11-30-2011 Reg Mtg MinutesSS(C1H[]C1RZ~['7L ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINUTES CITY OF SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Regular Meeting November 30`n, 2011 The City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Board of Directors inet fox a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 30'h, 2011 at G:00 pin, in the City Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. 1. Call to order President called the meeting to order at appro:~imately 6;00 p.m, and jvelcamed everyone in attendance. 2. Roll Call Board of Directors: Harty Whitney, President Tim Brown, Treasurer/Secreta>_y Roy Richard Rosetnaty Scott IVIa>_viu Thomas Staff: John Kessel, City Manager David Harxis, Assistant City Manager David Gtvin, SEDC Exec Director James Walters, Finance Analyst Patty Horan, Administrati~Te Assistant Absent; I3oard I1~leiubers: Holly McBxearty anti Angelina Kiser. Others Present: Ji1n Fojvler - Caunciltnember Steve White -Resident Aurora Perkins -Resident 3, Public comment 11~hx. White introduced a written telephone conversation suintna>_y sigtzed by Mr. Weirtz-Chairman of Schertz Historical Presel_-vation Committee, relating to the Old City Post Office building current lease status; it also depicts Mr. Weirtz' ~dsion of adaptive use for the sts.~xctute. (Document attached}. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION: Page 1 of 4 SEDC Reg. Mtg. Minutes 1 113 0/2 0 1 1 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approval regarding the Minutes for the October 27`'', 2011 Regular Meeting and review and approval of corrections made to the Minutes for the September 22na, 2011 Regular Meeting A motion to approve the l~Iinutes for die Regular 11~Ieetuig held on October 27`'', 2011 and corrections made ozz dre I~Iiiiutes fox die Regular Meeting held on September 22"a, 2011 vas made by Mr. T. Brown, Seconded by Mr, M. ThaYnas. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Update on October 2011 Monthly Financial Report (Juan Santoya/Finance Director) 1VIr. James Walters, Financial Analyst, briefed the Board on the Financial Revenue and Expense Report as of October 2011. Highlights included the follo~viug: • Sales Tax report for the month of October came in at a 25% more than same period last year. 6. Consider/Discuss/Act on Super Freeport Exemption i1~Ix. Groin provided background information on Ordinance No. 11-T-37 -Continued Ad Valorem Taxation of Goods in Transit, approved by City Council as an opening and final action item during Session held on November 29a1, 2011. No action vas taken, 7. Director's Report • Updates on existing projects • Updates on events attended and to be attended • Updates on ED Analyst Vacancp • l~Iolida}r Get Together Updates an existing projects: IVIr. Hauls and l~i~:. Kesel addressed dre Board to prompt them on an upcoming request for additional funds needed to finance various change orders on the current planning and development studies be>fig conducted by the Gateway Planning Group to include the re-engagement of die FM 7$ 11~fain Street Revitalization Project as an additional study area, as well as other areas in North Schertz. The Board asked for information and current status of the funding of approximately X200,000 dollars approved for disbursement to the previous consulting firm hired to conduct rile planning of the Ma:[n Street Revitalization Project. Mt. Kessel explained that the firth is no longer in business and he has yet to recei~Te all completed work. 11-1r. Hauls explained that the percentage of work received from the previous consulting fit-tri may not be usable fox what they are currently trying to achieve. Mx. Kessel expressed confidence in the reputation, knowledge and quality of work done b}, the Gateway Platrtung Group as he has wiknessed results fiom working widz them in the past. He placed a lot of value on having all Schextz' Master Plan done iii a consistent manner. The Board asked for a comprehensive financial analysis in the upcoming request for funds showing where the monies will be coming from its die budget. Paga 2 of 4 3EDC Reg. Mtg. Minutes 1I/30/2011 Mr, Gtivin provided the Board with updates on priorities and internal routine business activities for the Department including the creation of draft work plans, updating essential information on the ~vebsite, developing sector clusters and Hosting of events to attract targeted industries. Updates on events attended and to be attended; lair. Gavin briefly went over the events attended and to be attended by the Staff as listed an the Director's Report included in the Board's Packet. Updates on ED Analyst Vacancy: I~Ir. Gwitz briefed the Board an current hiring status of the new ED Analyst position. 11rir. Gavin stated that the goal will be to Dave the new Hite in place hopefull~r by the start of the New Year. Holiday Get Together: The hoard Held a bxief discussion to determine place and tithe to hold a tease-building activity to promote better understanding of each other, collaboration and utzit~*. Staff vas tasked ~vit~z snaking all the arrangements. S. Requests by Board members that items are placed an a future SEDC agenda Other than the Gatewa3~ Plansvng Group report requested of l~Ir. Harris, no other items were requested. 9. Requests by Board members to Director and Staff for'information No items were requested. 10. EXECUTNE SESSION In accordance ivitH section 551.487 DELIBERt1TION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. Tlus chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding eomsnercial or financial information that the governmental body Has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with ~vluch the governmental body is conducting econosnie development negotiations; or; (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1). o Project Delta Start Time; 6:58 p.m. End Time: 7:3Q p.rza. 11. Discussion and appropriate action deemed necessary as discussed during executive session. No action vas taken. Page 3 of 4 SEDC Reg. Mtg. Minutes 1 fl30/2l}1 i 12, Adjourn President adjourned tote meettng at 7:34 p,zn. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12`t', DAY OF JANUARY, 2011, Harry Whi ey -President Tim ~ own _ Secretary/Treasurer Page 4 of 4 SEDC Reg. Mtg. Minutes l lf3p/2p! 1 MEMa: Novertrtber 29, 20~~ TO WNaM I~' MAY C~NCt=ftN; Attached Is a short summary of a telephone conversation 1 had with rite owner of the Old City Past Office at the 9{i0 black of Main 5~., Schertz,l'ex~s. I c#early intCoduced myself as a citizen of Scheftz and as the Chairman of the Schertz Historical Preservation Committee, t explained that i was not a city employee but merely a citizen volunteer, I also made it clear that 14vas not taping to speak an behalf of the city afschertz. He acknowledged that he understood my position was strictly as an Irtterssted citizen seats{ng tv discuss iris ownership interest in the building in ciuestion, My immediate tttative for making this call was to identiFy_ whether the old past a#fice buiiding was soli under lease agreement with the U.s. Postal Service and iFsa, whether that lease agreement would be soon expire. My longer-term interest in learning about thsk status ni the aid past office buiiding is in conjunction with the $~.million bond package far Main Street and FM 78 revitalization, As you know, my interest is with seeking to preserve and ceiebrata the city's harttage and history. Prornotlon of that interest is something i think the city of Schertz does and should embrace. Tice ground onwhich the old postaf#ice stands is exact{ywhere our city's ecanamis: beginnings had tht?irbirtlt {5chertz Cotton Girt location]. know that $~miliian is a small amount relative to the testator#an needs afthe downtown area, However, i see great promise far economic reward shsiuld the restoration planners realize #ite potential that an urban "adaptive use" p>•oJecttargetingthe buildings t}tat camprisathe gt3p Block of Main Street the strip center- inclusive of the old post off[ce~ would offer. What I envision is that by ssturirrg av~nership of the old past office I}uiiding, t#re city stouid use it as an ent#cement Sa(ong with city planning, zoning and permitting incant[vesy to draw deveiapar interest In investhtg larger dollar amounts far a complete redevebpment of the project area. My vision, from fire historical perspective, would be to see the site area become spark-like setting with the buildings transformed {frontage remodeling & interior redesign} into what would resemble a historical (possibly old wee#ern~ district. What 1 learned Pram my pltvne call is set forth in the attached mama t[tled: "Main Street Project". My discussions with Mr. Magdovity may be of some interest to ynu fn Ilgh# of the future need Far discussion and planning for the Iowntown bond package disposition and my proposal as set forth above. Also attached is a "before" and "after" (photo/sketch) [oak at what a planning group aright create as a vision far transfarrning what is, in my opinion, now a depressed area of town. The park theme {with gaaebo, benches, etc,j would occupy fire surrounding landscaped area whit Lindbergh 5t. closed between Main St, and Exchange St, to make way far park amenities and provide for pedestrian w Ikways, p'ea~n 1~Verrtz a rman Schertz Histor cai Preservation Committee /~~fl ~. ~1~~?~ ~ ~ 1 Main Street Protect. 2~.-29-2q~.~. (Tuesday} Telcon w/ Mr. Laurence Magdnv#ty, (per appraisal office; Carter Co. & Magdavlta Agency inc., P.D. Box 9~7, Ciarksda#e, MS. -- Issaguna Ave. Te#. ## 9q~,737-05gD -direct line to Laurence Magdovity, co-ownerwith his brother} He and iris brother own the old past afiice building at the 40q block of Main St. The building occupies approximately 3,q€3t]Square fset'of covered space, Currently the buiiding is being leased to the U.S. postal Service, Tice lease agreement w#th fire Postal Service is scheduled to ekplre in the near future anti when that occurs the Magdovitz brothers wi## be lookfngfat• a buyer for rite facility. Mr. Magdovity ciairns he and his brother awn hundreds of properties titroughnut the US. They have said several properties to cities, non-profit groups and private investors. He indicated that when Cite time tames for Salo he would consider giving the City of Schertz first option to purc#tasa the buiiding if the City were to make a request to be first in ilne to make an rtffer an it. i-le stated that if fire Citywere considering converting tits build#ng for use as either a library, h#starlcal museum ar far some other pcrbl#c use ire wnu#d be wailing to: 1) Accept a below marketvalue bid from the City, aitd, 2} Arrange a sales contract that wou#d ai#ow the City to pay for the building over tithe as opposed to a single payment deal Soars insights gained during the ~0 minute telephone conversation with Mr. Magdavity would include.thE: following: 1, He is a 7a year old gentleman with extensive real estate (buy and safes) experience, 2. He is blunt in his appraisals of persons with whom he deals and as to the bottom line necessary for making a deaf on property purchases, 3. His physieai heaith has been vary Etad #n the past year (#teart/lung/kidn~:y issues) and he bluntly acknowledges that he may not have much time left to live. Titus, he assesses first if the Clty were to want to make snrne sort of a deal far the property purchase it would be wise for them to begin their dealings with hfrrr as he believes his brother would be Tess iike#y to make concessions on t#te cast ofthe property, t; `~~~9~~~ ~®~~