2010 Minutes
LOCATION: 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Bob Andrews Conference Room in City Hall
Board Members present: Chairman Mustapha Debboun, Mark Davis, Sarmn Henness, Harriet
Higgs, Sally Macias and Fae Simmons.
Staff present: City Council Liaison Jim Fowler, Parks, Recreation and Coxnrnunity Services
Director George Logan, Park Manager Charles Van Zandt and Sr. Administrative Assistant
Sandy Bryant.
Others present: Robert Brockman, Clare Layton, Steven Layton and Joel Tanner.
Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mustapha Debboun at 5:35p.m.
Hearing of residents:
Chairman Debboun recognized the following citizens who spoke:
• Mr. Steve Layton, Friends of Crescent Bend Park, who briefed the Board on research he
had done on the current tree canopy in the city of Schertz using the Texas Natural
Resources Information System. He noted that property values increase from 5 to 10
thousand dollars when the property has mature trees. Some industrial areas contained
only a 10% canopy, some mature residential areas contained as high as a 43% canopy;
Crescent Bend Park has a 24% canopy while the Sedona area has only a 10% canopy.
The board thanked him for all of his research.
• Mr. Robert Brockman tharrked the board for the Parks Board presentation of a certificate
and the Parks Board coin to Ms. Deedy Wright at the City Council meeting on November
16, 2010.
Regular Agenda:
Agenda Item No. 1. Minutes. Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes
of the October 25, 2010 Schertz Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting.
Motion was made to approve the minutes from the October 25, 2010 Schertz Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting.
Motion: Harriet Higgs
Second: Samrn Hennes
Ayes: Harriet Higgs, Samm Henness, Mustapha Debboun, Mark Davis, Sally Macias
and Fae Simmons.
Nays: None
Abstains: None
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 2. Parks Advisory Board Recognition Committee Re ort. Chairman Mustapha
Debboun briefed the board on the presentation to Deedy Wright and that she and her family were
very pleased to receive the recognition. He also noted he hoped more board members could
attend the Council meeting when someone is being recognized by the board. The board wanted
to know how to submit someone for recognition. Chairman Debboun said they just need to
submit the name and a brief justification for recognition to the Committee for their review.
Agenda Item No. 3. Parks Advisory Board Float for Festival of Angels Parade. Chairman
Debboun recognized Ms. Harriet Higgs for all of her work on the boards' float both for Festival
of Angels and past events. Ms. Higgs thanked Ms. Samm Henness for providing the trailer for
the parade. Board members riding on the float need to show up NLT 5:30pm at Clemens High
School wearing white shirts and they should bring a folding chair. No action was taken on this
Agenda Item No. 4. Going Green in Schertz. Mr. George Logan briefed the board that the City
through a grant had contracted with McKinshy to conduct an energy study for the City and
present their recommendations. Currently funding is not available to complete all of the
recommendations. One of the recommendations was to put solar panels at the library and the
City is applying for a grant to install the panels. The Parks Department is also looking into the
use of recycled water for the ballfields and possibly for the Maske Road soccer fields.
Discussion only item.
Agenda Item No. 5. Parks Advisory Board Wish List for 2011. Tlris item was postponed to the
Jarmary board meeting.
Agenda Item No. 6. Parks Projects Uydates. Mr. Logan briefed the board that the new Texas
Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) trail grant is on hold pending an archeological and
historical review by the TPWD. The reshoom renovation at the North Schertz pool is approved
and waiting on the contractor. New bond issues are awaiting a stakeholders meeting in
December. City Council has approved a new Schertz Youth Soccer Association (SYSA) Board
who will be managing the soccer complex. Discussion only item.
Agenda Item No. 7. Parks Maintenance Update. Mr. Charles Van Zandt updated the board that
the Parks Department is in doing their winter maintenauce programs now. They are working on
the playscape, fixing broken tables and pwnp repairs at the pools. Discussion only item.
Agenda Item No. 8. Re uq est by Advisory Board Chairman and Board members for items to be
placed on a future Board a eg nda. The Board requested the following items be placed on future
• Recognition Committee report.
• Parks rules and regulations.
• Wish list for 2011.
• Banning smoking in City Parks.
Agenda Item No. 9. Announcements by Advisory Board Chairman and members
Chairman Debboun noted he had been contacted by Chuck McCullough from the Schertz Tales
Magazine for bullets regarding the Parks board and what they do and he would like input from
the board members sent to him tomorrow so he can meet his deadline. The board requested the
Parks Department provide a list of people who are volunteering.
Agenda Item No. 10. Announcements by City Staff. Ms. Sandy Bryant briefed the board that
Mr. Jeffrey Siebert and Mr. Dean Midlick have resigned from the board and the next board
meeting will be January 24, 2011. Also she contacted Mr. John Bierschwale of the Parks
Foundation and they would not be available to attend a Parks Board meeting until December.
She will contact lum again about someone attending a future meeting.
Adjournment: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:45pm.
Motion: Sally Macias
Second: Mark Davis
Ayes: Sally Macias, Mark Davis, Mustapha Debboun, Samm Henness, Harriet Higgs,
and Fae Simmons.
Nays: None
Abstains: None
Approved: 6-0
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Chairn an, Pars d Recreation Board
~~~ ~~~
Recording Secret r , ity of 'chertz