April 7, 2011 Minutes - Signed TRANSPORTATION SAFETY ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2011 5:30 P.M. The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened on April 7~ 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room~ Building #4, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154. Call to order at 5:30 p.m. by Steve Bish acting chairperson. Members present Stephen Bish Bill Bowers Max Hernandez John Ostrowski Byron Sanderfer Deborah Stone Larry Dublin, City Engineer Michael Harris~ Assist Police Chief Doug Letbetter, PW Street Supervisor Debbie Perrone - Recording Secretary Sam Willoughby ~ P W Director Members not present Joey Bishop Michael Goos William Rumflet David Covington, Fire Chief Dudley Wait~ EMS Director HEARING OF RESIDENTS . Robert Brockman~ 1000 Elbel Road~ Apt. #411 - Question to whether TSAC had Alternates. Staff informed Mr. Brockman that TSAC did not have any alternates but were advertising for volunteers and that he was most welcome to volunteer. 1. Minutes - Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes for March 3 ~ 2011. Motion to accept March 3~ 2011 minutes by John Ostrowski and second by Deborah Stone. -All Ayes- Motion passed 2. Westchester Dr. - Traffic issue with parked cars on street causing a bottleneck for two-way traffic. Police Dept. is requesting to make the opposite side of the street from the YMCA a "No Parking ZoneB. Staff informed the commissioners that one side of Westchester is already a "No Parking Zone" which is the side along the Recreation Center. Westchester is wider than most streets in town and two vehicles can pass. Recommendation from Staff was to leave Westchester with no parking on one side and that the Police Department should write tickets for illegal parking on the side posted "no parkingH. Motion made by John Ostrowski and second by Deborah Stone to close item and make recommendation to City Council. All Ayes- Motion passed 3. Inglewood Drive. - Carolina Crossing South residences are requesting that the no parking on Inglewood Drive change to "No Parking between the hours of 6 A.M. to 6 P.M Monday through Friday. Residences guests can not parking on Inglewood Drive as it is now without receiving a traffic ticket because the signs say "No Parking". Staff had no problem with this request and recommended it by passed. Motion made by John Ostrowski and second by Deborah Stone to close item and make recommendation to City Council. All Ayes- Motion passed 04-07-2011 Minutes Page 1 4. Fftil'lawn Avenue, illata Subdivision Unit #2: Resident would like the speed limit on Fairlawn Avenue raised from 20 mph to 30 mph on the majority of Fairlawn Avenue. Staff had no problem with tWs request find recommended it by passed. Motion made by Max Hernandez and second by Deborah Stone to close item and make recommendation to City Council. All Ayes- Motion passed 5. High School Liaisons for 1'SAC: Staff informed the commissioners that in 2008 position had been deleted from the by-laws for a High School Liaison, Motion made by Max Hernandez and second by Bryon Sanderfer to close item. All Ayes- Motion passed 6. Speeding Through Subdivisions: 75% of the issues brought before TSAC are regarding speeding tlu'ough subdivisions. What percentage of the day/night manpower is spent in subdivisions for speeding trafflc? Could there be more PD coverage for this issue? Assistant Police Chief stated the depal1ment gets a high amount of calls regardi.ng speeding. Police units do service certain areas for speeding when police know what subdivisions are having a high speeding problem. Police Department cannot really assign a certain number of police units for anyone subdivision to monitor speeding because those units also repolt to accidents and other calls through .out theh' shift, There are 4 to 14 units out depending on the time of day. Motion made byJohn Ostrowski and second by Deborah Stone to close item. AIl Ayes- Motion passed 7. Vehicle Lights in Inclement Weather and at Dusk: Propose to City Council to enforce a ruling for vehicles to use theu' lights in inclement weather and at dusk. This is becoming a very dangerous issue especially 011 FM 1518, 3009~ 1103 and Schertz Pkwy. Assistant Police CWef stated that there is a state ruling in the vehicle manual regarding when vehicle lights should be in use and tickets can and will be wl'itten for tWs offense. Staff commented that the best way to inform the public is through education and that maybe the Schertz Tale is a good way to do that. Max Hernandez volunteered to write an article for the Scheltz Tale. Motion made by Deborah Stone and second by Max Hernandez to close item. All Ayes- Motion passed 8. City Enginccl' Report: (Larry Dublin, P.E.~ City Engineer) . Northc1iffe streets reconstruction older section should go out for in the next 60 days. Due to budget not all the streets will be completed but the majority of them will. . Pheasant Drive drainage project should be stat1ed up in the next few weeks and should be completed quickly. . Rough draft of the TSAC by-laws should be to commissioners by next week for review. . Aviation Heights Water Line, Phase IV reconstmction should start in the next few weeks, 9. Items fol' Next Agenda: Consideration and or action on questions and possible items to be placed on the next agenda (Commission Members) NOTIllNG 10. Staff COlUluents: Nothing Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by John Ostrowski and second by Bill Bowers ~ AU Ayes - Motion passed. Time: 6:04 p.m, Signatures of Commission Members ~~ bO) Steve Hish, Chairperson 04.07"2011 Minules 7)e&k PfWUJIW Debbie Perrone~ Recordi.ng Sec. Page " 2 -