2002S13-AMEND UNIFIED DEV CODE ORDINANCE NO. O~2_ AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE NO. 98-S-28 BY I~FTONING 30.075 ACRES OUT OF GUADALUPE COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ UDC ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT, UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby amended in the following manner: Section I "Rezone 30.075 ecres of lend out of Guadalupe County, Texes, being more perticulerly described in the Field Notes attached end mede e pert hereof, from Predevelopment District (PD) to Apertment~Multi-Femil¥ Residentiel District (R-4)." Section II THAT, the Zoning District Maps described and referred to in Article Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 of the City of Schertz UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 shell be chenged to reflect the above emendments. Approved on first reading the jday of ~/~ ~,j 2002. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the Zt~day of ~ 2002. ~vlayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~)~'~ "//-~; ~ City'Secretary, City of Schedz (SEAL OF CITY) K .~1~ ~,8 9627 P.OO2, BB4 EXHIBIT A-1 Firm to ~rket flold I103~ for t~ ~UI ~fler of II~ trnct~ ~ the west c~r.er ~e ~th ~ or tl~ 4S3.T5 *~e ... ~.Pi~ (o Mtrkgt ~old 1103 if ~ollows= ~rth ~ner or thb G 41' 42' ~4~ ~, IYG.~ leel to in M~I. S SO* lBt 4Z' E. 33Q. lg feet loin gflgle H 3Q~ O~ 04" ~, 352,gg fe~t ~ i p~nt for Ute e~t qorlt~ of this ~ ~c ~rth w~t line Of a lOO f~t Camel Power Ca. 8 53' 33' If~ W. gl3.15 lilt alo~ Ihe ~lllh last line of [ht~ Iroel 8~ the nQrlh Ih oF ~M ~meflt to ~lle ~t of bellnfl~ il~ cml~hd~ 30.013 acres Q( hl~ Iff O~d~ Co~(y, Te~. EXHIBIT A-1 · FE~-I~-h]I][~B ]4;19 FROH: ]O:kl~-J 658 96k? p.~E~4zO~]4 SCALE: ("= 300' GOLF COURSE 075 ACRES 6 F. M. 1103 PLAT OF 30.07'5 ACRES OUT OF THE RAFAEL GARZA SURVEY NO. 98, A-138, AND BEING PART OF A 453.754 ACRE TRACT GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS P.O. DRAVO3ER l SCItERTZ. TEXAS 78154-0890 AC (210) 658-7477 FAX (210) 659-3204 NOR34A ALTHoUsE CITY SECRETARY June 19, 2002 Schertz Apartment Venture, L.P. 100 Methodist Encampmem Road Kerrville, TX 78028 Attn: Michael Gilbert Dear Mr. Gilbert, As you are aware, the Schertz City Council held a public hearing on May 21, 2002 on your request to rezone 30.075 acres from Predevelopment (PD) to Apartment/Multi- Family Residential District (R-4). Council approved the first reading of the Ordinance on rezoning May 21, 2002. The final reading of the Ordinance was approved June 4, 2002. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. A copy of the Ordinance is attached. Sincerely, Norma Althouse PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared Tommy Crow , known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing notice was published in said newspaper / time(s) before the return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of (~-~'( , A.D., 2002. ~',' ~'~ CAROL ANN AVERY ~ ' ¢ *'/ Notaw Public, Guadalupe County, Texas ............... F .... 5UHEHIZ, I EXA5 839-303-0404 830-379-9319 Fax games, house decor, I PROVIDING THAT 830-303~584facaimile dsagebiel@law- misc items, THE CODE OF ORDI- By: LEMUEL B. AL- seguin.com 5 doz. 4 FAMILY SALE NANCES OF THE LEN, JR. By: Dennis Sageblel Bring empl 427 Wallace St. Sat. 9 CITY OF SCHERTZ, State Bar No 01044850 Attorney for the Estate get 1 doz to 12. Treadmill, speak- TEXAS BE AMENDED Attomeys for the Estate State Bar No17520100 FM46730 er boxes, runmng BY REVISING SEC- boards ('89-'99 Subur- TION 18-76. MAXIMUM AN ORDINANCE NOTICE TO r~ banL lots of baby items LIMITS ON SPECIFIC BY THE ~ITY COUN- CREDITORS & clothes & much more STREETS: AND PRO- CIL OF THE CITY OF Original Letters of Ad- VIDING A REPEALING SCHERTZ. TEXAS. ministration for me Es- 416 CLAUSE. PROVIDING THAT late of ROMA J. SMITH MOORE Approvec on lhe first THE CODE OF ORDI- SLY. Deceased. were Sat. 9 to 12. LOtS Ct NANCES OF THE issued on May 30. house hold m~sc. items, reading 7th day of May CITY OF SCHERTZ. 2002. m Docket No. 2002, 690FOXTRO~i~R MaryYbarra, TEXAS BE AMENDED 13227. pending in.the Fri. & Sat. 10 to 3. Deputy City Secretary BY REVISING SEC- Probate Coud of Gua- Spring Cleaning after .......... TION 18-75 MAXIMUM dalupe County, Texas. 31 years. 5 miles South AN ORDINANCE LIMITS IN SCHOOL to: FRANK L SL~ ~- IO on Hwy 123. BY THE CITY COUN- ZONES AND SECTION All persons navmg 732 E. BISMARK elL OF THE CITY OF 18~76. MAXIMUM LIM- claims against tn~s Es- Fd./Sat. 9-1 Good SCHERTZ TEXAS. ITS ON SPECIFIC tate which is currently adult beys/girls cidihas. PROVIDING THAT STREETS: AND 'PRO- co~ng administered are misc., household items THE CODE OF ORDI- rIDING A REPEALING recurred to present NANCES OF THE CLAUSE. them within Ine t~me SWEET 904 N. BRUNS CITY OF SCHERTZ. Approvso on the first aha in the manner ore- 7 WE. O Sat. 6/8. 9,3, 3 FAMf- TEXAS BE AMENDED reading 21st day of sc~itaedbylaw. Dachshunc LIES. misc., water bed BY REVISING SEC- May2002. Please present claims Dies. Free TV, fuT, clothas. TION 18-32, STOP IN- Mary Ybarra ~n cars of the attorney Call 830-37 913 TERSECTIONS - DES- DeputyCiiySocretary for the estate as tol- N. GUADALUPE ST. IGNATED GENERAL- NOTICE TO ~ows: Fri. 9-6&Sat. 9-2. LY: AND PROVIDING c/o:LamjUppe Clothes & misc. items. A REPEALING CREDrFORS 115 N. Austin - Notice is hereby given Segu~n. Texas78155 9ro4 CLAUSE. that ongmal Letters E. PINE ST. ADersved on the first Testamentary for the Sat. 9am-4pm. Soys reading 21st day of Estate of ARLON clothes size 4 & 5. May 2002. JONAS. Deceased, is FIVE FAMILIES Depuiy Ct~Secretery wers issued on May 30. 310 Stoneham Ct. 2002. unoer Docket No. PRA~R TO ~ .... HOLY SPIRIT Townewood Village, AN ORDINANCE 13301. pending m the Holy Spirit, Yon who make Sat. 9-1. FuT. toys.otc, BY THE CITY COUN- County Cour~ at Law of r~ see everythlhg a~d v, ho CmL OF THE CiTY OF Guadalupe County, shows me the yvay to reach HI-RISE 516 Jefferson SCHERTZ TEXAS Texa~ to MARYLINE E my ideals. You give me the din divine gift to forgive ama Fri./Sat. 9-3. Bed AMENDING THE UNI- JONAS. forgetthewrongthatisdone spread, mateneh purs. FlED DEVELOPMENT Claims may ~e prssem- m me. and ¥oa who are in all instances of my life with es, elseas &misc CODE (UDC) ORDI- ed in care of the attor- me. L in short discourse, HUGE CHURCH NANCE NO, 98-8-28 ney for the Independent wanttothankYouforevery- GARAGE SALE BY REZONING 30.075 Executrix addressed as ming and confirm once more that I never want to be Sat. 9 am-? Bar-B-Quo ACRES OUT OF GUA- folk:ms: separated from You. noma[- (I Plata Sale for V.B.S DALUPE COUNTY MARYLINE E. JONAS let now gma[ the material $5, Bake Sale. River of AND REFLECTING Independent Executrix. desires ma) be. I want to be with You and my loved ones Pre-em~ Life Church 3569 N. SUCH CHANGES ON Estate of ARLON JON- m perpetual glory. Amen. 123 Bypass. Across CERTAIN ZONING SA~ ~ Thank you for your oless- from Motorola. MAPS IN ACCORD- c/o MELVIN NOLTE. ings. Pray this prayer three ANCE WITH THE JR. P.e. asking your wish. After me LANE'S SALES SCHERTZ UOC ORDI- 175 N. Market Street thilX[ day, your wish will be Now al EEE Flea Mar- granmo, nomatterhowdiffi- kef. Tools, palm craft, NANCE. New Braunfels. Texas cultitmaybe. Then promise Loo~ books, toys. 17525 Approved on tho first 78130 to publish this prayer as Hwy. 123 South. reading 21 st day of All persons having soon as your wish has been Only ~ ..... May 2002. claims against this Es- granted. ACG MOVING UaryYban'a, tate which is currently Ar SALE Deputy City Secretary Saturday. 9 to 3, 972 E. College IN ORDER TO SATISFY MOVING SALE Storage lien, River 180 Plantation Dr. Hwy Shade R.V. Park will Care Inn of Seguin 46, Fd. & Sat. Fumi- sell to the highest bid- .G ture, BR sink., etc. der contents of mini- 1219 Eastwood Dr. SPRING HILL storage #41 containing ' P 310 TROELL, 4 family various personal and [$hiringIV-Ns aaclCNA5 · s sale, Sat. 8-~., Lots of household items, and · R estate Torch. Antiques,' belonging to ginda Ivey. for the 2-10pm shift, · P Crock's Sausage stuffer last known addrsse of & grinder, fumiturs, iron P.O. Box 275, Stock- Drug Testing and Background cookware, AC, VCR, dale, TX 78160. Sale Apply household appliance, will be at 3995 S, 123 Checkare Required. Segui~ glassware, kitchen- Bypass, Saguin, TX on ware, clothes, flower Sat. June 15 at 10:00 Equal Opportunity Employer. plants, trees. 379-1600, A.M.. ~,~ PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ~0'0 :, . THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared Tommy Crow , known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing notice was published in said newspaper_ / time(sl) before the return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me this. //Y'~ day of _ ~h-c¢,~ , A.D., 2002. "'~ "~ ~' Notary Public, Guadalupe County, ,~¢, ,~.'~.~ CAROL ANN AVERY ,~, in the tJon process may do so bl~jupon request. Bik Angus, wl~ite tag by filing a written notice jIJEQIJEsT FOR //46. 41ot Senby Elm Rd. La Vemls (otf FM 4 ROW PLANTER of protest with the QUALIFICATIONS 539). Terry Sch~lJdt & 4 Row Cultivator. Fr Texas Department of Banking on or before LEGAL 210-325-0032 or 210- farm all 504 tractor, ~.$ hi the 14th calendar day SERVICES 667-1431 or Tim $150. Call after 5 p.m. after the d~e of this The Alamo Wed(feTe Schmldt830-401-0610. 303-5574. Development, Inc. publication .acnompa- (AWD) is requesting Dru~ hied by a protest filing proposals from qualified fee of $2,500. The pm- IndNiquals or firms to teStducedfeeor waivedmaY baby the re- provide Legal Scw!ces ~ ....... il2 '~ ,o AWD banklnlt commissioner of D{mctom. AWD's in- upon a'~t/tng of sub- tent is to negotiate a G~iYY[tT[ mould like to thank stentJalhard~hip, fixed price/cost rafT- ' fi'tends and familu fo the '6RDINANC~ ' bursement ' contract 02-S-13 starting not tater than ~comfo~ng mor&,food BY THE .CITY COUN' September 1, 2002 for ~ CIL OF THE CITY OF an initial two-year peri- ~ ~j,ot~ers in the memorLj SCHER Z, TEXAS sd, JI .u AMENDING THE UNI- Request for Qualifica- ~J~ J/ II oo-, FlED DEVELOPMENT fion (RFQ) packages i ig.~j4n CODE (UDC) ORDI- will be avalJst3Je for dis- Oloria ~oert r~ie ha NANOE NO. 98-S-28 ,ribution after 10:00 L ~E II BY REZONING 30.075 a.m. beginning June nk_~amilies~ ACRES OUT OF GUA- 10, 2002 at the AWD pla~, va DALUPE COUNTY office located at 115 E. ship w AND REFLECTING Trevts, Suite 220, Ban SUCH CHANGES ON Antonio, TX 78205. A CERTAIN ZONING copy of the RFQ pack- MAPS IN ACCORD- age may be requested ANCE WITH THE via e-mail. E-mall re- SCHERTZ UDC ORDI- quests n~uet provide NANCE. your name, company PASSED, APPROVED name, address, and tel- AND ADOPTED this ephone and fax num- J 4th day of.~une 2002. bern prior to AWD e- Norms Aithouse, mailing the package to City Secretary you. Please submit you request to susan.ash- ORDINANCE more @ twc.state.tx.us. 02-D-11 A Bidder's Conference BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY O~ to expJain, clarify and answer any technical SCHERTZ, TEXAS, questions regarding this PROVIDING THAT RFQ ~s scheduled for THE CODE OF ORDi- NANCES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE AMENDED EY REVISING SEC- TION 18-75, MAXIMUM LIMITS IN SCHOOL The family of Arlon Jonas ZONES AND SECTION WOUJd like ~o express their 18-79, MAXIMUM LIM- ITS ON SPECIFIC tO the many STREETS; AND PRO- VIDING A REPEALING friends and ex~ended family CLAUSE. PASSED, APPROVED WhO have offered their Jove AND ADOPTED this and support during our 4th day of June 2002. Norrna Aithouse, rec~rl~ Joss. ?y?~re_~_~,_ .... We would also like ~o extend our NOTICE TO BIDDERS special thanks to the Geronimo Seguln Independent School District is ac- Volunteer Fire Departmem, York Cre~k cepting competitive Volunteer Fire Department, Hays 8,. sealed proposals/t)ids at 1221 E. Kingedury, C, uadalup~ County Emergency Medical Baguin, TX 78155 for the following: Service, £mer~ency Medical Technicians ~=a RFQ ~q)2-21, Conetmc- 2000 tlon Manager at Risk, ~ Sheriff Officers, and Clyde Booth with unfit Wednesday, June ZoeJ]er Funer~J Home. 19, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Bid #02-22, Band in- He is sone but not forgotten. etrumant~, until Friday, June 21, 2002 at 1;00