2-7-2013 TSAC Mintues
Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TASC)
Thursday, February 7, 2013 5:30 p.m.
The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened on February 7,2013 at 5:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room, Building #4, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz,
Texas 78154.
TSAC Commissioners Present:
TSAC Commissioners Absent:
Stephen Bish - Chairperson
Bill Bowers
Steven Crawford
Mark Davis
Gary Preston
William Rumfelt
Larry Franklin
Phillip Rowland
City Staff
Larry Busch, Jr., EJ. T
Michael Harris, Interim Chief of Police
Doug Letbetter, PWs Superintendent of Fleet/Streets
Debbie Pen'one - Recording Secretary
Mr. Brian James, Development Services Director
Sam Willoughby, Public Works Director
Call to OrderIRoll Call:
Stephen Bish, Chairperson called the meeting to order at 5 :35 P. M
Seat Alternate to Act If Reauired No Alternates
Hearin1!: of Residents: None
1. New Chairperson/Vice Chairperson: "Consideration and/ or action regarding:
TSAC By-laws "Regular Commission members will select a chairperson and vice
chairperson from among the regular members to officiate meetings during the first meeting
of each calendar year. The Commission will determine if additional officers are needed."
Suggestion made to table this item until the next meeting so that all commissioners
can be present to vote on a new chairperson and vice-chairperson.
Mark Davis a made motion to table this item until next meeting second by Bill Bowers -
All Ayes- Motion passed.
2. Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of December 6, 2012 minutes.
Motion to accept December 6,2012 minutes by Gary Preston second by Mark Davis
All Ayes- Motion passed.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2013 5:30 P.M.
3. Workshop Items:
a. Revisions to Article 14 of the Unified Development Code (UDC)
Copies of the UDC were handed out to the commissioners and asked to review and make
any comments they might have.
Larry Busch explained briefly the requirement for Stop signs and speed humps with
handouts from Chapter 2B - MUTeD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) 2009
Edition - FHW A.
Guidance: Engineeringjudgment should be used to establish intersection control. The
followingfactors should be considered:
1. Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic volumes on all approaches;
2. Number and angle of approaches;
3. Approach speeds;
4. Sight distance available on each approach; and
5. Reported crash experience.
Guidance: Once the decision has been made to control an intersection, the decision
regarding the appropriate roadway to control should be based on engineering judgment. In
most cases, the roadway carrying the lowest volume of traffic should be controlled.
Larry handed out copies of the TSAC by-laws for the commissioners to review and give
staff any changes that they would like to see made.
TSAC commissioners were encourage to go to the City Code of Ordinances Chapter 86 -
Traffic and Motor Vehicles and the MUTeD web site and review the information that the
city uses to come to the conclusions that would or wound not warrant the changes
b. Other Regulations affecting TSAC Decisions
Brian lames explained TSAC's roll in reviewing different issues that are submitted to them
such as application for speed humps, increase or decrease in speed limits, request for stop
signs, request for bike/trail lanes, and school zones. There also will be on the Open
Meetings Act training for the Commissioners in the near future. Staff explained the
procedure of handling items that are submitted to TSAC, such as the traffic study for speed
humps and how it is interpreted, what are the requirements for changing speed limit signs,
stop signs and bike/trail lanes. Mr. James explained that although IH-35, ill-to, FM 78,
FM 1103, FM 1518 and FM 3009 fall under the Texas Department of Transportation staff
will forward TSAC commissioners and citizens concerns onto TxDot staff.
William Rumfelt wanted to know if there is a formal letter of request that is sent to TxDot
with the city concerns. Brian James said a formal letter of request could come out of the
2-7-2013 Minutes
Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TASC)
Thursday, February 7, 20135:30 p.m.
Mayor's/City Managers office. TxDot keeps the city abreast of the upcoming upgrades on
the highways and we can request a representative to come and address TSAC.
William Rumfelt wanted to know if there is a formal letter of request that is sent to TxDot
with the city concerns. Brian James said a formal letter of request could come out of the
Mayor's/City Managers office. TxDot keeps the city abreast of the upcoming upgrades on
the highways and we can request a representative to come and address TSAC,
4. Future agenda items requested by Commissioners:
Mark Davis would like the status on improving the sidewalks along FM 3009. Over
view of where there are sidewalks and where there are not sidewalks and what are the plans
for sidewalk along FM 3009.
5. Staffeomments:
TSAC by-laws will be added to the agenda for commissioners to review and make changes.
6. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Mark Davis and second by Steve Crawford -
All Ayes- Motion passed. Time: 6:25 p.m.
Signature of Commission Member
, Chairperson
t:JeHie PeJZIUffle
Debbie Perrone, Recording Sec.
2-7-2013 Minutes