1989R03- RAISE THE CAP ON STREET USE CHARGE { ,... RESOLUTION NO. 'ilCJ-J(l-j URGING THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE. TO RAISE THE CAP 0:; STREET USE CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND GJ.s UTILITIES WHEREAS, Texas cities and towns grant gas and electric utility companies the privilege of using City property and rights-oi-way as the most effective way to provide servic~s to end user customers; and WHEREAS, without such privilege, gas and electric companies could not provide such services and re~lize prof- its; and WHEREAS, Texas cities and towns may charge a fee for the use of their property under the laws of the State of Texas, and may not constitutionally make a gift or lend its cr~dit to a private person or entity; and WHEREAS, in 1941, the Texas Legislature restricted the amount of street use charge a city or town could charge to an electric or gas utility within the city, limiting the total charges to two percent (2%) of gross receipts of the public utility from the sale of gas or electricity within the city I absent an agreement with the gas or electric company; and WHEREAS, since 1941 the cost of providing such right-of-way by cities and towns hn5 increased such that through the passage of time the two percent (2%) c~p compels Texas cities and towns to provide valuable property rights to gas and electric companies contrary to the Texas Constitution, thereby compel- ling local taxpayers to subsidize the business operations of the utility companies: and WHEREAS, che federal Cable Franchise Policy and Communica- tions Act of 1984 authorizes a franchise fce of up to five percent (5't) of gross receipts tor the operation of a cable television syst:.~m within a city; and WHEREAS, several utility companies have volunearily agreed to pay a str~et use charge in excess at the 1941 cap for el~ctric and gas utiliti~s: and WHEREAS, bills have been filed in the House and Senate (HB 2155 and SB 1040, respective ly 1 which, i f pas~ed, would allow citi~s to be more fairly compensated for the use of th~ir properties and rights-ai-way; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Sch t'R 1z.. TEXAS: I. That the City Council hereby strongly urges th~ Texas Legislature to amend Section 192.025(b) of the Texas Tax Code to allow Texas cities and eowns to charge a fee for th~ use of city streets, alleys, or public ways by d public utility up to five percent (5%) of the gross. receipts of the public utility for the sale of gas, electric or watt;:r within the city. ., ., .. II. That the City Council urges the Texas Legislature to pass either HB 2155 or SB 1040 relating to this issue. III. That this resolution shall be forwarded to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of' the Texas House of Represen- tatives, and all members of the local State Legislative delegation representing the city~ PRESENTED AND PASSED on this ~h" .d.L day of "fJ10->u>Jv 1989, by a vote of ~ ayes and .1:l.- nays at a f?"'1(JJ.ftfi. meeting of 'Sc h ~ R 1:. , Texas. Mayor ATTEST: