PowerPoint Proposed Budget 2012-13 Proposed Budget FY 2012-13 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget Budget Goals: Balanced Structurally  Conservative and Responsible  Follows Financial Policies  Maintains Current Service Levels  Focuses on Priorities  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget2 Budget Priorities 1.No Increase in M&O Tax Rate 2.Replenish Fund Balance 3.Support Existing Employees 4.Implement Strategic Plan Goals 5.Increase Community Safety FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget3 Budget Highlights Replenish Fund Balance in General Fund  Cover Employee Health Insurance  Increases Re-establish Employee Merit Program  Midyear FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget4 Budget Highlights Traffic Safety Program (6 new positions)  Improved Stormwater Management Program  (1 new position) Increased Oversight of Public Infrastructure  Construction (1 new position) These 8 Positions are Cost Neutral to the General Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget5 Change in Management Practices Refocus on priorities  Maintain Appropriate Fund Balance  Team Input  Departments, Council, and Citizens  Forward Looking  Planning for Future Expenses  Consider Project schedules  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget6 Budget Programs YMCA Repairs  Elevated Water Tank Construction  Northcliffe sewer infiltration reduction  Northcliffe and Aviation Heights waterline  replacements Jazzfest  Master Communication Plan Phase 1  Complete Salary Survey Adjustments  Complete Gateway Planning  Purchase of an additional Fire Engine  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget7 All Funds -Revenues General Fund$21,944,990 Special Events Fund131,300 PEG Fund131,000 Water & Sewer Fund16,692,742 EMS Fund5,872,625 Drainage Fund998,957 Hotel Tax492,717 Park Fund247,025 Capital Recovery3,765,624 I&S Fund5,690,781 Parks & Rec Foundation236,175 Historical Committee5,650 SEDC2,837,710 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget8 Grand Total$59,047,296 All Funds -Expenses Administrative$4,729,426 General Fund16,843,314 Special Events Fund131,300 PEG Fund131,000 Water & Sewer Fund16,679,039 EMS Fund5,857,199 Drainage Fund960,576 Hotel Tax481,945 Park Fund204,125 Capital Recovery3,765,624 I&S Fund5,262,352 Parks & Rec Foundation234,154 Historical Committee5,650 SEDC2,674,444 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget9 Grand Total$57,960,148 Fund Balance/Retained Earnings FY 2012-13Estimated Beginning BalanceNet ChangeBudgeted Ending Balance General Fund2,532,532372,2502,904,782 Special Events Fund107,746(3,900)103,846 PEG Fund328,017(33,000)295,017 Water & Sewer Fund25,442,595(303,285)25,139,310 EMS Fund(151,810)107,093(44,717) Drainage Fund723,852129,681853,533 Hotel Tax407,11010,772417,882 Park/Tree Fund379,488(18,625)360,863 Capital Recovery16,419,9661,361,32617,781,292 I&S Fund100,940373,430474,370 Parks & Rec Foundation261,7362,021263,757 Historical Committee9,94009,940 SEDC4,141,111163,2664,304,377 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget10 General Fund FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 BudgetEstimateProposed Revenue$21,134,465$20,262,306$21,944,990 Expenditures$21,018,289$19,862,069$21,572,740 Over/(Under)$116,176$400,237$372,250 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget11 General Fund Revenues$21,944,990 Expenditures21,572,740 Increase of Fund Balance372,250 Beginning Fund Balance2,532,532 Ending Fund Balance2,904,782 25% Requirement Policy$ 5,393,185 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget12 General Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget13 General Fund Revenues Property Taxes$ 7,581,207 Sales Taxes5,637,958 Fees2,997,169 Fund Transfers1,792,139 Franchises1,665,763 Permits1,051,840 Inter-Jurisdictional640,167 Miscellaneous455,547 Other Taxes28,000 Licenses70,200 Library Fines25,000 Total Revenues$21,944,990 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget14 General Fund -Expenses General Government$ 6,202,824 Internal Service2,559,757 Police5,321,412 Fire Rescue2,922,552 Inspections456,314 Marshal Service619,746 Streets1,014,171 Parks & Recreation1,227,398 Library856,373 Animal Services392,193 Total Expenses$21,572,740 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget15 General Fund -Expenses In the current year approved FY 2011-12  Budget we asked the departments to cut 4% FY2011-12 FY2011-12 Percent BudgetEstimateChangeReduction Expenses21,018,28919,862,069(1,156,220)(5.5%) FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget16 General Fund -Expenses FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12FY 2012-13 BudgetEstimateBudget $21,018,289$19,862,069$21,572,740 $554,457$1,710,671 2.6%8.6% FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget17 Tax Rate Current:$0.4843 Effective:$0.4781 Proposed budget is Proposed:$0.5095 balanced at this rate Rollback:$0.5293 Additional $0.01 is $230,740 revenue FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget18 Proposed Tax Rate Tax RateCurrentProposed M&O$0.2993$0.2993 I&S$0.1850$0.2102 Total$0.4843$0.5095 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget19 FY 2012-13 Tax Rate 2011 Tax Bill = $799 Avg Home Value $164,985 2012 Tax Bill = $873 Avg Home Value $171,255 Increase = $ 74 2011 Tax Bill = $484 Home Value of $100,000 2012 Tax Bill = $510 Home Value of $100,000 Increase = $ 26 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget20 Proposed M&O $0.2993 Current approved staff  Reserve Funding $370,000  10% Health Insurance cost increase  Merit Program  Completion of the Market Rate Wage Adjustment  4 additional Patrol Officers  1 additional Court Clerk  1 Civilian Evidence Technician  Roadway Impact Fee Study  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget21 Capital Expenditures Capital Outlay –General Fund Police -5 replacement vehicles with  equipment YMCA Repairs  Fire Engine  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget22 Capital Expenditures Fire Engine: 8 year note with payments of $110,000  plus $40,000 for replacement fund = $150,000 Possible grant from SEDC for $75,000  for first year FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget23 Proposed I&S $0.2102 Second Bond Issue to Complete:  Aquatic Center  Soccer/Athletic Fields  Main Street/FM 78  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget24 Property Values 2011 Adjusted Taxable value$ 2,152,560,461 2012 Equivalent Taxable Value$ 2,166,458,534 2012 New Properties+$ 140,936,393 2012 Adjusted Taxable Value$ 2,307,394,927 Difference$ 154,834,466 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget25 2012 Property Taxes FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget26 Historic Tax Rates FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget27 Regional Tax Rates FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget28 Sales Tax FY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13 ActualEstimateBudget General $4,702,217$5,172,439$5,637,958 Fund 10% + 9% + FY 2012-13  5% growth for existing firms  4% growth for new business  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget29 Historic Sales Tax FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget30 Budget Calendar FY 2012-13 July 31File with City Secretary, Budget Workshop August 7Budget Workshop, vote to place a preliminary tax rate on the agenda, and schedule public hearings August 8First Community Budget Presentation August 15Second Community Budget Presentation August 28First Public Hearing September 4Second Public Hearing, First Vote September 11Second Vote and Adoption October 1Budget goes into effect FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget31 Proposed Budget FY 2011-12 Proposed Budget FY 2011-12 Departments General Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget34 City Council Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$53,202 2012-13 Budget$76,556 % Change43.9% Additional costs for elections in the fall  No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget35 City Manager Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$878,364 2012-13 Budget$961,375 % Change9.5% Addition of a third Executive Director  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget36 Municipal Court Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$324,339 2012-13 Budget$366,254 % Change12.9% Additional Court Clerk to assist with the  Traffic Safety Program FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget37 Customer Relations 311 Expense 2011-12 Estimate$104,272 2012-13 Budget$110,444 % Change5.9% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget38 Planning & Zoning Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$232,160 2012-13 Budget$186,165 % Change-19.8% Gateway Planning study will conclude in  FY2012-13, lowering expenses FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget39 Legal Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$433,309 2012-13 Budget$360,000 % Change-17.0% High concentration of legal activity in current  year FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget40 Facilities Maintenance Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$944,212 2012-13 Budget$1,206,380 % Change27.8% Will conduct repairs to the YMCA building in the  coming Fiscal Year Increase budget with addition of the emergency  services buildings' maintenance Will begin to phase out EDC’s coverage of the maintenance  of the emergency services buildings FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget41 City Secretary Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$179,401 2012-13 Budget$185,388 % Change3.3% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget42 Non-Departmental Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$1,225,924 2012-13 Budget$1,365,550 % Change11.4% Reset contingencies to 100,000  Tax abatements for Sysco and Caterpillar  Pay into Sedona TIRZ Fund  Increase in Appraisal District Costs  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget43 Public Affairs Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$299,976 2012-13 Budget$323,316 % Change7.8% Increase in adverting back to normal amount  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget44 Records Management Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$61,675 2012-13 Budget$62,245 % Change1.0% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget45 Schertz Tales Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$408,153 2012-13 Budget$443,947 % Change8.8% Increase in printing costs  Added a bad debt expense  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget46 Engineering Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$231,645 2012-13 Budget$316,488 % Change36.6% Full year funding of the City Engineer  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget47 GIS Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$124,308 2012-13 Budget$135,663 % Change9.1% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget48 Police Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$4,814,444 2012-13 Budget$5,321,412 % Change10.5% Introduce Traffic Safety Program  4 Patrol Officers  1 Civilian Evidence Tech  Gear for new personnel  Increase in Vehicle Fuel for new division  New equipment for the Tahoe patrol vehicles  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget49 Fire Rescue Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$2,839,252 2012-13 Budget$2,922,552 % Change2.9% No change in operations, budget for increasing  activity throughout the year FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget50 Inspections Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$431,197 2012-13 Budget$456,314 % Change5.8% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget51 Marshal Services Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$613,510 2012-13 Budget$619,746 % Change1.0% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget52 Public Works -Streets Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$956,893 2012-13 Budget$1,014,171 % Change6.0% Increase in street maintenance materials  Higher electricity costs for lights on I-35 and  Schertz Parkway FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget53 Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$791,040 2012-13 Budget$809,501 % Change2.3% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget54 Swimming Pools Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$246,503 2012-13 Budget$254,503 % Change3.2% Anticipated price increase in pool cleaning  materials FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget55 Event Facilities Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$140,968 2012-13 Budget$163,394 % Change15.9% Increase in advertising to attract more  patrons FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget56 Library Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$825,419 2012-13 Budget$856,373 % Change3.8% Additional Library materials  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget57 Animal Services Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$342,742 2012-13 Budget$392,193 % Change14.4% Higher than anticipated turn over seen in  current Fiscal Year FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget58 Information Technology Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$859,659 2012-13 Budget$977,081 % Change13.7% Moved the budget for engineering software to  the IT budget GIS software annual costs increased due to  the City’s population growth FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget59 Human Resources Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$332,147 2012-13 Budget$409,970 % Change23.4% Full year funding of Director  Institute Employee Wellness Program and  other skill training classes FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget60 Finance Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$448,402 2012-13 Budget$466,241 % Change4.0% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget61 Purchasing & Asset Management Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$255,729 2012-13 Budget$258,274 % Change1.0% No change in operations  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget62 Fleet Services Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$410,883 2012-13 Budget$448,191 % Change9.1% Increase due to higher maintenance costs on  city vehicles, offset by insurance reimbursements FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget63 City Assistance Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$52,000 2012-13 Budget$52,000 % Change0% No significant change  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget64 Special Events Fund RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$129,981$104,132 2012-13 Budget$131,300$131,300 % Change1.0%20.7% New Event!  Jazzfest!  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget65 PEG Fund RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$92,563$83,000 2012-13 Budget$131,000$131,000 % Change29.3%57.8% Master Communication Plan Phase 1  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget66 Interest & Sinking Debt Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget67 Interest & Sinking Debt Fund RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$4,672,137$4,688,443 2012-13 Budget$5,690,781$5,262,352 % Change12.2%12.2% Increase in expenses is due to the additional  bonds approved in 2010 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget68 Water & Sewer Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget69 Business Office Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$568,693 2012-13 Budget$615,844 % Change8.3% No change in operations  Fund approved Meter Technician I position  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget70 Water & Sewer Administration Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$14,188,707 2012-13 Budget$14,761,195 % Change4.0% Change interfund charges for General Fund  Water 5% to 10%  Sewer 5% to 7.5%  Removed itemized transfers  Increase in Debt Service Schedule  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget71 Drainage Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget72 Drainage Fund RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$710,500$640,502 2012-13 Budget$998,957$960,576 % Change40.6%50.0% Drainage charge increase  Addition of a Stormwater Manager and vehicle  Replacement equipment  Drainage Study –South Schertz  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget73 Capital Recovery Fund RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$1,896,567$1,225,935 2012-13 Budget$3,765,624$3,765,624 % Change98.5%166.1% Begin new elevated water tank project  funded by reserves FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget74 Capital Recovery Projects Working Projects Projects completed in FY 2011-12  5 Year Capital Improvement Study  Projects to be Completed in FY 2012-13  Town Creek WW Collection System Phase 3  Schaefer Road East Water Line Upgrade  Preliminary Engineering for South Schertz  Wastewater Treatment Plant FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget75 EMS Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget76 EMS Fund Revenues 2011-12 Estimate$4,991,453 2012-13 Budget$5,872,625 % Change17.7% Increased fees and expected transports  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget77 EMS Fund Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$5,242,185 2012-13 Budget$5,857,199 % Change11.7% Increase in write-offs with the increase in  revenue Purchase equipment which was held back  from FY2011-12 FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget78 Schertz Economic Development Corporation FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget79 Schertz Economic Development Corporation RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$2,611,345$1,985,164 2012-13 Budget$2,837,710$2,674,444 % Change8.7%34.7% Sales Taxes are projected to increase by 5%  from year end estimates plus another 4% for new business New model for development incentive funds  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget80 EDC –Non Departmental Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$183,700 2012-13 Budget$0 % Change-100% Moved to General Fund and will be  reimbursed by Economic Development FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget81 EDC –Economic Development Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$1,801,464 2012-13 Budget$2,674,444 % Change9.1% New Business Development programs  Development Incentive Fund = $500,000  Impact Fee Matching Fund = $500,000  Economic Development Specialist position funding  Reimburse Emergency Services Buildings’ Maintenance expenses  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget82 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget83 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$469,717$364,124 2012-13 Budget$492,717$481,945 % Change4.9%32.4% Additional Advertising Campaigns  Provide funding for the new Jazzfest event  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget84 Park Fund FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget85 Park Fund Revenues 2011-12 Estimate$235,520 2012-13 Budget$247,025 % Change4.9% Transfer in to fund Tree Mitigation projects  out of reserves FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget86 Park Fund-Parkland Dedication Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$199,281 2012-13 Budget$107,600 % Change-46.0% New public water fountains, amenity centers,  tree accent lighting, Gutierrez Park Stone Monument, and three new pavilions FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget87 Park Fund-Tree Mitigation Expenses 2011-12 Estimate$48,500 2012-13 Budget$96,525 % Change99.0% Soccer complex shade trees  Ornamental trees for new Animal Services  Facility FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget88 Historical Committee RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$3,302$3,302 2012-13 Budget$5,650$5,650 % Change71.1%71.1% No significant Change  FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget89 Parks & Recreation Foundation RevenuesExpenses 2011-12 Estimate$248,935$197,863 2012-13 Budget$320,375$271,762 % Change28.7%37.3% Increase to accommodate a bigger audience  at the two festivals FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget90 Budget Calendar FY 2012-13 July 31File with City Secretary, Budget Workshop August 7Budget Workshop, vote to place a preliminary tax rate on the agenda, and schedule public hearings August 8First Community Budget Presentation August 15Second Community Budget Presentation August 21First Public Hearing August 28Second Public Hearing, First Vote September 4Second Vote and Adoption October 1Budget goes into effect FY 2012-13 Proposed Budget91 Proposed Budget FY 2011-12