06-30-2011 MinutesSScc~Hn~~RZ~r~ ECONOMIC DEVEL.OpMI~N'T MINUTES CITY OF SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Regt-Iar Meetiug June 30~~, 2011 The City of Scbertz Economic Development Cotpotatiau (ED C} met for a Regular Meeting on Thursday, June 30th{h~ 2011 at 6,00 pm. in the City Council Clratnbers, 1400 Scbertz Parkway, Schettz, Texas. 1. Call to order Meeting did riot take place due to lack of quorum 2. Roll Call Board of Directors; Titre Brown, Treasurer/SecretarS~ Rosemary Scott Absent: I-Iarr}~ ~~~lutnej*, President AugeIitta Kiser, P1tD -Nice President Roy Richard, Esq.- Board tlleniber I4farvitt Thomas --Board 34letnber Holly Mc$rearr5~ -Board Member Otltets Ptesent: Robert Brockman -Resident Steve 1\niite -Resident 3. Public cottunent Staff John Kessel, Interim Executive Director A~iichael Spaitt - CitS% Attorney Juan Santoya, Finance Director EtYrt Matlock, EDC Specialist II Patty Horan, Administrative Assistant ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION: ~1. .Approval of Regular Meeting 11~Iinutes dated: Il~iay 12t1t, 2011 5. Consideration and/or action approving a Resolution authorizing art Amended and Restated Certificate of Formation (previously known as Articles of Incorporation and Amended and Restated Bylaws of the 5EDC; reconunendittg approval thereof by the CirS~ of SchertG; and other matters in connection tltere~vitlt. G. PUBLIC HEARING -Presentation, discussion, and public input regarding a proposed espenditttre of up to X200,000 in sales tax fiords n~ltich are required or suitable for infrastructure necessary to promote or develop ne~v or expanded businesses in the Cit}~, by participating in a public pt7vate partnership ~vitlt SPAT Ventures, LLC Page 1 of 2 SEiUC ]3oard Reg. Eitg. Mi»ules 5130120E I ("SPAT") for the constntetion of public water lines and related appurtenances in connection with five nety medical office buildings to be located in the City (the "SPV Project"). EXECUTIVE SESSION -Called in accordance with Section 551.087 of tl;e Testis Government Code, Deliberation Regarding Econonlfc Development Negotiations; Closed I1~Ieeting, The governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting ("I) to discuss or deliberate regarding cotntnercial or furancial infonnatiott that khe got=ernrrtental bod}= bas received fxotn a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to Stave locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory= of the governmental body and with which the governmental bod}' is conducting econonuc development negotiations; or {2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or outer incentive to a business prospect described b}' Subdivision {1). (SPV Project) RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION 8. Consideration and/or action approving a Resolution authorizing an Infrastructure Improvement Economic Development Project related to public water utilitp infrastructure improvements; approving a X200,000 loan from rite Corporation to SPV Ventures, LLC; authorizing a Loan Agreement, Deed of Tnist, Pro~nissory~ Note, Easement Agreement, and related documents; and oilier matters in connection dterewitlt. 9. li'inancial Reports as of l~fay 31, 2011 {Juan Santoya/F'ictancc Director) 10. Discussion regardi~tg draft SEDC FY-I1-12 Budget 11. Directar's Report 12. Requests by Board members drat items are placed on a future SEDC agenda 13. Requests by. Board nrembers to Director and Staff fax inforYnation i~l. ADJOURN PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28TH DAY OF JULY, 2011 ,~' ,~ r ., ,~ Tit ~B wt Secretar}=/Treasnret Pagc 2 aF 2 SF.~C Board Reg. it4t$, i~iinfEtes b/301201 I