ORDINANCE 208 ....---.-.__. r "" -., . . . . ORDINANCE NO. 208 AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN ~ CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, ON THE QUESTION OF THE AlXJPTION OF A ONE PERCENT (1%) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX WITHIN THE CITY; DESIGNATnG TRE DAY OF ~ ELECTION AND THE POttING PLACE; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICI~ THEREFOR; PRESCRIBING FORM OF B.AI.LOT; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: Set:t.ion 1. ' That a special election shall be held 'in-and throughout the City of" SChertz, Texas, on the 4th day of April, 1970, at which election there shall be submitted to the resident qualified voters of said City, for theiI' action :therEl~,on, the follow~g propositions: ItFOR adoption of a one percent (l%) local sales and use tax within the city." "AGAINST adoption of a one percent (1%) local sales and use tax: within the city." Section 2. Said election shall be held at SCHERTZ FIRE STATION for all qualified voters of said City. Presiding Judge 'will be Mr. Delos R. Durden; Assistent Judge, ~l be Mrs. Lucy Deen. Robert C. Bueker is hereby appointed' Clerk for absentee voting. The absentee' voting f'or the above designated election shall be held at City Hall, Schertz, Texas, within the "boundaries of the above named City and said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least"eight hburs on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or an official State holiday beginning on the 20th day and' continuiilg through the 4th day preceding the date ot said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hOUrs of 8:00 a.~ and 5:00 p.m;; on each day for said absentee voting;; Ballot appJ:ieationsdand ballots voted by'mail may be sent to the Absentee Clerk~ Drawer"~, Schertz" Texas. Section 3. Ballots of said election shall have written or printed thereon the f'ollowing: . FOR the adoption of' a one per cent (1%) local sales and use tax: within the city. AGAINST the adoption of a one per cent (l%) local sales and use tax: within the city. Place an ''X" in" the square beSide the statement indicating the wa:y you wish ,to vote. The manner of holding said election shall be governed by the terms and provisions of' the above mentioned Hoiise Bill No. 207 and in accord- ance with the law applicable to other munic:l;pal elections. 'Section 4. Notice of said election shall be given by pulllishing a copy of" this ordinance on the same day of two successive weeks in a newspaper having .general circulation'within this City, there being no newspaper published wi thin this City. the date of the f'irst publication to be at least twenty-Oris (21) days prior to the date set by said election. The' City Secretary is hereby instructed to cause said notice to be so given. , PA$SED AND APPROVED, this ~ ~ of 1l'ebruax'JT: 1970~ W~C2~~o~ AT'I'EST: /~c~ (;1 'ty cre'tllry