1989R18- CODE OF CONDUCT RESOLUTION NO. ~-}?-~ -~-- A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE CODE OF CONDUCT OF THE SCHERTZ POLICE DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, the conduct of members of any law enforcement agency is closely scrutinized by the general public; and WHEREAS, the need to set standards of conduct to gUide members of the Police Department is recognized; and WHEREAS, the adherence to a proper set of standards relating to personal and professional conduct by each member of the Police Department will promote efficiency, discipline, and good public relations; and WHEREAS, the intent of the Code of Conduct is to set those standards; and WHEREAS, the Code of Conduct will form the basis for administrative sanctions in the event of improper action or breach of discipline by a member of the Police Department; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT the Schertz Police Department Code of Conduct as promulgated by the Chief of Police be adopted and made a part hereof; and shall be reviewed and amended in accordance with Section 9.2 of the Code of Conduct. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the~day 1989. ATTEST: (SEAL OF CITY) -- ..--- -- .- .... ... -" .-- "-. ~... "-~ ~. .- -~...... - ... +. _. ..-- SCHERTZ POLICE DEPARTHENT CODE OF CONDUCT CHAPTER 1- AUTHORITVANO,PURPOSE 1.1 The Code of Conduct of the Schertz Police Departlent is prolulqated by the Chief of Police by authority of City Ordinance NUlber 134 of the City of Schertz, 1966, as a.ended, and ta,es precedence over other regulatory directivES. 1.2 The intent of the Code of Conduct is to set standards for the conduct of mEmbers of the' Police Deparhent, both on and off duty, which will prolote efficiency, discipline, and qood public relations, This directiye will for. the basis for administrative sanctions in the event of improper action or~_breach of discipline by a member, 1.3 The term 'sworn .e.ber~ shall apply~to those employees who are full-ti.e paid or reserve police officers functioning in that capacity for the City of Schertz, The term 'non-sworn .e.ber' shall apply to ciyilian e.ployees while the term 'leiber' shall be inclusiye of all eeployees and yolunteers of ~ the Oepartment. CHAPTER 11 - SCOPE 2.1 ihe applicable provisions of the Code of Conduct shall be observed by all members of the Department in order to maintain the confidence, respect, and support of the pubiic, other City departments, and members of the Department. 2.2 Disciplinary action shall be unde, the authority and responsibility of the Chief of POirCE. Actions taken wi 11 be based on the nature of the viiJl-ation, the degree of severity of the violation, and the retard of the offender. 2.3 Disciplinary proceedinqs aqainst a .ember are ciyil actions and tile charqes need not leet \ It-~ .- ,*" precision or technicality requirements of a criminal indictment, Disciplinary action, up to and including terlination, may be taken for any of the foilowinq: ~ A, conyiction d' a felony Dr other cri.e inyolYing moral turpitude; ~ B. violations of a municipal charter provision; C. acts of incompetency; D. neqlect of duty; E. discourtesy to the public Dr to a fellow employe. while the le.ber, is in the line ~ of duty; F, acts showing Iacli of qood loral characterj 6. drin,ing intoxicants or into,ication while on duty or intoxication Ntile off duty; H. conduct prejudicial to good order; l. refusal Dr neqlect to pay just debts; J. absence without leave; K. shirking duty or cowardice; or, l,,;!iolation.,.,ofc. a9 applicable police'iJij, " depart.ent ~rule or special order. 2.4 Heebers who haye completed a full si, lonths of initial employ.ent probation and receiye disciplinary action from the Chief of Police, up to and including termination, lay appeal the action of the Chief of Police to the City filanager & Such appeal shall be submitted in writing to the City nanager within 10 days afte, the date the "Iber receives written notification froffi thE Chief of Police of the disciplinary act'ion taken. The City Manager shall hold a hearing and render a decision within 2Q days after the date the notice of appeal is received. The City Manaqer's decision will be final and unappealable. 2.5 New members not having served a full si~ months of probation .ay be removed or suspended by the Chief of Police for any reason. The decision of the Chief of Police as relates to discipline of new members is final and ~nappealable. 2.b The promotion to a higher rank, or the tran=-fer from one division, bureau, Dr section to another, "ill fiat become official untii the sUCCEssful completion of a six month probationary period in the ne. position. The promotion or transfer may be rescinded at any ti.e, for any reason, during this period by the Chief of Police whose decision is final and unappealable. Members wniJ have completed ii six month prDhationary period in a new assignment rEsulting from promotion or transfer and receive disciplinary 'action up to and including re~as5ignient, involuntary desotion, or termination) shall have the same appeal rights as noted in Section 2.4 of this code. ^ 7 i.... It shall be the duty of all .embers to take corrective action andlor sub.it a .ritten report, through proper channels, to the Chief of Police whenever :~hey learn, thr~ugh",", personal observation. Dr report, of any"" violation of the Code of Conduct, departoent Of city rules, the ordinances and charter of the City of Schertz, andlor laws of the State of Texas Dr the United States by any .ember. Members who fail to report violations in accordanCE with this section are subject to disciplinary action. No mEmber shall be retaliated againstj or prejudiced in any manner; for tfuthfuliy adhering to this SEction. 2.8 No p~!'50n shall secure appointeent to the Devartient by willfully misrepresenting or Omitting, or otherwiSE concealing1 any information obtainahie under law concerninQ hisJher personal history, qualifications, Of physical condition, 2.9 No lember shall procure appointment to the -- .~_..' .. .- "- Department, snother positiDn within the Depart.ent, Dr a higher rsnk within the Departlent, by giving loney Dr anything of value to another leiber in return for that leiber's resignation or retirement fro. any position nor shall a le.ber tau~e or allow this to transpire on his/her behat!. ..~. 'Of__' cV, -.;. No lembe, shall accept money or anything of value fro. another leiber, Dr person acting on behalf of that lember, for retiring or resigning to allow that member to procure the position vacated- by the retirement or resignation. 2.IQ No sworn meaber may engage in a strike against the City of Schertz. Any member engaging in this type of activity shall be auto.aticaliy discharged from the Depart.ent, 2.11 Members are bound to the sa.e laws as the general public," Members also receive specialized instruction in law specific to their particular function within thE Department and the written rules of the Department and the City of Schertz. ihereforeJ in the event of improper action or breach of discipline by a memberJ it will be presumed that the member was familiar with the law or rule in Question. 2.12 AnY.".lelber who, by an. act _ Dr conduct,,,,, attempts to violate or conspire to violate;~ any rule Dr poi icy promulgated by the Departlent or the City sh.ll be subject to the same discipline as though the actual violation was accomplished. CHAPTER III - UNIFORM, EGUIP~ENT AND APPEARANCE 3.1 All members shall be subject tn, and must [amply with, the UOltorm and appearanCE standards prescribed by the Chief of PolitE in order to maintain the image of a departi2nt of highly trained members who demonstrate disciplined cDnduct, regimentatiorlJ and strict adherenCE to regulation and authorized detail. 3.2 Unifor.s shall be kept neat, clean, in good repair, and well pressed at all times. While wear i fig the uniform, Dff icers sha 11 mal ntai n -- ! I' . '>,. .... .... ._n. ._~ _ __ .... ._ n ~ __ . __.... _. "'" a military bearing, avoiding mannerisms such as slouching, Shuffling, and keeping hands in pockets. The unifor. hat of the season shall. be Morn at funerals, special events during Mhich the Flag of the United States may pass in revieM, or any other event during Hhich the Hearing of the flat is _ordered by_ competent authority. 3.3 Norlally .e.bers shall Hear the duty unifor. on a tour of duty. However, supervisory officers .ay prescribe other clothing to be worn as required by the nature of the duty to Hhich a particular lelber is assigned. Other than this exception .e.bers will strictly adhere to the departmental dress code. . 3.4 Off-duty lelbers who are visiting or conducting business in a deparhental facility should dress conservatively without projecting a stereotyped ilage of any group of persons whose lifestyle is contrary to the high ethical and loral standards of law enforcement officers, 3.5 No lember, while in unifor., shall carry an umbrella,. cane, or si.ilar object or wear on the unifor. any itel not specifically authorized by Hritten order of the Chief of Police, 3.6 SHorn .e.bers shall be in possession of their badge and identification at all ti.es Hhen in public in the City of Schertz except Hhen in ~n undercover capacity or in special attire, e.g., SHim suit, exercise clothing, etc, Sworn members in uniform shall display the badge appropriately on the uniform whether in an on-duty Dr off-duty capacity. Sworn members in plain clothes, whether in an on-duty Dr off-duty capacity, shall not display the badge unless necessary for identification purposes during a police function: The badgE is not to be used for personal identification, E,g" cashing ChECks, credit purposes, etc. 3.7 SHOrn members must be armed while on dutv in the City of Schertz. Off-duty SHorn me.oers, other than .e.bers of the Reserve Battalion, should be armed at all ti.es in public in the City of Schertz unlESS _ prohibited by ... . - -.- .~ .-..... - ,-, - .. -. -- . circumstance (dress,' orders, environment, etc,) or other provisions of this Code. Weapons carried-on or off duty - .ust be of a calibre and .ake approve{ by the Firearms Proficiency Officer;"... _.~ 3,B No SHorn .eiber, Hhen, 'dressed.ii/i- chilian - --, clothing, shall Hear a Heapon in ,such a .anner as to attract attention or be in open : ..,il, vieH of the public except as dictated by ci rcu.stanc e, 3.9 No me.ber shall Hear the uniform, be armed or . carry the badge or identification card Hhile under suspension. _" _ 3.10 Improper or negligent handling of, or willful damage to, City-owned property is a violation of this Code, 3.11 Members who lose, damage, or destroy any equipment issued by the Depart.ent .ay be required to make restitution it the 1055 Dr da.age is Hillful or the result of negligence, -, -_.ii- Members making restitution in accordance Hith this section .ay ,ake paYlents .5 agreed upon by written agreeoent with the Chief of Police or have specific alounts deducted on a payroll deduction basis. The atount of payroll deduction agreed upon shall not cause a leiber's salary to be 10Her than the lini,ul Hage as required by laH. ,. 3.12 Members shall pro.ptly report the need for repairs of any City-owned property issued to, used, or possessed by, theo through channels to the Chief of Police. 3,13 No member shall alter, repair, or in any way change, add to, or remove any parts or accessories of any City-owned property without perlission of the Chief of Police. This includes buildings, office equipment, ,achines, clothing, firearls, cOllunication equip.ent, and lotor vehicles. CHAPTER IV - PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND PERSONAL BEARING 4,1 Dereliction of duty on the part of any le.ber .. --.. .-. - . - .~. n . . ._. .._._ . _.. detrilientai to the proper, prDfessianal functions of the Departoent is cause for disciplinary action. The offender .ill be punished based on the severity of the violation, the nature of the violation, the results, or potential results, of said dereliction, and the effect it has upon the discipline! qood order, and best interest of thE uepartmer.t. The folitll'ling subsections constitute dereliction of duty: " A. failure of a supervisor or commanding officer to immediately take action .hen a violation of rules or regulations comes to his\her attention, regardless of the supervisof~S Of violator's assignment or rank within the Departientj B. failure to observe and give effect to the policies of the Department: C. failure to deliver to proper authority any property found by, confiscated by, Dr reiinquished to, members of the Departffient without undue delay or prior to the end of the member's tour of duty during which the property "as received; u. failure to deliver evidencE! to proper authority or place it in its Qffici~lly designated place for preservation and stnragej E. failure to courteously give name and ID number to any person upon reque!t except in circumstances .here the divulgjj1.!l of this information .ould be detrimenfa! to the melber's safety Dr the success of an official operation; F. being under the influence of drugs or being a user of drugs .hen such drugs are ilot prescribed by a physician or dEntist or taking drug. in a ianner not prescribed by a physician or dentist; 6. unnecessary violence towards any person; H. disrespect shown to a nOn-5~iJrn supervisor, supervisory officer, commanding officer, or subordinate; t. use of indecent, profane, discrim- inatory, Of sexually harassing language whi 1 E on duty; J. acceptan~e Dr agreement to accept Ii gift, emolumEnt, loneYt thing of value, testimonial, appointtent or personal advantage, or the prolise or solicitation of same for the purpose of obtaining special privileges Of personal gain by the donur or other person; K, co.ardice Dr failure to perform duties becaUSE of danger; Of, L. any action .hich places any. person In greater danger' than necessary for the proper performance of the member's duties. . --:~ 4.2 Members shall not engage in any conduct .hich constitutes conduct unbecoming to the .elber's position or neglect of duty. 4.3 No lember shall engage in any persor,al conduct or act .hich, if brought to the attention of th~ public, could result in unfavorable-criticisl of that member or the Department. No lember shall be personally involved in disturbances Of police incidents to his\her discredit, 4.4 "embers shall treat superior lelbers, subordinatesJ and associates with respect. They shall he courteous and civil at all times in their relationships .ith one another. Nhen on duty in the official discharge of business memb,rs should be referred to by rank when applicable. 4.5 Memhers shall not publicly criticize or ridicule the Department, its pGliciEs~ or other employees of the City of Schertz by talking, .riting, or expressing in a lanner ,.~iCh: .... .' H. is defamatory or discrilinatory: B. is obscene; C. is uniawful; or, D, tends to impair the operation of the~ Department by interfering with the abiiity of supervisors to maintain discipline, or by a reckless disregard for the truth, 4;6 No member shall at any time ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, or belittie any person. Neither shall the melDer wilifuiiy embarrass, humiliate, nor shame any person nor do anything .hich might incite any person to violence. 4.7 No .ember shall conduct thelselves in any City offices in a lanner .hich .ouid discrenit the Department. 4.8 No !/lHbEf shall ~ngage in any furm of ga~bli1'!g in ar;y City-owned facilities Dr public are.s. 4.9 No oember shall use loud, indecent, profane, or discrioinatory language in the presence of the public. ihey shall be courteous and civil to thE greatest extent possible in dealing .ith the public. 4.10 'Horseplay' or the playing of oranks whilE in public or in City facilities which may prompt a dangerous or otherwise negative reaction from any recipient, or elicits a responSE from another City departfent or agency, is prohibited. 4.11 ND member shall solicit any funds for the purpose of buying a gift for any ie~DEr of the Department. However, members may solicit nominal amounts from members far gift; for retiring ffllow city employees, flOWErs for funerals Of dIness!?s of fellow city employees Dr th~ir families, or for Dther special circu~stances with periisslon of the Chief of FolicE. 4.12 No-member iay accept any money or gifts from any type of solicitation except as stated above, 4.13. "eobers shall not, under any circuostances, solicit any gift, gratuity, loan or fee .here there is any direct or indirect relation b~tween the solicitation and departeental membership except as provided by lawand approved by the Chief of Police. 4.14 Mernhers shail not accept! Eitner directly or indirectly, any gift, qratuity, reward, loan, feEl discount, rebate, or special consideratiuf1 arising from, or offered becaUSE of, departmental Employment or any activity ~;sociated with such employment that light rEasonably tend to influence thE m2moer in the Qffi~ial discharge of duties. 4.15 No iElter shall receive any gift or gratuity froll lIel~Ers -junior in rank ~itr,cut,,-the express permission of the Chief nf PoliCE. ~.lt Members 5h~il n~t buy anything from, or sell a~ytniflg to, -arry cO!!iplainant, si!spect} witness, oefenGaot) prisoner, or ~ther person .- .~_.. . ., ... ..-- involved in any incident coming to their attention through their employment with the Departlent, nor can they act as an intermediary in the payment of. a reward for the return of stolen property without prior authorization of the Chief of Police. ihis does not prohibit legitimat~ business transactions but deais .ith those transactions in which a conflict of interest ~ay arise. 4.17 Any reward paid Dr ser,t to any member shall be promptly forwarded through channels to the fiffice of the Chief of Police who shall cause it to be depositEG in any. fund from which aepartmental elployees derive benefitJ or as otherwise directed by the City Manager. 4.18 Uniformed members shall render a military salute to the United States Flag and National Anthem at appra~riate tiles. Members in civilian dress shall render proper civilian hOnDrs. CHAPTER V - RESPONSIBILITY AND GENERAL CONDUCT ON DUTY 5.1 Far the purpOSE of protecting life ana property, members should always be prepared to act any tiie circumstancEs indicate their services are required within the City of Schertz. Conscience and good judgEoent should dictate a member's actions when outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Schertz. , " ".L Members shall respond without delay to all calls for assistance frot citizens or other members. Emergency calls take precedence. However, all calls shall be anSWEred by field units as soon as possible consistent with normal safety precautions, traffic laws, and departmental proceDurES. Except under the most extraordinary circumstances, or when otherwise directed by competent authority, no member shall fail to dispatch or answer any call for service received. . . ,J..) Within the City of Schertz, mEmbers shall at all times take appropriate action within the scope of their employment Dr appointment to: A, protect life and property; --- B. preserve the peace; C. prevent cr imej D. detect and arrest violators and, E. enforce all federal, state, laKsfordinancEs coming departmental jurisdiction, of the la'j and local within The above shall not be construed to include enforce.ent of la.s of a Class C misdemeanor nature or traffic enforcement .hen off duty elcept when fallure to act may result in im.inent serious injury or death to the member or anDther person. 5.. The ranking on-duty supervisor of the division having primary responsibility at the scene of any incident shall be in charge and responsible for the proper conclusiDn of that incident unless relieved by a superior . officer. In the absence of a 5upervisor~ the senior officer present shall be in charge and responsible for the handling of the incident, The responsible IEIDer shall remain at the scene until surh time as the incident is under control, is being handled properly in accordance .ith existing pelicies, and sufficient instructions have been issued to result in the proper conclusion of that incident, 5.5 Members shall, at all ti.es, respond to the lawful orders of superior .e..ers and other proper authorities as .ell as requests for assistance from citizens. Memoers assigned to special duty are not relieved froo acting outside the scope of their specielized assignment when necessary. All members shall perform their duties as required or directed by law, departmental rule, policy, or by order of a superior .ember. 5.b Failure or deliberate refusal of any oember to obey a lawful order given by a superior memDer) or a member given temporary authority to give any sucn order, shall be l:onside!"ed insubordination. 5-.1 Me6bersue required - to tare appropriate action to aid a feliow lember exposed to danger or in.a situation where danger might be i.pending. 5. B The on duty hc~rs cf all 'Emben shall bE regulated by the Chief of Police in accordance with the law. 5.9 No lember shall be absent without leave either by failing to report for duty at the time and place of duty or the leaving of a place of duty or assignment without proper authorization. ~. 5,10 "embers shall report to roll call at the time/place specified in proper dress and equip.ent. Careful attention to orders/instructions shall be given, avoiding unneCEssary talking or movement. 5,11 It shall be the responsibility of each oember who cannot report for duty for any re.son to notify their supervisor at least one hour prior to their reporting time. ~embers must give a telephone number and address where they can be reached during their normal tour of duty. 5.12 "e.bers shall furnish the Departoent a telephone number and address at which they may be re.ched in the event of an elergency. Any changes in address or telephone number shall be furnished the Department in a lanner prescribed by current orders within twenty- four hours of such change. 5.13 When members will be unavailable at their listed telephone nuobers and address for extended periods such as vacation, etc" they shail notify their supervisor of any information that might be useful in locating the. in the event of an e.ergency. 5,14 Meobers shall not work at any outside or extra duty employment .hile on sick leave, on injured-on-duty leave, or on 'light duty' as directed by a doctor. 5.15 Members shall reiain alert, obSErvant, and occupied with official business during their taur of duty, devoting their entire time and attention to departmental business. 5.16 Me.bers are prohibited from engaging in the following activities while on duty: A, sleeping, loafing, or idling; E. recreatioi'ia; re~ding except during breai::s; C. conducting private business; u. drinking intoxicating beverages except in the performance of a police duty with the specific consent of a commanding officer, and never in uniform; E, gambling e.cept .s in Di or, F, any sexual conduct. 5,17 Members are prohibited from following any other vocation which may conflict or interfere with their responsibility to the Departoent and may not hold . deputation or commission from any other laK enforcement agency . 5.18 Members shall promptly submit reports required in the performance of their duties or by competent authority. 5.iv Undercover poliCE investigations shall not be coma~nced without supervisory approval. 5.20 A member shall not consume intoxicants while off duty to the degree such consumption creates physical andfof mental impairment ihang-overi on th, memb,r's n,.t tour of duty. 5.21 No member in uniform shall purchaseJ be under the influence of, Dr drink intoxicant!> while on or off duty. 5.22 Members shall not bring or keep intoxicants on d,partm,ntal premises except that which is to be .properly id2ntified and stored according to policy. ~.23 The USE of tobacco in any form or chewing gum during personal contacts with citizens is discouraged. The discretionary us, of eithe, is allowed whefi no mE!ner of the public will be annoyed Of inconvenienced. 5.24 Members on duty Dr in u~ifQrm shall not enter taverns, lounges, li4U:~ stQres~ Qf th;2tersf except to perfDrm . ~n offir:i~l function. Loitering ana unnec~55ary convers~tiGn or visiting in any public place is forbidden. 5.25 No eApenditur~ of ~on~i shall be IcOe or liability incurred in the name of the City of Schertz or thf D=Filrhent Except as authorizec by cuffi~Etent authority. 5,16 No memb.r shall a!lo. any person to enter the police facility whose purpose is to sell goods, offer them for sale, canvass, or solicit for any.purpose without. permission of the Chief of Police. CHAPTER VI - PROTECTION OF PRISONERS, THEIR RIGHTS, AND THEIR PROPERTY 6.1 No arrest may be effected nor searches of premises, vehicles, or persons made without warrants of arrest or search except ~here authorized by law. 6.1 The rights of all persons in custody shall be protected. Members are prohibited from abusing, either physically or verballYl any p,rson held in custody. 6.3 No .e.be, shall falsely arrest, ioprisoo, or direct any malicious prosecution against any person. 6.4 No .ember shall willfully mistreat, give inhumane treatment, ar use any unnecessary violence against any person. 6.5 Only such force as is neCEssary to effect an arrest shall be used against any person. c.b Deadly force, as defineti in the iexas Penal Code, shall only be used in the protection of human life, either a member's or another's. Deadly force shall not be used in the protection of property while acting on the behalf of another. This SEction dOES not remove a ie!ber~s right to protect his own home and property in accardance Kith the Penal Code af Te~as. b.7 Any member who has lest, damaged, or destroyed any property Of equipment bEIGnging to a person in custody or ~hich has co~e into the meffiber!s p05se5sion by reason of office may be required to ~akE r2stitution andlor faCE disciplinary action if the loss or da~age iswillfu18f thecresult.Df negligence on the part of the ~ember. REstitution snaIl be in accordance with Section :.11 of the Code of Conduct. CHAPTER VII - CIVIL, CRIMINAL, JUDICIAL, AND INVESTIGATIVE ACTIONS 7.1 The Department has jurisdiction in cri.inal cases only. ND sworn member may render aid or assistance in civil cases e,cept to prevent an im.ediate breach of the peace. Members may inform any citizen, upon request, that they .ay contact an attorney or a judge of a court having civil jurisdiction for inforoation on instituting civil actions, 7.2 No .e.ber shall investigate any cri.inal case Qr personally file any criminai charges in a court of law alJainst any person for a criminal offense cOlmitted against him/her or any family me~b€r except Class C lisdemeanors occurring in the le~bErls presence while on duty. Other offenses that eay be co.mitted against a member Of a member of hislher family shall be reported to the Department or other agency having responsibility. for thE investigation and case filing of such offenses. 7.3 Members shall be truthful at all times} whether under oath or not, when conducting official business. 7.4 Meibers shall answer questions by, or render material and relevant statements to, a competent authority in a departmental personnel ir.vestigation when so directed, ].5 No .e.ber shall willfully oisrepresent any eatter, sign any false statement Dr report, commit per jury, or give falSE testimony before any court, grand jury, bnard, official heaFin9~ or departmental hearing. 7.6 No m2mbeF shall knowingly falsify any report, document, or rEcord, Dr caUSE to be entered any inaccurate, falSE, or improper infofsation on records, documents, Dr reports of the De~aftment Of of any court, or altE~ any record, document, or report except by a suppleffi2fital recordf OGCUient, or report. No member shail reiove or destroy, or caUSE the removal or destruction of any report, document, or record Mithout authorization. 7.7 Meiters lust be preserlt and available to testify in any criminal court Dr beforE any grand jury in B;xar J COlal, or Guadalupe Counties when officially notified to appear. In crioinal cases outside these counties and in all civil cases members shall respond to a legal subpoena only, 7.8 Me.bers who, for a valid reason,_ are unable to answer an official su.mons must be excused by the court or grand jury prior to scheduled appearance ti.e. The reason for the excused absence shall be reported in writing on the next working day to the .e.ber's super9isor outlining the reason for the absence and the name of the court official e~cllsing the member. 7.9 Any .ember who is subpoenaed or volunteers to testify for the defense in any criminal Dr civil trial or hearing against the City of Schertz Dr the Depart.ent shall notify the Chief of Police in writing upon receipt of the subpoena or af intention to testify prior to appearanCE as a witness. "7 1(, l..,. No memher snaIl accept a fee as a witness in a criminal case prosecuted in the state or lIunicipal courts of Benr, Coul, or Guadalupe Counties. Kembers may accept witness fees in criminal caSES prosecuted outside these counties or in civil courts as prescribed by law, ].11 Me.bers shall not engage in any of the following conduct: A. interfering with the service of lawful process; B. interfering Kith attendance Dr testimony of witnesses through coercion, bribery, or other lIeansj c. attempting to have any Notice to Appear or traffic citation reduced, voided, or stricken from the caler.dar without approval of the Chief of Police; r,. reCO!!ffiEncing a dismissal, reduction of chargesj Of other disposition of a pending criminal caSE previously filed in any crilinai court or before any grand jury except by writter. approval of the COlmander of the Criminal Investigation Bureauj Of, E. taKing any action interfering with the efficiency or integrity of the ad.inistration of crioinal justi"e or " havir,g tniJwledge of su.ch interfErencE and failin~ to infDr~ a superior officer in writing. 7.12 "embers shall not suggest, recom.end, advise, or otherwise cmHisel the retention of any attorney or bondsman to any person coming to their attention as a result of official business except wnefi a relative or personal acquaintance of thE member seeks such advice. I n no case may a mEmber accept a fEe, gratuity, or re.ard for having given this advice. 7.13 No memher shall give any lawyer, bondsman OF agEl1t of either, Of any ather person, unauthorized information regarding prisoners in confinement, property in custody, or records covered in th~ state OF federal privacy acts unless authorized by law. 7.14 Members 5t~11 not furnish taii Df act as a principal or surety on -any bail bond Dr bail bono application for any person in a criminal caSE Ei:cept illEffihers of their immediate families. 7.15 Nomemoer shall reveal any confidential informatiDn to anyone unless authorized tu do so and then only to a person Of persons authorized to receive such confidential inforoation. 7.16 No .ember shall make inown information concerning the progress of an investigation, a known Of reportEd law violation, a condition ~gainst which actiGn is tD be taken at a future time, any proposed operation, or any information cQvered by privacy act standards to any person nntauthoriled to receive it. 7.17 Me~bers shall not communicate in any manner, directly or indirectly, any infDT~atian ~hich ffiay assist persons guilty Of accused of criminal or quasi-criminal acts to escape arre;t or punishmEnt or which may En~ble the~ to di:pose of or secret any evidence of ti.~Iawfll! activity, money,_ lerchandise-, .or other property unlawfully obtained. 7.18 No mEmber shall rei~a5E any police report, ~OriCE !'eton~s, arrest record, pr:::s2cution repc:rt, cri!inal hIstory. filE, lug shot picture, or other record, to any per.son or agency not having a criminal iustice function unless ordered by a lawful subpoena or approved by the -Chief of POliCE, CHAPTER YIII - PUBLIC ACTIYITIES a.l While in uniform or on active duty, .e.bers may not take an active part in another person's political campaign for an elEctive position, a,2 For the purpose of Section a,l, a .e.ber takes an active part in apolitical campaign if the memoer: A. .akes a political speech in support of, or in opposition to, e candidate for publ ic OffiCE; B, distributes a card or other political 1 i tecature in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate for public office; C. writes a letter in suppart of, or in opposition to, a candidate for public office; U, signs a petition in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate fOf public officE; E, actively and openly solicits votes in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate for public office in any .annEr including talking, placing signs, wearing campaign buttons, etc.; or, F. makES public derogatory remarks about a candidate. a.3 No member may be required to contribute to a political fund or to render a political service to a person or a party. No member may he removed, reduced in classification or salary, or otherwise prEiudiced for refusing to contribute to a pDlitical fund or to render a political serviCE. Any effort by any person to involVE a iember in this tYPE of activity is to be reported, in writi~g, to.thE.Chiefof Police. 8.4 No fiEmner shall become a !!iellioer of any organization, asso:iation, movement, Of group, which advocates Of approves the commission of acts of force or violence to . = ueny others their rights under tree Constitution of the United States Of the' State of Texas, or which seeks to alter the for. of qove,n.ent of the United States or the State of Te,as by unconstitution,l .eans. a,5 No memoe, shall participate in any type of disruptive protest demonstration nor shall any mEffiber ad as a spokesperson, representative, or agE!nt for any group enqaqed in, or planninq to enqaqe in, any type of dis,uptive protest de.onstration. B,b E,cept within the line of duty, no .e.ber shall associate-. with pEfsons_o{ i.lIlloral character, convicted felons, or other persons .who habitually commit viulations of la~. Ims does not preclude 13; member from associating with immediate family members if they are included in the aforementioned categories. 8.7 Members shall not permit their names Dr photographs to be used to endorse any proDuct or service which is in any ianner connected tllth the police profession without the permission of the Chief of Poiice. Members shall not, without prior approval, allow their names or photographs to De used in any commercial testimony which alludes to their position or e.ploy.ent with the Depart.ent. 8.8 Debts - incurrence and payment: A. - members shall net solicit subordinate mEmbers to co-sign or endorse any prolissory note or other loanj B. .e.be,s shall pay all just dehts or leqal liabilities incurred by thea. CHAPTER IX - EFFECT lYE DATE, AMENDMENTS, AND YALIDITY 9.1 This Code will become effective with the pass:ng of a resolution by the City CQuncil of the City of SC~lertz.! Te1:asl ana ;~!~ll be reviewed by each succeeding City Council to enswre itslalidity. 9.2 The City Council, in its resolutiDn of acceptanc~ of the Code, shall recogniZE the neefi for updating of the Code and shall instruct the Chief of Police, with approval . of the City Manager and the City Attorney! to amend the Code as necessary and to notify the City Council of such changes prlcr to their effective date.- 9.3 Shauid any section) sentence,-:--clause, or phrase of the Code be held to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the re.aining portions of the Code. N. W. Agee, SF. ChiEf of POliCE