9-1-2011 AgendaTRANSPORTATION SAFETY ADVISORY COMMISSION (TSAC} MUNICIPAL COMPLEX COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1Q00 SCHERTZ PARKWAY BUILDING #4 SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78IS~t AGENDA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 20 ~. I 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER; HEARING OF RESIDENTS This tiiire is set-Crsicle for an}J pe1'SOn ~l~ho ~vrshes to crddi•ess tlae Coinjnission. Presei7tatiolas Shorrld Ile lril?rted to 1?O i1103'e tI?1111 S illlnlltBS. ~crela pe1'soi7 slaolrlcl frll orrt 11ae Speaker's 1•egistel• pr•io1• to the ilreeting alad gi-~e it to the Chair. The Co,lrilrission crn1 olaly disclrss items that ai•e oia the agenda. Disclrssioll by the Co11ni1ission of an}~ item t7ot air the agelada shall he liiltited to statements of apecifrc infol'inaNon green in response to rr11y inglrii3~, a recitation of existing policy in respolase to all iilglriiy, and/o1• a proposal to place the stern oia a firtlrre agenda. The presiding officer, daring the Hecu•ing of Residents portion of t11e ugenclir, ~-~ill call on thane persons tirrllo ha~~e signed 1rp to speak in the o1•de1• they 11cr-~e registered 1. Minutes -- Coa~sideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes for August 4, 2011. 2. Carolina Crossing Unit #4 HOA -- Purpose to add Bicycle and Pedestrian gate Onto Schertz Pkwy. Carolyn Thacker, Association Mgmt Services representing HOA. 3. Chelsea Drive and Cherry Tree Drive - No Over Night Parking oar the corner of Chelsea Drive and Cherry Tree Drive. (PWslEngineering) 4. Coa•x•ido~• Loop Road: -Address parking on both side of the sheet. Brouglrt to TSAC by Erin Matlock, EDC Specialist II, This item was removed from August 4, 2011 agenda. (PWslEngineering} 5, Counhy Club Blvd. - No Parking on south and north bound lanes. (PWslEngineering) 6. Cllrll Painting in No Parking Zones - In addition, to No Parking signs staff is requesting to pai~~t curbs in Na Parking Zones. Painting the curbs will inform motorist of the No Parking Zane and will allow traffic tickets to be written. (PWs1Elrgineering} 09-01-11 Agenda Page 1 7. City Engineer Report: (LazTy Dublin, P.E., City Engineer} S. Items Far Next Agenda: Consideration and ar action on questions and passible itelns to be placed on the next agenda {Colnmissian Members) 9. Staff Comments: Adjournment Cez~ti~cation T, DEBBIE PERRONE, SENTaR ADMINTSTA'I'TVE ASSISTANT OT` THE CITY OF SCHER'I'Z, TEXAS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THA3' TfiE ABOVE ADEN©A WAS POSTED ON THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN BOARDS ON THIS THE 24TH DAY OF AUGUST 20! 1 AT 12:00 P.M. WH1CH IS A PLACE READILY ACCESSIBLE 1'O THE PUBLIC AT ALL, 1'IMGS AND THAT SAID NOTICE WAS PDSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 551, `T'EXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. EBBIE PERRONE SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAN I CERTIFY TFIAT TIIE ATTACIIED NOTICE AND AGENDA DF rrED1S TO BE CONSIDERED BY T1IE CITX TRANSPORTATION SAFETY ADVI50RY COifhiISSION VAS R>aa6IOVEll BY RIE FRODI THE OFI+ICIAI, BULLETIN BOARD DN DAY OF , 2011. Titic: TJtis facilily is accessible in accordance iviilt 11re Americans svitlr Disabilities Aci. Hatrdicapped parking spaces are arailable. If yorr regrdre special assistance or Irm>e a regrresl for sigh lnierpretaiive services or other services please toll 619-18Q0 at least 24 ltottrs in advance of nreelbrg 09-01-11 Agenda Page - 2 -