PZ 07-11-12 Agenda Item 5A Associated Documents
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(Sedona unit 1 was platted 2007)
2006: Sedona Subdivision PUD was amended Ord. # 06-S-36 (757.737 acres}
2012: Sedona Trails PDD was adopted as new mixed use development Ord. #12-S-01 (788 acres}
2012: Crossvine PDD, proposed -The Commission held public hearing on May 23, 2012 and continued the
public hearing to June 13, 2012 where the pubiic hearing was closed, the applicant presented a brief overview
of the project and the Commissioners de€erred voting on a recommendation until the staff has an opporkunity to
finalize the design standards for this project.
ITEM SUMMARI': The developer is requesting amendments to the Sedona Trails PDD. While same of the
changes will apply to the entire 504* acres, others will apply only to Module 1 -which is approximately 55
acres. Changes to the name of the project, phasing of Finai Plats {Sec. 8.6), required Open Space and fees
(Sec. 10.3}, and Conceptual Master Plan and Design Standards -Special Exceptions (Sec. 14) apply to the
entire 504* acres. Changes only applying to Module 1 include portions of Section 9 Community and Public
Amenity Standards and Section 13.1 Architectural Standards,
~A portion of the property is located within the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone District (AICUZ), however
no change in base land use is proposed as part of this zoning that would impact the AICUZ, The area within the
AICUZ, 10,21 acres and is awned by the City of Schertz that is for utilities, Staff is recommending that this area
be removed from the zoning case, thus rezoning 494,35 acres.
PLATTING STATUS: The property has not yet been platted with the exception of undeveloped portion of the
Sedona Unit 1 -the Residential lots that are a part of Sedona Unit 1 are not included as part of this rezoning
request, Additionally, the replat for the Crossvine Module 1, Unit 1 Subdivision is within the area proposed to be
~ Zoning ~ Land Ilse ~
North 'Residential Agricultural BRA} Agricultural
-- _
South Residential Agricultura~R~_ Residential Agricultural
f=ast Un-zoned (FM 1518} ROW
West Residential Agricultural (RA) and Genera! Business Residential Agricultural and Sedona Phase 1
(GB) and PUD Ord. #05-S-36 residential subdivision
GENERAL LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION: This 504,56 acre tract is generally located west of FM
1518 and south of Lower Seguin Road. The site is undeveloped and is primarily agricultural grass lands, This
PDD is providing a mixed use development and creating a generous amount of open space and trail systems
for the community.
COMPREE~ENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Single Family
residential for conventional detached dwellings with semi-public development such as schools and churches
which are encouraged as neighborhood focal points. Some of the key features of the Land Use Plan are to
develop a new, primariiy residential, mixed use area along the southwestern edge of Schertz to take advantage
of the proposed regional commercial cen#er along nearby Loop 1604. Another mixed-use site, proposed along
the eastern boundary with Randolph Air Force Base, may also include residential,
The draft of the South Schertz Framework designates this area as part of the Neighborhood Development area.
This designation is intended to provide for more dense ~4-5 dwelling units per acres farm of development that
includes pedestrian oriented design elemenfs including neighborhood serving commercial development. The
Sedona PDD was a factor in developing this designation. The proposed zoning is consistent with the draft plan.
Name Change; This amendment includes a name change from Sedona Trails to The Crossvine. This
document will continue to refer to the Sedona Trails PDD until final approval of the proposed name. The PDD
includes the requirement of Crossvine plants #hroughout the entire development which the applicant will further
explain as park of the purpose of the subdivision name change.
Amendment to Section ~: Int`rastruct~sre Standards -This change applies to the entire 494.35 acres
Roadways„{Sec, 8.2~ The developer would be allowed to defer the construction of the sidewalk along FM 1518
given that the road will not be improved and is allowed to simply pay the cost of the constructing the sidewalk to
the City.
Phasing of Final Plats Sec. B.G~: The provision would allow the applicant to make slight adjustments (increase
the lot count by up to 5%) to the final plat and soli be consistent with the approved preliminary plat. The benefit
of this provision is that it encourages the applicant to include larger areas within the preliminary plat, which Is
preferable in evaluating the subdivision design and infrastructure planning.
Amendments t® Section 9: Community and Public amenity Standards ~ This only applies to Module 1
L.ands_c_ape Design (Sec, 9.~•. This provision allows xeriscape landscaping to reduce water use and specifies
the areas to be landscaped. The City does not generally have landscaping standards, except as part of
screening and buffering along arterial roadways, so what is proposed it more than the City normally requires.
The applicant added the Crossvine as an approved plant for landscaping, There are also several exhibits (See
exhibits "A", `B", and "C") that identify the extensive landscaping that will be added to the development. The
landscaping and screening is designed to provide a welcoming ambiance that will have a consistent theme
throughout by using a combination of fencing, rock and other natural features
Public bi htin Sec. 9.2,2 : The applicant is proposing to utilize ornamental street lighting fixtures provided by
CPS. They are proposing street lighting other than the standard galvanized pole lights. These lights are
identified in Exhibit'D" and have been approved by CPS as the Crossvine standard street light.
Public Screening (Sec. 9,2.3„ The applicant is proposing to modify the screening standards. Along FM 1518
#hey are proposing a minimum height of 6.5' and a variety of materials. They are also proposing a substantial
amount of landscaping. The applicant is stipulating screening treatment required throughout the development to
provide for a consistent and complimentary look. These requirements are specific to areas abutting greenbelts,
local roads, common areas, and other platted lots. Provided far a more thorough description are examples of
approved fencing See exhibit "H", "F", "G", "I", and "J") and a matrix identifying the location where these types
of fences are permitted See Exhibit "E".
Tr~eslPlant Materials (Sec. 9.2.4~1n honor of the proposed name of the development, this provisions stipulates
that the Crossvine is an allowed plant material.
Pocket Parks See. 9,2.7 : The attached graphics (See Exhibit "K" "L" "M" "~" "0", and "P"} provide general
representation of the theme and level of improvements to these areas. But to be clear, they do not necessary
depict the final design,
Mail Kiosks Sec, 9.2,8 : The proposal stipulates the look of the mail kiosks {See Exhibit "Q"} and number to be
Drainage {Sec 9.29): The PDD provides large open space areas throughout the development to accomplish
two goals: 1) the open arealdrainage allows for well landscaped areas large greenbelts for hike and bike trails.
2} it creates swales through the site to divert some of the storm water run off into the proposed
detentionlretention ponds that will be used for their landscape irrigation. There are drainage swales proposed
throughout the development that range from 30 yards to 150 yards wide which create the canvas for the unique
landscape and trails. The drainage swales that are created for this development are providing gentle slopes for
broad general access from the street along the entire course of the greenbelt. The applicant has worked with
the Public Works Department to provide for access standards that do not negatively impact the parklike feel of
the area,
signage {Sec. 9.5~: The applicant is proposing to allow for a variety of signage for this project, While in some
cases it exceeds what is currently allowed in the City of Schertz, much of the signage is internal to the project
or is of a temporary nature. Given the level of amenity, landscaping and screening being provided, as well as
the size and scale of the project, staff feels what proposed is appropriate, The several types of signage
proposed for the Crassvine Subdivision are illustrated as follows; entry signs (exhibit "S"), amenity signs {exhibit
T ), lifestyle & development signs {exhibit U) and real estate signs (exhibit V ). In exhibit R there is a
location identifier and matrix that defines the various types of signs, the minimum setback, their size and the
number allowed.
Amenity Center {Sec.,, 9.7); The applicant is stipulating the setbacks for the facility, parking requirement, and
design elements (See exhibit "W").
Amendments to Section 10: Greenbelt, Park, and Open Space Plan -This applies to the entire 494,35
Required Open Space and Fees (Sec, 10.3): All parkland requirements have been satisfied, no fees are
required. Trails and sidewalks are planned for the entire community connecting to several designated parks and
open space. The trail system will connect through the greenbelts, traveling to each of the pocket parks. Along
the trails and in the pocket parks there are several activity areas; a par course, butterfly garden, tot lot, shaded
seating areas, benches, and workoutlexercise stations.
.Amendments to Section 13: Architectural Standards ®This applies only to Module 1.
Lot Sizes (13,1.1LThe dimensional requirements for Module 1 include 3 single family designations; DSFR {1)
5,500 minimum square foot Pots and maximum 3,200 square foot building; DSFR (2) 7,200 minimum square
foot lots and maximum 3.650 square foot building; and DSFR (3} 8,400 minimum square foot lofs and maximum
4,100 square foot buildings. All the categories have the same setback requirements 20' front, 5' side and 10'
rear; there is an exception to allow the porch, house and courtyards to extend into the front setback by 5 feet
and permit one Dwelling Unit Equivalent (DUE). All categories have a maximum impervious cover of 65% which
is a 15% increase from the UDC's single-family residential categories,
Residential Exterior Materials Sec. 13,1.2 : The applicant plans to regulate the architectural style and materials
of homes primarily through the Master Covenants.
Private Residential ~encinq (13.1.3 The applicant is stipulating screening treatment required throughout the
development to provide for a consistent and complimentary look, These requirements are specific to areas
abutting greenbelts, local roads, common areas, and other platted lots. Graphics provide for a more thorough
description of approved fencing (See exhibit "I", and "J"} and a matrix identifying the [ovation where these types
of fences are permitted (See Exhibit "E"},
Accessor uildin s Sec. 13.1.4 : One accessory building is permitted and shall be in the rear yard, made of
the same materials as the primary structure and cannot exceed 150 square feet.
Roofs (Sec. 13,1.5~The amendment stipulate a minimum roof pitch and materials.
Driveways (Sec. 13.1.6 The amendment specifies the type of materials allowed.
Ameradmer~4 ~® Sec~i~n 14. Conceptual ItlQaster Pian and Design Standards ~- Speciai ~xcepfions ~ This
applies to the entire 494.35 acres.
S ecial Exce Lions Sec. 14 ;This document has categorized and defined a minor and major exception to the
PDD requirements. A minor special exception is written far circumstances or conditions in which the developer
desires relief from the requirements or obligations of the PDD that does not change the intent of the PDD but
that may have physical conditions that require a small modification to the plan. Administrative staff wi[I review
the proposed exception and determine if it is a minor change. If it is determined that the change is major the
applicant would be required to proceed with a formal zone change request. There are some examples in the
PDD document for review.
PDD and UDC design ,Criteria: This property is part of a Planned Development District, as such it must comply
with the design requirements of the PDD and any area that is not directly addressed in this document will
comply with the design criteria of the UDC,
Tree Mitigation; l=ees will be estimated at platting.
Parkland Dedication: Estimated no fees due; all parkland is satisfied Through the standard of the PDD.
~®ADS: The MTP identifies two proposed right-of-ways through this site; one is a 60' northlsouth collector that
extends from Lower Seguin Road to Ware Seguin Road and is located in the proximity of the existing Schnebly
Drive (an $6' ROW), and the other is a $6' eastlwest secondary arterial.
RAC®i~l~i~DATI®N: The PDD amendment has been reviewed with no objections by the City Engineer,
Public Works, Parks, Inspections, Fire and Police,
Staff recommends approval of the PDD as proposed to apply only to the 494.35 acres,
Punning Depantmer~f Rec~mmendatior~
X Approve as submitted
Approve with conditions*
vvnuc uic ~Uiniiua~iuii ~a~i iniNuse cunuiuons; co~iaiuons snauia on€y ne imposes to meet requirements otthe UDC,
C®MMISSI®NERS CRITERIA F®R C®NSIDERATI®N: The Planning and zoning Commission shall hail a
public hearing in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and section 21.4.4 and make a written
recommendation regarding a proposed zoning change or zoning map amendment to the City Councii. The
Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the
amendment. In considering the recommendation to City Councii on a zoning request, the Commission should
consider the criteria within tJDC, Section 21.5.4 D,
Sedona Trails PDD {Ord# 12-S-01)
PDD Document, proposed
Public hearing responses
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