74-F-6 ORDINANCE NO. 1t; -,F- {, AN ORDHIANCE DETERI1INING AND FIXING THE t1AXH1U~l SCHEDULES OF RATES TO BE CHARGED BY UNITED GAS, INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AfW ASSIGNS, HI THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR NATURAL GAS AfW NATURfI.L GAS SERVICE FURNISHED BY IT TO RESIDEimAL AilO COf1~1ERCIAL CONSUMERS, CONTAINING DEFHIITIONS, FIXIilG THE EFFECTIVE OATES OF GAS RATES PRESCRIBED IN THIS ORDIIIArKE, I1AKIf~G l'llSCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND REPEALING ALL ORDIIIAIICES IN CONFLICT. BE IT ORDAIIIED IlY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTIOII 1. That United Gas, Inc., its successors and assigns, is Ilereby authorized to place in effect the fOllowing schedules of rates within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas (hereinafter called "City") for the supply of natural gas and natural gas service: RESIDErmAL RATES ,1 " , fr!t/( Rate Schedule R-190-l-fa 'copy of whi ch is attached, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof. COHI1ERCIAL RATES ('> p"1.L (l~' Rate Schedul e SC-190-lllil\l copy of whi ch is attached, marked Exhi bit "B", and made a pa rt he reof. The above described schedules of residential rates and of cotmlercial rates, as adjusted in the manner therein provided, are the highest rates that may be charged by United Gas, Inc., its successors and assigns, for residential con- sumers and co~ercial consumers within the City. Other lower residential rates and commerci a 1 rates may be fi xed and determined from time to time by United Gas, Inc., its successors and assigns, for gas and gas service furnished to residential consumers and commercial consumers within the City. SECTION 2. That the terms "residential consumer" and "co~ercial consumer" as used Ilerein shall be defined as set out in said Exhibits "A" and "8", respectively. SECTION 3. That natural gas supplied by United Gas, Inc., its succes- sors and assigns. is for the individual use of the consumer at one point of delivery and shall not be resold or shared with others. SECTIOII 4. That the maximum rates and charges prescribed in this ordinance for residential consumers and commercial consumers shall apply ~s maximum rates and charges on all bi 11 s rendered for gas and for gas servi ce after the effective date of this ordinance, viz, the date of passage hereof. SECTION 5, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in confl ict herewith are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION 6. That nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed "l!r, . as in any manner, n0\1 or hereafter, limiting or modifying the right and power of the City, under the law, to regulate the rates charged by United Gas, Inc., its successors and assigns, within the City. ,I" 71'- Read in full and passed and adopted at a regular meeting on the j~--- day of 'f' ---t~ , 1974. APPROVED: ,/7 _r:" ,.'/ ~, ......--... 'i fftLL /v . / J; ,A .' ,,,./( L: .,./..21A.i;' ,.' ~! i'layor ATTEST: , :11 d.~~9-- Ci ty Secretary City of Schertz, Texas (SEAL) . Exh).bit B UNITED GAS, !tiC. CmlMERCIAL NATURAL GAS SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE SC-190-ll APPLICATION OF SCHEDUIE This'lichedule ili app~icab1e to natural gas liervice to any cust.nm..," ",.,~~~<~~ ,~ Ex~ibit A UNITED GAS, INC. RESIDENTLti. NATURAL GAS SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE R-190-ll APPLICATION OF SCHEDULE This schedule is applicable to natural gas service to a custozrer in a dwelling or a residential apartment 1'or uses usual in a home. Natural gas supplied hereunder is for the individual use of the customer at one point of delivery and shall not be resold or shared with others;-' 1-1ONTHLY RATE :;; 2.00 11.129! 7.629! 6.12~ per month, which includes the use 01' per 100 cubic feet for the next per 100 cubic feet 1'or the rext per 100 cubic feet for all additional gas 400 cubic feet 2,600 cubic 1'eet 7,000 cubic feet used. }1henever the city gate rate paid by United Gas, Inc. is revised above or below the rate in effect on September I, 1973, the above consumer rate shall be adjusted, either plus or minus, to reflect the change in cost to United Gas, Im. If' the company receives m:ry refunds of any increased costs that have been passed on u!J.der this provision, a refund shall be mads to conSUlllers served by this rate schedule. A!1.nual1;'1', effective with all bills rendered after April I, the above monthly rate shall be adjusted upward or downward for increases or decreases in the cost of providing gas service (including depreciation but excluding cost of gas, income taxes and return) for the previous year ended December 31 above or below such cost incurred in the calendar year 1972. The operating expenses used in this comuutation shall be those reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas in the annual report of United Gas, Inc. A computation shall be made of the amOU!lt of such increase or decrease applicable to each customer in the South Texas Division, and the i'irst block of the monthly rate set forth above shall then be adjusted upHard or downward by one-twelfth of the a.'llount so detennined. All adjustments that become applicable pursuant to the tems of the foregoing paragraph shall become effective only after sixty (60) days prior written notice to the City Council of the approximate a:llount of the proposed adjust!llent and such proposed adjustment shall not become effective if disapproved by action of the City Council during such sixty (60) day period. Minimum Monthly Bill: $ 2.00 PAYMENT Bills shall be rendered on a month1;y basis and are due and payable wi. thin ten (10) days frOil! the date of bill. , ' , . THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE I, the duly appointed, qual ified and acting City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Council of said Schertz at a regular meeting day of '7 -elnL1 Vl cr 1974. subject of said meeting was of the City Council held on the City of / 9 (i!;- that written noti ce of the date, pl ace and posted on a bulletin board located at a place convenient to the public in the city hall for at least the three days preceding the day of said meeting; that the Mayor, Kd~1 ((, d?u.1o/r/ v and Aldermen '7$~~ifrY~ were present and voted in favor of said ordinance at said meeting; that said ordinance has been approved by the Hayor and is duly attested by the City Secretary; and that said ordinance has been duly engrossed and enrolled in the records of the City of Schertz. Executed under my hand and the official seal of the City of Schertz, Texas, at said City, this the /9' day of 7d/-Gl{~ ,1974. ff/M(/)3, ~ 0 C, ty Secretary o the C,ty of Schertz, Texas (SEAL] .e;x~uo~ 'to A , UNITED GAS, INC. RESIDENTLU, NATUF.AL GAS SERVICE RATE SCHEDU!.E R-190-lA APPLICATION OF SCHEDULE This schedule is applicable to natural gas service to a custorrsr in a dwelling or a residential apartment ror uses usual in a ho.'1le. Natural gas supplied hereunder is for the individual use of the customer at one point of delivery and shall not be resold or shared with others;- 1-10NTHLY RATE $ 2.00 11.12 ~ 7 .62 ~ 6.l2~ per month, which includes the use of per 100 cubic feet for the next per 100 cubic feet for the next per 100 cubic feet for all additional gas 400 cubic reet 2,600 cubic reet 7,000 cubic feet used. Whenever the city gate rate paid by United Gas, Inc. is revised above or below the rate in erfect on September 1, 1973, the above consumer rate shall be adjusted, either plus or minus, to reflect the change in cost to United Gas, Inc. If the company receives any refunds of any increased costs that have been passed on under this provision, a refund shall be made to consumers served by this rate schedule. Ar>.nually, effective with all bills rendered after April 1, the above monthly rate shall be adjusted upward or downward for increases or decreases in the cost of providing gas service (including depreciation but excluding cost of gas, income taxes and return) for the previous year ended December 31 above or below such cost incurred in the calendar year 1972. The operating expenses used in this computation shall be those reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas in the annual report of United Gas, Inc. .A computation shall be made of the amount of such increase or decrease applicable to each customer in the South Texas Division. and the .first block of the monthly rate set forth above shall then be adjusted upward or downward by one-twel.fth of the &'1lount so detennined. All adjustments that become applicable pursuant to the terms of the .foregoing paragraph shall become e.ffective only after sixty (60) clays prior written notice to the City Council of the approximate allount of the proposed adjustment and such proposed adjustment shall not become ef.fective if disapproved by action of the City Council during such sixty (60) day period. Minimum Monthly Bill: $ 2.00 PAYl>!ENT Bills shall be rendered on a month1;ji basis and are due and payable wi thin tene(10) days frOiT! the date of bill.