1971S240- AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISION I ORDINANCE # 240 ODIltANCE AMDDIlIG cnTAIN PI.OVISION OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINdCE or '!'BE CITY OF SCHERTZ, G1JADALUPE OJUMTY, TEXAS: BE IT OllDAINID BY THE CITY OF SCRERTZ, TEXAS: I That Section 20: PIDESTI.UN CII.CULATION; Section 20-1 SIDEWALKS or mE SUBDIVISION ORDIIWfCE OF THE CITY or SCRnTZ, TED.S, 18 hereby amended to read as follows: Section 20: PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION 20-1: SIDEWALU Sidewalks of four (4) inches of Portland cement concrete and not less than four (4) feet in width shall be provided on both sides of all streets within any subdivision area as defined by this ordinance. II That Section 22: .!:2!!; Section 22-2 LOT DIMDSIONS or mE SUBDIVISION OlDlKARCE OF THE CITY or SCRnTZ, GUADALUPE OJ1JNTY, TEXAS, BE AMENDED to read as follows: Section 22: LOTS 12-2 B: LOT DIMDSIONS I.esidential lots where served by public or approved central sewerale system shall be at least fifty (50) feet wide at the buildina setback line, at least one hundred (100) feet deep and have an area of at least seven thou- sand five-hundred (7500) square feet. III All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are herewith tepealed. pA.ssm AND APPROVED this the 4th day of Nove.ber, 1971. Q~Q~~~ MAlO ATTEST: ~ :2,L City Secretary