01-13-2011 MinutesSSCC]H[1C1RZ~['7L ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINUTES CITY OF SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTOR5 Regular Meeting January 13, 2011 The City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation (EDC) met for a Regular Meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 6:00 pm, in the City Council Cltatnbers,1400 Scltettz Patklvay, Schertz, Teaas. 1. Call to order President called the rtieetirzg to order at approtimately 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Board of Directors: Harry «~ltitney, President r1 ngelina Kiser, Vice President Tim Brown, Treasurer/Secretaiq Roy Richard, Esq. Holly 1blcBreartj~ Staff: David Harris, Assistant City Aianager Juan Santoya, Finance Dixector Erin Matlock, EDC Specialist Patty Horan, Admitustrative Assistant Absent: Board il4embcrs Rosemai~=Scott and I~iarvin Thomas were absent due to previous eotntnittnents. Others Present: Jitn Fowler -City Councilman Robert Brockman -Resident I1~iichael 11~Ieek --President New Braunfels Chamber of Conunerce Maggie Titterington -President Schertz Chamber of Commerce 3. Public comment 11~Is. Titterington-President of die Schertz Chamber of Commerce updated the Board on scheduled events and c~ptessed her interest in maintaining a close partnerslvp with the EDC. Tlae President made the Following modifications to the Agenda b}= removing froth discussion Agenda Items No.6 and No.7. 4, Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes dated: December 09, 2010. A motion to approve the ibiinutes for the ReguL~r Meeting held on December 09, 2010 was made by Ms. A. Kiser. Seconded by Mr. T. Brown. Motion passed unanimously. Page t of 3 Sl~1]G Board Reg. Mlg. Minutes 01/13/2011 5. Update from City Finance Direct on Monthly Financial Reports. I1~ir. Santo3=a Tendered report on current financial status and went over details listed on the Revenue and Etpense, Cash in Bank and Investments and EDC Sales Tax Reports as of November 30f~, 20'10. G. Discussion and action to restate and amend the Articles of Incorporation aF the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation. Item removed from discussion. 7. Discussion and action to amend and restate the Bylaws of the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation. Item removed from discussion. 8. Discussion of a possible partnetsliip with Nejv Braunfels EDC approving expenditures of np to $20,000.00 ou a proposal to build a Cetttet for Ettttepreneitrship with the purpose of establishing a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Satellite Center in Ne~v Braunfels as part of UTSA's Institute far Economic Develop>ent. (Presentation by Michael Meek/President of New Braunfels Cliatnber o€ Cotuntetce) 11~Lr. Meek explained all the important facets surrounding tlae development effort to bring attention toward entrepreneurship and creating a clunate rich with new, djrnatttic small businesses. `I'lte Stnall Business Development Center (SBDC} will be located itt Nety Braunfels but will scree the Guadalupe and Cotnal counties with the benefit of affiliation with the University of 'I'eias at San Antotuo (U"I'SA) through the Institute for Economic Development {IED). 'I`lte SBDC network is a nationwide program sponsored on the federal level bj= the Small Business Administration (SBA} and met with matcltittg funds on the state and local level. Tvlr. I14eek explained the purpose of fitndutg, services, performance treasures-outcomes, infrastnlcture, technological and personnel regttiretnettts as well as cost for this project. The City of Schertz annual cost is X42,303.75 of wluclt X20,000.00 are requested for consideration to come from the current Fiscal Year. 'I`he Board held a discussion and requested financial budget analj~sis for funding and recotaunendations about this project For fttrdter consideration at a later tttnc. No action taken. 9. Director's Report I1~Is. Erin ]1~latlock, ED Specialist II, rendered Director's Report on behalf of the EDC Staff. 1~Is. Matlock briefed the Board on current EDC rel<~tted activities, atutottncetnents and current projects highlights as follows: back's Furniture Distribution Center closure Job Fair joint vetttttre Caterpillar Ground Breaking Possible plaeutg of hidden entrance warning fl<~slvng lights on Schertz Parkwa}' at the medical plaza center Cite It~fanager retirement announcement ED Director hiring process status Encanto 1blezican Grill -- new restaurant Charrette Planning and Designing sessions for development of N. Schertz Page 2 of 3 SEC Board Reg. Mtg. Mumtes O1/[3/20] 1 10. Requests by Board members that itetus ate placed on a fiihite SEDC agenda None. 11. Requests by I3aard members to Director and Staff for infoxniatian. None. 12. AdYourn, President adjourned the meeting at appro~iinately fi:5G p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10TH DAY OF MARCH, 2(111. ~~~~ Harry Wl;it y - President Tim Brows -Secretary/Treasurer Page 3 of 3 SGbC Board Iteg. Mtg. Minutes O1/13/2011