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On this, the 2nd day of September, 1975, at 7:00 o'clock P.M.
the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, convened at a regular meet-
ing at the regular meeting place in the Municipal Building in the City of
Schertz, Texas, pursuant to due call and notice to all of the members of said
City Council, which meeting was at all times open to the publ ic, and at
which meeting the following members were present, to-wit :
There being a quorum presnet, the meeting was called to order
by the Mayor, and, among other proceedings had were the following:
The Mayor introduced the hereinafter set forth ordinance,
which has been read and considered at the last regular meeting of the City
Council on the 19th day of August, 1975. It was determined that the City
Secretary,had caused a short synopsis of said proposed ordinance to be
published in the official City newspaper qfter its consideration at the last
regular meeting of the City Council and prior to this meeting.
Whereupon said ordinance was discussed and further considered
by the Council.
Thereupon it was moved by Councilmember ~~_'_ - Sharpe
and seconded by Councilmember
that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor put the motion
to a vote of the members of the City Council and the ordinance was finally
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mrs. Funk, Mr. Seeba, Mr. Shneider, Mr. Sharpe and Mrs. Hyatt.
NAYS: None
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1. Grant of Authority. There is hereby granted by the City of Schertz
(hereinafter called "Citil), to a company
(hereinafter called "Contractor"), the right and privilege to operate and main-
tain within the City of Schertz a service for the collection and disposal of
garbage, brush and other refuse.
2. Exclusive Grant: The right and privilege granted herein for the pur-
poses set forth shall be exclusive and no other
contractor, person or corporation shall be permitted to engage in the garbage
collection within the City of Schertz during the term of this contract without
the mutual consent of the City and the Contractor.
3. Compliance with Laws and Ordinances. The Contractor shall at all times,
during the life of this contract,
be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power by the City, and to such
reasonable regulations as the City shall hereafter by ordinance provide. In
addition, Contractor will observe all state laws regulating the collection and
disposal of garbage (also see paragraph 6 F).
4. Liability. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the
City and Contractor that the Contractor shall indemnify
and save the City harmless from any and all loss sustained by the City on
account of any suit, judgement, claim or demand whatsoever, resulting from the
negligence on the part of said Contractor, its agents, or employees in the
performance of services under this contract agreement.
5. Insurance Requirements. Contractor agrees to carry public liability
insurance naming the City of Schertz as
co-insured in the amount of $100,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per
accident; and property damage insurance in the amount of $10,000.00. Such
insurance will be carried with a reputable company and said policies must be
submitted to and be approved by the City Attorney.
A. Performance Bond. Contractor agrees to furnish the City,
in a form to be approved by the City
Attorney, a bond guaranteeing performance of provisions of
this contract in the amount of $10,000.00. Said Bond shall
show Contractor as principal and a Surety Company authorized
to transact business in Texas as Surety.
6. Service Standards. The Contractor shall maintain and operate its
collection system and equipment in order to
render efficient service subject to the terms of this Contract. The following
shall be considered as mandatory requirements:
A. Equipment,' All equipment, including motor vehicles and trucks
necessary for the performance of this contract shall,
at the beginning of the period hereof, be in good condition and
repair. A stand-by vehicle shall always be available. The
trucks used in collection of garbage or refuse shall be all
metal, watertight, with completely enclosed IIPackerll type
bodies that are designed and manufactured for the collection
of garbage and refuse. Said collection vehicles shall be
" ' .'
painted and numbered and shall have Contractor1s name and
telephone number painted in letters of a contrasting coloe
on each side of the vehicle. All vehicles shall be kept in
a clean and sanitary condition and shall be cleaned inside
and outside at least once each week.
B. Office. Contractor shall establish and maintain an office
with telephone service and shall keep said office
open for business from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM each and every day
except Saturday, Sunday and legal national holidays.
C. Office Location. The office mentioned in sub-paragraph B
shall be staffed with sufficient competent
personnel to handle calls and inquiries during office hours.
A daily log of all service calls, complaints and inquires
received by telephone or otherwise and the action taken
thereon shall be maintained by Contractor.
D. Routes and Times of Collection. Contractor shall collect,
remove, transport and dis-
pose of garbage, weeds and refuse from areas designated by
the City Council according to the schedule attached hereto
as Exhi bit IIAII hereof.
E. Changes in Times and Routes of Collection. The City Council
reserves the
right to change or alter the times and routes of collection.
Contractor shall be given at least five (5) days notice if
any such action is contemplated by City. No changes in
collection schedule shall be made by Contractor without
approval by City.
F. Disposal of Garbage and Refuse. Contractor shall have the
responsibility of the
disposal of all refuse, garbage and weeds collected under
this agreement and all of said materials shall be disposed
of in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and/or
the rules, regulations and standards established or to be
established by the Texas Department of Health Resources,
Texas Water Quality Board, the Environmental Protection
Agency and the Texas Air Control Board.
G. Area of Collection. Contractor will collect garbage from all
property owners within the City needing
such service and not deliquent in the payment of the authorized
service fees.
H. Interruption in Service. In the event that the collection and
disposal of garbage refuse shall be
interrupted by any reason for more than forty-eight (48) hours,
the City shall have the right to make temporary independent
arrangements for the purpose of continuing this necessary
service to its citizens in order to provide and protect the
public health and safety.
I. Excessive Interruption in Service. If the interruption in
service mentioned in the
paragraph next above continues for a period of thirty (30)
days, then City shall have the right to terminate the rights
and privileges granted in this contract.
J. City vehicles will be allowed to bring up to 1,000 cubic yards
of trash to the Contractor's landfill each month without
K. The Contractor will furnish commercial containers and collection
service to all City buildings or permanent activities where needed
at no charge.
7. Term of Contract. Contract rights herein granted shall take effect
and be in force from and after the final passage
hereof as required by law, and upon filing of acceptance by the Contractor
with the City Secretary, and shall continue in force and effect for a term of
three years effective October 1,1975. If the terms of this contract are not
accepted by the Contractor and said acceptance in writing filed with the City
Secretary within (30) days after the passage hereof, all rights granted here-
under shall be null and void.
A. Renewal Option. The Contractor shall have the option to
negotiate for a two year renewal of this
contract upon the termination of the three year contract
period mentioned herein.
B. Revocation. Contract rights granted hereunder may be terminated
, by the City of Schertz or by the Contractor on the
giving of notice in writing to the other party to said contract,
of the intention of said party to terminate his participation
in said contract ninety (90) days in advance of said proposed
termination of contract.
8. Non-transferability of contract rights. The Contractor shall not
accept, sell, transfer
or assign its rights or system under this contract to any other person or
corporation without the approval of the City Council.
9. Rates, Collection Payment. The rates to be charged are as accepted
by the City and the City shall make or
shall cause to be made all collections thereof. Contractor shall be paid by
City at the rate of Ninety percent (90%) of amount billed for each customer
served for which billing is made by City. Contractor shall be paid what he is
due from City within five (5) days after closing date of each billing period
with the last monthly payment hereunder to be made during the first calendar
month after the expiration of the term hereof or after the cancellation hereof,
as the case may be.
10. Records and Reports. City shall have access at reasonable hours
to all the Contractor's records, customer ser-
vice cards, and all papers relating to the operation of said Contractor within
the City of Schertz. The following records and reports shall be filed monthly
by Contractor with the City Secretary at the City Hall of the City of Schertz:
A. Reports of the results of all complaints and investigations
received and completed each month by Contractor.
B. Reports of all changes in equipment used in Contractor's
C. Record of all changes in number of residents of City served
by Contractor.
11. Investigation and Public Hearing. The City Council shall have full
power to examine or cause to be
examined at any time, and at all times, the books, papers and records of Con-
tractor with relation to the operation of the garbage collection system
within the City of Schertz. In this connection, the City shall have the
right, through its Council, to take testimony and compel the attendance of
witnesses or the production of books, papers and records and to examine wit-
nesses under oath and under such rules and regulations as it may adopt. If
any officer of Board or agent or employee of contractor refuses to give testi-
mony before said Council, Council shall have power by ordinance to declare this
contract a privilege and default and terminate it.
12. Notices. Where written notices are provided for in this ordinance, same
shall be sufficient to notify Contractor if mailed by certi-
fied mail to the proper address as specified in this bid and shall be sufficient
to notify the City if mailed by certified mail to City Secretary, City of Schertz,
P. O. Drawer I, Schertz, Texas 78154.
13. Routes and times of collection will be in accordance with Schedule "A"
which is made a part of this agreement.
. . . .
1. Routes and Times of Collections. Garbage pick-up shall be twice a week
per customer in City. The City shall be divided into two routes for
purposes of the collection of regular garbage, small brush and limb
pickup as follows:
Monday and Thursday
Tuesday and Friday
Route No. 1
Route No. 2
(a) Resident's Special Pickup - When the trash, rubbish, limbs, rocks
and other waste which cannot conveniently be placed into regular
garbage containers, as outlined in paragraph 6 or represent an
unusual weight or size, the resident or property owner may nego-
tiate directly with the contractor to remove such trash, by
special pickup at an agreeable price. If an agreeable price
cannot be established, the resident is authorized to negotiate
with any other person for this special service.
2. Pickup Points for Collection.
(a) Garbage containers shall be placed so that they are accessable from
the curb line without the collector entering upon private property.
Special cases to allow for front building line collection will be
authorized by mutual agreement of the contractor and the City when
the residents at any house are mentally or physically incapable of
placing containers at the curb line.
(b) No trash or garbage containers will be placed on the curb line
earlier than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of collection
nor later than twenty-four (24) hours after the time of collection.
3. Times of Collection. Contractor shall make no collections in residential
districts prior to 7:00 AM and collections in business districts shall not
be commenced earlier than 6:00 AM.
4. Waste from Building Operations. Rocks, waste, scrap, building materials,
or other trash resulting from construction or major remodeling; resulting
from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property just prior to its
occupancy, or resulting from sizeable amounts of trees, brush and debris
cleared from property in preparation for construction, will not be removed
by the contractor as part of regular service but may be done for the owner
on payment of an extra charge as agreed to between the owner and the con-
tractor with such payments being made directly to the Contractor. If,
after negotiation with the Contractor, the owner and the Contractor cannot
agree on a charge for removing such debris, the owner may contract with
the private hauler of his choice for removal of such debris.
5. Dead Animals: Dead animals shall not be placed in garbage containers.
Dead animals except for small dead animals such as cats, dogs and the like,
are not required to be accepted by the Contractor. The Contractor upon
call with no extra compensation shall as a special service pick up small
dead animals from the street or upon request from a customer. A record
shall be kept of these special service pick-ups and filed with the City
Secretary on a monthly basis. The owner shall be responsible for the
removal and disposal of excessively large dead animals, such as cows,
horses, mules and goats.
6. Limit on Tree Pic;ups: All brush and large trimmings to be collected by
Contractor shall De placed by property owners at the curb line. Trees,
brush and limbs cannot exceed three (3) inches in diameter nor five (5)
feet in length. All limbs and brush must be tied in bundles not to ex-
ceed sixty (60) pounds each. Leaves and grass clippings and small brush
items are to be placed in cardboard containers and/or garbage cans.
" '
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7. Types of Containers. Garbage containers shall be water tight receptacles
of solid and durable grade of metal or plastic, not to exceed thirty (30)
gallons in capacity, or plastic or other waterproof bags manufactured for
the purpose of containing garbage or refuse; the combined weight of the
garbage and container shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds. Con-
tainers shall be provided with suitable lifting handle or handles on the
outside and close fitting cover equipped with a handle. The container
must not have any inside structures, such as inside bands, and reinforcing
angles or anything within the container to prevent the free discharge of
the contents. Containers'that have deteriorated, or that have been
damaged to the extent of having jagged or sharpe edges capable of causing
i nj ury to garbage co 1'1 ectors or other persons whose duty it is to hangl e
the containers, or to such an extent that the covers will not fit securely,
will be condemned by the City of Schertz.
8. Service Fees. The fair and reasonable rates for collecting garbage, trash,
and brush as equitable to all residents are:
- Offices, barber shop and
professional services
- Light retail, wholesale
commercial or industrial
(under 2000 square feet)
Class VII - Medium retail, wholesale
commercial or industrial
2000 to 4000 square feet
and excluding large grocery
furniture or department
stores, etc.
Class VIII - Heavy Volume Retail, Whole-
sale, commercial or industrial
(placement into a category in
this class will be determined
by a time and cost study of
refuse generation and collection.
The categories in this class
usually require hand loading
from rooms or pens and would
not apply when commercial
containers are used.)
(a) Res identi a 1
Class I
Class I A
Cl ass II
Cl ass II I
Class IV
(b) Commercial
Class V
Class VI
- Residential, Single Family $3.15
- Residential, Front Door 4.50
(see Section 2A of this schedule.)
- Trailer Parks (2 or more trailers)
(based on number in park on the
15th day of month)
- Apartments
- Motels
per month
per month
per unit per month
per unit per month
per unit per month
1. 90
3.45 per month
5.10 per month
8.60 per month
a. Two weekly pickups of approx-
imately 1.5 cubic yards each
(13 cu. yds. per month) exclud-
ing large grocery, furniture
or department stores, etc.
based at $1.25 per cu. yd. 16.00 per month
b. Two weekly pickups of approx-
imately 3 cu. yds each (26 cu.
yds. per month) excluding large
grocery, furniture or depart-
ment stores, etc. based at $1.25
per cu. yd. 33.00 per month
-.. ~..' 4 .,
. . ~. ~. 4.
c. Three weekly pickups of approx-
imately 3 cu. yds each (39 cu.
yds. per month) excluding large
grocery, furniture or department
stores, etc., based at $1.25 per
cu. yard.
49.00 per month
d. Four weekly pickups of approx-
imately 3 to 4 cu. yds. each,
including large grocery, fur-
niture, or department stores,
etc. based at $1.15 per cu. yd.
e. Five weekly pickups of approx-
imately 3 to 4 cu. yds. each
including large grocery, fur-
niture or department stores,
etc. based at $1.15 per cy. yd.
f. Six weekly pickups of approx-
imately 3 to 4 cu. yds. each
including large grocery, fur-
niture or department stores,
etc. based at $1.15 per cu. yd.
60.00 per month
75.00 per month
90.00 per month
g. Customer requiring more than
four (4) cubic yards each
pickup would be charged $1.15
per cubic yard collected.
9. Commercial Containers. Contractor will provide commercial containers to
those customers who desire to use them in lieu of garbage cans. The use
of such containers is not required by this ordinance by any specific
customer. If desired, arrangements for their lease or purchase will be
made with the Sanitation Contractor.
Container Size Times Served Per Week
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 cu. yd. 12.00 19.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00
2 cu. yd. 14.00 24.00 33.00 40.00 45.00 50.00
3 cu. yd. 19.00 32.00 47.00 62.00 75.00 83.00
Large capacity containers are available if desired by customer.
10. Rate Confirmation and Option. The rates shown above in this schedule are
binding and in effect for the first year of the contract. The Contractor
will have the option of reviewing and possible renegotiating a maximum
five (5) percent increase, over the previous year rates, each of the
second and third year of the length of the contract, such increase to be
based on proof of increased operating costs.
11. Billing and Collection. For the purpose of convenience, the bill'ing and
collection of the charges levied for the garbage service shall be done
by the Utilities Department of the City of Schertz and all such fees
shall be payable at the office of the Utilities Department. The City
will prorate a new customer service to the nearest half-month charge
relative to the commencement of service. (Service shall be considered
commencing when water is turned on to that customer.) All charges shall
be due and payable each month concurrent with utility bills and if not
paid on or before the due date, the City shall assess a 10% penalty for
deliquency and collection expense. Utilities will be discontinued for
lack of payment of any garbage bill or any part thereof.
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SEPARABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or paragraph of this
ordinance is for any reason held to be illegal, or in-
valid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portion of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 259 amended and all ordinances
and agreements in conflict herewith are hereby repealed effective Sept-
ember 2, 1975.
The Public importance of this measure constitutes and creates an
urgent public necessity requiring that this ordinance be passed and
take effect as an emergency measure, and shall take effect and be in
force immediately upon and after its passage.
-)? {J :f;:;;:f~.-v , 1975.
day of
Afi '--;2 /
' '~ii~e ~
Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas
ACCEPTANCE: The above Ordinance Contract is hereby accepted in all
things by Contractor, of the City of Schertz, this
,? ~ day of SFdJ1C",h/jJr:>/{l , 1975.
P. O. Box 77
Schertz, Texas 78154
~~rf~ ~'
J(/ 6
The State of Texas
County of Guadalupe }
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared______m_.____m__
__'__mm__m~_~~~___~~~_?_r:_~~'__m__mmmm___m_____m'm__mmm___' who being duly sworn says that
he (she) is fhe m,____~_':l_?}~_~,l:::~___m____m__mm__,_______m'______ of' u_~_~_::_.Y~_~~~;!m~~~_~__mm_m'
a weekly newspaper published at '__m________________;?~_g~;l,D___u______m____'mmm____mu____u' in said
county and state and that ___mm_'m'________m____.m__mm__u__D~_tJ~~_,_______'___m______mmm_m_mm_,
a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper on __m________u_m______...
_ _ _n _ __ _, __ _ _ __ ~ ~J?_~_ -"__ _ ,~_ ~_ _,_ _ _ _~_9_I ~_ _ _ __ _, __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _, __ _ _'_ _ __ __._ _ _._ _ _ u _ _ __ _ _ __ _ n_ _ _._ _ _ __ _ n_ _ _ _. _ _ __ ____ _ _ _, - - __ - - __ - _._ - - u _.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ____m____m,J.?thmu____n__um_______uu day of
_m__________u$_~R:t_!___'m___m'_m__' 19_15___.
~t~~ ffiLJ---:.. '
Notary Public in and for
______0_1..:l.?:gg),JAP.~_,__,_'______m________ County, Texas
An ordinance granting >
Gutierrez Disposals, Inc. a :
'contract to operate a garbage
'collection service in the City of
Schertz, Texas and prescribing
the terms, conditions,
obligations and limitations
upon and Wlder which such
contract shall be exercised and
declaring an emer~ency. ). ot
JWle G. Krause
City Secretary
The Western Insurance Companies
To...... .GJ.ts.. ..9.f. ,s. Gh~, r;.t; z""..,...,..,.,....,...............,
Drawer I
.......? .c:~~.r. .t.~.,... .!,e. :X:Cl..~...?~ ~.:'5.4
This certificate of insurance is not valid uniess it is signed by a duly authorized representative,
This is to certify that the following described poi icy or policies (as indicated by specific entry herein) are in force as of the date beJ.ow,
Name of I nsured......,..G.tlJ.i:~,J:":r:~.2:__.p.i.,1?,p,(),$.~J.'--..;I;J:'l<:,..... ,...... ....,......, '.........., ,. ,... ...... ........ ......., ...........
Description of Wo rk.., G.~,J:"1:>,~g~., ..?J:'l9., ,R~J.l1~.~", G,9. J l~ c:;., tJpg"., ,p;i,x, t", a.n.d, , .G,r a. v.el., Ha u.1 ing..,.
location of Work....,., r.~.~.?~,.,.,.".....,..,.,",....,.,.".....,..,.,."..."...,..,..,......,",..."....,'" .,..."..,......,.".....,....,.....",.""
Workmen's Compensation Fully compiies with State Law Coverage is not provided for items
below unless indicated by "x":
Employer's Liability me 591895 12-8-77 $100.000.00
General Liability Bodily Injury
"x" indicates Form of Insurance $J.QD~~aach occurrence
~Comprehensive General ~GA 915867 12-8-77 $ aggregate "x" blasting or explosion 0
o Manufacturers' and Contractors' Property Damage "c" collapse 0
o Owners', landlords' and Tenants' $ 50, 000. O~ach occurrence "u" underground damage 0
o Completed Operations - Products $100,000.0C1ggregate "d" underground resourcesD
o Independent Contractors "e" blowout or cratering 0
$ each occu rrence Subject to underlying
Excess liability Policy $ aggregate policies and retention.
Bodily Injury
$ 100,000.QQch person All owned automobiles rn
$ 300,000. QQch occurrence Hired and
Automobile Liability ( GA915867 12-8-77 non,owned automobiies []I
Property Damage Specified Automobiles
$ 50 . 000. QQch occu rrence as listed beiow: 0
Fire & Allied Lines
Inland Marine
Burglary & Glass
The inclusion of any indemnity clause in this certificate is for information only. The inclusion neit r affirmatively nor negatively
amends, extends or alters the contractual liability afforded by the policy or policies enum filted herei
D", .......1J..,.",O.x..},.)n9............................................................. B,... .. . . .... .. .. "'~(..;;;;;;;;{;;,.~6 . . ... ... ...................
Place..... ..VP,.i. Y.~.J:".s.Cl.LG.i..t::.Y... .",. .T.~.~.?1?,.... .,.....,.... ..,...., .7.~J.4.1?......,.., ..,..,... .~,f;'.P-... ;!?py.q.. .~.. A.~.$.9.GJ,R-.t:~~.",.,.",...,...., ............."....,.....,.......
(City) (State and Zip Code) (Agency)
FORM WC 7009-R11