ORDINANCE NO. 73-U-23 .. AN ORDINANCE # '73- U - ?- 3 APPROVING THE PRICE .AND CONDITIONS OF THE S.ALE BY THE URBAN RENEW.AL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PROPOSED PllRCEL 3-3, LOCATED WITHIN THE BOFF1\LO VALLEY NORTH URBAN RENEW.AL PROJECT, TEX. R-11 2, TO E. H. NORDMEYER FOR THE SUM OF $875.00 FOR 7,513 IOQU.ARE FEET. ~, the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz advertised for bids for the sale of certain property available for disposition within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, in the Valley News and the WeekJ.y Herald, all newspapers with a general circulation within the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said advertisements, there was a bid submitted by E. H. Nordmeyer for a parcel of property described as Urban Renewal Dis- position Parcel 3-3, within said Project; and WHEREAS, said bid of $875.00 for 7,513 square feet was wi thin the minimum disposition price set upon said parcel by the Agency; and WHEREAS, said bid was accepted by the Board of Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency after the bid opening of October 10, 1973, by a Resolution duly passed on November 12, 1973, and whereas said Resolution authorized sale to the said E. H. Nordmeyer and recoll1Ill8nded the acceptance and approval of the terms and conditions of the sale to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned bid and proposed use set forth in said bid and its terms and conditions conform to the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Pro ject Tex. R-112, and conform to the plan for the development of the City as a whole; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORD.AINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: 1. The price and conditions of the sale by the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz of proposed Parcel 3-3, within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, to E. H. Nordmeyer are hereby approved in accordance with Section 11 of .Article 12691-3, Vernon I s Annotated Civil statutes of Texas. 2. The property to be sold as authorized in Paragraph 1 above is more particularly described by field notes attached hereto and marked as Exhibit nAn of this Ordinance. 3. The consideration for said sale being $875.00 for 7,513 square feet, is also hereby approved. 4. The sale by the Urban Renewal Agency is made subject to the restric- tions of the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112 as approved and amended and is on file in the Office of the Executive Director. 5. The conditions of the disposition documents, including the deed and Contract for Sale of 1and for Private Redevelopment, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Executive Director, together with this Ordinance, are hereby approved. 6. The City Secretary is hereby directed to furnish copies of this Ordinance to the Executive Director of the Urban Renewal Agency. PASSED AND APPROVED this Hzi!: day of 1)0 -eOA,J/'Wc , 1973. /t?~;/f, ,;=t.""L-J Mayor ATTEST: 7-"--/!1 ~= // APPR~is TO (~ 'v/ " .,-<;rvf../~ () J/)f:::'~---=:--, c:/ City Attorney . r , ' . . Urban Renewal Agency City of Schertz SCHEDULE A Description of Property All that certain parcel or parcels of land located in the Aviation Heights Addition, City of Schertz, County of Guadalupe, State of Texas, more par- ticularly described as follows: Parcel 3-3 Lots 56 and 57 Blo ck 25 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE HIGHEST AND BEST RESPONSIBLE BID FOR TEE PURCHASE OF ALL OF PARCEL NO. 3-3, LOCATED WITH!!, THE URB.Al! RENEWAL PROJECT, BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH PRO- JEC'f TEX. R-112 CONSISTING OF A TOTAL OF 7,513 SQUARE FEET FOR 1'HE SUM OF $ 875.00 ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID PROPmtTY AS SET FORm IN THE BID OOCUMENTS SUlIttTTEDJ ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM DIsroSITION PRICE OF PARCEL NO. 3-3J AND AumauzING mE AGENCY CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE A WARRANTY DEED AlID A CONTRACT FOR LAND mSPOSITION AFTER CON- CURRENCE IN SAID SALE BY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSnrG AND URRAN DEVELOPMlmTj AND DIRECTING '!HE AGENCY I S EXECUTM DIRECTOR TO FORWARD THE moPOSED SALE PRICE AND CONDITIONS THEREOF FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. WHE!l.EAS, the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertlll offered for sale the following described property located within Urban Renewal Project, Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112; Parcel 3-3, square feet, 7,513; and WHlIREAS, pUblic advertis_nt of such proposed sale was placed in the Valley N81lfl and the Wsekly Herald, alLnewspl\Pers with a ge."'leral circulation in Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, on September 19, 1973 and October 3, 1973j and ummtEAS, !li'ter a bid period of not less than twenty-one days, bids were opened at 2:00 P. M. on October 10, 1973, by the Executive Director of the Urban ~al Agency; and WHEREAS . Parcel 3-3; and liIEREAS, the bid Of Schertz. Texas 78154 buUve Director; and only one (1) bid(a) was/_ submitted on all of E. H. NOrdmeyer.~9 Aviation Avenue, i8 reco_ d for approval by the WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Board, at't.er coneid8ring the te:rms. conditions and proposed purchase price set forth in said bid, that it is accflPtable and the highest and most responsible bid for said property; NOif, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIOl-lmS OF THE URBAN RBNIWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: 1. The attached bid of E. H. Nordmeyer signed b.1 himself 1n the S1lllI-of $ I:l~ .00 for the purchase of all of Parcel 3-3 located v1thin the Buffalo alley North Project Tex. R-112 is hereby accepted. 2. The terms and conditions for the purchase of the property described 1n the paragraph above as submitted by said purchaser are hereby approved. 3. The minimwn disposition price for said property i6 hereby establiShed at $ 875.00 for 7,513 square feet. 4. It is understood that the purchase price set forth in the attached bid IIIIlSt be paid in cash subject to the tel"lllB and conditions of the attached bid. 5. It is a finding of this Agency t.l-Jat llaid bid is the highest and best responlI1ble bid for the purchase of all of Parcel 3-3. 6. The Age:n.cy's Chairman is hereby authomed to execute a contract for lmcl d1IJposition with and a Wl1lTanty Deed to E. H. Nol'<hlYC". ~.. TaM pursuant to the terms of.the bid doCl\1lllll1te after conCU1"l"8l1Oe in utet sale by the City 01' Schorts and the Ilep...-"'-,t of Housing and Urbm Development. 7. The Rl;ecuti va Director is authorized to place the .Agenc;rl e seal upon and atteei; the s1&nature of the ChairI!Ian on the Deed llIentioned in pangr&ph next abo.,. md fol"Wazod lIaid deed to stewart l'i tla Co~ for cloeing. . 8. The mcuU.,. Director 18 directed to fOl"Ward tb:l.$ .ftpno,yl8 action tor the Bale of thi.s parcel to the i9U0cessf'ul bidder and to the City Councu of the OiV of Schertz for appl'Oval of the terDla and conlii:t.1ollll of tlWli l...-..pll..cl eale as provided by laY. 9. PASoSID AND APPROVED this / ;z..:d clq of NoV8lliler. 1913. ~J;/~ Chairman ATTEST I 1y{/Y"~/!~ / /;/ , """',/? .r .i;-7/-::'C::-/' ~_.r-~ ." .,"- L -:: ". Secretary Re8Olut1on lio. ,?- f <.)