November 14, 2012
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on November 14, 201.2 at 6:00 P.M. at the
Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chairman
Ernie Evans, Vice-Chairman
Ken Greenwald
Bert Crawford, Jr.
Richard Braud
Christian Glombil{
Michael Dahle, Alternate
Brian James, Executive Director Development
Michelle Sanchez, Director Development Services
Misty Kara, Senior Planner
Patti White, Admin. Asst. Development Services
Jake Jacobs
Jesse Malone, Malone/Wheeler Engineering
Mr. Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Mr. Dahle was seated as voting member.
® Na one spoke.
A. Minutes for October 24, 2012.
Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the consent items as presented. Mr. Dahle seconded the motion.
Vate was 7-0. Motion carried.
A. Hold a public hearing and consider and act upon a request by Schertz 1518, Ltd. IChris Price for
approval of a residential repiat for the Sedona Subdivision Unit 1, consisting of approximately 0.6
acres. The property is more specifically described as a portion of the Julian Diaz Survey No. 66,
Abstract No. 187 County Bloclc 5059, City of Schertz, Bexar County, Texas, located on Schnebly Drive
at Lower Seguin Road.
Public Hearing was opened at 6:OSPM. Ms. Kara began the presentation on the item by stating that this
replat provides access to the Crossvine Subdivison off Schnebly Drive. A left turn lane is proposed for
east bound traffic onto Trellis Walk. One landscape median lot is divided into two lots, and 0.6 aci°es of
Planning and Toning Commission
November E4, 2012
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right-af--way is dedicated for a left turn lane. The landscape island median that is proposed for a hErn
lane is located at Trellis Wa11c, approximately 364 feet east of the intersection of Sagenite on Schnebly
Drive, a 96 foot wide right-of--way with a landscape median.
The applicant has submitted a Tree Affidavit which indicates that no protected or heritage trees will be
destroyed or damaged; this was visually verified by staff. The applicant is moving two oak trees from
the island to within the Crossvine Subdivision.
The public hearing notice was published in "The Dally Cornmet°cial Recordef~" on October 31, 2012 and
the "Herald" on November 1, 2012. There were 172 notices mailed to surrounding property owners on
October 29, 2012, Responses were received resulting in one in favor with no comment, two in
opposition with one having no comment, and one with comments related to the park development
adjacent to Sedona and how it would affect the floodplain. One question was asked about how the
replat would affect the school zoning. There were 6 notices returned with no forwarding address.
Staff recommends approval of this replat. Jesse Malone, the applicant, was in attendance and had no
comment. Public Hearing was closed at 6:07PM.
Discussion followed between the Staff and Commission, Mr. Greenwald moved to approve this item as
presented. Mr. Crawford seconded the motion. Vote was 6-0-1 with Mr. Dahle abstaining. Motion
There were citizens who arrived after the public hearing and Ms. Kara and the applicant met with the
citizens in the conference room about their concerns about the subdivision.
A. Discussion and Public Hearing to discuss a draft Ordinance amendment related to construction
Mr. James discussed the following points relating to draft building code Ordinance amendment with
revised changes based on discussion with residents of Fairhaven,
These changes include:
• Requiring the licensed engineer, prior to starting construction of the foundation, to provide
sealed plans for the foundation showing what is proposed to be built. Following construction of
the foundation, the engineer must attest that it has been built per the plans.
• Requiring a concrete strength test and appropriate cure time.
® Requiring the licensed engineer who designed the foundation to attest that they have considered
the Post Tension Institutes standards as part of the design.
® Requiring Post Tension foundations to be inspected by aPost-Tensioning Institute (PTI) Level 1
or 2 Unbonded PTI Inspector prior to placing a load on the slab or commencement of framing.
Additionally, the Inspector must provide foundation design drawings, shipping lists, material
certifications, jack certifications, stressing record, and concrete placement records to the City.
• Requiring a final survey submitted to the City, prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy,
indicating final grade elevations and verifying positive drainage away from the foundation.
B Requiring a soil test from a licensed geotechnical engineer for each lot within the area whet°e
the building foundation is to be located. The owner shall provide a survey of the lot to the City
indicating the location of the soil test, and verifying that no cut or fill was done subsequent to
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the soil test being conducted.
® Requiring a retaining wall maintenance and access easement in the rear yard setback with at
least twenty {20} feet from the easement to the structure. This shall be noted on the plat as an
addition to the required rear yard setback.
® Requiring plans sealed by a licensed engineer in order to receive a permit to construct a
retaining wall greater than 4' in height, limiting incursions into the retaining wall area, and
providing easements for maintenance.
~ Requiring pre-engineered truss shop drawings be signed and sealed from the engineer of the
manufacturer. The engineer of record for the entire structure must provide a letter accepting the
incorporation of these assemblies into the overall design. Require the signed and sealed pre-
engineered truss plans and shop drawings on site far inspection.
® Eliminating the reference to unsatisfactory work as a basis for revoking a license from the Code
of Ordinances, as the City can only revoke a license for a violation of the City's Code of
Ordinances or an adopted Building Code.
Public Hearing opened at 7:07PM.
Mr. Richmond recognized the following to speak:
® Steve Layton, 12231 Lost Meadows, spoke on the draft Building Ordinance.
® Steve White, 805 Main Street, spoke on the concern about space to maintain and handle building
o Robert Brockman, 1000 Elbel Road, spoke on retaining walls.
® Dan Hollestelle, 5525 Columbia, spoke on the draft Building Ordinance.
® Ryan Mahoney, 5233 Columbia Drive, spoke on draft Building Ordinance.
Public Hearing closed at 7:22 P.M. Discussion followed between Mr. James and the Commission.
A. Requests by Commissioners to place items on a future Planning and Zoning Agenda.
® Mr. Dahle inquired on the time table regarding the Building Ordinance. Mr. James stated
that Staff would work next work with focus groups and then come back to P&Z in a month.
The drainage ordinance draft will be presented at the next P&Z meeting. Gateway plan will
be discussed after that meeting.
® Mr. Richmond noted that there is only one meeting scheduled in December. Mr. James stated
that we may add a special meeting during Dccember.
B. Requests by Commissioners to Staff for information.
® None
C. Announcements by Commissioners.
® None
Planning and Toning Commission
November 14, 2012
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