* * .. * *
That those Sections of Ordinance No. , of the City of
Schertz, Texas, dealinq with certain provisions for the laying out
and platting of subdivisions in said City and territory adjacent
theretc a~~ defined in such ordinance, as hereinafter set out are~.
hereby modified to read as follows:
,v SECTION 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the "Sub-
!;;W''' division Ordinance" of the City of Schertz, Texas.
~ SECTION 2. Jurisdiction. No person ahall create a subdivision of
~~, land within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz or within
~, that territory outside such limits delineated in Section 30 hereof,
without complying with the provisions of this Ordinance. All plats
and subdivisions of any such land ahall Con fora to the rules and
requlationB herein set forth.
SBCTION 3. In~erpre~a~ion and Purpose. In their interpretation and
application, the provisions ot this Ordinance shall be deemed to be
minimal in nature, and whenever the principles, standards or require-
ments of any other applicable provision of other ordinances of the
City of Schertz which are hiqher or more restrictive, the latter shall
control. The purpose of this Ordinance is to achieve orderly urban
development through land subdivision 1 tp promote and develop the
utilization of land to assure the best possible community environment
in accordance with the Master Plan ~f the City ot Schertz; to provide
for adequate municipal servic.. and safe streets1 and to protect and
promote the health, safety and 9.n.~al welfare.
SECTION 5. Definitions.
For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms, phrases,
words and their derivations shall have the meaning given in this Section.
When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense
include the future; words used in the singular number include the plural
number 1 and words used in the plural number include the singular number.
The word "shall" is always mandatory, while the word "may" is merely
5-1 Building Line means alllae beyond which buildings must be
set back from the street line.
5-2 Commission means the governing body as contrasted with the
City Planning Commission of the City of Schertz.
5-3 ~or Street means a principal traffic artery, more or less
continuous across the Gity, which is intended to connect remote parts
of the City or areas adjacent thereto, and act as a principal connect-
ing street with state and federal highways, and shall include each
street designated as a thoroughfare on the Major Street Plan, including
all existing and proposed major streets shown on the Major Street Plan
as adopted by the City eommission.
5-4 Collec~r Street means a .treet collecting traffic from
other st:L~ets and serving as the most direct route to a thoroughfare,
including all existing and proposed major streets shown on the Major
Street Plan as adopted by the City Commission.
5-5 Local Street m&ans a street which is intended primarily
to serve traffic within a neighborhood or limited residential district,
and which is not necessarily continuous through several residential
5-6 Industrial Street means a street intended primarily to serve
traffic within an area of industrial development or proposed industrial
5-7 Comprehensive Master Plan means the comprehensive plan of
the City of Scher~, and includes any unit or part of such plan sepa-
rately adopted and any amendments to such plan or parts thereof.
5-8 Plat means the map, drawing or chart on which a subdivider's
plan of a iU5!ivision is presented, which he submits for approval and
a copy ~ which he intends to record in final form.
5-9 Street Width ..ans the sborteat horizontal distance between
the line. which delineate the riiht.-of-way of a st.re.t.
5-10 Subdivision meana the division of any-lot, tract or parcel
of land into two or more lota or aitee for the ~.e, whether imme-
diate or tUBtI.aW, of sale or of buildin9 4.ve10~nt.. It alao includes
resubdivision of land or lots. Division of land in parcels of three (3)
or more acres eaoh shall not be included in this definition of subdi-
vision, unless any such division of three(3) or more acres includes the
planning or development of a new stre.t or access .aaement.
SEC'l'IeN.ll: Rules and Regulations of The City Planning Commission.
The City Planninq Commission may adopt rules of procedure to
govern its actions. After public h.aring thereon, the City Planning
Commission may adopt rule. and regulations governing plats and sub-
divisions. Such rules ahall be consiatent with the provisions of
tri~ Ordinance and shall become effective upon-beinq filed with the
City Secretary.
SECTION 7: Appeal 'rom Commission Action.
Any subdivider aqgrieved by a findina or action of the City
Plannin0 Co~~ission which is lawfully sub~ect to review by the City
Commission shall appeal to the City Commission within thirty (30) day.
from the date of such finding or action, and not thereafter. Nothinq
in this Section shall prevent a right of review by a court of competent
SECTION 8: Enforcement.
In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the City and
its officers shall have the riqht to enjoin any violation of this Or-
dinance by injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
SECTION 9: Severability Clause.
If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application thereof
~o any person or circumstances, iSi,held invalid, the remainder of ~h.
ordinance, and the application of 'pch provision ~o other persona or
circumstances ahall no~ be affec~e~ther.by.
SECTION lO~ Variance.
Where literal enforcement of a provision of tits Ordinance will
render sul~ivision of a tract of land impractLaal, and will re.ul~ in
the confiscation of property, the City Planninq Commission shall have
au~hority to qrant a variance from such provision.
SECTION 11: Guaran~.e of Performance.
11-1 Public Work. Improvements. No plat of any subdivision shall
receive final approval unl.ss the subdivider haa coaplied or provided
tor compliance with the policies and procedure. set forth in Exhibit A,
-Specifications and Desiqn S'tandards for Public Work. ImproveMnts,. .
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Until such policies
and procedures have been complied with by the subdivider and the plat
approved by the City Planning Commission as herein required, no build-
ing, water sewer, plumbing or electrical permit shall be issued by the
city as to any property in the subdivision.
11-2 Performance Bond. Prior to the approval of the subdivision
plat the subdivider must file with the Mayor a bond executed by a surety
company holding a license to do business in the state of Texas in an
amount equal to the cost of improvements guaranteeing to the city that
such improvements shall be construoted and completed in a satisfactory
manner and within a period specified, but such period shall not exceed
two years. Said bond shall be approved by the City Attorney and shall
be made payable to and enforceable by the City of Schertz. Upon substan-
tial compliance and approval of all improvements as viewed by the City
Engineer, the bond may be released in writing by the Mayor and may be
returned to the developer.
11-3 Where Bond Not Pr~requisit. to aDDroval. The filing of a
performance bond shall not be a condition precedent to the approval of
a plat where the subdivider, prioerto the last reqular meeting of the
City Planning Commission before the expiration of thirty (30) days from
the date the plat was filed for approval, has signed and filed with
the City Planning Commission an instrument in substantially the fol-
lowing form.
I, do hereby agre.
that, if the proposed plat of (name of subdivision),
filed by me for approval on the day of , 196 , is approved
by the City Planning Commission of the City o~ Schertz, 'Texas, the
City Secretary of ..id City may retain said plat in his possession,
without recording same, until I have either constructed all site im-
provements required under the provisions of the City of Schertz Sub-
division Ordinance, other than ga. and electric lines, or have filed
with the City a bond in an amount equal to the cost of all such uncom-
pleted improvements, as estimated by the City Engineer, guaranteeing
that all such uncompleted improvements will be constructed within two
(2) years from the date of such bond. Said bond shall comply with the
requirements of Section 8 (b), insofar as such requirements are appliCable.
day of
ll-4 Serving Subdivisions With Utilities.
Unless and until a plat of andaubdivision has been approved,
and the subdivider has constructed the streets, curbs, gutters, paving,
utilities and drainage facilities therein, in the manner provided
for in this Ordinance, it shall be Anlawful lor any official of the
City of Schertz to serve or connect any public utilities owned, con-
trolled, or distributed by the City of Sohertz to any land, or any
part thereof, covered by said plat, or to the owners or purchasers
ot said land, or any part. thereof.
BaCTION 12: Dedioat.ion and Maintenance of Streets.
Disapproval of a plat by t.he Cit.y Planning Commission shall be
deemed a refusal by the City of Schert. t.o accept. t.he offered dedications
shown thereon. Approval of a plat shall not be 4e.med an acoept.ance of
t.he proposed dedications and shall not. impose any duty upon the Cit.y con-
cerning the maint.enance of or improvements of any such dedicat.ed parte
until the proper aut.horities of t.he City have act.ually appropriat.ed t.he
same entry, use or improvement. It shall be unlawful for any officer
or employee of the City to enter upon or maintain the streets in a
subdivision and the City will not accept. or maintain said streets, unle.s
and until such streets have been surfaced, curbed and guttered, and
the required utilities and drainage facilities have been installed, and
such improvements have been accepted by the City, with such acceptance
evidenced in writing by written cert.ificate of the City Engineer.
SECTION Lj: Pre-Application Conference.
Prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat, the subdivider
may seek the advice of the Commission in interpret"9 the regulations.
This step does not require formal application, fee, or filing of any
plat with the Commission. At such a meeting the Commission ',fill be
able to make any suggestions that would direct the proposed subdivision
towaad desirable objectives and possibly prevent unnecessary work and
expense if objectives are not met.
SECTION l4: Preliminary. Plat.
l4-l General. In order to secure the review and approval of a
proposed subdivision by the City Planning Commission the prospective
subdivider shall, prior to making any street improvements or inst.alla-
tion of utilities, submit to the City Planning Commission a prelimi-
nary (plat) plan. On approval of said preliminary (plat) plan the
subdivider may proceed with the preparation of a final plat and such
other plans and documents as required by this Ordinance.
l4-2 Filinq Procedure. All plans submitted for action by the
City Planning Commission shall be filed with the City Secretary not
less than five (5) days prior to the next meeting of the City Planning
Commission at which it is to be considered. A certificate of filinq
shall be maintained by the City Secretary and a copy of such certifi-
cate shall be given to the party filing the plan. The preliminary plan
shall be accompanied by a filing fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars
plus an additional fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per acre, or frBCtion
thereof, for the first five (5) acre., and one (.1.00) per acre or
fra~ion thereof, for the next 95 acr~, and ten cents (.lO~) per acre
for all additional acreage of the land being subdivided. SUch plan
ahall be delivered i:o the Cit.y Bngineer, who ahall cause t.he .... t.o
be checked and verified, prepare a report to the City Planning COsIai-
ssion setting forth his findings, and file such report toqether wit.h
the plan with the City Planning Commission at its next regular ..eting.
14-3 Master Pre1iminar! Plat or Larqer Tract. Where the proposed
-t\1bdivision constitutes a unit of a larger track owned by the subdivider
which he intends to be subsequent.ly subdivided as additional unit.s of
the same subdivision, the subdivision plat shall be accompanied by a
layout of the entire area, showing the tentative layout of streets,
blocks and drainaqe for such area. The overall layout, if approved by
the City Planning Commission shall be attached to and filed with a
copy of the approved subdivision plat in the permanent files of the
City. Thereafter, fractional final plats of subs-.uent units of such
subdivision may be submitted without additional preliminary plat approval,
and shall conform t.o such approved overall layout, unless changed by
the City Planning Commission.
l4-4 Siecifications. A preliminary plan of any proposed sub-
division sha 1 consist of a deawing on tracing paper drawn to a ecale
of 100 feet to one (1) inch, and shall show the following information:
A. The date, scale, and north point; a key plan showing
location of the tract; the title under whiOb the plat
is to be recorded, and the names of the owner and
engineer, land planner,landscape architect, archi-
tect or surveyor or other person preparing the plat.
B. The existing boundary lines and acreage of the land to
be subdivided, and the property lines and names of
owners of adjacent properties.
c. The location of the center line of existing water
courses, railroads and other similar drainage and
transportation features, and the location and sizes
of existing .treet.s, alleys, ea....nt., lots and
public areas on or adjoining any part of the land.
D. Topographical infonaation. approximat"y equivalent ~o
five (5) foot contour 1 in" .8dIittlODD....Hl.bt.. . to
be not. more than 100 horizontal feet apart, and based
on City .t.andard datum, or U.S.G.S. datum, which shall
be specified on the plat.
E. The location, .ize and flow line of all exi.ting drainage
structures on the land being .ubdivided and on adjoining
F. The names, locations, widths and. dimensions of proposed
streets, alleys, easements, parka and. other public
spaces, sites for all private u..s other than 8in9le
family dwelling., lot lines and building lines.
l4-5 Processing of Preliainary Plat. The City Engineer shall
check the preliminary plat a8 to its oonformity to the major street
plan and other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Copies of the plat
shall be submitted to all agencies who are involved with providing
public service, drainage or provisions affecting the development of the
tract or public safety. Each agency shall be instructed regarding the
filin9 date of the plat and its review schedule.
The City Planning Comais.ion shall approve or distpprove
any preliminary plan within thirty (30) day. from the date it 18 filed.
Approval of the preliminary plan as such shall not constitute final
acceptance or approval of the subdlvidion. When a preliainary plat
has been approved by the Commission, the final plat, as defined in
Seceion lS, shall be submitted within six months thereafter; otherwise,
approval of the preliminary plan shall terminate unless the ttme for
filinq of the plan is extended by the Commission at the request of the
SECTI0N 15: Final Plat
Ei-l Filinq Procedure. Upon approval of the preliminary plat as
nerein set forth'or if the preliminary plat meets the requirements herein
set forth for a final plat, the City Planning Commission may, on request
of the subdivider, consider such preliminary plat as a final Plat and
approve or disapprove the same as such, provided such action is taken
within t~irty (30) days from the date of its filing. If the preltainary
plat is approved only as suoh, a final plat shall be delivered to the
City Secretary who shall file it with the City Planning Commission at its
next regular meeting. Each plat shall be accompanied by certificate.
from the City and County Tax Collectors that all taxes on the land being
subdiVided have been paid to the current year, and when the plat is a180
considered as a preliminary plan the required filing fee.
15-2 SteCifteations. The final plat shall be drawn in black ink
upon film, 1 nen, tracing cloth or other permanent tracing material 24-
wide and 36" lonq to a 8cale of 100 f.et to one (1) inch and shall show
tho following information:
A. Date, subdivision title, scale, and north point.
B. The names of the adjoining subdivisions or the names of
the adjoining property owners, together with the respective
plat or deed referenc...
c. The lin.. aDd naae. of all proposed str.ets or other ways
or .a....nt. (including a .tateaent of the purpo.. for
which such easements are dedicated), and other open apaces
to be dedicated for public ua. or granted for use of the
inhabitants of the subdivision.
D. Sufficient data to d.termine readily and reproduce on the
ground the location, bearing and lenCJ'th of every street
line, lot line, boundary lin., block line and building
line whether curved or atraight, and including true north
point. This shall include the radiu8, central angle, and
tangent distance for the property lines of curved streets
and curved property line. that are not the boundary of
curved streets.
E. The location of all permanent IIOnuments and control points.
F. Suitable primary control points to which all dimensions,
bearing_ and stailar data ahall be ref.rred. Dimensions
shall be ahown in feet and hundredth8 of a foot.
G. Restrictiv. covenants impoaed on the land if desired by
the subdivider.
H. A statement signed and acknowledqed by the owner dedicating
all streets, alleys, easements , parks and other open spaces
to public use, or when the subdivider has made provision
for perpetual maintenance thereof, to the inhabi t,ants of
the subdivision.
I. The signatures of the Chattman and Seoretary of the City
Planninq Commission attesting approval of the plat.
(See Appendix)
J. A certificate bearing the signature and seal of the
Engineer or surveyor who made the survey certifying that
the requirements hereof have been complied with.
(See Appendix)
K. If the 8ubdivision is not to be served immediately by a
water utility, a restriction prohibiting occupar.:::'y of any
lot until water satisfactory for human consumption is
available from a souroe on the land, a community source,
or a public utility source, in adequate and sufficient
supply for family use and operation of a septic tank and
system shall be provided.
L. If the subdivision is not to be serve~ immediately by a
sewage oollecting system connecte""i,t.,~.._-e~n1<'ty!. ~~pt..1c.:,r
tank or treatment plant or to a publ'ic sewer system, a
restriction prohibiting occupancy of any lot until a
septic tank has been installed on such lot and has been
inspected and approved by the City-County Health Officer
shall be provided.
15-3 Processing of Pinal Plat.
A. Within thirty ( 30 ) days from the filing of any final plat
the City Planning Commission shall disapprove such plat unless.
Cl) The plat complies with the provisions of Section .,
~2) The subdivider has complied with the required
standards of de.ign; and
(3) Ca) The subdivider has constructed and installed
streets, paving, curbs, gutters, utilities and
drainage facilities in his subdivision i~ accordance
with the provisions of Section 11 or has made pro-
vision, by making a cash, corporate bond or deposit-
ing money in escrow, each in an amount e4Ual to the
estimated cost of construction and installing the
required improvements, that in the event of the
failure of subdivider to make such improvements,
the same w~ll be constructed and installed without
co.t to the City of Schertz.
B. When the City planning Commission is satisfied that the
technical requirements of any such subdivision plat have
been complied with by the subdivider, the City Planning
Commission shall enter an order approving the finall?tlat
subject to action of the City Commission with reference
to such utilitt:contracts, street construction, drainage and
other matters as the City Commission may lawfully review.
Upon taking such action, the City Planning Commission shall
caus. the final plat to be forwarded ~o the City Commission
without delay accompanied by a copy of the City Planning
Commission's aotion with reference thereto, together with
a written sta~ement of any grievance or disagreement which
the subdivider has requ'sted that the City Commission act
upon. After the City Commission is satisfied that the sub-
divider will comply with all requirements for utilities and
street construction and has returnod the final plat to the
City Planning Commission, indicatinq such action as the
Council may have taken in regard to the final plat, then
the Commission shall enter its order giving final approval
of such plat.
c. ~y final plat not disapproved within thirty (30) days
from the aate of its filing with the City Planning Com-
mission shall be deemed to have been approved and a
certificate showing said filing date, and the failure to
take action thereon within thirty (30) days from said
filing date shall on demand be issued by the City Planning
Commission, and said certificate shall be sufficient in
lieu of a written endorsement or other evidence of approval.
D. After a final plat has been approved the City Planning
Commission shall cause such plat to be recorded in the
Plat Records of Guadalupe County, Texas.
The following design standards shall apply to both
urban and suburban aubdivisions unl.ss otherwise noted.
SECTION l6: General Design Principles and Objectives
l6-l Conformity with Comprehensive Master Plan. All subdivisions
shall conform to the Comprehensive Master Plan for orderly and unified
development of streets, utilities, neighborhood design, and public
land and facilities.
l6-2 AChievin~ Desirable Neighborhood Develo~nt.' Residential
subdivisions shall e designed to take advantage 0 the principles and
general designs for neighborhood development as established by the Com-
prehensive Master Plan and the City Planning Commission in order to
achieve the most advantageous development of the entire neighborhood
unit in which the subdivision is located.
16-3 Provision for Future Subdivision. If a tract is subdivided
into parcels larger than ordinary buildIng lots such parcels shall be
arranged to allow logical further subdivision and the opening of future
16-4 Standards for Site Improvements. All streets, alleys, side-
walks, utility instal.lat1ons and other site improvements required to be
installed by the subdivider under the provisions of these regulations
shall conform to the requirements of this section and to ...:le then current:
poliCies, specifications, and regulations of the City of Schertz, or
other approved aqencies responsible for design, construction methods
and standards, payment, refunds, credits and other financial arranqe..nts.
SECTION l7: Streets.
l7-l Street La~out. The arrangement, extent, character, width,
grade and location 0 all streets shall conform to the Major Street Plan
and the Comprehensive Master Plan. Minor residential streets shall pro-
vide adequate oirculation within the neighborhood and yet discourage t
through traffic. The street layout shall be arranged to aohieve the
most desirable development of the entire neighborhood unit with appro-
priate consideration of creeks, drainage channels, wooded areas and
other topograrb~al1 features which lend themselves to special treatment.
l7-2 Where appropriate to the
neighborhood pattern, ex st ng streets n adjoining areas shall be con-
tinued and tied into the proposed street layout. The width and align-
ment of suoh streets shall be as determined by the City Planning Com-
l7-3 Projection of Streets. When adjoining areas are not yet
subdivided, the arrangement of streets shall provide for the proper pro-
jection cf streets into the adjoining unsubdivided areas as will be re-
quired to complet~ the neighborhood pattern or conform to the Comprehen-
sive Plan.
l7-4 Private Streets. Private streets which serve more than one
residential lot, or one or more mUlti-family structures owned by more
than one person or corporation are expressly forbidden. All suoh streets
shall be dedioated to the public in accordance with these regulations.
17-5 Partial or Half Streets. In the case of minor streets, no
new half-streets shall be platted. Where the proposed subdivision abutts
upon an existing half-street, the remaining half of the street shall be
platted. In the case of secondary streets and major thorofares, half-
streets may be platted, if necessary, in conformance with the Comprehen-
sive Master Plan.
l7-6 Dead-End Streets and Cul-de-Sacs.
A. Dead-end streets shall be prohibited, except as short
stubs projected to be continued in future subdivisions
in conformance with Section 17-3, or when designed as
Cul-de-Sacs. Temporary turn-arounds shall be provided
on pro-1~~ streets until such time as they are ex-
B. Cul-de-Sacs shall not exdeed four hundred (180) feet in
length and shall have a turn-around of not less than one
hundred (lOO) feet in diameter in single family residen-
tial areas, one hundred twenty (l20) feet in multi-
family residential areas and not less than two hundred
(200) feet in diameter in commercial and industrial areas.
17-7 ~liqnmp-nt. The alignment of all major thorofares and
secondary streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Master Plan and
the requirements of Exhibit "A" of these regulations. Minor street
alignment shall meet the requirements of Exhibit "A" and in no case
shall street jogs be offset less than one hundred twenty (120) feet
on ce'llterline.
l7-8 Intersections. All intersections on major thorotares and
secondary streets shall be at ninety (90) deqrees except as shown on the
Comprehensive Master Plan or approved by the City Planning Commission.
The intersections of minor streets shall be as nearly ninety (90) degree.
as practicable. The curb radii at street intersections in urban sub-
divisions shall conform to Table I ot Bxhibit "An.
l7-9 Right-of-Way and Pavement Widths. All street and pavement
widths shall conform to the Comprehensive Master Plan and the requirements
of Exhibit "A", but in no case ahall the right-Of-way widths be less
than the following:
A. Major thorofares - eighty (80) feet.
B. Secondary streets - sixty (60) feet.
C. Minor streets - fifty (SO) feet.
l7-l0 street Name.. Names of new streets shall not duplicate the
names of existing streets within the county unless the new street is a
continuation of or part of a future continuation of such existing street.
Street names shall be chosen to avoid similarity or confusion with existing
street names. Names of all new streets shall be subject to approval by
the City Planning Commission, and coordinated on an area-wide basis.
l7-ll Other Minimum Improvements. Additional improvements such
as street lights and street name signs shall be installed in accordance
with minimum requirements of Exhibit "A" and then current policies ot
the City Planning Commission. '
17-12 Construction Standards. All streets shall be constructed
with reference to base, surfaCing, curbs, grades, horizontal curve. and
intersection curve radius in accordance with the standards prescribed
in Exhibitl"A" of these regulations and the then current specifications
of the City of Schertz.
l7--l3 Reserve a provisional one-foot reserve shall be used along
the side or end of streets that abutt property not subdivided in a
recorded plat.
l7-l4 Temporary Right-Of-Way. When deemed necessary by the City
Planning Commission, temporary right-Of-way shall be provided for certain
uses or locations, such as the provision of turn-arounds on projected
streets. Such temporary right-ot-way shall revert to the abutting pro-
perty owners when no longer required for its original purpose.
SECTION l8: Alleys.
l8-l Commercial and Industrial Districts. Paved alleys not l..s
than twenty (20) feet wide shall be provided in all commercial or
industrial districts, except that the City Planning Commission may
waive this requirement where other definite and assured provision
is made for serviee access, such as off-street loading, unloading
and parking consistent with an adequate for the uses proposed.
l8-2 Residential Areas. If alleys are provided in residential
areas th~shall be not less than sixteen (l6) feet wide.
18-3 Intersections and Turns. Alley intersections and sharp
changes in alignment shall be avoided, but where two alleys intersect,
or an alley turns at an angle sharper than one hundred (100) degrees, a
cut-off of not lesss than ten (10) feet from the normal intersection
of the property lines jfiall be provided.
l8-4 Dead-End Alleys. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where
possible, but if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turn-around
facilities as determined by the City Planning Commission and have no
les8 than sixteen (l6) foot pavement width.
l8-5 Construction. All alleys shall be constructed in accordance
with the standards prescribed in Exhibit "An of these regulations.
SECTION 19: Easements.
19-1 Utility Easements. In residential areas where alleys are
not platted, easements shall be provided for insta~lation of utilities.
In general the rear easement mall be twenty (20) feet wide, centered
on the rear lot lines. Additional requirements for public utility
easements shall be determined by the City Engineer.
19-2 Drainage Easements. Where the subdivision is traversed by
a water course, drainage way, channel"or stream, there shall be pro-
vided a storm water easement or drainage right-Of-way conforming sub-
stantially with the lines of such water course, and of sufficient width
as determined by the City Engineer, to accommodate further width or
construction and allow access for maintenance.
SECTION 20: Pedestraa. Circulation.
20-1 Sidewalks. Paved sidewalks shall be provided on both sides
of Major and Secondary Streets and on one side of all other streets in
all aresidential areas in urban subdivisions as prescribed in Exhibit
nAn. Sidewalks shall not be required in suburban subdivisions.
20-2 Crosswalks. Pedestr'an crosswalks not less than ten (lO)
feet wide, with not less than four (4) feet of paved surface shall be
dedicated in urban subdivisions where 4e..ed necessary by the City
Planning Co~s.ion, to provide access to schools, playgrounds, shopping
centers and other neighborhood facilities.
SEDTION 21: Blocks
21-1 General La~. The lenqbhs, widths, and shapes of blocks
shall be determined w~due regard to:
A. Provision ot adequate building sites suitable to the
s~cial needs of the type of ... contemplated.
B. Zoning requir..ents as to lot si..s and dimensions.
C. Needs for convenient acces., circulation, control and
safety of street traffic.
D. Limitations and opportunities of topography.
2l-2 Length. In general block lengths along minor or secondary
str.ets shall not exceed one thousand four hundred (1,400) feet or be
less than five hundred (SOO) feet, and along major thorofares shall
not exceed one thousand eight hundred (1,800) feet or be less than nine
hundred (900) feet.
21-3'; Width. In general, blocks shall be platted of sufficient
vieth to contain two tiers of lots with alley or utility easement
between them, except where lots are double-fronted on major thorofare.,
railroads, or drainage channels, or where overalll..lghborhood design
justifies a different layout, or where a single tier of lots is platted
to adjoin the rear of exi.ting lots of unplatted tracts.
SECTION 22: Lots.
22-l General Layout. The size, width, depth, shape and orienta-
tion of lots shall be appropriate for the neighborhood in which the
subdivision is located, and for the type of development and use con-
templated, to assure provision of proper open space and pre.ent
22-2 Lot Dimensions. Lot dimensions shall conform to the zoning
ordinance or the following requirements, if more restrictive:
A. Residential lots where not served by public or approved
off-lot sewer shall be at least seventy (70) feet wide,
at least one hundred twenty (120) feet deep and have an
area of at least nine thousand (9,000) square f.et. In
addition the City Planning Commission shall request the
City or County Health Office to cause a percolation test
to be made and shall require such lot area as recommended
by the Health Officer, but in no case less than nine
thousand (9,000) square f.et.
B. Residential lots where served by pUblic or approved
central seweraqe system shall be at least fifty (50)
feet wide, at least one hundred ( 100 ) feet deep and
have an area of at lea.t .ix thousand (6,000) square
c. Depth and width of properties laid out for commercial
or indu.trial purpo.e. shall be adequate to provide for
th. off-.treet .ervice and parkinq facilities raquired
by th. type of u.e and development contemplatea4
D. Corner lots .hall have sufficient width to permit the
required buildinq setback and proper ori.ntation to both
.treets. Lot. abuttinq on cross-walks shall be treated
as corner lots.
E. Where a re.idential lot backs up to a railroad right-of-
way, high pressure gas line, industrial area or any other
land uae which may have a depreciatinq effect on reaiden-
tial property, and where no marginal accea. street or other
street i8 provided at the rear of .uch lot, additional
dept.h .hall be required, not. to exceed a t.ot.al of one
hundred fi~h (150) f.et. Where a lot. sides to any of
the above, appropriat.e additional width shall be required.
A planting screen, no-acce.s e..ement. of at least. ten (10)
fe.t shall be provided along the line of lot. abutt.ing
such t.raffic art.ery or ot.her disadvantageous land use.
F. If a resid.ntial Aot faces a major thorofare it shall be
at least t.n (10) f..t de.per than ot.herwise required.
G. Radial r..ident.ial lot.. ahall be at lea.t. fifty (50)
feet. wide at the building line.
22-3 Orientat.ion. Resident.ial lots .hall be oriented to take
advantage of topography, and the beat relat.ionship to the overall de-
sign of t.he neighborhood and to minimize the effects of any surround-
ing depreciat.ing land us.s.
A. The placing of residential lot. facing directly upon a
major thoro fare .hall be avoided, unle.s lots face a
marginal access street parallel to such .ajor t.horofare.
Lot. .hould .ide or back to major thorofares and other
depreciating land u....
B. The placing of lots at right angle. to each other (width
rear and side lot. lines adjacentl shall be avoided.
D. Side lot line. shall be a. nearly perpendicular as
practicable to the street the lot face., or rad!al
t.o curved street...
22-4 Acc.... Every lot .hall be provided with adequate acce..
to a public .treet, either by direct frontage on .uch .t.reet, or by a
public ped..tr"n acce.sway approved by the Commi..ion. Rear and or
side driveway acce.. to major thorofares .hall be prohibited.
22-5 Building Lines. Minimum front and side buildinq setback
line. at streets and cross-walk. shall be shown on all plat. and shall
conform to the restrictions, if any, imposed on the subdivision by the
subdivider, but in no event .hall such setback lines be less than re-
quired by the zoninq ordinance or the followinq minimum requirments.
A. Interior Lots:
(1) Frontinq on minor street: Twenty (20) feet.
(2) Prontinq on secondary street: Twenty-five (25) feet.
(3) Frontinq on major thorofare: Thirty-five (35) feet.
B. Corner Lots: Same as interior lot requirement on each
SECTION 23: Public Sites and Open Spaces.
23-1 Conformanoe with Comprehensive Master Plan where a proposed
park, schoolk playqround, or other public facility is shown in the Com-
prehensive Master Plan or official neighborhood plan i8 located in whole
or in part in a subdivision, the subdivider may dedicate such land to
public use, or shall cause such land to be held in reserve for a period
of three (3) years from date the plat is reoorded for purchase by the
appropriate public agency. If detailed plans are not available for the
land to be publiCly! used, the City Planninq Commission shall cause
such determination" to be made within reasonable period of time and in-
foem the subdivider of the extent of land area required.
23-2 Other Public Land. Where deemed es.ential by the City Plan-
ninq Commission, upon consideration of the particular type of develop-
ment proposed in the subdivision, and especially in large scale neiqh-
borhood unit developments not anticipated in the Comprehensive Master
Plan, the City Planninq Commission may require the dedication or reser-
vation of such other areas or sites of a character, extent arid location
suitable to the needs created by sub-development for schools, parks,
and other neiqhborhood purposes.
SECTION 24: Protection of Natural Features. The Commission may de-
cline approval if due reqard is not shown for the preservation of
natural feature. such as large tre.s, water courses, scenic points,
historical spots and similar oommunity assets, which if preserved,
will add attraotiveness, stability and value to the property.
SECTION 25: Monuments. Concrete monuments shall be jplaced at all
oorners, anqle points, points of curve, and all corners of baundary
line. of the subdivision as required by City Enqineer. All intermediate
property corners shall be marked with iron stakes. Placement, size,
lenqt", and type of monuments shall oonform to specifioation of the
City Enqineer.
SECTION 261 Street Improvements. All street improvements shall meet
the then current requirements of the Comprehensive Master Plan, speci-
fications of the City Enqineer, and the requirements of Exhibit "A"
of these regulations, but in no case shall be more minimal than the
following specifications.
eras artlca tfon
Drainage Standard
As required by Comprehensive Plan, City Commission and
Highway Department
As required by Comprehensive Plan, City Commission and
Highway Department
Major Thorofare
Secondary Thoro-
60' 40-44 Curb , Gutter 4 ' Both Side:
50' 28' Curb , Gutter 4 ' either
40' 28' Curb , Gutter 4 ' on Sub-
division "i. ;'i;
Side only
Minor Street
Frontage Street
SECTION 27: Water Systems.
27-1 General. All water supply, treatment, storage, and distti-
bution facilities shall be furnished and installed in compliance with
the requirements of Exhibit "AN of these regulations, and then current
policies and specifications of the City Engineer and the Texas State
Department of Health.
27-2 Subdivisions. Every lot in a subdivision shall be provided
with an approved supply of water, either by the construction of a
distribution system connected to an adequate approved public water
system, or if such public source is not available, by construction of
a complete water system, including a safe, adequate water source, proper
treatment facilities, pumps, storage facilities and distribution system,
approved by the State Department of Health.
27-3 P'~.:r~draDt:. iihery urban \ 81lb4i vislon 'J.hal:lnbe'~ptovid.d,^\wi th
sbaAc1ard ftZle.!!iy uta ."t-i~.r1itof "-;'fhet'wa~.~(:4i.Ur.ibuttoB;":;.Y'.tem, fin: ,'raacord-
ance with the then current policies ot the City so that every lot is with-
in five hundred (500) feat of a fire hydrant.
All subdivisions shall comply with the specifioations
and design standards as hereinaft.r outlined.
A. Two copies ot plans and protiles for streets, alleys, sidewalks
and drainage .a....nt. including the following information
shall be su~itted with each final plat.
B. Streets, Alleys, and Sidewalxs
1. Plana
(a) Typical sections sbowing the proposed pavement width,
type, thickness and crown, the proposed curb or curb
and gutter type aa r.quired, location in relation to
centerline and exposure, the proposed sidewalk
dimensions and location in r.lation to curbs and pro-
perty lines, the proposed street grading slopes, for
each ot the ditterent types of streets and alleys in
the subdivision.
(b) Alignment of eact; street, alley, sidewalk and orosswalk
way showing a befinninq and ending station, each de-
flection angle of the centerline and the station ot
the point ot intersection; the station of the point of
curvature and the point of tangency of each curve, the
station and angle ot inter.ection of each intersection
with another street, alley or drainage easement, the
station and radius of each curb return, the location of
adjacent right-of-way lines, the location and limits
of aidewalks and curbs ot each street; the location of
(c) Location, description, and elevation of bench marks,
the top of curb grade at each curb end, each fifty
(50) foot station and each of each curb return; the
centerline grade at each end and at each fifty (50)
foot station of alleys; the gradient of each tangent
grade and the looation and length of each vertical
curve; the direction of storm drainage flow at each
intersection; the profiles of streets, alley., and
drain.qe ditches shall show the natural ground at ad-
jaoent property lines and the proposed oenterline.
(d) Soale, nor~h ar~ow and date. Plan and profile shall
be drawn to scale of one inch (1") equals fifty (50)
feet horizontally and one (l") inch equals five (5)
feet vertically.
SECTION 28: Sewerage Systems.
28-1 General. All facilities for the collection and disposal of
sewerage sha~l be furnished and installed in compliance with the require-
ments of Exhibit RAw of the.e regulations, the then current policies and
specifications of the City Engineer, and the Texas State Department of
28-2 Sanitary Sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be installed to .erve
each lot in all sUEaivislons where connection ia to be made immediately
to a community dispoaal system or to a public sewerage system. Where
auch connection is not to be made immediately, plans shall be prepared
for installation of a sewerage collecting system to .erve each lot, and
those parts of such system which will lie in the portion of streets and
alleys, intended for vehicular traffic shall be installed before such
street or alley is paved.
28-3 Septic Tank. In any subdivision in which immediate connection
to a sewerage .ystem cannot be made, a septic tank of at least five hun-
dred (500) gallons capacity with a drain field of at least one hundred
fifty (150) feet shall be installed on lot in accordance with the requ-
lationssof the appropriate health authorities.
SECTION 29: Drainage.
29-l General. No lot in any subdivision which is subject to flood-
ing by rainfall shall be approved until drainage facilities adequate to
carry off such rainfall have been provided, as determined by computations
by the City Engineer.
29-2 Subdivisions. All necessary storm drainage facilities
including enclosed storm sewers, bridges, culverts, and water course
improvements, to carry off storm water within the subdivision and inte-
grate such subdivision drainage with the overall urban drainage system,
shall be installed in accordance with the then current requirements of
the City Engineer, Exhibit "AW of these requlations, and official urban
and county drainage plans.
SECTION 30: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Defined.
This ordinance shall be applicable to any territory as to which
the City of Schertz, Texas, haa extraterritorial jurisdiction by
reason of the provisions of Art. 970 V.A.C.S.; 974, A.V.A.C.S. or any
other applicable statutes of the State of Texa. and may be enforced
in any of such territory in the manner provided by such statutes.
2. Dwsiqn Standards
(a) At each .treet inter.ection the curb shall be rounded
wit:h a curve of radiu. "it", varying with the interior
angle as specified in Table 1. (Mot required in rural
(b) At each inter.ection the property lines at each block
corner .ha11 be rounded with a curve on radius "R",
varying with the interior angle as specified in Table 1.
(c) Street and alley grades shall, in qeneral, conform to
the terrain, and shall not exceed the grade. speci-
fied in Table 2. No street or alley grade shall be
1e.. than thr..-t_tah. (0.3) of one (1) percent un-
less otherwise specified by the City Engineer.
3. Construction Requirements
The subdivider shall excavate, fill and grade all alleys
and new streets including sidewalk areas where required,
within the subdivision so that pavements and sidewalks
may be constructed along lines and qrades approved by the
City Engineer. In qeneral, the grades of sidewalk areas
shall be 80 established that no extreme or abrupt changes
in grade are encountered within blocks, but variations
may be allowed where, because of soil conditions, topography,
or valuable trees, the establishment of such grades would
result in undue hardship. New streets and alleysahall be
surfaced in aocordance with plans and specifications approved
by the City Engineer and constructed under his supervision.
No street shall be surfaced until the underground utili-
ties which are to be installed in the portions of the streets
intended for vehicular traffic, have been installed.
New streets (including previously dedicated right-of-ways)
and existing unpaved streets abutting both sides to a new
subdivision or resubdivision shall be construoted in accor-
dance with the standards of Table 3 and the following re-
(a) Sub-Grade preparation
Subqrade shall be prepared in accordance with the
specifioations of the City Engineer, and compacted to
a Proctor dry density of not le.. than ninety per-
cent (90'). When fill is required it shall be placed
in uniform lifts not to exceed six (6) inches in
depth prior to compaction with pbeumatic rollers or
eight (8) inches prior to oampa.ted to ninety (90)
percent Proctor density before Bucceeding lifts are
l '_, '\
,. r
(b) Plexible Base
When asphaltic pavement surface. are used, the base
shall be a compacted flexible base constructed to
the specifications of the City Engineer, to the
depth shown in Table 3, with a Proctor density of
not Ie.. than ninety-five (95) percent.
(c) Stabilized Bas.
As alternate to the flexible base above, a com-
pacted soilcement base with a Proctor density of
ninety-five (95) percent may be used, with s011-
cement ratio and thickness to be approved by the
City Engineer.
(d) Asphaltic Pavement
The compacted surface course ahall be applied at
the rates speetlied in Table 3. The paving mixture
and construction methods shall conform to the speci-
fications of the City Engineer for Hot Mix, Hot
Laid Asphaltic Concrete, Hot Mix Cold Laid ^sphaltic
Concrete, or Cold M,ix Limestone Rock Asphalt.
(e) Concrete Pavement
All concrete pavement shall be Portland Cement con-
crete of a depth and compressive strength specified
in Table 3 and constructed in accordance with the
specifications of the City Engineer. Reinforcin9
steel shall be 6 x 6 wire mesh or nu~)er 3 round
steel eighteen (18) inches on centers both w,ys.
(f) Curb~, Curb and Gutters
Curbs or combined curb and gutter sections, where
required, shall be constructed of Portland of Port-
land Cement Concrete and installed in accordance
with the epecifications of the City Engineer, on
all streets within the subdivision along the lines
and grades approved by the City Engineer. CUrb.
or combined curb and gutter shall be provided on
both sides of all streets within urban subdivision.
and on the side of boundary streets adjacent to the
(q) Sidewalks
All sidewalks and orosswalke shall be construoted
of Portland Cement Concrete at least four (4) inches
thick and at least four (4) feet wide, aocordlnq to
specifications of the City Enqineer, and alonq
the lines and grades approved by the City Enqln..r.
C. Drainage and Drainage Structure.
~~ Plans
The required plans shall show the following information:
(a) Construction details of all drainage structures including
dimanaiona, reinforcing, and components such a. grate.
and manhole covers.
(b) Alignment of drainage ea.ements showing a beginning and
ending station, each deflection angle of the centerline,
and the station of the point of intersection, the station
of the point of curvature and the point of tangency of
each curve, the station and angle of intersection of each
intersection with another drainage easement, the location
of each drainage structure, and the location and size
of all storm sewers.
(c) The centerline grade at each end and at each fifty foot
station of drainage ditches, the direction of storm
drainage flow at each intersection, the flow line ele-
vations of each drainage structure, the flow line ele-
vation of each storm sewer, at each point of change, each
end, and at the intervening gradients.
2. Drainage Computations
(a) Run-off rates shall be computed as determined by the
City Engineer. In all cases run-off rates shall be
computed on the basis of ultimate development of the
entire watershed contributing run-off water to the
proposed subdivision, on the basis of concrete-lined
channels and streets carrying storm water in the con-
tributing area.
(b) Streets may be used to carry storm water if the calcu-
lated flow does not exceed that required by the City
Engineer, or the velocity does not exceed ten (10)
feet per second. Minor streets shall be designed on a
five (5) year frequency. Where streets 'are not capable
of meeting the above requirements, drainage structures
shall be provided. Street widths shall not be widened
beyond width determined by street classification.
(c) Concrete and earth-lined channels and storm sewers shall
be designed on the basis of a twenty-five (25) year
(d) Alleys shall be designed on the basis of a five (5)
year frequency to carry storm water from only the lots
within the blocks abutting the alleys.
3. Construction Standards
(a> All drainage structures shall be constructed in
accordance with the plans and specifications and to
the lines and grades approved by the City Engineer.
(b) All concrete used in drainage structures shall develop
a compressive strength of three thousand (3,000) p.s.i.
in twenty-eight (28) days. All ca.tings shall confora
to the Standard Specifications for Gray Iron Ca.tinq8,
A.S.T.M. Designation A-48 for Class 2 Gray Cast Iron.
(c) Drainage Ditches. In concrete lined ditches the lininq
shall extend one foot beyond the height of the de.ign
glow line. Between the top of the lining and the top
of the ditch an earth sodded side slope not steeper than
two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical may be used.
Vertical concrete walls shall not exceed two (2) feet
in height unless properly fenced or enclosed. Earth
sodded channels shall be mulch sodded over the entire
suxface area of the channel, and the side slope shall
not be steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1)
D. ~anita!x Sewers
1. All gravity sewers shall be vitrified clay sewer pipe oon-
forming to A.S.T.M. standards, and installed in conformance
with the specifications of the City Engineer. Concrete
sewer pipe may be used in areas in which there will be no
industrial wa.te carried, upon approval of the Engineer.
2. The minimum size of lateral sewer mains in re~idential
areas shall be six (6) inches in diameter. Minimum grade.
shall be sufficient to produce a velocity of two (2) feet
per second.
3. All outfall mains shall be of sufficient size to accommo-
date the maximum anticipated flow from the entire area tri-
butary to the line, as approved by the City Engineer.
4. Lift stations shall be furnished where necessary, of such
size and design as determined by the City Fngineer.
E. ~'later Mains
l. All water distribution mains shall be installed in con-
formance with the specifications of the City Engineer.
2. The minimum size of lateral water mains shall be six (6)
inches in diameter.
3. All principal mains shall be of sufficient size to meet all
anticipated requirements of the system as derermined by the
City Engineer.
4. The layout of mains shall assure two-way flow at all points
in the system, with the exception ot extensions of CUl-de-Sacs
and other dead-ends approved by the City Engineer.
Interior Angle
In Degrees
Interior Anqle
In Degrees_
Intersection of
Local or Collec-
tor Streets
Intersection of Collec-
tor or Local Street and
~or Street
Intersection of r~cal
Qr Colleacor Street
tntersection of
.aJ~2treetJ s)
of Major
Street or Alley Type
Marginal Access
Marginal Access
Per Cent Grade
(Desiqnated by State
Highway Department)
Center Line Radius
(Designated by State
Highway Department)
Street Classification
Major Thorofare
12" Flexible
Asphalt, Hot Mix, hot
Laid, 200 lb. per square
6" Reinforced Concrete
3500 p.s.i., with 6x6
me~h or equivalent '3
Secondary Thorofare
8" Flexible
Asphalt, Hot Mix, Hot
Laid, 125 lbs. per
square yard.
6" Reinf0rced Concrete
3500 p.8~i., with 6x6
mesh or equivalent 13
Minor or Frontage
6" Flexible
Commercial Alley
l. Asphalt, Hot Mix,
Hot Laid, or Hot Mix,
Cold Laid, lOO lbs.
per square yard.
2. Rock asphalt, 1 l/2"
3. Double bituminous
surface treatment.
4. 6" unreinforced Con-
crete 3500 p.s.i.
6" Unreinforced Concrete
3500 p.s.i.
The final plat shall contain the following:
1. Owner's Acknowledgements
state of Texas
County of
I (we), the undersigned, owner(s) of the land shown on this plat, and
designated hereinas the subdivision ot the City of ,
Texas, and whose name ta subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use
of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, water courses, drains,
ea..ments an~ public places thereon shown for the purpose and consider-
ation therein expressed.
State of Texas X
County of _____ I
Before me, the undersiqned authority, on this day personally appeared
, known to me to be the person whose name is sub';cribed
to the foregoIng instrument, and acknowledged to me that he exeduted
the 8ame for the purposes and oonsiderations therein stated.
Given under my hand and seal of office this
day of
Notary Public,
County, Texas.
2. Certificate by the city Engineer:
I, the undersigned, City Engineer of the City of hereby
certify that this subdivision plat conforms to all requrrements of the
subdivision regulations of the City as to which his approval is re-
City Engineer
.. Approval of ~he Ci~y PlaftniDg co..ission I
This plat has been subai~~ed ~o and
aonsidered by ~he Cl~y Planning C~lss{on of the Ci~y of
Texas, and is hereby approved by such Commission.
Date ~his
day ot
, 19_.
4. Certiticate ot the Surveyor responsible for surveying the sUbdivision
area, attesting to its accuracy:
State of Texas
County of
(Engineer or
Surveyor' Seal)
Registered Professional Engineer
Registered Public Surveyor
5. Certificate by the Platting Enqin..r responsible for the preparation
of the final plat and supporting data, attesting to its accuracy:
State of Texas
County of
I, the undersigned, a registered profes.ional engineer in the State of
Tex.s, hereby certify that proper engine.ring consideration h.s been
given this plat.
(Bnqineer's S..l)
Registered Profe..ional Engineer
~ ,,,.,
SECTION 31: BIlerqancy Clause:
WHEREAS, an emergency is apparen~ for ~he immedi.~e preserva~ion of
~he public heal~h, .af.~y and general welfare, and ~h.r. is an impera~ive
public nec.ssi~y ~ha~ this Ordinance shall become effective t.media~.ly
upon its passage, all ordinance and rules governing the eff.c~ive da~e
of any ordinance are hereby suspended, and this Ordinance shall ~ake
effec~ and be in force and .ffec~ from and af~er its final pas.a,e, and
i~ i. so ordained.
PASSED and approved this
day of September, 1969.
City Secretary
. 1:11 \