ORDINANCE NO. 194 o. ...,!( ; ~. ~ '. ~ ORUll1ANCE if 1!t4 ORDINANCE APPltOVING APPiLtCATION ro~ PIIEi~t' WAN FOR LOW-lUlNT Plml.lC HOUSING WH:E1l.E4S. it is the I'OUey of this locaUt:y to .1tm1nate sUDstandatd and other 1a- adequate houstna. to prevent the spteed of "t-"sIl4 fbUght. ao,dto re811.. as soon as ~eadDle the $oalof a decent h0llle ill. asut"ble ltvillg eavirotttllent fOr all: of its ,citiaeu; alld WVDl!'co\$. under the provisio.ns o.f the l1Iiit" $tet:es Rousing Act of 11937, as _ndect, me flepattment of Housing alld ttrDilll f>cwelo1>Jlleltt ls13l8utho.dze4 to. provide financial assistence to. local public hous1!l$ ageit4iell far undertak.inganlt (lilrrying Qut prelimtaaty plaan~ng of 10.-reat hOusing projeCts that Will assist 111 meeting this goal; and ~RA.g. ~. Mt PtaVius that th!llre shaH be 10ca1 dllte~at1oll. of Il.eed tor low-rent houstll.$ to meet needsl10t b.e1ng adS''liUlltelY lII11t by pt'ivateenterprhe and thiltthll Departlllellt of Bousillll: .and U~ban l:!eve1Qtlllienl! shall ao.t melte any coatrllllt with a public: 'hOUsillll: agenCy fOrpre1imiutY loans fillt $Iltveysand p1afill.iq in res- pect to my low-reat ho.using projects wies. thego'1erntng bady of the locality 1I1volved h4s by reso:tutilloa approvlId tile a~tJi,catlon ef- the public hous1ag a*eMY for suehpr.eUmtMry loan;aad ' ~S, thelloustng Authot'ity of .e(l~ty 0f sc1!.ertz. Tcas (here:tllB cal1ed !lbe "Local Authority") is a puelic ho..sing .ageaey alia 18 app~ying to the nt\partment of HousiBg and Urban Development fora prelimtna.ry LOaA to cover the costs of sun.ys a,ll.a planntbg in cormeetioll. wit!\ e-'develofllllElfil'of low-rent honsing. _ NOW. _01OU. be it or4a$l1ed by tmeOity CQUIlCU otthe Cit:y Qf Schertz. as follows: '1. There exists in the CHyoti S'lJ~ertil a n;!!ed :ltor .ueh 10w~rent housilll!:at rent. Within the 1lISans of la.4uOlIie fllllliUes; :4 2. The .pplicaUo.nof the Lacsl 4;utho.rUy to llhe Depa,rtment of llc>usifig and U:rb.n DevelOpillel1t for a pre:l,1:mill.ry 108n 11'1 MamoUnt i\O to cceed $ for surveysaad planning in conneltdon with 'I.C!W-rent housing proJeus o~ Il.ot ,to 8XClled approxi1nate1y dWllJ:l1ng units is. hel'eby app!tove4. A 1lI0tioll to "Joom by Mr. koch and t;seonde4. b;yMr .Ko~. 'MoUoncarrted. !liYo:r AT'fEST: Ci'1!1 Seeretary ~ '1" ,_., '" ".~..