LOCATION: 1730 Schertz Parkway
Schertz Chamber of Commerce Building
Board Members ,present, George Logan, Parks, Recreation & Community Services Director, Dr.
Brooke Knowlton, DVM, Val Wilenchik, Homes for Pets and Chairman Shanna Roman, Animal Services
Staff present: Scot Buchanan, Animal Control Officer and Sandy Bryant, Senior Administrative
Others resent: Mr. Robert Brockman.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Shanna Roman at 12:55pm.
Hearing of residents:
There were no residents to be heard.
Re ular A enda•
Discussion and Rossible action:
Agenda. Item No. 1. Animal Services Adoption Facility Update. Mr. George Logan gave the Committee
an update on the progress with the new Animal Adoption Facility. Mr. Logan noted that the City had
received twelve bids that will be reviewed and evaluated by several people in accordance with established
criteria who will select a bid. The selected bidder will then be presented to City Council for approval. No
action was taken on this item.
Agenda Item
Services has Services, had two successful 17n1,,-+- er Update, Ms. Shanna Roman informed the Committee
adoption events in the last month and ten dogs were adopted.
The success of these events was due largely to the help from Homes for Pets and Dr. Knowlton and she
wished to publicly thank them for all of their assistance. She also noted that Resurrection Baptist Church
has offered some assistance and that the Schertz Chamber will be holding a barbeque to benefit the shelter
as well. Discussion only item.
Agenda Item No. 3. Announcements by Advisga Committee Chairman and members. The State
requires that the committee meets a minimum of three times per year and Mr. Logan wanted to know if
the Committee would like to meet more often during the building of the new facility. The Committee
agreed that would be a great idea once the construction is under way.
Secretary will Announcements by,Cit�af . The next meeting date is to be determined. The
Agenda Item, No. 4......
1 noti the Committee members once a date and location has been determined probably in
February 2013.
Adjournment: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:15pm.
Motion: George Logan
Second: Shanna Roman
Ayes: George Logan, Sharma Roman, Brooke Knowlton and Val Wi1Pno.hik
4 -0
C an, Animal Services Committee
Recording Secr , City f Schertz