03-10-2011 Minutes55<c~H~~~~Ri~r~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINUTES CITY OF SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Regular Meeting March 10th, 2011 The City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation (EDC) suet for a Regular Meeting an Thursday, March 10'h, 2011 at G:00 pm. in the City Council Cha~nhets, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. 1. Call to ardet President called the meeting to order at approutnatelj= 6:00 p.tn. 2. Roll Call Board of Directors: Harm= Wlvtney, President Angelina Kiser, ~,~ice President Rosctnaty Scott Roy Richard, Fsq. A~iat~=in Thomas Staff: Don Taplor, Interim EDC Director David Harris, Assistant Ci€~= I1-Ianager ]uan Santoya, Fi3~ance Director Erin A~fatlock, EDC Specialist PattS= Horan, Administrative Assistant Absent; Board l~rietnbers Tito Brost=n and Hopp ]IlcBrearty ~vere abseEtt due to previous cotntx~itments. Others Present; Deborah Fraser -~ CPA/Annstrong, ~Taughan & Associates Freddie Degollado - Yl1-ICA/Schertz Chamber of Commerce Representative Robett Brockman -Resident 3. Public comment A~Ir. Brockman asked the hoard if the Caterpillar Project lead been given an}= incentives. Staff provided a short detailed description of the incentive agreements that the Caterpillar Project clualif[ed for. 4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes dated; January 13~~, 2011. A motion to approve the I1~Iinutes for the Regular Nfeeting held on ~anuary* '13th, 2011 vas made by Ms. R. Scott. Seconded by Mr. M. Thomas. i1~Iotion passed unanicnously. Page I of 4 SF,DC Board Reg. Mtg. Minutes 04/14/201 5. Update on January 2011 Monthly Financial Report (Juan Santoya/Finance Director. The President recognized lllfr. Santoya who rendered report on financial status and went over details listed on die Revenue and E~pectse Rcpart; Cash in Bank and Investments, EDC Sales Tai and January 2011 Payable Reports as of Januai}~ 315, 2011. NIr. Sacttoya noted drat the biggest expense for this period here the February= payments for the Band Issues of about X600,000.00. IIe concluded iris briefing stating drat rite EDC is keeping up with die projections. No action was taken. 6. Independent Auditor's Report -EDC Annual Financial Report for the year ended September 3fl, 201fl. (Deborah Fraser,CPA/Armstrong, Vaughan & Associates) The President recognized ~4s. Fraser who rendered the Independent Auditor's Report for the year ended September 30~h, 2010. She explained that their report is in compliance with rite Government Accounting Standards Board. The audit was performed for rite purpose of foruung an opinion on die Fnancial statements that collectively= comprise the City of 5cltertz EDC's ftnancial statements as a whole. 'I'he layout of die report is in Full Accrual basis and 141odified tlecrual Basis. 'l'ire Full Accntal basis shows all rite assets and debts that rite EDC has throughout the rest of the year. The A-Iodified tlccrual basis shows die current resources of rite EDC plus only GO days of extra revenue and it only shows rite debt payment of the current year. The debt is not shown as a liability but as a current payment. The Auditors dten reconciled both layouts. This metEtad is applied to budget for rite year. I1~Is. Fraser provided a dtorough presentation and went over die information shown on the report etnphasixing on die lugltligltts for die Corporation's net assets, total revenues, and expenses. She concluded iter briefing saying that after al[ adjustments were made, die tludit Opinion states drat die Financial 5tateinents are materially correct and fairly stable. 'I1te Board held a discttssiort and unanimously accepted die audit as presented 7. Update on rite Gateway Planning Group suntmaty of expenses up to date on the I-35 TOD/I-1fl Initiative. (David Harris/Assistant City Maaaget} The President recognized i\~Lr. David Harris wlto rendered a brief status report on the Charrette Planning and Designing sessions. 8. Discussion and consideration arad/ot action to approve partnership ltrith New Braunfels EDC appro~~ing expenditures of tip to $2a,000.fl0 an a proposal to build a Center for Entreprerteursltip ~ritlt the purpose of establishing a Snrall Business Development Center (SBDC) Satellite Center in Ne~v Braunfels as part of UTSA's Instihtte for Ecortornic Development. (David Harris/Assistant City Manager) Tire President recognized ~Ir. I-larris who gave a recap on this item originally introduced by= tl-lr. 1l~Iichael Meek/President of New Braunfels Chamber of Contiuerce during die Jan, 13, 20"11 Board D~feeting. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will be located i,t New Braunfels but will seize the Guadahtpe and Corral counties wilt die benefit of affiliation wilt die University= of Texas at San Antonio (L7TS.r1) through the Institute For Economic Development (IED). The SBDC network is a nationwide program sponsored on die federal level by the Senall Business Administration (SBA) and met with matclurtg funds on die state and local level. tl~ir. l-iarris filrther explained that the satellite center provides a more convenient sen~ice location to patrons in dux area. The annual budget for this branch location is as follows: New Braunfels Chamber of Cotntnerce ~ $4,607.50 Seguin EDC ~ 42,303.75 Schertz EDC $ 42,3D3.75 TOTAL ~ IG9,215.00 Page 2 of 4 SI"sbC Board Reg. Mtg. Minutes U4114/2t}l 1 The Board held a discussion and concurred to approve die spending of fitnds for dte f€rst year of rl~is project wilt the condition that they will develop a test measurement of success and accountability= by dte end of the year. The Board also requested tltc development of a proFrle report of all participants ht this program outlining their place of residence, age and education level. SchertL EDC agreed to fiend X20,000.00 for the remainder of dte current fiscal year and will consider full-year funding for next ftscal y=ear during up-cotrting budget deliberation. A motion to approve the partaersltip with New Braunfels EDC approving expetadihires of up to $20,000.00 on a proposal to build a Center for Entrepreneurship with the purpose of establishing a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Satellite Center let New Braunfels as part of UTSA's Institute for Economic Development wide conditions as outlined duric3g dte discussion vas made by Mr. R. Richard, Seconded by Mr. M. Thomas. Motion passed tinanimotcsly. 9. Discussion and consideration and/or action to approve amending the Tax Phase-itt Agreement, dated February 152. 2008, with Corridor Hotel II, Ltd. to modify die paymetrt schedule and to extend the expiration date of Hie agreement to December 31, 2016. {Erin Matlock/ED Specialist II} President recognized 14Is. n~fadock who explained drat dtis item is still under consideration for agreement on dte expiration date of dte abatement bct<veen die City and the Owner. She requested that the Board table this item. The Board concurred Ms. A-ladock briefed dte Board on the 2010 Abatement Certified Appraisal Roll for Corral and Guadalupe Counties. 10. Update on the hiring process for the uew EDC Director's vacant position. {Dort Taylor/Interim Director) President recognized 1\<ir. Don Taylor who briefed the Board on the status for dte ltixiitg of the new EDC Executive Director's vacant position. Ivlr. Taylor reported that the elected candidate is A~lr. John Kessel ~vho holds dte title of Executive Director for Development Services for the City of A~IcKinney,'lexas. I1~1r. Kessel's start up date will be I14arch 28, 2011. No action was takect. 11. Director's Report 11~Ir. Taylor, briefed dte Board on current EDC related activities, acutottncements and current projects lvghlights as follows: Schertz Medical Home - RAMC medical clinic opening I-letting the Green Bus 'l'our - I-10/35 Economic Development Alliance 12. Requests by Board members that items are placed on a fi-tttte SEDC agenda None. 13. Requests by Board members to Director attd Staff for information. Nacre. Page 3 of A SEDC 13o:2rd lleg. Mtg. R4im~tes 04/t~1/201 t 14. Adjourn. President adjourned the meeting at :~ppro~itnately G:5G p.m, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 14T~~ DAY OF APRIL, 2011. .~ Harry Wliitge -President ~i~ Tim ~ owi- -Secretary/Treasurer Page ~ of 4 SEDC Board Reg, h~1tg. h4ietules Oa/[~/2011