2002E26 - SPECIAL ELECTION 2003 ORDIIIANCE NO. ~)~- ~- ~ AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BI HELD ON FEBRUARY 1, 2003 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A COUNCILMEMBER FOR PLACE #1 IN THE CITY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL F THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: , ,,T, HAT an election be held in and throu! hout the City of Schertz, Texas (the 'City ), for the purpose of electing a Councih ~ember for Place 1 for a term to expire in May of 2004. II THAT at said election the candidate ~ceiving the highest number of votes for Place 1, respectively, be declared ected for a term to expire in May 2004. Any candidate desidng to have his her name on the Official Ballot for said election shall; no sooner than Deceml~er 2, 2002 and no later than January 2, 2003, file with the City Secretary an ~[pplication in writing in the form prescribed by the Texas Election COde requestin(, that his or her name be placed on the Official Ballot and declaring as a candida e for Place 1. That any person failing to file said written application for candidac~ by the time aforesaid, shall not be entitled to have his or her name printed on th~; Official Ballot. That the name of all eligible candidates whose applications have been duly and timely filed shall be placed on the ballot pursuant to a drawing as ,rovided by law. THAT all qualified voters of said City ~hall be entitled to vote in said election. IV THAT the ballots to be used in said election shall be prepared in conformity with the Texas Election Code, as a ~3ended. That in holding and conducting said election, voter forms, instructior s and other materials required therefore, including the ballots, shall be in 9th the English and Spanish language. V THAT notice of said election shall b given in accordance with the provisions of Title 1, Chapter 4, Texas Election C~ )de. VI THAT the City Secretary is hereby a, Jthorized and directed to post notice of said election, in both English and $ )anish languages, on a public bulletin board at the Municipal Complex of said ;ity, at the pollling place for the holding of the election, and at one other public pi ,ce within said City, all of which notices shall be posted at least twenty (20) da prior to the date set for said election. VII THAT the City Secretary is further a~ ,orized and directed to cause notices of said election to be published one time not more than twenty-five (25) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date set 3r said election in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City. viii THAT the public importance of this mea,, Jre and the necessity for calling the election prior to the date for making applic~ tion for a place on the Official Ballot creates an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter provision that no ordin ~nce be passed on the day it is introduced, and such Charter provision is accordingly suspended and this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency meas~ ~re, and shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after its passag, on the date shown below. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the; ;l"~lay of / ,/ r-~z.~.,~z.y ., 2002. MayOr, City of ScherLz, Texas A ~ ~ EST: /J~'~ity ~ecretl(~/, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS. County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared · om=~, fro~ , known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing notice was published in said newspaper z time(s) before the retum day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: December 5, 2002 OrdinanCe and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. ~,~to and subscribed before me this day of ~__ ,/'_z.~ ,_ ,¢,..,, ~_. , A.D. 200,~ ¢:%~ './u~ c.~ ~,~ 0~-=~-,~04 ~ Nota~ Public. Guadalupe Count. Texas Marcos on ESTATE SALE .................... "" Street, t~oegh L,ece,~ 7815c DUTIES WiLL Sat. Dec. 7- 7:30am- ber13,2002. 4pm, 599 Lyon Rd. INCLUDE W/~E- Over 500 items. Hwy -- THEGAZETTE HOUSE WORK 123 Bypass, 14 miles FOUND ENTERPRISE ~ WELLAS DRIVING. South to Zioin Hill Border Collie pup re- Accepts Master Card, WELDER ~ ' Road. Turn left, go 4 male blk & white ,on VisaAmedcanExpmss& Stainless steel TIG~thd miles to Lyoo Rd, turn 2438, 379-4442 or'379- Discover Card. MIG welder, fit up e.~e- right, go to end of the 0428 dence helpful. Call Pro- mad. ROSARY fessionai Technelogie~, Found near Mobile sta- 830-372-4250. tion on t23 .Bypass. To BOB TAIL DRIVER identify caJi 379-5402 Needeo full lime for NOTICE OF SALE ~ whaiesale fuel and oil STOR-MOR MINI distributor. C~ass A i- APARTMENT STORAGE cenes w~tn Haz-Mat MAINTENANCE In order to satisfy a and tanker endorse- Person wanted. Mast landlord ~e~n against its menl required. Benefits have plumbing, electh- tenants, Lisa & Chds include two weeks [~aid Cal. carpentry, smati ~- Mandaz #116 & 121, vacation, hea~th msur- pliance anc AC/Hffa~r Michael Lind #41 & 63 ance and 401(k). Call repair exDerienca. AC- will sell the proper['/ Io- Claven Engelhardt at ply at 1440 N. King." cated in the above 830-62,%3215. CASH FORTHE; rooms,101S STOR-MOR,Tabemacle ~'1-O ' ~-50 DRIVERS WANTED HOLIDAYS! Durham School Serv- LOCAL COMPANY St./202 Chem/ St., Se- ices now hidng bus NOW HIRINGI guin, Texas. The prop- drivers. (830)372-4420. FULIJPART/'rEMP ,, effy will be sold at oub- lic sale at 4:30 p.m., PLUMBERS $?'-S8 PER HOUR December 6, 2002 al Looking for saA, ica 1'888'974*JOBS~ STOR-MOR MINI MIXED BREED o!umbers. DELIVERY STORAGE. Small to mea.size. 6-12 WAREHOUSE/ DRIVERS wY, s. old. Free to good CONTROL For Dominos Pizz~ ORDINANC~ ~' home. 830-560-1377 ASSISTANT PT/FT Great 02-E,26 J,.L YOflKIE PUPS GT's-include.fleet main- Come by 1007 S. BY THE CITY C~- 2 Females. born tenance,inventory/wara daiupe St. after CIL OF, THE CITY OF 10/22/02 Ready for 'house control for busy Dm SCHERTZ, TEXAS, Christmas pick-up. Al se~/ice comoany. Abili- FULL TIME CALLING A SPECIAL snots $500. AKC Reg. ty to lift 60 lbs. work a SUBWAY ELECTION TO SE 914-4260 flexible 40 hr. week and Position ava~laore HELD ON FEBRUARY computer skills necas- Start immea~atel,/, 1, 2003 FOR THE sa~j. We offer top wag- Call for interview , PURPOSE OF ELECT- es, paid vacations, holi- Deanne 830.608-9395~ lNG A COUNCIL MEM- COASTAL coy, medical insurance. , BER FOR PLACE #1 BERMUDA Simple IRA uniforms, KEEP AMERICA: IN THE CITY AND DE- Rounds & squares, ane comoany truc~ in a BEAUTIFUL CLARING AN EMER- horsaquaiity 379-5693 pleasant won( environ- Buy or sell Avon! Inc~. Sales. Rep 379-2064 GENCY. ~ ment. Come join our ___ team. an¢ anjoy the LOOKING Passed, Approved and benefits, rewaros and For out~ianding exped.- Adopted the 27th day of stability that a growing encoc cerson to be- Novembsr2002. successful company come Shift Runner an~ Mary Yberra, Deputy can offer, Call 830-379- pizza maker lot piz~ CitySanrstary 5325 franchise. Exp. prefer- red but will train right in- LEGAL NOTICE TRUCK AND dividual. Must ce 18 TRAILER yrs. old & able to won< CR'Y OF MECHANICS weeKenos Come Dy SCHERI'Z 310 - 360 Wanted for local Travel 1007 S. Guadaiuoe et- BOARD OF Center. '13rs & lube exp. ter 3:00 or call 372- ADJUSTMENTS A clus. Must nave own 3070 for more details ' tools. Pay based on · The Board of Adjust- exp. Call David Nor- MERRY MAIDS ments will hold a Public dick. 830-608-9395. IS HIRING . Night time positions Headng on Monday, DIRECTOR OF WlREMNE 5:39-7:30 Sunoay December 16, 2002, at NURSES OPERATOR mrough Thursdey..~p-,' 6:30 p.m. in the Munici- Position vacant @ a 58 Must have CDL Lic. p~y at: 170 Garden Bt.:' pal Complex Council bed skillea nursing fa- Lady mormng to late New Braufels, T~ Chambers, 1400 cillty. Sign on bonus evenings nours. Must SALES ~ Schertz Parkway, salary Desed on expan- have own phone & MANAGERS WANI~D Schertz, Texas. The ence Contact M~ Gon- trans, to and from WORK. Great Commis, siqh zaies @ 830-583-4946. Experience n the Oil- Structure. No expert- GROWING field cleaning & main- ence required. Fr~e raining equip. Helper on TrainingProvided. Fr(~e OPHTI-IAJ.MOLOGISToFFiCE lOb locations, etc. Medi- ~ntroouctcry Meeting @ Needs top notch C.O.A. cai Benefits after 90 Smokin Charlies Bar-B- Great pay & benefits, days. Good pay with Que in Beguin on W~I- Fax resume to: overtime Call 830-379- nesday's from 830-620-4822 5700 noon to 1:00 pm. .~ ~: