10-24-2011 Minutes
2011 Minutes
LOCATION: 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas
Bob Andrews Conference Room in City Hall
Board Members present: Chairman Mustapha Debboun, Terry Armstrong, Aundra Davis, Mark
Davis, Samm Henness, Harriet Higgs, Sally Macias and Floy Simmons.
Staff present: Councilman Jim Fowler, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director
George Logan, Park Manager Charles Van Zandt, and Sr. Administrative Assistant Sandy Bryant.
Others present: Fred B. Archer, Jake Jacobs, R. Clare Layton, Steven Layton and Joel Tanner.
Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mustapha Debboun at 5:30 p.m.
Hearin2: of residents:
Chairman Debboun recognized the following citizen who spoke:
. Mr. Steve Layton spoke about his concerns regarding horses being ridden and horse trailers
being driven in Crescent Bend Nature Park. He provided photographs of the messes left by
the horses in the parking area and near the restrooms.
Re2ular A2enda:
Agenda Item No.1. Minutes. Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes of
the September 26,2011 Schertz Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting.
Motion was made to approve the minutes from the September 26, 2011 Schertz Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting as amended.
Mark Davis
Harriet Higgs
Mark Davis, Harriet Higgs, Chairman Mustapha Debboun, Terry Armstrong, Aundra
Davis, Samm Henness, Sally Macias and Floy Simmons.
Agenda Item No.2. Parks Advisory Board Recognition Committee Report. Ms. Sally Macias noted
she felt the recognition form was too long and said she would email her concerns to Mr. Robert
Wallace. No action was taken on this item.
Agenda Item No.3. Parks Advisory Board Wish List for 2011 Committee Reports.
1. Provide liaisons with other Cities Advisory Boards. Chairman Mustapha Debboun is
Chairperson of this committee. He invited New Braunfels to come to our meeting but
didn't get a response.
2. Develop and Post the Advisory Boards Mission Statement on the City's Website. Mr.
Patrick Russell is Chairperson of this committee and was not present at this meeting.
3. Update the Parks Master Plan. Mr. Mark Davis is the Chairperson for this committee and
had no report at this time.
4. Skate Board Park. Ms. Harriet Higgs is Chairperson of this committee and they will have
something for next month's Board meeting.
5. Complete connectivity of Hike and Bike Trails. Ms. Aundra Douglas is Chairperson for
this committee. Mr. Chuck Van Zandt noted that LCRA had given permission to put a trial
along Wiederstein Road and have received approval for some amenities one of which will
go near this trail.
6. Hitching rail and Ritchie horse watering fountain at Crescent Bend Park. Ms. Samm
Henness is Chairperson for this committee. She wanted to settle issues of where horses are
going to be at the park before we install the hitching rail or the fountain.
Agenda Item No.4. Youth Activities in Schertz. Mr. George Logan stated him and Mr. Jim Fowler
had sat down with the new City Manger to review the possibility of forming a youth focus group for
youth 14-18 years old. He is looking into involving the Schools, Churches and the Chamber. Mr.
Fowler mentioned having the kids get involved with boards and committees that already exist. No
action was taken on this item.
Agenda Item No.5. Horses at Crescent Bend Nature Park. Mr. Logan stated that a permit is
required for all horse back riding at Crescent Bend Nature Park. Permits are issued by Animal
Services and the horses must have their Coggins test. Mr. Logan will look into having the Police
Department patrol at Crescent Bend Nature Park and said if someone notices someone doing
something wrong to call the Police Depmiment. No action was taken on this item.
Agenda Item No.6. Parks Proiects Updates. Mr. Logan briefed the board that the architect is
working on the design for the soccer and the baseball fields. The same architect is working on the
playscape relocation. Discussion only item.
Agenda Item No.7. Parks Maintenance Update. Mr. Charles Van Zandt informed the Board that
the Parks department is waiting on the bid to do the demolition at Sedona. Parks Dept. is currently
working on their winter maintenance, signs and amenities centers. They will be gearing up for
Festival of Angels coming up in December. Discussion only item.
Agenda Item No.8. Request by Advisory Board Chairman and Board members for items to be
placed on a future Board agenda. The Board requested the following items be placed on future
. Recognition Committee report.
. Wish list for 2011 Committee Reports.
. Youth activities update.
. Parks Projects updates.
. Parks Maintenance updates.
. Festival of Angels float.
Agenda Item No.9. Announcements by Advisory Board Chairman and members
Chairman Debboun thanked Mr. Logan, Mr. Van Zandt and Ms. Sandy Bryant for their support.
He also thanked the Friends of Crescent Bend Nature Park for their help at the park.
Agenda Item No. 10. Announcements by City Staff. Ms. Bryant presented the board members with
some of the marigold seeds and a list of the parks that were given away at the City's open house.
Ms. Bryant noted the next board meeting will be November 28,2011
Adjournment: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m.
Harriet Higgs
Samm Henness
Harriet Higgs, Samm Henness, Chairman Mustapha Debboun, Terry Armstrong,
Aundra Davis, Mark Davis, Sally Macias, and Floy Simmons.
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