12-15-2011MINUTES OF THE
On this the 15th day of December, 2011, tlxc Schertz/Segtun Local Govcrzunent Corporation
(SSI.,GC) convened at 1:32 p.zn, in the City of Seguin Council Chatz~bers located at 210 l_?. Gonzales,
Seguin, Texas. The following meznbcrs being present and in attendance:
Ken Greenwald President
Robin Dwyer Vice-President
'Iiznothy "jakc" Jacobs 5ecretaz~r
Andrew l~oeziig Treasurer
The following director arrived (1:35 p.m.) after meeting was called to order and the vote regarding
minutes was called (1:33 p.m.):
Robin Dwyer Vice-President
and the following director/ex-officio being absent:
Kerry I~oehler Director
Hal Baldwin Ex-Officio
Betty Ann Matthies Ex-Officio
constituting a majority of the persons appoizxted to the Board and a quorum for the transaction of
business, and zaoticc of such meeting having been dul}r graven in accordance witlx the provisions of
'Texas law. Also i~~ attendance were:
Susan Caddell
Sam Willoughby
Larr-1T Busch, ,jz:.
Patrick Lindner
John Winkler
Ca:ockett Camp
Bill Kleznt
jack Fickessen
Alan Cockerell
Shawn Slximek
Regina l~ranke
1sznery Gallagher
r'inance Director Seguin
Public Works Directox Schertz
City of Schertz
Counsel (Davidson & Troilo)
Consultant (Walker Partners)
Consultant/Project Manager
Consultant/I iydrologist
I.,egislative Consultant
General Manager SSLGC
Water System Superintendent SSLGC
~ldzninistrative Assistazat SSLGC
Water Utility Manager Seguin
The first order of business was to Call the Meeting to Order.
President lien Greenwald called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m.
The second order of business was Public Comment.
No public cozntnent
The third order of business was A roval of the Minutes far the Board Meetin held on
November 17 2011.
Treasurer Koenig made a motion to approve the November 1'7, 2011 minutes as read.
Secretary ,~acobs seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by
unanimous decision.
The fourth order of business was Presentation of the General Mana er's Re ort -Alan
Cockerell, General Manager.
General Manager Aian Cockerell's written report was included iEi the board agenda packets. He
added the following items to his written report:
- Water Production
Seasonal pumping and zxzontl~ly water sales charts were included in the board agenda
packets. Water production for the month of November 2011 was at 56.9% of Gonzales
County Underground Water Conservation District's (GCUWCI:a) monthly allowable.
CGUWCD Monthly Meeting was held on December 13, 2011; Mr. Cockerell attended. A
cagy of the agenda was included in the board pacl~et. He stated there was discussion by dze
District regarding use of groundwater for fracturing for the oil and gas industi-~=. Mt.
Cockerell stated that District was considering the required registering of wells far fracturing
and conversion of some existing domestic/livestock wells for the wine use. He advised that
there was no action taken regarding the agenda item which would allow modifzcatioza of
permits for entities such as SSLGC to sell rx~ater for use in the fracturing process.
1Vlr. Cockerell advised there were pendizag applications to install disposal wells in Gonzales.
'T'hese wells would be within the Lower Wilcox. Both the Cit}r of Gonzales and GCUWCD
plan to oppose the applications due to concerns regarding fresh tivater quality issues.
Per a request from the November 17, 2011 SSLGC l3oaxd meeting a discussion regarding
the Western. Mitigation l~ua~d was offered. Mr. CocliereIl stated that. a handout was provided
at the board meeting. Mr. Greenwald stated that his primary concern was the xcplczaislzzxzent
necessity. Mr. Cocltercil advised that there is a replenishix~ezat clause iii our agi:eeinent. He
noted that SSLGC still has one payment due C~ctaber 2012 and SAWS also has a financial
obligation which has zaat been. paid to date due to pending litigation. Mr. Cockerell advised
that at this point the District does not anticipate a need for replenishn~.ent. He leas spoken
to both the Mitigation Manager and the District Mataagcx to advise the importance of
following the mitigation criteria; he will continue to znoititar the way funds are distributed.
Mr. Cockerell stated that a portion a£ the Western Mitigation T'und is spent to plug old wells
on the Carrizo and replacing them with new dulled wells to pump from the Queen City
Aquifer. This helps alleviate any future issues with tlac Carriza Aquifer.
Mr. Grcen~vald reiterated his concern regarding the decisions to repair/mitigate wells which
appear to be dilapidated. Mr. Cockerell advised that the District is aware of this concern.
SSLGC will continue to monitor the mitigation program.
Mr. Cockerell advised the Board that there was a leak in the pipeline. This was due ii part to
damage to a brass nipple and plug during the e~:cavation/installation of the cathodic testing
stations. The pipeline was shut down/drained and rcpau-ed. By 4:00 a.in. t13e system was
back oialinc. There did not appear to be any noticeable issue to customers. The contractors
were instrumental iii timely repair as well as Mr. Shiinelc and his operators. Secretary Jacobs
offered kudos to the team for their work and commuiucatioia. Mr. Greenwald advised Mr.
Cockerell to continue to email him specifically, in situations as this, and he twill be
responsible for distribution of necessary notification. Mr. Greenwald stated that this is an
cxainple of the necessity £or a parallel laic.
The regular meeting was held Novcinber l0, 2011 and Mr. Cockerell attended. .A copy of
the meeting agenda was included in the board packet. Newly elected dv:ectors were installed
by Guadalupe Couzlty Judge Mire Wiggins. A verbal update on CVLGC and SSLGC was
given at the meeting.
- Region L/GMA-13
Mr. Cockerell attended the hearing in Pleasanton for DFC petitions filed by HCPUA and
CRWA. Both petitioners and GMA represeiatatives made presentations. Written evidence
may be subnutted within ten business days after the hearing. A time schedule for
consideration of these petitions is included in the TWDl3 memo included in your packet.
The fifth order of business was Oil & Gas Leasing Program/Water Contracts Bill. Knobles,
SUecial Counsel & Crockett Camp, Proiect Manager./Cons~rltant,
Iiacluded in the board pacl~ct was an eix~ail from Mr. I~lobles ~:egarding tl~e latest activity. Mr.
Cockerell stated that there has been discussion with Mr. Ramirez {previously Rambar); at this point
there is nothing to present to the Board for approval. Mr. Cockerell will continue to keep the Board
apprised of any developments.
The sixth order of business was SSLGC Construction Update -- Tohn Winkler, Walker
Partners & Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
Mr. Cockerell stated that Harris Road Construction has coinplctcd its construction contract.
Change order # 3 is included in the hoard pacl~et in the amount. of $16.38.25 for Board aplroval
resulting in a total contract price of X4,492,380.03.
Vice-President Dwyer made a motion to approve Change Order # 3 for Harris Road
Company with the net increase of $1638.25. Secretary Jacobs seconded the motion. Upon a
vn#e being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
Mr. CockereIl advised that all four new wells are completed and the roofs have been pouted on the
tanks at the Ni~:on Plant and the BPS. Rockin' Q Construction and Llk Engineering are progressing
with installation of cathodic test stations along the pipeline. Alsay is now in the process of installing
the stainless steel pumps and well heads in the original wells. Well # 2 will be pulled and a new slab
wi]1 be poured.
The seventh order of business was Re air of HSP # 2 at the Booster Pum Station and Re-
alignment of HSP # 3 - A~uroval of Einer~encv Repair/Replacement Funds up to $38,000 -
Sinith Puma Company, Inc. -Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
- Resolution # SSLGC R11-23
Mr. Cockerell stated that Szrzith Pump has repaired HSP # 3. During installation of HSP # 3 Smith
Pump determined realignment was necessary. HSP # 2 has been pulled to be repaired/replaced;
realigmzent cost. was included in the quote for II.SP # 2. These were repairs/replacements ~vliicl~
were not included in tl~c Czperations Budget. Mr, Cockerell requests that the Board approve use of
Emergency Repair/Replacement h'unds up to X38,000 for said repairs.
Vice-President Dwyer made a motion to approve use of monies by 55LGC in the
Emergency Repair/Replacement Fund for the purpose of restoration of BPS HSP # 2 and
re-alignment of HSP # 3 in the amount up to $38,000. Secretary Jacobs seconded the
motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The ei hth order of business was SAWS Ex ansion Prn'ect - oho Winkler Walker Partners.
Mr. Winkler advised he inet with the operators December 6, 2011. to discuss drarxrizags. He
anticipates a late I•;ebruazy 2012 or early March 2012 bid date. Mr. Cockerell advised that Mr. Guar
fnentioned that S11WS may have aza interest in contracting with SSI.GC to operate the well field on a
daily basis. There have not been any specifics discussed; this is a preliminary consideration. Mr.
Wielder advised that such a responsibility will require a 24-hour operation and more operators will
be necessary.
The ninth order of business was Schertz- Se uin Local Government Co oration
Investment Palic -Public Funds Investment Act Texas Gnvernnnerat Code Cha ter 225G -
Susan Caddell; Finance Director and Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
- Resolution # SSLGC R11-20
Included in the board packet was a copy of SSLGC's Investment Policy. Mrs. Caddell advised that
this policy, alozag with tl~c Public Funds Investment 11ct, requires the investment policy to be
reviewed and approved annually by the SSLGC Board of Directors. During the past legislative
session, HB 2226 brought about same changes to Governmczat Code, Secktan 2256, which is the
section that is related to authorized investments for governtx~ental entities. Modifications to the
investment policy are recoznznendcd as follows:
• I'agc 3- The weighted average mahzrity has been chazaged to be consistent with other areas
of the investment policy. The term for atwo-year period has been clarified.
• Pages 5 and 6 -The allowable investrnents related to certificates of deposits and investment
pools has been clarified and expanded.
• Page 10 -The inatuxity fox allowable collateral has been increased to 2 years to be less
• Page 11 and 12 - A procedure for monitoring the rating changes of investments has been
• Page 16 and 17 -The certification page has been updated with a new certification page. The
previous page has been used for several years and is outdated. The new page was taken
fioin the Center fox Public Management wcbsite. They conduct Public Funds Invcstinent
Act seminars throughout the state of Texas.
Mrs. Caddell advised that SSLG Financial Advisor, Duane Westerman, has reviewed the Investment
Policy and it does conform to the Public Funds lnvestinent .Act.
Secretary Jacobs made a motion to approve the SSLGC Investment Policy in order to
conform to Public Funds Investment Ac#, Texas Government Code Annotated, Chapter
2256. Treasurer Koenig seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried
by unanimous decision.
The tenth order of business was Schertz-Se urn Local Government Cor oration's
Broker Dealer list -Susan Caddell Finance Director and Alan Cockerell General Mana er.
Y Resolution #SSLGC R11-21
Included iii the board pacl~et was a list of brokers/dealers the Corporation is authorized to engage in
invcsttx~ent transactions. Mrs. Caddell advised that according to the Schertz-Seguiir Local
Government Corporation's Investment Policy, this list is requv-ed to be reviewed and approved by
the Board each year. Once the Board o£ Directors has reviewed and approved the investment
policy, we will foitivard a copy of that policy to each of these brokers. 'They will have to complete a
questionnaire to sign off on a certification page. Once tlxc questionnaire has been returned and
certificatian page has been returned, their offerings will be considered far invest.~nent.
Treasurer Koenig made a naation to adopt the list of Brokers/Dealers authorized to engage
in Investment Transactions with SSLGC in order to conform to Public Funds Investment
Act. Secretary Jacobs seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried
by unanimous decision.
The eleventh order of business was Converse Re Tonal Water Su 1 contract -~ Amendment
# 2, Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
Mr. Cockerell stated that all involved parties requested that this be pulled fxatn the agenda. Thep
required more titxre fox all test data to be evaluated; this will be on the January 19, 2012 agenda.
The twelfth order of business was contract re ardin Bill Klemt -Alan Cockerell General
Resolution #SSLGC R11-22
Mr. Cockerell advised that there were only minor changes to included Cibalo Valley Local
Government Corporation. His rate has did not change. Mr. Cockerell stated that there will be a
reimbursezxaent resolution where CVLGC will reimburse SSLGC for appropriate expenditures
including any work done by Mr. T~lcint for CVLGC.
Vice-President Dwyer made a motion to approve the Consultant Agreement between Mr.
William B, Klemt and SSLGC for the term of 24 months. Andrew Koenig seconded the
motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The thirteenth order of business was Le islative Udate - ack Fickesson Le islative
Mr. Fickessen advised of the deadlines to file. 1-lc stated that there would be twenty-seven new
house members and four new senate members. Mr. Fickessen advised that there would be some
new rifle changes; as well as the process its which DFCs are determined. MAG will be redefined
{managed will change to inadel). b1e stated there will be a new re-write regarding groundwater
inanageinent plans. Mr. I~'ickesscn asked if the SSLGC Board would have an interest iii having
someone to represent them as a stakeholder to assist in the zule making process. He advised this
would be a great opportunity for SSLGC to have a voice in the process. At the Board's request Mr.
Fickessen will proceed.
The fourteenth order of business was CVLGC -Alan Cackeroll General Mana er.
Mr. Cockerell stated tlxat the last meeting was December 8, 2011 and the next. meeting is scheduled
for Januafy 21, 2012. Mr. Cockerell advised there was a workshop during the Dcceixiber CVLGC
Board meeting. He informed the SSLGC Board that he would appreciate feedback on toning to
schedule a joint meeting between SSLGC az~d CVLGC Boards to discuss the Guadalupe Project.
The fiftoenth order of business was Discussion and action re ardin contract to su 1
water for drillin and roduction u uses and authorizin certain action relatin to rho
contract - Crockett Cam Project Mana er Consultant & Patrick Lindner General
Mr. Cackerell stated that there have been no new developments and no actioia is requested.
The sixteenth order of business was Gonzales Coun Water Leases -Crockett Cam
Project Manager/Consultant.
Mr. Cockerell stated that there have been no new dcvelopinents and no action is requested.
The seventeenth order of business was Executive Session callod under Cha ter 551
Government Code Section 551.071 to seek the advice of its attorne on le al matters and
Section 551..072 for deliberations re ardin real estate and Section 551.074 Deliberations
reg_ardin~ a specific officer or employee.
No items for Executive Session.
The ei hteenth order of business was Consider and Take Action as Result of enda Item
Number seventeen.
No action necessar~r; no ]-?xecutivc Session.
he nineteenth order of business was Consideration and/
' or Actiari, an , ~,luestions and
Passible fteins to be placed an the Next Agenda.
Mr. Greenwald recognized and thaiil~ed Vice-l'residezxt T]wSTcr for his service.
No additional discussion was held.
The next regular board meeting was scheduled for ranuar}r 19, 2012 at 1:30 p.rn. in Schertz, Texas.
The twentieth order of business was Adjournment.
President Green~~~al~ clecluyed the meeting r~djoi~~ned ~f~ 2:32/~.nl.
Timothy "Jalk Jacn
Secretary, B~drd nf~' ectors