01-13-2013 AppointmentsZa4 SCHERTZ PaCZKR'aY SCHERTZ~ TEXAS 78154 PHa\E: (210) 658-1001 Fax: (2]0) 658-3401 TTY: (800) 735-2989 CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS hereby appoint fhe following person(s) hereinafter named to serve as Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Schertz, Texas from the _1 ST_ day of JANUARY , 2013_, until the expirafion date as indicated below. ERNEST BAILEY succeeds HIMSELF Term expires January 1, 2015 JOANN DOAN succeeds HERSELF Term expires January i, 2015 I hereby certify that none of the above newly designated Commissioners is an officer or employee of the City of Schertz, Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOI^, I have hereunto signed my name as Mayor of the City of Schertz, Texas, and caused the official seal of said City to be aitached this ^~~day of 1~~C~mBg~2 , 20 r* 2 . Affest: City .Irk ,(Seal) I. eeun~ xous~xc OUR MISSION IS TO PROVIDE DECENT, SAFE AND SANITARY HOUSING oaaoxtuxrTr FOR THE ELDERLY, DISABLED AND VERY LOW INCOME FA114ILY. zU4 SCHERTZ PARKR'AY SCHERTZ~ TExAS 78154 pHC}NE: (210) 658-Ifl01 • FAx: {210) 658-34fl1 • TTY: (80fl} 735-2989 SHA Ct.TRRENT BOARD MEMBERS 2013 CHAIRPERSON VICE-CHAIR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER RESIDENT COMMISSIONER BILL GIGNAC LEON JONES ERNEST BAILEY MARK KLEBIG JOANN DOAN eovAixousuNC OUIt MISSION IS TO PROVIDE DECENT SAFE AND SAN1'I'ARY OU INS C:1Documents~~RSe~L'€~~~.~~'"~fl'SlA~~.~~ur~i~~1~~~~~~~~!~1DP~r~,I~~~er History.xls oProaiuxirv