and extend for a distance of eight (8") inches fr'om the top dOI~n. Mach i ne s 1 i P for'm i ng is au thoro i zed. (b) The subg:"':H:leo shall be excavated so as to have a layer or cushion at least four' (4") inches thick of approved material under curb and gutter as shown on the Typical Sections. Where the subgrade is rock, adobe or. gr.avel, seventy (70%) per'cent of I~hich is rock, the cush i on need not be used if, in the Judgment of the Engineer, it is not necessary. In the event the subgrade is undercut, backfill ing with earth will not be permitted. Such backfill shall be accomp 1 i shed I~ i th the ma ter i a 1 used for base on the adjacent street or with other stable material approved by the Engineer. All such backfill and cushion shall be leveled, wetted and thor'oughly compacted. (c) Where curb and gutter is to be built, base material shall first be applied, spread, and compacted in accordance with the requirements of "Flexible 8ase" to the full width of the cross- section and in the quantities necessary to achieve the elevation of the bottom of the curb and gutter. (d) Curb and gutter otherwise stated. r'einfor'ced. sha 11 be non--.r.e i n for'ced un 1 ess Cold Joints shall be steel Curb and gutter shall be placed in sections of fifty (50') feet maximum length unless other'l~ise shQ\~n on plans. For extruded concrete construction, concrete shall be placed by an extrusion machine in accordance with Item 530, Texas State Department of Highways and fransportation Standard Specifications. -72- (e) Concrete foro curob and gutter shall have a minimum compressive strength o' 2500 pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not exceed seven (7) U.S. gallons pero sack (94 lbs.) of Porotland Cement. The slump of the concrete shall not exceed five (5") inches. COClcroete wh i ch has parot i a 11 y set sha 11 not be roetemperoed or rem i :~ed by add i ng add i t i ona 1 ingredients, but shall be disposed of. All tests for ingredients and concrete shall be made in accordance with the appl icable methods of tests of the American Society for Testing Materials. (f) The finish for curb and gutter shall be as specified foro sidet~alks l~ith all e:><posed surofaces finished. It shall not be permissible to plaster curob l~here foroms have stayed on ovc"r night. The forms must be removed and the curb finished monol ithic the same day as concrete is poured. (g) The cc~pleted curb and gutter shall be cured in accordance with good engineering practice as approved by the Engineer. -73- -I /~1~~ 1 "I~.:~.~".~::...:. t~~gf~2t}fu~~!tf~%~'!f&;i~~I0i!\ti i1 SLOPE V4 PE:A FT. 1 I , -3_3- 2ft"" 5 &ct- I I ZSoo ..... c:ao:. I I 8 YII". !Ill! CURB AND GUTTER ".T-S. -74- ,.-'..... ~I '-'"j '-,:~." I'.'" J .......;,... .. . .... 1.. ~:. -., '. ...n .... 3000 P.$.L . :. ......:..:.~.:: ......-;.....:.':........ :".. ....... .. ". .".. .. .:.. ...,:..~I:~::"""':'''..'...~; t""!;;.:.: ... ..,... ............". "..,.......,. .....}o.... . . ..... ...4 ... ,...... ......~.:. .' #4 caNT. . .~~ :~:.~~~:.:~:~!i~~.~~~~~~1~~~.:.~~:;~~:~~t~;~~~: ~::t:.i.~:~::~:~~:~:{i:~~:~:4.~~_.~: SECTION. A-A ,~ I~~ 1- - I t II , ~ . o I ;"J I' I I I : I I- I , I I A I I #. CONT. BARS I PI.ACED Z.D' O.e:. CONCRETE VALLEY H.T.S. : -75~ CONe:. BARS , I -=l I 4-#4 CONT. B.....S NOTE- CONe. VAlJ.Ef GlITTER SHAl.1. BE POURED MONOUTHlC WITH CURe ANO GUtTER. EXAlNSlQN JOINTS AND DOWELS TO BE USED AS PROVIOED IN T~ GENERAl. NOTES fOR QJRB a GUTTER. #4 Bars dowelled into Curb..@ Gutter 2' O.C. GUTTER ". '-" ~ 4 BAR TYPICAL. 8ENCfjMAR~ N.T.S. .;~J!1.'"1'~:: il I EXIST. PAVEMENT ......,~~-~.: .~, -:.'A..~ .' '. , #4BA'R' V(lCRoss FUlsN '/ W/NA'lURAl.. GRO<IND (I lV4 ' ABOVE lOP OF CURB) , I . "' r ,II" SOUARf tzf OR 5" ROUND 15 (:OOC; (ZSOO ,P.S.1. MIN.! -. -- , ~ j.. .1:, ~r;:. ~ 1';., . ;~~ .- :,.:(~. .. . o I -... TYPICAL' MONU~4ENT ,~:..... "':.7... ...':....rc:;-: ;-:..._.. .....,...:...:h"'i:i~.~:.:,,:....::~~.: I .... .......... ........._. .,.... .:.. -;....,.._......~...~'..._:,:-.::..:.:( _ ~i~.~~~:':.~::-?{~"iH,:lf.::?~:S}i;;;::\!}.~.~~~~~;.. 1$" 'WIDTH OF TREN<:H /8- ,STREET PAVEMENT REPlACEMENT DETAIL ::. -76- .. N.T.S. 8" Z-SACK CONe. "'X COMPACTED SAND OR REX'SASE MATERIAl. : J. StOY'1n Dy'a i nage 1. Design Criteria (a) Run-off Cr iter i a: Run-'off y'ates sha 11 be c~ute_cl_i!t not less than the Toll 01" i~: CHARACTER OF AREA PERCENT RUN-OFF UP TO 1% UP TO 3% UP TO 5% OVER 5% BUSINESS OR COMMERCIAL AREA (90% OR MORE IMPERVIOUS) gei 96 9"1 97 DENSELY DEVELOPED AREA (80% TO 90% IMPERVIOUS) 85 88 91 95 CLOSELY BUILT RESI- DENTI AL AREA 75 77 80 84 UNDEVELOPED AREA 68 70 '72 75 AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL AREA 6" " 67 69 72 -77- . s~~o n ,ne. n.,,,. C.20 . 0.25 .f 0.30 0.35 0.'W 0.4'i 0.<;0 0.55 o bO 0.65 0.70 :).75 0.80 0:1)5 0.90 0.95 1 00 1 :0;0 2 00 2"0 -.. 00 .. "n 400 4 :0;0 e;.oo " --.;n .6.00 6~0 "00 -., .<;0 8.00 ""0 ., -N; Q.e;o ~OO STOllM DRA-$NAGE . Street ;,elocHiell aDd. capacit~ee Flowing.curb full Kanniug'IINaO.018 . d \1 . I W" .. 'j -1:' 0 ,. ".'C n. . . . HIfIO:l COLLECTOR 1"_'d:lG.1NAL RES. S~COtlDA:lT :P;lIM~;>Y . . STn~ET STRr.~' ACeES$ STRt.tT STR~ET-1SIDE 5TREET-l.S~)~ . W~"O' w=402' w~26' .:~=241 :1=:56' c=4" wp-:51.16 c.=5" wp.;4:5.16 c=3" wp~27.16 c_6" wp_24.66 c-9" wp-Z!!.52 A=12.4' 1'*. :~O A_1e .c;4 r... '6 A~11.83 1"_.44 A..7.92 r-.32 A.8.'12 r".28. ~v ~'. "~.._,, .,.-= n.;~ ,fi.'-". .,. 'I:' -"".e;-,. 1"" ,.,., n ~~ "., ono -, "':>' .'~.'- ,.,~,., --, ....." , "n " aa ,... ",., ~-.OO 24. 0 1.R7 20 06 :>.. :>e;:>n ,.,.. ''1.70 Li;A ,,11'1 2.24 27.9 2.09 '2.48 2.~0 28.27 1.0' 1';'20 1.77 14.'17 2.46 30.... 2.20 'l'i.C;O 2.61 ~0.138 2.12 16 7Q 1.Q4 le;:z:;_ 2.65 32.99 2.47 311.38 2.112 ''I. '6 2.20 If.14 2.0Q If ~"J 2.84 ~';~6 2 64 4' 0" ; n:> .." ".. '.44 H...., :>:>4 ,R 1<; .01 I '7.47 2.80 ~~'.20 '7..82 .-".e;o .:>oe;, :> '7 l.~":L~ .17 ,...4' 2.QC; ~ 84 ~ '7 -19,2"' .:>7'1 :>'~.'- :> e;n ~:2 . 2 "4t. .. ~ 10 48 17 .. e;4 41 !'II". :> II" n ".. ., t:., , .' ~'7 1....." ".,4 e;n '7n 4.. 7'7 ., 00 ',,~R .':2d4 " 3.1 .~4.9 .'7<;2.' .Re; 40;.<;c; "12 2471. ~Rt:. "14 3.75 44.6Q .0 54.' .~Q 4720 '.2' ;><;.tt :> of. -,;~.."i.- 3.RR 4P.. '1 .l2 C;b.2-<;- 4 f"-.!-!i8.6.6. ".,,<; :>~.<;" ".M. 2.1t 110; I 4.01 49.92 3.74 'ffi.12 4.27 <;0.<;1 "46 27 40 .. It:. "<;1;1', 4.13 51.42 3.85 59.~3 4.40 52.05 'I. 6 28.20 ".26 26 47 4.25 52.01 '.96 61.<;4 4.<;" '~.;Q " ;7 20 07 .. ~<; ~~~_ 4.37 -';.4 41 4.07 6".2<; 4.6<; e;e; 01 'I. '7 2Q.86 ~ 44 21."<> 4.48 <;<;. 8 4.18 64.06 4.77 56,4, '.86 ~0.57 ".<;" <'8.~~ <;.40 68 <; 12 70<;6 5.Bo; 60.21 4.,1l ~?4h 4.'" ~'i:16 6~4 78 e;01 01 84 6.7; 70.85 .2~ ~'I.2' .00 14l).j;P. J TOQ 88 2 6.61 02. 27.'i4 89.20 6.11 ..li.J .50 145.}9 I ""--"6 0t:..61 .:>4 12 1 "2'7 07.1\" 6.f.0 C;2.:Q 12 40.60 . -ll ..0- ,n4 ~ .1\:> I:>' .';:>80" 10e; 64 7 2" C;7.2 .f.l I <;'.67 I 80;'. 11'~8 '6 ':>0 01 .Q.c;4 112.86 .7"'1 61.22 ,,07 1';7.41 . Q0:1 118.'+0 8.86 l~7.68 10.12 llQ.72 .20 4.94 7.51) 0.90 10.02 124.7'5 Q.,,'+ 4'i.l~ 10.67 126...n. .64 8.13 7.90 ,4.15 0'" 1~0.1\'i o.RO 1'<;2.29' 11 10 . 1"2~ o.cv; 1.16 .2Q 167,'11 10:OS f'6'10 10 2 lc;8.CI? 11.6Q 1 i8.2Q 9~ '4.~ 2 .6';' 70.24 11 4' "4'1,~t1 .,,,Lii 6'i 0 1:> 17 1.'1.97 90..22.. '8.01. 01 17'.1& 11 8611+7-66 11 00: 17], 2 12.6' Ho.'+110.22 0.94 9.35 75.92 I,:> 28 10:2.801144 ,"7"7 ~I\ l~ 10:1""2 10.0:/1 1\'1.79 9.68 76.o~_ 12.68 10;7.8<; U. 2=t;.~ 13.50' 159~.71 10.9,86.57 . 9.991.12 1'1.07 162.72 12. 1.28 1'1~Q1 IIb4 ".,.: IIn',lI ,n..n ..64 '" 4" I' 6'1 40; 1:> 4 '12 1'+112 If.o 1 11.59 91. 79 10~ 0 07 1'-.82 :'72.06 12.l ~.16 1'+.71 !Z!t.02 11.9194.'1' 10 Bo If.4' 14.rg; 176.e;4 l' 2 ~ t!f !.5...llO~o;,"""" of..7R ",7 1(0.7~_ Fi gure V II -78- !" INCHES PER flQUR .. .., Os = :l = Z ". ,- -.. N .f .1 , i ,t I I 'r , , ': <( w a: <( ~ 0 c - "' Z 0: .~ 0 .m I- Z .. 1: <:: ~"' " :r ~ ., c Z ~w ~~ <( w ".. (f) 0: .... ~ I- 0 <( >:.. co I , I , . I /(f) w I- ! .... .,0 00: _0 ~u "'W 0:0: (f)~ Z 0... -' W '" t- ;: ~ Z~;; ",0: '" >" -J 0 -J",o: 0'" <(.. 11.. 2: <( a:: o " u " o w '0 i L .. ~:!:H , ~AI" 'ALL. 'NTENSlTY CO .. .. (IlATE I .. .. ~~..-. ..L -'.._ _~ . - - --- i'T~'- - I" ,. t' "1' -. ,.,.....! !. I ..... .. r , . 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'. -<::: - "tJ ~ :s:: C) Q:: c: ~ - ." co co '" :-<::: (j ,co <:; ~ ->= co. '" .Q .... ." "" o 'IJ Q.. ~ .... , "'" l::: '" .Q .... ." "" o ... .q) Q.. '" - .... "tJ q) ... .., .", .... (:) ...; '" .~ ~..... ~ .~ - ~ - I - -<::: Ci. ." "tJ c: ~ QC><) -<::: - C\.. '" "tJ - '" co co '" -<::: (j ~ L - '" € .... '" <: t - 1: '" '" .Q '" '" ~ t ~ <\I '" - ~ - .- <1>. g. -- Co) ->( ~ "' 't:l <b .~ ::. Q. I:>- "'II ,: '- I::q) Qi'b...q co ~... co ~ ,..... "'~'" -<::: '" E:. (j '- .".Cl.. 'II '-(:) <::: ""',-<;: ,~ Cl.. tl ......., ..c::::- '-~ () €-<::: "'- ::::"tJ (} '- <tl :t -: <;:"tJ .0 g ~Q: -80- <.. ., '." >, . ,0 o - "- o "" o <'J c", ., a. .c "- ..... .... '" '" '" <:J_ ~ >, .<:J..... .0_ U 00 .....- <:J >,> ..... -3: uo .,~ 0."- ., U '- ., <:J >, , <:JO co C.-< '" .cE ~);J c_ - >< .. 4'0 ftJ <n~~. tLI t- o . '2:~ . .c ... a. '" '" '" . "'''' "'- ~ ., - ... '- 0'" c..... ., .....E :::l .0 ." '" 3:> 00 .:;: ~ a. 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N - ." ..a o ..... .c ... ." 3: S E - c - :E '" '" o "" '" '" OJ U U <( '- '" u c '" c '" ..... c - '" ~ . <<> <0 ';":J;"' '" '" o '- '" '" OJ U U '" '" u c: '" c: OJ ..... c: '" E '" c '" '" <.. ., o ..a OJ OJ <.. "- OJ '" :::l ~ U C - .,'" E'" '" "-0 o a. '- "''' '" a. '" uc: ><0 <:J_ ..... c", -<:J <.. 3:u O<:J ~ '- u... o ..... .c ..... '" - 3: E :::l E - c - :E .c ..... "0 - :3: :3: o ex: '- , . 0 ...... .><; C"O "'<:J ..a '" <"::1 <:J ><:J o ..a . ..... ~ - >, '" E . . '" "0 o a ;;: '" ." '- < <.. a .., '" E "0 C '" ., . <:J '- ., '" .c ... ~ ., ..... - c c - ." ." '- <.. ., u '" ..a o ..... <.. e OJ o "0 <:J <:J u >< '" - ." c: c: '" .c u c ..... o c: - '" .r::: '" - <:J " - ., > E :::l E - >< '" ::E '- <:J ..a E ::E GI '" ::I a <.. u... OJ , I .' S'TORMORAINAGECRITERIA MANUAl- < . " ROADSIDE DITCH SECTIONS Shoulder, width vori,s IZ' Min. Maximum depth/or 5 year flood (TypJ ' DITCH TYPE I " I~,' Y' Allowable slope' (rom 0.5% to 2-,5% DITCH TYPE IT Shoulder, width varies t2' Min. Property /lne ~I .3 Grossed stapes (Typ) Property I I~ ..3 ~ I ~ ,1 Allowable slope (rom 0.5 % to 2,5 % 6" 4' DITCH TYPE ill Shoulder, width varies 12' Min. .~.;t..:~~~(;.~~.... , Pavement .3 Allowable slope (rol!i 0.5 % to 1.5 %' .- " ._"81.~ 6" layer of rip-rap with 050 =3: and filter material Property line .!J Concrete trickle channel In all cases, wet antecedent conditions shall be assumed. Run-o" rates shall be computed on the basis o' the ultimate development of the entire watershed contributing run-off water to the proposed subdivision. For determination o' time of concentration, velocities shall be assumed on the basis of corlcrete 1 ined channels and streets carrying storm waters in the contributing watershed area. Rainfall intensities shall be obtained fr'om Figur.e VIII. K. .L.abor'ator'v Test i no All materials to be used in subdivision construction shall be subject to testing if warranted. The preponderance of testing to be performed in subdivisions is directly related to street construction and a series of laboratory tests normally associated with road and street construction will be required in subdivisions, said tests being performed by an independent testing laboratory using qual ified personnel. The design (or consu I t i ng) 'ang i neer. or. his des i gna ted represen ta t i ve sha I 1 be present at all testings. The Subdivider shall notify the City at least one week prior to the contractor beginning construction. Contractor shall be required to notify the City a minimum o' at least twenty-four (24) hour's in advance of all testing being per'formf~d. It is assumed that the proponderance of testing required in the subdivision is that testing related directly to street construction. For this reason, the following ratio of testing is estbl ished: 1. Streets and Walks RATID OF TESTING DENSITIES Subgrade__ __________________minimum Under Curb/Gutter__________minimum Base__________________________minimum Lime Stabil ized Subgrade______minimum Back'ill Density Control minimum 1 per' 500 ft. of street 1 per 500 ft. of c:ur'b 1 per' 500 ft. of str'eE"t 1 per 500 ft. o' str'e(.~t o' 10 Proctors (Moisture-Density Relationship) Subgrade (raw) 1 per subdivision unless material changes lime Stabil ized subgrade design____l per subdivision unless material changes -82- ATTER8ERG LIMITS & GRADATION HOT-MIX CONTROL Surface Course Design____________ Base Course Oesign._____,_______ E}(tr-act i on 1 per subdivision 1 per subdivision per day/run minimum 1 per 500 ton 1 per 1,000 ft. of street Densities (in place). CONCRETE CYL.INDER Plant Certification R~lr::ed. The above schedule is a minimum schedule for testing, failures not included. In the event of failures, additional tests will be taken. If e>'.cessive r-ain occur-s on a pr'eviously tested s€>ction, the City shall have the right to order retests as necessary. The Contractor shall notify the testing lab when tests are to be taken. If it is necessary to retest, such retesting shall be at the contractor's expense. The scope of testing of materials incorporated in subdivision constr-uction is not necessar-ily 1 imited to those tests outl ined above. In the event of unusual conditions or factors which may give the City reason to question the qual ity of the materials in any portion of the subdivision, the City will have the right to order such additional tests as are necessary at the City's expense. All testing within these requirements will be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) latest revision, and/or as elsewhere provided in approved plans and specifications for the subdivision. The City will require all subdivision test reports to be certified by a Registered ProFessional Engineer (Texas Registration) and will further require that the City be furnished a minimum of two (2) copies of tE>st i ng r-epor-ts. A. Water And Sanitary Sewer The subdivider shall dedicate, at his own cost, such right-of-way and construct such water main, water 1 ines, fire hydrants and sanitary sewers of such size as to adequately serve the area being subdivided as determined by the City or the util ity company under whose jurisdiction the subdivision Falls. All facil ities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards set forth in Article IV. The subdivider shall provide, prior to the beginning of any such subdivision improvements, a guarantee of performance in accordance with Article IV. Upon completion of the system and acceptance by the City and appropriate util ity company, the installation shall become the property of the City and the util ity company to operate and maintain. -83- 1. Wa ter' (a) General: All subdivisions shall be provided with water supply and lqater distribution systems constr'ucted in compl iance lqith Ar.ticle IV. (b) Facil ities Required: Every lot in a subdivision shall be provided with an approved supply of water, either by the construction of a distribution system connected to an adequate appr'oved plJblic l"ater system or, if such public source is not available, by construction of a complete water system, including a safe, adequate water source, proper treatment facil ities, pumps, storage facil ities and distribution system, approved by the Texas Department of Health Resources. (c) Fir'e Hydr'aJJ_~.s;: Hydr'ant location must follOlq both of t,qO rules: (c )( 1 ) No s tr'uc tur'e shou 1 d be fur' ther' alqay, in a d i r'ec t fire hose 1 ine, than 500 feet from a fire hydrant. (e:) (2) e:>-.:ceed: Hydrant spacing along a water main should not 1. 600 feet in single family residential areas 2. 300 feet in mercantile, industrial and heavily congested residential areas Cd) All extensions or additions to the City of Schertz water distribution system within the City 1 imits and for a distance of one (1) mile thereof must meet the requirements as set forth in current schedule as promulgated by the Texas State 80ard of Insurance for the installation of fire hydrants. Hydrants shall be located so that there will be a fire hydrant every six hundred 1600') feet as measured along water 1 ine as indicated above. Fir'e hydr'ants shall be placed over. three hundr'ed (:300') f'~et in mercan t i 1 e, indus tr i a 1 and heavily congested residential areas and along fire lanes and safety lanes as provided for herein. Heavily congested r'es i den t i a 1 ar.eas are ar.eas tha t have mor.e than five un i ts per acre. 2. Water' Mains (a) Design Specifications: The water distribution system design shall include the minimum r'equirements of the Texas State Fire Insurance Commission for residential, mercantile and industrial areas in addition to the requirements for peak hour customer demand as determined by the Water Super intri!ndent. (bl Supply Mains: Supply mains in the distribution system shall be looped and have a minimum size of twelve (12") -84- inches diameter and shall not exceed six thousand (6,000') in length between cross connecting mains. (c) Mercantile and Industrial Mains: Mains in all mercantile areas shall be looped between supply mains and shall have a minimum size of eight (8") inches inside diameter and shall be the shortest of the two following lengths: three thousand (3,000') feet of a length that would by fluid friction render the 1 ine incapable of producing flows and pressures set out herein for the type of area to be served and with pressures and flows that exist at the supply mains connections as determined by the Water Department Super'intendent. (c)(I> Mains in mer'cantile ar'eas shall be located in streets or 'ire lanes and shall be so sized so that the minimum fire flow from any single hydrant will not be less than 1,500 gpm with 20 psi residual pressure. (d) Residential Mains: Mains in residential areas shall be looped between mains of eight (8") inches or larger inside diameter and shall have a minimum size o' six (6") inches inside diameter and shall be the shortest of the two following lengths: three thousand (3,000') feet, or a length where fluid friction would render the 1 ine incapable of producing the 'lows and pressures set out herein for the type o' area served and with the pressures and flows that exist at the supply mains connections and as determined by the Water Department Super-intendent. Domestic mains shall be installed in dedicated street right-of-way and sized so that the minimum fire flow at any single fire hydrant will not be less than 750 gpm with 20 psi residual pressure and a domestic use of 2 gpm for every lot in the subdivision. 3. DesiQn Criteria (a) Minimum Working Pressure in any part of the system shall be 20 pounds per square inch. This pressure pertains to the point of del ivery o' water to the consumer at the house ser-v i ce line, and for roes i dences not exceed i ng tv/o stor- i es. Ami n i mum wor-k i ng pr-essur-e of 35 ps i shoul d be pr-ov i ded I~herever pO~5sible. (b) Nor'ma 1 Wor-k i ng Pr-eSSLIr-eS under- average cond i t ions of flow should range between 35 psi and 70 psi. (c ) Ma:'~ i mum Pr-essur-es in e>(cesses of 100 ps i shou 1 d be avoided. (d) Fire Hvdrants: Five (5) 1/4" steamer outlet, NST, and two (2) 1/2" outlets, NST fire hydrants shall be installed as part of the water distribution system per the City design standards. Fire hydrants shall be located at block corners if possible and shall be spaced such that each structure is -85- within five hundred 1500') feet of a fire hydrant as measured within the street. Fire hydrants shall be installed with a separate gate valve and shall be of the Mueller Improved No. A 423 and/or Kennedy K-Sl-H of equal the size standard in the City and compatible with the City's fire fighting equipment. Ie) Water Service Lines shall be constructed using an approved double striped saddle copper service 1 ine with su i tab 1 e br-ass CC thr-eaded compr-ess i on gasket and compress i on stops. Developers will be also required to install the angle stop and meter box before acceptance by the City. Meter boxes are to be of the STD 3 piece cast iron box variety ISee drawing AA-II-00) or approved equal and shall be installed at the finish grade of the property to be served. If) Water Mains Within The Citv's Jurisdiction shall be: 1. ANSI/AWWA CI10/A21.10-82 Ductile Iron Pipe and Gray Ir-on F i tt i ngs. 2. ANSIIAWWA C900--S1--PVC Pr-essure Pipe for- Water- IPVC Pipe Design and Installation - AAWA Manual M23, or the latest revision thereof). Ig) No Private Water Supply shall be installed in subdivision in the Schertz ETJ or City Limits without Council approval and a water franchise agreement. any Ci ty Ih) Backfill shall be of select material compacted by mechanical means to ninety 190X) percent standard proctor density. The depth of cover of the main shall be not less than the forty-eight 148") from the top of pipe, and shall be sufficient to safely sustain all anticipated 1 ive and dead loads in conjunction with the pipe material design. The practice of water jetting or ponding backfill in roadways, drainage rights-of-way, driveways, concr-ete easements NOT ACCEPTABLE. mater-ials paved or The initial material in backfill ing util ity trenches should be in accordance with appl icable manufacturer's instructions. We recommend the City require water and sewer util ities to be encased in six 16") inches of sand. Nor-mally the initial fill material will be placed in the trench in three 13") inch 1 ayer-s, ma i stened ~Jhen necessar'y and mechan i ca 11 y cornpac ted to eighty ISOX) percent standard proctor. This requirement may vary depending on manufacturer's recommendation and soil conditions. The contractor must use special care in placing this portion of the backfill so as to avoid injury, Jarring or moving the pipe. After the initial material has been properly compacted the remaining upper portion of the trench can be backfilled. Backfill shall be of selected materials appl ied in six (6") -86- inch Iloose measeurment) 1 ifts. Each 1 ift or layer shall be compacted by mechanical means to ninety 190%) percent proctor density. Certified laboratory shall provide City proctor density testing results. Selected backfill materials shall be free from cinders, ashes, refuse, vegetation or organic materials, boulders, rocks or stones greater than two (211) inches in diameter or other materials which the City Water Department Superintendent determines unsuitable. Large lumps \.,h i ch ,., ill not br.eak dOl.1n r.ead i 1 Y under. compac t i on and materials where the moisture content cannot be controlled should be rejected as fill. From two 12') feet above the top of the pipe to subgrade of pavement, materials containing stones up to four. 14") inches ins i ze may be used unl ej;,S specified other.l~ise. Fill mater.ial may be moistened l~hen necessar.y by appr.oved equ i pment to obta i n the des i r.ed compaction. (i) Gate Valves: Ii )11) L.ocation of the valves shall be uniformly located in some standard area such as street or curb 1 ine to facil itate their location. A valve box, with it's cover at the finish grade shall always be placed over a buried valve. A sufficient number of valves should be placed in the distribution system so that a short section of main may be repaired or serviced without interruption of service of mor.e than one block. Valves should be located on all branches from feeder mains and between distributors and fire hydrants. Three (3) valves shall be used as crosses and tlOJO (2) valvej;, at tees; the valves should be placed on the smaller 1 ines at each cross or tee. On arterial mains and minor distributors, valves should be placed at least every six hundred 1600') feet. Valves shall also be installed on each side of major streets, railroad crossings and drainage channels. Ii )(2) Material for gate valve construction shall comply with the current AWWA Standard C-509-S0-Resil ient Seat Gate Valve~; No. A2370 as manufactur.ed by Mueller. or. Kennedy for. Ordinary Water lines. All valves shall be left hand open valves. (j) Air ReI ief and Blow-Off Valves: Air reI ief valves and blow-oFf valves should not be used except in locations where fire hydrants are not practical. Air relief valves shall be located at high points on the 1 ine and blow-off valves shall be placed at low points. Ik) Protection of Water Suppl ies - Separation of Water Mains: Ik)(I) Horizontal Separation: mains shall be laid at least nine any existing or proposed sewer. Whenever possible, water (9') feet, radially, fr.om Should local conditions -87- prevent a lateral separation of nine main may be laid closer than nine (9') (9') feet, a water feet to a sewer iP: 1. It is laid in a 1 i l1e pipe to be 160, ATSM 3034. with elastomatic separate trench, the not less than an SDR Fittings shall have seal Joints. san i tar-y sel~er- 26, NSF, Class integr-al bell 2. It is laid in the same trench with the sewer provided that the water main is located on an undisturbed earth shelf located on one side above the sewer and the sewer pipe to be not less than type PSM, PVC, DR 26, NSF, Class 160, ATSM 3034. Fittings shall have integral bell with elastomatic seal Joints. 3. In either case the elevation of the bottom invert of the l~ater ma i n is at 1 east eighteen (18") inches above the top (crown) of the sewer. (k) (2) Vert ical Separat ion: Whenever ~.el~ers cr-oss under water mains, the water main shall b. laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least nine (9') feet above the top of the sewer. This vertical separation shall be maintained for that portion of the water located within ten (10') feet horizontally of any ~5ewer it crosses. (k)(3) Special: When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation, both the water main and sewer shall be constructed with water tight Joints and pressur-e tested to assur-e ",ater t i gh tness befor-e backfill ing. The sewer shall be tested at a pressure of not less than fifteen (15) pounds per square inch. (k)(4) Relation to Sewer Manholes: No water main shall pass through, or come into contact with, any part of a SE.~\lJe,...' mc~nhol e. (k)(5) Cr-oss Connections: Ther-e shall be no physical connection between the distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrant or tanks which are suppl ied or may be suppl ied with a water that is, or may be of, lesser standards or contaminated. (k) (6) Water- Ma i ns Near- or- Cr-os~j i no Obstruc t ions: Water- mains within ten (10') feet of railroad tracks or crossing under railroad tracks shall be Ductile Iron Pipe equipped with restrained clamps or other acceptable provisions to minimize the affect of vibration. Mains crossing under waterways shall be laid with flexible water tight Joints, and valves shall be located at both ends of such crossing to permit isolation for repair, and testing of the section. Sampl ing taps shall be provided to facilitate sanitary control. These taps shall not be subject to flooding. -88- (k)(7) Disinfection of Water Mains: For disinfecting newly laid mains or after repairs to the system, the mains shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains - C601 or the requirements of the State Health Department. (k)(S) Oper-ation of Valves: No valve in the owner-'s ~Jater- distribution system shall be operated by the contractor I~ i thout pr- i or- per-m i ss i on of the City Water' Depar'tment. The contractor shall notify the City Water Department Super-intendent when a valve is to be oper-ated and shall only operate the valve in the presence of the City's r-epr-esentat i ve. (k)(9) Hvdrostatic Test: 1. General: Except in the high pressure sections of the water distribution system where test pressures will e:>(ceed 150 psi, all ne~J mains shall be hydrostatically field tested at a maximum test pressure of 150 pssi before acceptance by the City. Wher-e designated as "high pressure ar-ea", all nel. mains shall be hydrostatically field tested at a maximum test pressure of 200 psi before acceptance by the City. It is the intent of these Specifications that all joints be watertight and that all joints ~Jh i ch ar-e felLlnd to 1 eal( either- by obser-vat i on or- during any test shall be made watertight by the contr-ac tor-. In case r-epa i r-s ar-e r-equ i r-ed, the hydr-ostatic field test shall be r-epeated until the pipe installation conforms to the specified requirements and is acceptable to the City. The Design Engineer shall prepare the necessary calculations of minimum acceptable I ine testing. 2. Test Procedures: After the new main has been placed and backfilled as specified, but prior to chlorination and replacement of pavement, it shall be filled with water for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours and then subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test. The spec i f i ed test pr-essure sha 11 be supp 1 i ed by means of a pump connected to the main 1 ine with a backflow prevention valve installed in a satisfactory manner. The pump, pipe connection, and all necessary apparatus including guages and meters shall be furnished by the contractor. Unless otherwise specified, the City will furnish water for fill ing 1 ines and making tests through existing mains. Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the main. To accompl ish this, taps shall be made, if necessary, at the points of highest elevation and afterwards tightly plugged. -89- At intervals during the test, the entire route of the new main shall be inspected to locate any leaks or breaks. After repair of the section, the test shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. The hydrostatic test shall be a minimum of four (4) hours for new mains in excess of one thousand (1,000) 1 ineal feet after the main has been brought up to test pressure. The test pressure shall be measured by means of a tested and properly cal ibrated pressure guage acceptable to the Engineer. All pressure tests shall be continued until the City is satisfied that the new main meets the requirements of these Specifications. Should any test of pipe in place disclose leakage greater than that 1 isted in Table 4 or 5, Hydrostatic Test Leakage Allowances, as appl icable, the contractor shall, at his own expense, locate and repair the defective joints until the leakage is within the specified allowance. L.eakage is defined as the quantity of water suppl ied into the newly laid main, or any valved section of it, necessary to maintain the specified leakage test pressure after the main has been filled with water and the air expelled. The contractor shall notify the City forty-eight (48) hours prior to beginning the test. -90- HYDROSTATIC TEST. LEAKAGE ALLOWANcEs (MAXIIUl) ct 200 psi. ~~-:Rlooi20DL~Q~~~~J20Q(J130001~OI5000 I [6i'cr*pvc 0.13'0.25 0.38 O,2.!-,9.~~L 0:~89TI.Ql_c~1.~Jl.27J f.541 3.8~~ 6.35. I 18"Cl*PVC 0 0.1~1 0.341]3]:Q-:-6-ifO,&l:.92)1'.I~Ll.~1~-:iIL,,-_:.?Qj3:4o I 5.10/ 6.80 I a-.5of O~"CI*PVCI~~2.?Ii.31I..Li~Ji..J)gJ2.2QL2.55L2JQI 7.65110.201 12.75 I 116"CI~PVCII 0.341 0.68~.Qj..b..lli!12.38i 2.J213.06l3.4lL1 6.80110.20113.60117.00 I [10"t:J*PVCI~ 1.JOI2. nl.22..25j.2.91l1~3,.83j/!-2518...5DI12.7.:T7...oo12J.25 , .1..2o'~C.s......cJlJW18LQ._wll.2!JJu21fLMiIiL4.11..n.~~ n 7q[j <;I'l.. 7:'17 3 lG.. 3 95 j /24';CI*PVC 3"06-it7~4:t.~. 5:~~~~'20r~....30. 2D:40-r25:50/ 24"C S.C. I 0,2.7 ,7 ...Z..86 ..95 l~O:L..:rd ,.RD ~.2p 3O"CI*PVC 0.6411.2711.9112.55 3.19 ~~:;~ ~:;:H3~l:~: :~1~: ~_1~~ :: 19.11 25.48 31.85 3O"C.S.C. O.]~ 0.241, 0, 35J..9:.47 0,-?..2 3.54 4.72 I 5.90 36 "CI*PVC '-'''C.S.C. a.~! 3:~6!3:82~ 4.58~:?...1~:..0t6. 0.1410.28,0.43' 0.5710.71 i 0.8510.9911. 14 1 --,-------- ,..--- <-. '.-.- -". 42"CI*PVC 0.89 i 1. 78i 2.68 3.57j 4.46 5~-35j 6.2417.14 8.03 8.~ 17.84 26.76 35.68 44.60 4?"r .S.C. .. 0.1710.3310....50 0.66 0.8 1.00 1. 1611. 33 1.49 1. 6iJ 3.32 4.98 6.64 8.30 .8E 7.64115.28 22.92 30.56 38.20 .2E 1.42; 2.84 4.26 5.68 7.10 ---. -r----- ---______. 48"CI*PVC 1.02 2.0. 3.06 4.08 5.10 6.11 7.13 8.15 9.17 10.19 20.38 30.57 40.76 50.95 . 48"C.C;.C. 0.19 0.31 0.57 0.76 0.95 1.13 1.32 1.51 1.70 1.89 3.78 5.67 7.56 9.45 . *CI includes Ductile Iron in both mechanical and push-on joints. NOTE: Leakage. allowances may be determined for footages not specifically listed by inter- polation and/or by the combination of various tabular data. EXAMPLE NO.1:. The maximun leakage allowance for 6,000 LF of 6" PVC pille would...be the sum of the values for 5,000 LF and 1,000 LF, or 6.J5. GPHplus 1.27 GPH equals 7.62 GPH. . . EXAMPLE NO.2: - The maximun leakage allowance for 1 ;550 LF of 6" Pvc p~.:Would .be the sum of the values for 1,OOOLF.and the interpolated value fot 550 LF, or 1.27 . GPH plus 0.76 GPH equals 2,03 GPH. -91- HYDROSTATIC . TEST. LEAKAGE: ALLOWANCES (MAXIMUM) 8 150 psi Gallons Per Hour (GPH) ** __..-Y,!eLL41GTH TN FFFT . . . . __ 30.0. .J.!PO I.. ,sOo.J .60.0. .I?QQJ_BDOJ..20iLJ:1QOOJ 2(tQWOOO+!!QQ~ . 0.221 D. 33i:=g:44LrC~fjf:15.:~~LQ,.~?LQ.Ji~r:~~.~~[I:'~r~?,]Q[~cr4:4DUU 0..291 D.44LQ-,-2~LD.Z~L.l!.88J~p~tJ, lcl. t.3.2L1.AZI-,2~~!!J_~ 5.88tD 0..4410.661 D.8SP.101 1.321 1.5H 1.72j i~981-2'.201-n4:4(W6.60t a-:-MIJ.l:..Q 0..5910..881 L181 1~ ~76r2:06T2.3512.651 2.9415.881 8.82111.76U!kl ISIZE.& JlYeLelPE 10.0. L6"CI*PVC 1 roo 111 \8"CI*PVC II 0..:151 jT2"CI*PVC il 0..221 116"CI*PVC II 0.291 VD". ( 12cj.'C -:5. c. . 1~~::..; 1 2'.?~1~.94 3.31 D.:.~]--O~.63d.71 3. 8 7.36 11.0.4 14.72 18:4 0..79 1.58 2.37 3.16 3.9 I 24"CI*PVC 0..44 D~881 1.32 1. 76 2.2l+-~.'~'~i .3.~9. 3.53 3.97 4.41 .8.82 13.23 17.64 22.0. ---- --.-..- !----- -..-" ~ ; 24"C.S.C. 0..10 0..1910..29 0..38 0.4810..57 0..67 0..7.6 0..86 0..95 1.90. 2.85 3.80. 4.7. 48"C.5.C. 2.65 3.53 4.42 5.30. 6.18 0..57 0..76 0..95 1.13 ..1.32 5.52 11.0.4 16.56 2.08 27.61 1.18 2.36 3.54 4.72 5.91 6.62 13.24 19.86 1.42 2.84 4.26 ..h___ 6.95 7.72 1~.44 23.16 .88 38.61 1.49 1.66 3.32 4.98 6.64 8.3! 8.83 "6"CI*PVC I . I 36"C.5.C. 2"C.5.C. *C1 includes Ductile Iron in both mechanical and push-on joints. **GPH for C.S.C. are manufacturer's maximum. NllE: leakage allowances may be determined for footages not specifically listed by inter- pol~~ion and/or by the compination of various.tabular data. . . . EXAMPLE NO.1: The maximum leakage alloWance : for 6,000 LF of 6" PVC pilJe-woiiid1ie the sum. of the value for 5,000 lFand 1,000 LF.. or 5.50 GPH plus 1. 10. GPH equals · _~..6Q_GPH. . . -. ~ EXAMPLE No 2: The maximum leakage allowance forI ,550. LF. of -6" PVClli~ld~be the s.un of the values for' 1,000 LF. and the i[lterpolated.value for 550. LF, 01'"1. io. GPH plus 0..66- GPH equals 1. 76 GPH. . -92- (k)10) Water. Distr.ibLltion Svstem FlushinD and Tes~.lI.'!a. Mains: 1. Flushing~ Immediately upon completion of pipe laying the contractor shall flush all mains which are scheduled to be disinfected by machine chlorination by the owner. This flushing shall be at the direction of the City and shall consist of completely fill ing all sections of main between valves and then displacing such initial volumes into and through the main to the point of discharge from the main being flushed. The flow-through shall continue until the City determines all dust, debris, or foreign matter that may have entered during pipe laying operations have been flushed out. The nel~ 1 ine shall then be placed under pressure for testing. To avoid damage to pavement and inconvenience to the publ ic, f i r.ehoses sha 11 be used to d i r.ec t flush i ng wa ter. fr.om the main into suitable drainage channels or sewers. (k)11) Disinfection Chlor.ination: of New Ma i ns ~1j:;_Ui~iDJL. l'l5lc:l:l.iD.8 1. General: After the new mains have successfully passed the pressure test specified in Hydrostatic Test, the owner will disinfect those mains shown on the plans or otherwise indicated as "Machine Chlor.ination by CWB". This disinfection shall include chlorination, flushing, and placing the mains in ser.v ice. 2. Operation of Valves: During and after the disinfection of the mains, the City shall be notified by the contractor sufficiently in advance to enable the City to have a competent representative present whenever valves are to be operated that will affect the pressure in any part of the work for which the contractor is responsible. 3. Contractor's Personnel and Equipment: The contractor sha 11 supp 1 Y 1 abor. and equ i pment nec:e~'sar.y to make all excavations required for chlorination, equipment connections, subsequent flushing and placing the mains in service. 4. Safequar.d inq and BackfJ....lJ_JJ19.....QpgD._ I-lgJgg;: The contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding any open holes excavated or left open for flushing and disinfection purposes. Following completion of disinfection, the contractor shall backfill such holes. -93- (k)(12) Disinfection of Mains Util izing Dry Calcium ,':lY..E2.ch 1 o!::~t",: 1. General: Mains shall be disinfected with dry Calcium Hypoch 1 OF' i te (HTH) ,~here shOl~n on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. This method o. disinfection will also be 'ollowed for main repairs. 2. Dosage: The contr'actor' shall disinfect the ne~) or' replaced mains with Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) of seventy (70X) percent available chlorine. Sufficient Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) shall be used to obtain a minimum chlorine concentration of 50 ppm. The i'ollOl~ing table, Chlorine Dosage, is included for the convenience of the contractor: 3. Chlorine Dosa~€! CHLORINE DOSAGE Diameter of Pipe Inches Ounces Per Foot To Obtain 50 ppm Chlor'ine Dosage 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 0.01:38 0.0233 0.0364 0.0523 0.0708 0.0934 0.11'75 0.1455 0.2080 0.3210 0.4690 0.63"10 0.83~~0 A heaping tablespoon holds approximately 1/2 ounce, and a standard measuring cup holds approximately 8 ounces. (1) Fill inQ the Main: Those sections oi' main to which the dry Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) has been appl ied shall be filled slowly to allow for the even distribution of the disinfecting material. The manipulation of valves shall be under' the sLlper'v i s i on of the Eng i neer" s r'epr'esentat i ve in accordance with Operation Of Valves. -94- (1 )(1) Holding Time: The length of time that sections of main disin'ected with Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) shall be allowed to stand undisturbed will depend upon the particular job. 1. The required minimum detention time will be eighteen (IS) hours when circumstances permit a shutdown with no customers out of service. 2. The required minimum detention time will hours when customers are out o' service shutdown with no leakage past valves. be t,~o (2) duro i ng a 3. The required minimum detention (30) minutes when customers are a shutdown with some leakage. time will be thirty out of service during (1)(2) Flushing: Following the expiration of the specified holding time, the treated section of main shall be flushed thoroughly by the contractor in accordance with the appl icable provisions of ANSI/AWWA B300-S0 or latest revision thereof. (l)(3) Flushing and Testing Mains: Flushing shall continue until no chlorine ~emains detectable by taste or odor or until the chlorine residual is less than 0.3 ppm. (1 )(4) Preventing Reverse Flow: Backflow prevention valve shall be required so that the strong chlorine solution in the line being tested will be flushed out of the main and will not 'low back into the 1 ine supplying the water. <1 )(5) Supervision: All disinfection of mains shall be done under the general supervision of a representaive of the owner and of the City. (1 )(6) Additional Treatment: Should the new main fail to meet minimum publ ic health standards for bacteriological quality a.ter 'lushing, further treatment shall be as directed by the Engineer. If further disinfection is required, chlorination shall be done in accordance with Disinfection Of New Mains Util izing Machine Chlorination. In no case, however, shall the new 1 ine be acceptable as complete and satisfactory until the bacteriological qual ity of the water taken from the main meets the Standards of the Texas Department of Health Resources. (1 )(7) Safecuardinc and Backfill inc Open Holes: The requirements for safeguarding and backfill ing all holes excavated or' 1 eft open for' ch lor. i nat i ng and samp 1 i ng sha 11 be as specified in Safeguarding And Backfill ing Open Holes. -95- 4. Sanitary Sewers Desiqn Criteria: ~ll gravity sewers shaJJ. b~; 1. Pipe: PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings meeting the r.equ i r.ements of ASTM Spec i f i cat ions D 3034 (SDR 35), Type PSM Poly Vinyl chloride (pvc) sewer pipe and fittings, four (4") inches thr.olJgh fifteen (15") inches. 2. Vitrified Clay Pipe (4" - 42") (a) Extra Strength Clay Pipe, ATSM ClO~, or at latest revision thereof. (b) Compression Couplings for Vitrified Clay Plain End Pipe, ASTM,C425, or latest revision thereof. (c) Pipe, Clay Sewer, Feder.al Specification SS-.P-36lb. SeIder pipe conff~r.ming to ASTM requirements. Minimum size of lateral sewer mains shall be eight (8") inches in diameter and all house connections in streets or alleys must be six (6") inches in diameter. The minimum grades permitted shall be sufficient to produce a velocity of two (2') feet per second. All outfall mains shall be of sufficient size to serve the maximum peak anticipated flow from all area tributaries to this 1 ine and must confor.m Id i th san i tary SeIder Master Plan recommendations on file in the office of the Engineer. The followinq criteria shall be used in formulas in the . des i on of sewer. sy_~t~-'n: FLOW FROM CONTR I8UTING POPULATION TYPE OF RES WENT! AL. PEAK CONTR I BUTI ON AVERAGE DAIL.Y FLOW AREA PER PERSON IN PER PERSON IN GALL.ONS PER DAY GALLONS PER DAY A. Middle Income, Ne'd Constr.uc t ion 240 156 B. Middle Income, Old Constr.uct ion 152 115 C. LOld to Middle Income, Old Constr.uct i on 198 128 -96- TYPE OF RESIDENTIAL AREA PEAK CONTRIBUTION PER PERSON IN GALLONS PER DAY AVERAGE DAILY FL.OW PER PERSON IN GALL.ONS PER DAY D. Lo,. Income 111 '72 E. Middle Income, Apar' tmen t IBO 117 F. Lo,. to Middle Income, Apar.tment 152 99 INFILTRATION SOURCE OF INFIL.TRATION AMOUNT OF INFIL.TRATION IN GAL.LONS PER DAY PER ACRE Residential Area, Level to 7% Slope 700 Residential Area, 7% to 15% L.and Slope 500 Totally Undeveloped Areas 360 High Water Table, Cr'eek Beds, L.ake Areas 1450 Business and Industrial Areas 1000 The developer shall furnish Lift Stations where necessary. These shall be constructed only after approval by the City, Sewage Treatment Plants and sewer systems must conform to the requirements of Texas State Department of Health. 5. Manholes Precast Concrete Manhole Base: (a) Precast concrete manhole sections with steel reinforced concrete base with confined Q-Ring joints in conformance with ASTM C-443. -97- (bl Base shall be manu'actured in accordance with ASTM C--4'78. The precast base may have for'med smooth i nver.t channels cast at the angles. The invert channel shall have 1/4" . l' 'al1 toward the outlet and inverts shall be designed to prevent reverse 'low. (cl Compression Joints 'or a watertight seal between the manhole base and speci.ied 1 ine pipe 6" - 12" shall be pr'ovided. This Joint shall comply I~ith ASTM C-425. (dl Resil ient Joint connectors 'or a watertight seal between the manhole base and speci.ied line pipe 15" and larger shall be provided. This Jaint shall comply with ASTM C-9:.~3. 6. Construction Methods: Shall be in strict accordance with the manu'ac turer' s Tnst-a 11 at ion pr'ocedures and r.ecommendat ions. The items below are 1 isted 'or emphasis. (al The Engineer shall be advised be'ore any constr'uction is star.ted in or'de,r' 'or' adequate inspection to be provided. Re'erence Section leA. (bl Se'~er's shall be streets and 'our (4'1 where in alleys or as Layout Plat) located in the center line o' 'eet 'rom the north or east 1 ines otherwise approved. (See Util ity (cl All sewer 1 ines shall be placed to I ine and grade as directed by the Design Engineer. (d) All Joints shall be compression type Joints 'or vitri'ied clay pipe. (el Manholes shall be placed not more than 'our hundred (400' I 'eet apart where possible. (.) Manholes shall be provided or alleys where there is a e)(tens ions. at intersecting streets possibil ity o' 'uture (gl Drop manholes generally, only l~hen steepen the incoming used 'or a 'all less ShOLl 1 d be used spar' i ng I y and it is not economically 'easible to sewer.. In no case shol.lld a dr'op be than two (2'1 'eet. (h) C 1 eanou ts may be used on 1 y wher'e not mor.e than one customer is on the line. (i) Manholes located in the area to be paved shall be le.t covered below subgrade until the street contractor has completed the street and then it shall be reset to . i n i sh grade. -98- (J) Compaction o' Proctor Density as 'or' I~ater' lines. se,.jer' lines sha 11 be to 90% Standar'd outl ined in Paragraph 3 h., backfi 11 '7. San i tary 8el~er Line Air Te.~~i ng 1. Description: This completed sections o' pF'essur'e air' tes ts on sel.r.Jer ma ins. item shall cover the installed sewer pipe all completed sections testing a. us i ng I Ol~ a. san i tar'y The air test will be cons tr'uc t i on methods on success'ul air tests shall o' the 1 i nes. used to evaluate the pipe 1 ine bt~ mandator'y 'or. mater' i a I sand sections, and the acceptance 2. Materials 'or TestinQ: (al .Compr'essor' Air' Supply: Any sour.ee which provide at least three hundred (3001 cubic 'eet minute at one hundred (1001 pounds per square inch. wi 11 per' (b) "plugs, Valves. Pressure GuaQes. .Air ._._.Hose. Connect ions and other' equ i pment...O!'1.c:.essar'y to conduct the air test sha 11 be 'ur.n i sh,~d by the contractor. The test equipment 'or air testing will consist a. valves, plugs, and pressure guages used to control the rate at which air 'lows to the test section and to monitor the air pressure inside the plugs. Test equipment shall be assembled as 'oIIOl~S: 1. Hose Connection 2. Shut-o" Valve 3. Throttle Valve 4. Pr.essur'e-Reduc t i on Va 1 ve 5. Gage Cock 6. Mon i tor' i ng Pr'e~;sur'e Guage 3. Test Pr'~<:Il,Jre.?: (a) Determine section o' I ine to be tested. (b) Apply air pressure until the pressure inside the pipe reaches 4 psig. (cl Allow the pressure inside the pipe to stabil ize, then bleed back to 3.5 psig. (d) At l~i 11 be r'ead i ngs 3.5 psig, the time, temperature obser.ved and recor'ded. Ami n i mum will be required 'or each test. and pr'essure o' .ive (51 I' the time in seconds 'or the air pressur'e to decrease 'rom 3.5 psig to 2.5 psig is greater than that shown in -99- the 'ollowing table, the pipe shall be presumed to be free 'rom de~ect. When these rates are exceeded, pipe breakage, Joint leakage or leaking plugs are indicated and an inspection must be made to determine the cause. The contractor shall make such repairs as may be required to accompl ish a successful air test. AL.L.OWABLE TIME TABLE PIPE SIZE TIME MINUTE SECOND 4" 2 0 6" 3 0 8" 4 0 10" 5 0 1211 5 ~'30 l~ill 7 5 1811 8 30 21 " 9 50 2411 11 ~?O 2711 12 45 3011 14 10 3611 17 00 4211 19 50 48" 22 40 5411 ~~5 ~'30 60" 28 20 4. De'lection Testing 1. Flexible gravity de'lection by use o' a 'or .ive (5%) percent diameter o' the pipe. se~)er' 1 ines shall be tested . or. go-no-go testing mandrel cal ibrated maximum de'lection o' the inside -100- j ~ ~ oil .. 1 .! J 1 I A :i f a ::l ~ , JU uj . . H U . O! .. :II .~ :i ~o S.g U ! .. o . 1~ :II. . ju In - jn -be " ~JS6 ilX!!! :II . 1",1 Aisa :II.!~++ :iIJsa 1> :iUS! .. :igss u<l1.::: :II~:!l!l .. 1> "'il8 :11.._ .. 1> n!~ .. 'i"'-!i 3d- "-- 6!:: " , ..~- &cs "m- m !~ '2. !e H- !.!e o ~i"" li,!B :g is -- is !e i'ii- He ,- 'ill.- .=8~ :g- Hs ..- i_ j!e jse 0.... , ..", "- ,/;"" - ~.... ]e .; "'- .Ie ... . Ii l !Jfi IJ- " !l U ju IJ- " l! Usa .Hxss . :II. . JjjAisii. . .. ++ 'U~28 .' {!. ClI..... o ~ _ " " . . g s_ O! f 'f~-- . ~_. . -- r .. "-- lB... ! -- '..- b __ Ii .. U:1}~ 1 .. II 1> ~ U!a " x .! tl .s ! ~-- .! .!i:: .:: -- 'i1 1 'at... , i 8.';" " .. - ~ . m n j ]1II:t.....- " ~J:!B ~ x :i ... ! f 0._ g{S ij a ~:g .~ ~ , " ::l H~~ ~ &-<........ n ~ .!l ~ he x ~ ij .. t: .. &. - ~ ~ Q,"Gt:l-. " ~a!~ ~ .. .. II ]- S ~ . ~ ~! ..- x jI 'I ~< " e i II j -- ~ Sa ., .. {!.~ . . ii-:- ". 'U . . ::11 . . .,!!" 1 . ]8 .; z_ .- 0- ~ x ~ i H i ., x 0: jj . '" -101- " EXHIBIT B ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CERTIFICATES_ The final plat shall contain the followil}g: PART 1. Ol~ner's AcknOl~ledqemel'lt: State a. Texas County o' I (wel, the undersigned, owner(sl o' the land shown on this plat, and designated herein as the _______________ subdivision to the City o. _..._....._......._..._...., Te:><as, and I~hose name is subscr' i bed her'eto, hereby dedicate to the use o' the pub] ic 'orever all streets, alleys, parks, water courses, drains, easements and publ ic places ther'eon shol~n . or. the pur'pose and cons i derat i on ther'e i n e:><pr'essed. O'~ner State o. Texas County o' _..."....... Be'or'e me, the unders i gned author i ty, on th i s day per'sona 11 y appeared _______________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the 'oregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same 'or purposes and considerations therein stated. Given under my hand and seal o' o"ice this day o. __""... 19 Notary Publ ic, _________ County, Texas PART 2. Certi'icate by the City EnQineer: I, the undersigned. City Engineer o. the City o. Schertz hereby certi.y that this subdivision plat con'orms to all requirements a. the subdivision regulations o. the City as to which his approval is required. City Eng i neer -102- PART 3. Appr'ova 1 o' the City P I ann i ng Cornrn i ss.i.o-,!_: This plat _______________ has been submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission o' the City o' Schertz, and is hereby approved by such Commission. Dated this __________ day o' _____, 19 8y:_________________ Ch a i r.man ATTEST: Secretary PART 4. Cer.ti.icate o' the Sur'veyor. r'esponsible 'or' sur'veying the subd i vis i on area, attest i r.2'L. tCl,_lt~."!., ac;,S.urilcy: State o' Texas County o' I, the under'signed, (a r'egister'ed pr'o'essional engineer'/publ ic surveyor I in the State o' Texas, hereby certi.y that this plat is true and correct and was prepared 'rom an actual survey o' the proper ty made under my superv i sian on the gr'ound. (Eng i neer. or. Sur'veyor 's Sea 1 ) Registered Pro'essional Engineer or. Registered Publ ic Surveyor PART 5. Certi'icate by the Platting Engineer responsible 'or th, preoaration o' the .inal plat and supporting data, attesting to it's accur'acy: State o' Texas County o' _.._......._..... I, the undersigned, a registered pro'essional engineer in the State of Texas, hereby certi.y that proper engineering consideration has been given this plat. Registered Pro'essional Engineer (Engineer's Seal I -103- PART 6. Approval of the County Commissioners Court: State o' Texas County of This plat o' ________. ____________ has been submitted to and considered by the Commissioners Court o' _______________ County, Texas, and con'orms to all requirements o' the subdivision regulations of the County as to which approval is required, and is hereby approved by such court. Dated this __________ day o' -.----------, 19 County Judge Attest: County Clerk, _______________ County, Texas -104- EXHIBIT "C" .IJEF I N IT IONS For the purposes o. this Ordinance, the 'ollowing terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given in this Section. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the 'uture; words used in the singular number include the plural number; and words in the plural number include the singular number. The words "shall" and "will" are always mandatory, while the word "may" is merely directory. Appr'oved Pla~: Is the plat o' a subdivision which has been approved in accordance with the requirements o. these regulations and wh i ch has been . i 1 ed 'or' r'ecor'd with the County Cl er'k in which the land lies. .!3u i I ding b.) ne: Means a 1 i ne beyond wh i ch bu i 1 dings sha 11 be set back 'rom the street 1 ine. Bllildino Setback Line: A building 1 imit .ixed at a speci.ic distance 'rom the 'ront, rear or side boundaries o' a lot beyond which a building cannot law'ully extend. _G..!..h: Re'ers to the Ci ty o' Schertz, Texas. City Engineer: Shall employed or designated pro'essional engineering be a registered pro'essional engineer by the City o. Schertz to provide services 'or and in behalf o. the City. .1: i tv o. Schertz._._S~.I'1.cl<!r:ds: Re'er to the standar'ds 'or' streets and alleys, storm sewer 1 ines and appurtenant structures, which are set 'orth herein, and such additional standards as may have been or may be adopted by the City Council. and which may be amended 'rom time to time, and be hereby referred to. Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission o. the City o. Schertz, Te:x:.3s. Council: Shall re'er to the City Council of the City o. Schertz, Te:x:as. Cr'osswa 1 k Way: l~ i d th betl~een cir'culation. A publ ic right-a'-way, ten (10') 'eet or more in proper ty 1 i nes ,~h i ch pr'ov i des pedes tr' i an Cul-de-sac: Is a street having but one outlet to another street, and terminated on the opposite end by a vehicular turn around. Dead-end Street: A street, other than cul-de-sac, with only one ( 1) ou t let. -105- Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ): Within the terms o' the Texas Municipal Annexation Act, the term Extraterritorial Juriosdiction means the unincorporated area, not a part o' any other City, which is contiguous to the corporate 1 imits 01 the City 01 Scher.tz, the outer' boundar'ies 01 l~hich ar.e measur'ed Ir'om the extremities of the corporate 1 imits o' the City, outward 'or such distances as may be stipulated in the Texas Municipal Anne>(ation Act, in I~hich area, l~ithin the terms a. the act, the City may enjoin the violation of it's subdivision control ordinance. EnQineer: A person duly authorized under the provisions o' the Te>(as Engineering Registration Act, hereto'ore or her'ea.ter amended, to practice the pro'ession o' engineering. Fire Lanes: See Sa'ety Lanes. Flood: A temporary rise in stream level that results in inundation o' areas not ordinarily covered by water. Flood Plain: Any and all land area adJoining the channel o' a river, stream, lake, water course, marshy area, or other drainage element, which has been or may be inundated by storm water run- o'f. The extent o' the 'lood plain shall be determined by the crest a. a 'lood having an average 'requency o' occurrence of once in 100 years, as f~stabl ished by the Federal Insur'ance Administr'ation. Floodl~ay: course and r'equ i r.ed to cumulatively The channel portions o' car'r'y and increasing r. i ght-o""way o' a r. i ver. or other' l~ater the adJoining 'lood plain which are discharge the regulatory 'lood without the water sur'ace elevation. General Plans: Means the comprehensive plan Schertz, and includes any unit or part o' such adopted and any amendments to such plan or parts o' the City o' plan separately thr,.r.eo' . .h9J;.: Sha 11 mean a phys i ca II y ur1d i v i ded tr'ac t or parce 1 o' 1 and having 'rontage on a public street or other approved 'acil ity and which is, or in the 'uture may be o"ered 'or sale, conveyance, trans'er or improvement; which is designated as a distinct and separate tract and; which is identi.ied by a tract or lot number or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat which has been properly recorded. Lot Depth: Re'ers to the distance o' a 1 ine connecting the midpoints o' the 'ront and rear lot 1 ines, which 1 ine shall be at r. i ght ang 1 e to the 'r.ont lot or. r'ad i a 1 to a cur'ved lot 1 i ne. Lot Width: Is the distance o' a line lot depth 1 inel ccmnecting the side setback line or at a point no 'arther 'rom the 'ront lot line. (drawn perpendicular to the 1 at 1 i nes at the bu i 1 ding than thirty-'ive (35'1 'eet -106- Pavement Width: The portion o' a street available 'or vehicular traFfic where curbs and gutters are laid. "Pavement width" is the por.t i on bet'~een the 'ace of cur'bs and gutter's. Per'son: Any individual, association, l'irm, corporation, governmental agency or pol itical subdivision. PlanninQ Commission or Commi ss.i on: Shall re'er to the Planning and Zoning Commission o' the City o. Schertz. Plat: Means the map, drawing or chart plan o. a subdivision is presented, appr'ova I . on which a subdivider's which it submits 'or Publ ic Street: Is any right-o'-way owned or controlled city, county, or state and maintained by same 'or vehicular tra"ic. by the use of a. Alley means a minor publ ic right-o'-way which provides a secondary means o. vehicular access to abutting property and which is used primarily 'or vehicular tra"ic to the rear or side o. properties which otherwise abut on a "publ ic str'eet" as that ter'ro is de.ined her'ein. b. MaJor street means a principal tra"ie artery, more or less continuous across the City, which is intended to connect remote parts o. the City or areas adJacent thereto, and act as a principal connecting street with state and 'ederal highways, and shall include each street designated as a major thorough'are on the MaJor Str'eet Plan, including all e:>dsting and pr'oposed str'eets shown on the MaJor Street Plan as adopted by the Council. Interstate highways, expressways, and limited access highways are not considered maJor streets, and shall be more restrictive. c. Marginal Access Street is a street that is parallel to an arterial street or expressway and intended to serve the local tra"ic in a residential area while shielding the area 'rom the maJor street. d. Minor re'ers to a street intended primarily to serve tra"ic within a neighborhood or 1 imited residential district, and which is not necessarily continuous through several residential districts. e. Secondary Street means a street collecting tra"ic 'rom other streets and serving as the most direct route to a major street or highway adjacent to a subdivision. Reoulatory Flood: A 'lood which is representative a. large 'loods known to have occurred generally in the area and reasonably characteristic o' what can be expected to occur on a particular stream. The regulatory 100 Year Flood has a 'lood -107- frequency of approximately one (1%1 percent chance of occurring in any given year based on most probable rainfall and watershed run-o" that will raise water in a particular location to that determined level which causas flooding. ReQulatorv Flood Protection Elevation: The elevation of the Regulatory flood plus one (1') foot of freeboard to provide a safety factor'. ReQu 1 ator.y Flood Pr'otec t ion Or'd i nances: Or'd i nance '7'7-M-9 Year Floodway - the channel of a stream and the adJacent areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the 100 flood ,~ithout individually or cumulatively incr'easing the surface elevation or velocities beyond defined levels community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). 100 land year' '~a ter' of a Safety L.aneS>.: Safety L.ane is a paved easement gr'anted to the City, to the publ ic generally, emergency vehicles and/or to a private util ity corporation. for install ing or maintaining util ities across, over or under private land, together with the r. i gh t to en ter' ther'eon I~ i th mach i ner'y and veh i c I es necessar'y for' the maintenance of said util ities. These easements may at times be referred to as Fire L.anes. Sa'ety L.anes may also be used as ingress and egress to the property. Shall. May: The '.lor.d "shall" "may" is merely directory. is always mandatory. The wor'd Street Width: Means the shortest horizontal distance between the lines which del ineate the right-of-way o' a street. Subdivider or Developer: Are synonymous and are used to include any person, partner'ship, fir'm, association, corportion (or combination ther'eof), or. any officer' agent, employee, ser'vant, or. trustee thereof, who performs, or participates in the performance of, any act toward the subdivision of land within the intent, scope and purview of this Ordinance. Subdivision: Shall mean the division of any lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or rebuilding development, situated within the corporate 1 imits or within the ETJ. It also includes vacation and resubdivision of land or lots. Division of land in parcels of five (5) or more acres each shall not be included in this definition of subdivision, unless such division of five (5) or more acres includes the planning or developing of nel~ str'eet or access easement. Sur'veyor': Is Surveyor, as pr'ofess i on of a 1 i censed authorized sur'vey i ng. State Land Surveyor or Registered Publ ic by the State Statutes to practice the -108- Util ity Easement: Means an interest in land granted to the City, to the publ ic generally, and/or to a private util ity corporation, for install ing util ities across, over or under private land, together with the right to enter thereon with machinery and vehicles necessary for the maintenance of said util ities. Any oPfice referred to in the Ordinance by title means the person employed or appointed by the City in that position, or his duly authorized representative. Definitions not expressly prescribed herein are to be construed in accordance with customary usage in municipal planning and engineering practice. -109- " . SCHEDULE OF FEES ZONING ORDINANCE: 1. Appl ication 'for' Zoning Arnend,nent/Publ ic Hear'ing/ Specific Use Permit 2. Cer.ti f i cat", of Occupancy 3. Board of AdJustment Notice of Appeal 4. Violation Penalty F~e 5. Home Occupation Permit $ 50.00 51000 50.00 500.00 0.00 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: 1. Plat Fil ing Fee a. Plus $20.00 for each acre or fraction .thereof for the first five acres b. Plus $'7.50 per acre or fraction thereof' for each additional acre c. Plus County fil ing fee for each sheet $ 75.00 25.00 per' sheet 2. Vacation of Plat and/or Replat a. Plus County fil ing fee for each sheet $ 75.00 ~!~j. 00 per' sheet MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE: 1. L.icense Fee a. Plus $1.50 per occupied space $ 40.00 2. Transfer License Fee $ 15.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEES: Total Valuation Fee (a) $500.00 and less Perm i t r'equ i r'ed. each inspection .char'ged. $10.00 for' shall be $501.00 to $1~000.00 $10.00 per thousand fr.ac t i on ther'eof. or. $1,001.00 to $15,000.00 $10.00 for the first $1,000.00 plus $6.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. to and including $15,000.00. , $15,001.00 to $50,000.00 $94.00 for the first $15,000.00 plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraetion thereof, to and including $50'0000.00. $50,001. <;>0 to $100,000.00 $269.00 for the $50,000.00 plus $4.00 for additional thousand fraction thereof, to including $100,000.00. first each or. and $100,001.00 to $500,000.09 $469.00 for th~ first $100,000.00 plus $2.50 for' each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00. $500,001.00 and IJp $1,469.00 for $500,000.00 plus each additional fraction thereof. the first $1.50 for' thousand or (bl Reinspection For the reinspection of any building or structure, the fee shall be $18.00 per reinspect ion. I leI Moving of Building or Structures For the moving of any building or structure, the fee shall be $1.00.00. (d) Demol ition of Building or Structures For the demol ition of any building or structure, the fee shall be $50.00. WATER AND SEWER CONNECTION FEES: 1. Contact Water'/Waste Water' Super' i ntendent, Mr'. Johnny B i er'schl~a 1 eat 658-7065/8343 PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AIR CONDITIONING AND SPRINKLER FEES 1. Contact Inspection Department at 658-7477