ORDINANCE NO. 160 ~~.\ ' ~' t< ~. ' " j ( 1 .f , ORl)DW1CB NO. I , () , All OBDnDJIC:B J)BSIGHNlDtG ftAJ'FIC SI'BlmSZODS D' CD2'AD' AUlAS .. n OltNloIJPQ) BY '1"JIB CI'l'!' COUlICU. OJ' '1'8B ern OJ' BCBBll'l'Z, HXAS I 1. WbNIe it ba. been determJ.ned by . traffic engineaxing study .f U.e City of Schezta, Texa., that the lUXilIlIu.a,reaacmab1e and pt:adent apeed fQE the hereLaafter naaed poztioDe of eve. is a. Nt oat bere.ftez lIAf5 any speed in exce.. thereof aball be pda. hed.e eviaeace that each apeea 18 not zeasOIUlb1e or prudent and tdult it is unlawful. 2. 'lhe ....1mua, rea.oub1. and prl1dent speed for that portion of W1.11.i....tre.t. Cw:'t.i.a Sueet. w:right .tr..t and Randolph Bu..t 1IlIIU.eb Pat aDd adjoin t.he lU"'ntU'y School in the City of Scberta, t'aaa 18 and allall be hereafter 15 aU.. per hoar. J. 'Ibe 'l'lr.ffic &n,1ne.r of th. city of aches-ta, Texas. is ~ clirecQa to poet aigna .. provided by law. JlMIBD AIm UftOVBD th18 the d~ day of Marcil. 1967. \ 1 ~~-4/tA4 Mayor "-_.t;JlJ J. #. P A~;:lrjJ(J ./' fit, 'efteMs'Y