CIAC 05-22-13 AGENDA AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTSCapital Improvements Advisory Committee Minutes February 27, 2013 The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee convened on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 At 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Bldg. 4 Schertz, Texas Members Present: Richard Braud Bert Crawford Michael Dahle Christian Glombik Ken Greenwald David Richmond Staff Present: Larry Busch Jr., Engineer in Training Robert Galindo, Assistant Finance Director Brian James, Executive Director of Development Members Absent: Tim Brown Ernest Evans, Jr. Dr. Mark Pensborn Debbie Perrone, Engineering Sr. Administrative Assistant Michelle Sanchez, Director of Development Services Juan Santoya, Finance Director Patti White, Development Services Administrative Assistant Lesa Wood, Planner I Cali to order at 6:00 p.m. By Mr. Richmond 2. Seat alternate to act if required. None 3. Consider and act on the minutes for the January 23, 2013 meeting. Mr. Richmond requested a motion to except the January 23, 2013 minutes. Motion made by Mr. Dahle and second by Mr. Crawford to except the January 23, 2013 minutes. All in favor. Motion passed. 4. Hold a public hearing, consider and file the semiannual report evaluating the progress of the city on achieving the capital improvements program and identifying any problems in implementing the plans or administering the capital recovery fees. Mr. Richmond recognized Robert Galindo, Assistant Finance Director who provided a corrected financial report for the Impact Fees as of 9- 30 -12. Juan Santoya, Finance Director and Robert Galindo, Assistant Finance Director made the presentation. There were two line items that were corrected. The investment management fees were corrected to reflect the total of $4,250.29 under the Sewer portion. The investment management fees are charged by Capital One to manage Sewer funds. The Investment Gain/Loss was revised to reflect $3,327.67 for Water and $15,924.41 in Sewer. Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept 30, 2012 Impacts ]Fees Water Sewer Total Beginning Impact Fee Balance *$1,938,731.15 $2,191,714.06 $4,130,445.21 � =- 1 -- � No- �S A C Capital Recovery Project, Expenditure Summary l .} East Oak Water Pump - Expenditures relating to the advertisement and additional engineering services for the upgrade of an existing pump and addition of one new high service pump at our water plant on East Live Oak Rd. This project was bid out and received only one bid that did not meet the expectations. Additional engineering on the project is related to preparation for rebidding. 2.) S. WW Treatment Plant — Pre - design - Expenditures relating to engineering design and studies for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant to serve areas of the southern portion of the City. 3.) Capital Recovery Study Review - Expenditures on a study by Dan Jackson with Econornists.com to r ME 0 0 T 0