Meeting Procedures to Follow - FYI FYI Meeting Procedures to Follow: (1) Begin and end on time, Everyone in attendance is responsible for an'iving on time and for keeping things moving so that the meeting ends on time. (2) Follow the agenda and stick to only what is on the agenda. Stay on task and on the topic being discussed. Don't bring up other, non related issues or get off purpose, (3) Before any Commissioner, employee or member of the public may make a motion or speak, he or she must obtain the floor, that is, be formally recognized by the Chairman. Once recognized by the Chairman, that person has the exclusive right to be heard at that time. If the person is an employee or a member of the public (who has sign in on the "Speaker's Register"), he or she goes to the microphone. The Chairman recognizes the person by name, title and affiliation. (4) Only the Chairman may assign the floor, Other Commissioners, employees or members of the public shall not assign the floor, (5) Anyone who wishes to address the Commission must sign in on the "Speaker's Register". Anyone not recognized by the Chairman but who wishes to speak while another person has the floor are out of order. ( (6) Anyone recognized by the Chairman shall speak only at the microphone to assure that his or her remarks may be heard and to assure preservation of the remarks in the minutes. (7) Turn off all cell phones, pagers and, depending on the nature of your meeting, you might include computers, or ban them f}-om meetings if not needed. (8) Speak one person at a time and listen when others are talking, Po not dominate the conversation, interrupt, paliicipate in side conversations or make unnecessmy comments. (9) Hold questions and comments until the end of the meeting or other specified time, 10-07-2010