Proposed Budget 2011-12 Web Proposed Budget FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget Balanced Structurally ? Conservative and Responsible ? Follows Financial Policies ? Maintains Current Service Levels ? Focuses on Priorities ? FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget2 All Funds -Revenues SEDC Special General Fund$20,804,290 I&S Fund 4% Events 7% Special Events Fund114,275 Drainage Water & Sewer Fund14,920,184 General Fund 32% EMS Fund5,783,769 Hotel Tax Drainage Fund710,500 Capital Recovery Hotel Tax411,386 22% Park Fund Park Fund325,600 Recycling Fund27,366 Recycling Capital Recovery13,713,000 EMS Fund I&S Fund4,283,348 9% W&S Fund Parks & Rec 23% Parks & Rec Foundation182,485 Foundation Historical Committee6,150 SEDC2,409,242 Grand Total$63,691,595 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget3 All Funds -Expenses Special Events Administrative $3,653,480 I&S Fund General Fund16,901,161 7% EMS Fund General Fund Special Events Fund108,750 26% Water & Sewer Fund14,905,035 Drainage EMS Fund5,680,689 Capital Recovery Drainage Fund695,326 22% Hotel Tax Hotel Tax411,386 Park Fund299,000 Administrative Park Fund 6% Recycling Fund0 Capital Recovery13,662,643 Parks & Rec I&S Fund4,276,667 Foundation W&S Fund Parks & Rec Foundation178,350 SEDC 24% Historical Committee6,150 SEDC2,374,866 Grand Total$63,153,503 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget4 Proposed Tax Rate Tax RateCurrentProposed M&O$0.2993$0.2993 I&S$0.1500$0.1850 Total$0.4493$0.4843 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget5 Proposed M&O $0.2993 Current approved staff ? Reserve Funding $250,000 ? Adds a Vehicle Replacement Program ? 20% increase in fuel expense ? 11% Health Insurance cost increase ? 1% Cost of Living Adjustment ? Market Rate Wage Adjustment ? 3 additional Dispatch personnel ? 2 School Resource Officers ? 1 Planning Manager ? 1 311 Representative, part time ? FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget6 Proposed I&S $0.1850 Aquatic Center ? Soccer/Athletic Fields ? Main Street/FM 78 ? Animal Shelter ? $0.1550 goes to cover older bonds ? FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget7 Proposed I&S Tax Rate Project 2011 2012/13 BudgetBond IssueBond Issue Aquatic Center$ 6,625,000$ 3,000,000$ 3,620,000 Athletic Fields6,000,0003,000,0003,000,000 Animal Shelter2,250,0002,250,0000 Main St./FM 781,000,00001,000,000 Total15,875,0008,250,0007,620,000 Tax Rate.1850.2100 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget8 Tax Rate Current:$0.4493 Effective:$0.4616 Proposed budget is Proposed:$0.4843 balanced at this rate Rollback:$0.5335 Additional $0.01 is $212,000 revenue FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget9 Tax Rate/Levy 2011CurrentEffectiveProposed M&O.2993.2766.2993 $6,354,0135,872,1026,354,013 I&S.1500.1850.1850 3,184,4373,927,4723,927,472 Total.4493.4616.4843 9,538,4509,799,57410,281,485 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget10 Property Values 2010 Total Taxable value$ 2,088,830,742 2011 Equivalent Taxable Value$ 2,033,735,746 2011 New Properties+$ 89,222,264 2011 Total Taxable Value$ 2,122,958,010 Difference$ 34,127,268 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget11 FY 2011-12 Tax Rate 2010 Tax Bill = $697 Avg Home Value $155,096 2011 Tax Bill = $773 Avg Home Value $159,691 Increase = $ 76 2010 Tax Bill = $449 Home Value of $100,000 2011 Tax Bill = $484 Home Value of $100,000 Increase = $ 35 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget12 2011 Property Taxes 3.00 2.50 SA River Auth Univ Health System 2.00 Road 1.50 College County 1.00 School City of Schertz 0.50 0.00 GuadalupeComalBexar FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget13 Historic Tax Rates 0.6000 0.4843 0.5000 0.4493 0.4342 0.4317 0.39770.40900.4090 0.4090 0.3825 0.3825 0.3760 0.4000 I&S I&S I&S I&S0.185 I&S I&S 0.0972 I&S 0.15 I&SI&SI&S I&S 0.15 0.0871 0.0617 0.0734 0.0879 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 0.0000 20022003200420052006200720082009201020112012 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget14 Regional Tax Rates 0.7000 0.5990 0.6000 0.5800 0.5625 0.5302 0.5076 0.4935 0.4843 0.5000 0.4554 0.4422 0.4232 0.3950 0.4000 0.2793 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 - Selma Georgetown Round RockNew Braunfels FY 2010-11 Boerne Schertz Seguin Live Oak Cedar Park Universal City Converse San Marcos Hutto Kerrville San Antonio Pfugerville FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget15 Historic Sales Tax 2003-04 800,000 2004-05 700,000 2005-06 600,000 2006-07 500,000 400,000 2007-08 300,000 2008-09 200,000 2009-10 100,000 2010-11 - OCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEP FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget16 Sales Tax FY 2009-10FY 2010-11FY 2011-12 ActualEstimateBudget General $4,160,495$4,368,520$4,784,071 Fund 5%9% ++ FY 2011-12 3% Budget increase ? FY 2011-12 Sysco and Caterpillar increase ? $281,000 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget17 General Fund FY 2010-11 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 BudgetEstimateProposed Revenue$18,886,418$19,510,837$20,804,290 Expenditures$18,885,872$18,598,752$20,554,725 Over/(Under)$546$912,085$249,565 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget18 General Fund Revenues$20,804,290 Expenditures20,554,725 Increase of Fund Balance249,565 Beginning Fund Balance3,095,000 Ending Fund Balance3,345,000 25% Requirement Policy$ 5,139,000 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget19 General Fund $25,000,000 19,510,837 $20,000,000 18,127,770 13,452,710 15,858,069 20,804,290 18,004,711 $15,000,000 9,923,709 15,056,043 $10,000,000 Revenues 8,381,118 $5,000,000 Expenses $0 Estimate 2010-11 Budget 2011-12 FY2004-05FY2005-06FY2006-07FY2007-08FY2008-09FY2009-10FY2009-10 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget20 General Fund Revenues Property Taxes Property Taxes$ 6,984,454 Sales Taxes Sales Taxes4,784,071 Other Taxes Fees3,187,062 Property Franchises Fund Transfers1,760,658 Taxes Fees Permits Franchises1,617,000 34% 15% Permits1,187,800 Licenses Miscellaneous615,500 Fees Inter-Jurisdictional571,245 Fines Sales Other Taxes35,200 Taxes Inter-Jurisdictional Licenses31,300 23% Fund Transfers Fines30,000 Miscellaneous Total Revenues$20,804,290 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget21 General Fund -Expenses General Government General Government$ 5,392,069 Internal Service Internal Service2,666,042 Police Police4,962,094 General Streets Government Fire Rescue2,879,767 27% Fire Rescue Inspections446,682 Fire Rescue Parks & Recreation 14% Marshal Service646,608 Internal Inspections Streets1,078,305 Service Marshal Service 13% Parks & Recreation1,223,102 Police Library Library826,765 24% Animal Service Animal Services381,291 City Assistance City Assistance52,000 Total Expenses$20,554,725 FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget22 General Fund -Expenses 2010-11 Estimate$ 18,598,752 2011-12 Proposed Budget$ 20,554,725 Over/(Under)$ 1,955,973 % Change10.5% FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget23 New Personnel 3 Communications Officers ? 2 School Resource Officers ? 1 Planning Manager ? 1 311 Representative, part time ? 1 Crossing Guard ? FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget24 Market Study 50% of City Staff will receive a change ? in grade 25% of City Staff will receive a change ? in pay FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget25 Capital Expenditures Capital Outlay Police -6 replacement vehicles with ? equipment Fire ?1 Tahoe ? Marshal ?1 vehicle with equipment ? IT ?new phone system, and data ? storage server Engineering ?1 truck ? FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget26 Budget Calendar FY 2011-12 July 29File with City Secretary August 2Budget Workshop, Vote to place a preliminary tax rate on the agenda, and schedule public hearings August 9Budget Workshop August 16First Public Hearing August 23Second Public Hearing, First Vote August 30Second Vote October 1New Budget in effect st FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget27 Proposed Budget FY 2011-12