February 27, 2013
The Scher-tz Planning and Toning Commission convened on February 27, 2013 at the Municipal
Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chairman
Ken Greenwald
Christian Glornbik
Bert Crawford, Jr.
Richard Braud
Michael Dahle
Brian James, Executive Director Development
Michelle Sanchez, Director Development Services
Lesa Wood, Planner 1
Larry Busch, Jr., Engineer in Training
Patti White, Admin. Asst. Development Services
Ernie Evans, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:00 F.M.
City Secretary Brenda Dennis administered the Oath of Office to Ken Greenwald, Bert Crawford
and Michael Dahle. Mr. Richmond offered congratulations to Commissioners, who were
appointed and re-appointed.
Mr. Richmond suggested that this item be postponed until the next meeting because Mr. Evans is
absent. Mr. Greenwald moved to postpone the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman until a
full Commission is present at the next meeting. Mr. Crawford seconded the motion. Vote was 6-
0. Motion carried.
No alternates were seated.
No one spoke.
A. Minutes for the January 9, 2013 and January 23, 20 ] 3 Regular Meetings.
Mr. Dahle moved to approve the minutes in the consent item as presented. Mr. Glombilc
seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0-1 with Mr. Greenwald abstaining on the January 9, 2013
Planning and Zoning Commission
Pcbrua~y 27, 2013
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meeting. Vote was b-0 on the January 23, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.
A. Discussion and update on the Lone Star Bait.
Mr. James presented this item by stating that the Commission had asked for an update. He noted
that this Friday, March 1, 2013 there would be a Lone Star Raii District Board meeting at l OAM at
the San Marcos Activity Center. Among discussion itetns are locations of rail stops and revenue
generated, and previous studies have shown that rail stations tend to generate both commercial and
residential redevelopment opportunities. Mr. James noted that a big hurdle still is to relocate active
freight lines to allow for additional passenger traffic. The Board also is trying to get approval to
fund the necessary environmental assessment. Mr. Crawford asked if Mr. James could give an
update from the Friday meeting to the Commission at their next meeting. Discussion followed
between Mr. James and the Commission.
B. Iiscussion and public hearing on dumping of fill an property and permits for clearing
and grading.
Mr. James presented this item by stating that the City has instituted a new permit for Clearing and
Grading to allow better control land disturbing activity. Mr. Busch gave a presentation starting
with information on the current UDC Article 13, Section 21.13.1, Clearing and Grading, stating
that a clearing and grading permit can be applied for once the final plat has been approved by the
P&Z Commission, which is the practice today. Mr. Busch also discussed the new Grading and
Clearing Permit, noting the permit fees, the check list, and that the permit shall become null and
void within 6 months of issuance; however, anyone holding an unexpired permit may apply for an
extension. Mr. Busch stated that in the pI•oposed UDC change, a grading and clearing permit is
required for any land disturbing activities greater than 0.1 acres outside of the FEMA designated
special flood hazard area (SFHA), and all areas within the SFHA unless specifically exempted in
this Section. Also noted was an exemption clarification stating that gradialg and clearing practices
associated with agricultural operations would exclude timber cutting, grading cuts or fills, and
work within the SFHA.
Mr, Richmond opened the Public Hearing at 6:55 P.M. and recognized tl~e following to speak:
® Steve Layton, 12231 Lost Meadows, spoke about the agricultural wording in the exemption
noted above.
Public Hearing was closed at 6:58 P.M.
Mr. James noted a public meeting would take place next week for engineers and developers to
review the drainage and UDC changes in Article 13. Mr. James stated that Staff will provide a red
line version of Article 13 to the Commission. Mr. Crawford requested a copy of the draft Public
Works Specification Manual revision, and Mr. Busch stated that it would be provided to the
Commission. Discussion followed between the Staff and the Commission.
C. Iiscussion and public hearing on a draft ®rdinance amendment related to construction
Planning and Zoning Commission
Fehruaiy 27, 2013
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Mr. James presented this item by stating that focus group meetings with hoznebuilders, engineers,
concrete companies, developers and residents were held to review the draft Ordinance related to
construction requirements. The feedback was noted and a few changes were made to the draft
Ordinance with the following points for both commercial and residential:
® In Section 18-39, a change was made requiring the Engineer who designs the foundation to
be registered with the City.
® A design letter referencing soil report numbers, date of report, and soil engineer name:
specific location including lot, block and subdivision; specific design criteria including soil
bearing capacity, plasticity index, and potential vertical rise.
~ Signed and sealed drawings clearly indicating the strand and reinforcement placement, pier
size, depth, location and reinforcing, beam size and location, and any specific details.
Design calculations must be included.
® Design engineer must perform apse-pour inspection and provide the City with a signed and
sealed document stating that the foundation has been inspected and approved. The
engineer shall be present during placement of concrete to verify concrete mix design and
seasonal conditions during placement and verify tensions and elongation of cables.
® Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the engineer shall provide a letter
indicating that a strength test was performed on the batch of concrete and the results of the
concrete strength test were consistent with the acceptable range specified in the foundation
® Rough grading of a lot immediately after form removal to maintain drainage away from
foundation during the construction process.
® The engineer must provide the City a Letter of Final Acceptance stating that the foundation
has been placed in compliance with the design prior to issuance of a Certificate of
® After foundation construction, but prior to commencement of framing, the owner or
applicant shall provide the building official of the City with a sealed certification from an
engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas that the concrete has adequately cured to
allow for framing of the first floor only to occur. Prior to placing any additional load on
the slab the owner or applicant shall provide the building official of the City with a sealed
certification from an engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas that the concrete
has adequately cured to allow an additional load to 6e placed on the slab, including framing
above the first floor. in no event shall this be less than 3 days after the foundation was
® if the foundation is apost-tension foundation, certification that it was designed after the
engineer's consideration of (a) the Post-Tensioning Institute's Construction and
Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slab-an-Ground Foundations, 3rd Edition; (b) the
Post-Tensioning Institute's Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground, 3rd Edition with
2008 Supplement; and the soil test conducted fot• tl~e lot.
® Post-Tension foundations must be inspected by aPost-Tensioning Institute (PTl) level 1 or
2 Unbounded PT Inspector prior to placing a load on the slab or commencement of
® The owner(s) of the property shall provide a letter stating that no cut or fill was done
subsequent to the soil test being conducted.
Mr. Richmond opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 P.M. and recognized the following to speak:
~ Steve Layton, 12231 Lost Meadows, spoke about concrete and slump test lags based on a
friend's experience in California.
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February 27, 20] 3
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