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Ms. Mynette Benedict
Executive Director
Schertz Housing Authority
204 Schertz Pkwy
Schertz, TX 78154
Dear Ms. Benedict:
SUBJECT: SEMAP Certification Final Score
Schertz Housing Authority
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
S7tt An[ouio Field Office, Region VI
Office of Riblic Housing
One Alamo Center
106 South St. Mary's Street, Suite 405
Smt Antonio, Texas 78205-3601
Phone (210)475-6865 Fax(2I0)472-6816
u~ww.lnrA. env ivwieespnnol.lurA em'
Thank you for completion of the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP)
certification for the Schertz Housing Authority. We appreciate the time and attention that you have
given to the SEMAP assessment process. The SEMAP enables HUD to better manage the Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher Tenant-Based Assistance Program by identifying the Authority's
capabilities and deficiencies as they relate to the program's administration. As a result, HUD will be
able to provide more effective program assistance to the Authority.
The Schertz Housing Authority's final SEMAP score for the fiscal year ending on
December 31, 2010, is 96 percent. The following are the Authority's individual performance
indicator scores:
Indicator l Selection from Waiting List (24 CFR 982.54(d)(1) and 982.204(x)) 15
Indicator 2 Reasonable Rent (24 CFR 982.4, 982.54(d)(l5), 982.158(t)(7) and 982.507) 20
Indicator 3 Determination of Adjusted Income (24 CPR part 5, subpart F and 24 CFR 982.516) 20
Indicator 4 Utility Allowance Schedule (24 CFR 982.517) 5
Indicator 5 HQS Quality Control (24 CFR 982.405(b)) 5
Indicator 6 HQS Enforcement (24 CFR 982.404) 10
Indicator 7 Expanding Housing Opportunities 5
Indicator 8 Payment Standards (24 CFR 982.503) 5
Indicator 9 Timely Annual Reexaminations (24 CFR 5.617) 10
Indicator l0 Correct Tenant Rent Calculations (24 CFR 982, Subpart K) 5
Indicator I 1 Pre-Contract HQS Inspections (24 CFR 982.305) 0
Indicator 12 Annual HQS Inspections (24 CFR 982.405(x)) 10
Indicator 13 Lease-Up 2p
Indicator l4 Family Self-Sufficiency (24 CFR 984.105 and 984.305) N/A
Indicator l5 Deconcentrn[ion Bonus n
The Authority's overall SEMAP Performance Rating is High.
As can be seen from the scores, the Authority has been rated zero on at leas[ one of the
SEMAP PIs. It will be necessary for the Authority take corrective actions to address each PI's
zero score in order to achieve compliance with current program rules and regulations. Please
send our office a written report describing the corrective actions taken by the Authority to
address each PI's zero score rating within 45 calendar days from the date of this letter. If
a written report is not received within this specified time period, we may require the
Authority to prepare and submit a formal written corrective action plan containing the
eight components outlined in 24 CFR 985.107.
If the Authority disagrees with any PI's zero score, it may submit an appeal within the same
45 calendar days as previously identified in this letter. The appeal consists of two actions, and they
must both be completed within the specified 45-day period. As the first action, the appeal must be
filed electronically in our Department's Public Housing Information Center (PIC) system. Please
note it is likely that the PIC system will not accept an appeal action if the potential revised
score does not change the Authority's overall performance rating. As the second action, it will
be necessary for the Authority to submit a written appeal to our office. The written appeal must
include the following items:
• Basis of the Authority's disagreement with the PI's zero score and
• Complete evidence/documentation to support the Authority's position.
Please ensure that your written description of corrective actions includes, at a minimum,
the following components:
1. a diagnosis/analysis identifying the root causes of the performance deficiency;
2. a detailed and realistic plan of action to correct the deficiency, and
3. a realistic timetable to complete the plan of action.
The following are the SEMAP PIs for which the Authority must submit a written
description of corrective actions:
Indicator No. 11, Pre-Contract HQS Inspections
We encourage you to continue in your efforts to closely monitor the Authority's SEMAP
performance indicators throughout the current year. As a part of these efforts, please ensure that
the submitted tenant data in our Department's PIC system correctly reflects the Authority's
actual SEMAP indicator performance in order to receive full credit on future ratings.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Simona
Benellesa, Public Housing Revitalization Specialist, at (210) 475-6800, extension 2210.
~~ ~ ~
David Pohler
Office of Public Housing
Mr. Mark Klebig, Chairperson
The Honorable Hal Baldwin