8-13 PowerPoint Proposed Budget 2013-14 LongProposed Budget FY 2013-14 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 2 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget Budget Goals: ?Balanced Structurally ?Conservative and Responsible ?Follows Financial Policies ?Maintains Current Service Levels ?Focuses on Priorities FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 3 Management Practices ?Focus on priorities ?Maintain Appropriate Fund Balance ?Team Input ?Departments, Council, and Citizens ?Forward Looking ?Planning for Future Revenues & Expenses ?Consider Project schedules ?5 Year Forecast Key City 5 Year Goals 2/22/13 ?Building Repairs ?Rebuild Reserves ?Fire Station 3 ?P25 Compliant Public Safety Radios ?Master Facilities Plan ?Hold Tax Rate Flat ?Compensation Study FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 4 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 5 Budget Highlights ?Elevated Water Tank Construction ?Master Communication Plan Phase 1 ?Council Chamber Improvements ?New Vacuum & Router Truck for Public Works ?Northcliffe Waterline Replacement Pre-Budget Community Requests ?Improved maintenance of Crescent Bend pathways ?Provide a facility to pay utility bills farther south ?Plan the Fire Station 3 as a multiuse facility ?Fire & Public Safety be the top priority ?More Senior Support ?Continue to have the new Natatorium as a priority FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 6 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 7 All Funds -Revenues General Fund $23,125,022 Special Events Fund 147,100 PEG Fund 361,500 Water & Sewer Fund 19,153,029 EMS Fund 7,359,681 Drainage Fund 1,042,700 Hotel Tax 508,288 Park Fund 150,300 Tree Mitigation 139,525 Capital Recovery 2,895,869 I&S Fund 5,705,230 Historical Committee 5,650 Parks & Rec Foundation 293,850 SEDC 3,105,211 Grand Total $63,992,955 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 8 All Funds -Expenses Administrative $5,390,018 General Fund 17,228,579 Special Events Fund 147,100 PEG Fund 361,500 Water & Sewer Fund 19,015,038 EMS Fund 6,833,405 Drainage Fund 1,039,006 Hotel Tax 508,288 Park Fund 40,000 Tree Mitigation 139,525 Capital Recovery 2,326,109 I&S Fund 5,596,775 Historical Committee 5,650 Parks & Rec Foundation 275,250 SEDC 3,074,554 Grand Total $61,980,797 Fund Balance/Equity FY 2013-14 Estimated Beginning Balance Net Change Budgeted Ending Balance General Fund 3,976,710 506,425 4,483,135 Special Events Fund 98,588 (15,375) 83,213 PEG Fund 424,818 (260,550) 164,268 I&S Fund 472,883 108,455 581,338 Water & Sewer Fund 5,727,324 (2,304,889) 3,422,435 Capital Recovery 5,844,195 (855,849) 4,988,346 Drainage Fund 749,087 3,694 752,781 EMS Fund 663,610 526,276 1,189,886 SEDC 4,651,991 30,657 4,682,648 Hotel Tax Fund 398,347 (22,738) 375,609 Park Fund 230,271 110,300 340,571 Tree Mitigation 185,214 (104,525) 80,689 Historical Committee 9,567 0 9,567 Parks & Rec Foundation 139,410 18,600 158,010 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 10 Tax Rate Tax Rate Current M&O $0.2993 Funds general City services I&S $0.2006 Pays for the City’s debt Total $0.4999 The combined tax rate seen on the tax bill FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 11 Tax Rate Effective: The tax rate which, on average, will keep the tax bill the same as in 2012. Current: The rate currently adopted by the City. Proposed Max: The maximum rate set at which the final adopted rate cannot exceed. Rollback: The rate if exceeded allows citizens to initiate a rollback election. The results of this election can reduce the adopted tax rate back to the rollback rate. FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 12 Tax Rate Effective: $0.4829 Current: $0.4999 Proposed Max: $0.4999 Rollback: $0.5218 $0.01 is equal to $247,608 revenue or $16.47 on the average home Proposed budget is balanced at this rate FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 13 FY 2013-14 City Tax Rate ?At $0.4999 2012 Tax Bill = $823 Avg Home Value $164,618 2013 Tax Bill = $824 Avg Home Value $164,748 Increase = $ 1 2012 Tax Bill = $500 Home Value of $100,000 2013 Tax Bill = $500 Home Value of $100,000 Increase = $ 0 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 14 Property Values 2012 Adjusted Taxable value $ 2,321,834,693 2013 Equivalent Taxable Value $ 2,405,668,244 2013 New Properties +$ 70,415,823 2013 Adjusted Taxable Value $ 2,476,084,067 Difference $ 154,249,374 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 15 Historic Tax Rates – M&O M&O 0.3091 M&O 0.2881 M&O 0.3106 M&O 0.3345 M&O 0.259 M&O 0.259 M&O 0.259 M&O 0.2842 M&O 0.2993 M&O 0.2993 M&O 0.2993 0.00000.10000.20000.30000. 0000.50000.6000 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 16 Historic Tax Rates – Total M&O 0.3091 M&O 0.2881 M&O 0.3106 M&O 0.3345 M&O 0.259 M&O 0.259 M&O 0.259 M&O 0.2842 M&O 0.2993 M&O 0.2993 M&O 0.2993 I&S 0.0734 I&S 0.0879 I&S 0.0871 I&S 0.0972 I&S 0.15 I&S 0.15 I&S 0.15 I&S 0.15 I&S 0.15 I&S 0.185 I&S 0.2006 0.00000.10000.20000.30000.40000.50000.6000.3825 .3760 .3977 .4317 .4090 .4090 .4090 .4342 .4493 .4843 .4999 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 17 2013 Property Taxes FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 18 General Fund Revenues Property Taxes $ 7,892,712 Sales Taxes 6,179,166 Fees 3,053,888 Fund Transfers 1,975,009 Franchises 1,738,605 Permits 1,007,062 Inter-Jurisdictiona 685,780 Miscellaneous 464,700 Licenses 70,100 Library Fines 30,000 Other Taxes 28,000 Total Revenues $23,125,022 Property Taxes34%Sales Taxes27%Fees13%Property TaxesSales TaxesOther TaxesFranchisesPermitsLicensesFeesLibrary FinesInter-JurisdictionalFund TransfersMiscellaneous FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 19 General Fund -Expenses 5% 6% Fire Rescue 13% Internal Service 14% General Government 28% Police 24% General Government Internal Service Police Fire Rescue Parks & Recreation Inspections Marshal Service Library Animal Service Streets General Government $ 6,186,975 Internal Service 3,207,708 Police 5,468,836 Fire Rescue 3,028,337 Inspections 472,996 Marshal Service 652,391 Streets 1,074,802 Parks & Recreation 1,195,086 Library 876,277 Animal Services 455,189 Total Expenses $22,618,597 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 20 General Fund Revenues $23,125,022 Expenditures 22,618,597 Increase of Fund Balance 506,425 Beginning Fund Balance 3,976,709 Ending Fund Balance 4,483,134 25% Requirement Policy $ 5,637,149 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 21 M&O $0.2993 Total Change in Expenditures $231,000 New Programs $323,000 Capital Purchases $551,000 Maintain Current Level of Services $1,105,000 Total Increase $506,000 Reserve Funding FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 22 M&O $0.2993 New Programs $125,000 Merit Program $47,000 Computer Technician $14,000 Part-time Animal Adoption Facility Technician $45,000 New Animal Adoption Center Operations $231,000 Total New Programs FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 23 GF Capital Purchases Capital Purchases – General Fund ?Replacement Vehicle for Marshal Service ?Purchase of 2 Vehicles for Streets (reimbursed by Water) ?Council Chamber Improvements (reimbursed by court security, court technology, and hotel tax restricted funds) ?New Email Server and Set Up ?Increase the Amount of Desktop Replacements FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 24 Sales Tax FY 2011-12 Actual FY 2012-13 Estimate FY 2013-14 Budget General Fund $5,309,018 $5,999,190 $6,179,166 +13% +3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 25 Historic Sales Tax FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 26 General Fund FY 2012-13 Budget FY 2012-13 Estimate FY 2013-14 Proposed Revenue $22,281,893 $22,689,507 $23,125,022 Expenditures $(21,888,943) $(21,513,138) $(22,618,597) Reserve Funding $392,950 $1,176,369 $506,425 Reserve Shortfall $(2,278,345) $(1,494,926) $(1,154,015) 5 Year History FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Revenue $15,056,043 $16,659,199 $17,734,300 $19,588,076 $20,887,412 $22,689,507 Expense $(18,785,108) $(19,659,116) $(17,455,785) $(19,035,998) $(20,205,316) $(21,513,138) Reserve Funding $(3,729,065) $(2,999,917) $278,515 $552,078 $682,096 $1,176,369 M&O Fund Balance $4,287,568 $1,287,651 $1,566,166 $2,118,244 $2,800,340 $3,976,709 25% Goal $4,229,049 $4,468,903 $4,363,946 $4,759,000 $5,143,680 $5,471,635 Over/Under $58,519 $(3,181,252) $(2,797,780) $(2,640,756) $(2,343,340) $(1,494,926) FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 27 5 Year Forecast – Current Tax Rate FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 28 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Revenue $22,689,507 $23,125,022 $23,455,563 $24,044,300 $24,705,558 $25,390,198 Expense $(21,513,138) $(22,618,597) $(22,776,669) $(24,009,901) $(24,699,240) $(25,547,867) Reserve Funding $1,176,369 $506,425 $678,894 $34,399 $6,318 $(157,669) M&O Fund Balance $3,976,709 $4,483,134 $5,162,028 $5,196,427 $5,202,745 $5,045,076 25% Goal $5,471,635 $5,637,149 $5,694,167 $5,983,725 $6,174,810 $6,371,967 Over/Under $(1,494,926) $(1,154,015) $(532,139) $(787,298) $(972,065) $(1,326,891) 5 Year Summary – I&S Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 29 ?Current $0.2006 ?Fire Station 3 ?New Fire Engine funding in 2015 ?Station funding in 2016 ?Lowest Fund balance $469,269 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 30 Target Tax Rate Tax Rate Current Recommended Maximum Alternative M&O $0.2993 $0.3035 $0.3010 I&S $0.2006 $0.1964 $0.1964 Total $0.4999 $0.4999 $0.4974 M&O Impact $0 $103,740 $41,990 FY 2018 Projections FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 31 Current Recommended Alternative Revenue $25,390,198 $25,514,855 $25,440,654 Expense $(25,547,867) $(25,547,867) $(25,547,867) Reserve Funding $(157,669) $(33,012) $(107,213) M&O Fund Balance $5,045,078 $5,633,099 $5,283,086 25% Goal $6,371,967 $6,371,967 $6,371,967 Over/Under $(1,326,889) $(738,868) $(1,088,880) 5 Year Summary – I&S Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 32 ?Recommended $0.1964 ?Fire Station 3 ?New Fire Engine funding in 2015 ?Station funding in 2016 ?Lowest Fund balance $398,077 ?Additional project funding capabilities beginning in FY 2016-17 Proposed Public Hearing Dates ?August 20th, 2013 ?August 27th, 2013 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 33 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 34 Budget Calendar FY 2013-14 July 31 File with City Secretary, Budget Workshop August 6 Budget Workshop, vote to place a preliminary tax rate on the agenda, and schedule public hearings August 13 Budget Workshop August 15 First Community Budget Presentation August 20 First Public Hearing August 21 Second Community Budget Presentation August 27 Second Public Hearing, First Vote September 3 Second Vote October 1 Budget goes into effect Proposed Budget FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget FY 2013-14 Departments FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 37 General Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 38 City Council ?No change in operations Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $84,057 2013-14 Budget $83,075 % Change -1.2% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 39 City Manager ?No change in operations Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $967,685 2013-14 Budget $973,083 % Change 0.5% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 40 Municipal Court ?Full year funding of the new Court Clerk. Previously funded for half a year. ?Increase in Judge and Prosecutor services Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $356,114 2013-14 Budget $395,274 % Change 11.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 41 Customer Relations 311 ?No change in operations Expense 2012-13 Estimate $110,243 2013-14 Budget $113,535 % Change 3.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 42 Planning & Zoning ?Gateway Planning study was concluded in FY2012-13, lowering expenses Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $181,590 2013-14 Budget $155,833 % Change -14.2% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 43 Legal ?Expecting no change in legal services Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $450,000 2013-14 Budget $450,000 % Change 0.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 44 General Services ?Was titled Facilities Maintenance ?Continue to phase out EDC’s coverage of the maintenance of the emergency services buildings ?Complete door lock replacement program for Fire and EMS and begin on City Hall Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $992,893 2013-14 Budget $1,014,243 % Change 2.2% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 45 City Secretary ?Increase to continue the Unified Development Code codification updates semiannually Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $182,813 2013-14 Budget $190,227 % Change 4.1% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 46 Non-Departmental ?Set contingencies to $100,000 ?FY 2012-13 had a one time transfer to the Animal Shelter for upgrades Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $1,521,429 2013-14 Budget $1,508,163 % Change -0.9% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 47 Public Affairs ?Moved general City design services from Schertz Magazine to Public Affairs ?Full year funding of the vacant Public Affairs Director position Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $318,558 2013-14 Budget $343,817 % Change 7.9% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 48 Records Management ?Increase the amount of contractual document scanning and shredding Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $62,275 2013-14 Budget $69,213 % Change 11.1% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 49 Schertz Magazine ?Decrease in printing costs ?Moved non-magazine related design services to Public Affairs Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $443,350 2013-14 Budget $407,035 % Change -8.2% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 50 Engineering ?Full year funding of the City Engineer Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $247,831 2013-14 Budget $260,023 % Change 4.9% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 51 GIS ?Replace Large-Format Plotter through leasing program ?Add an additional attendee for the 2014 ESRI International User Conference Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $134,849 2013-14 Budget $143,054 % Change 6.1% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 52 Police ?Increase in personnel services from merit offset by fewer equipment and capital purchases Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $5,328,016 2013-14 Budget $5,468,836 % Change 2.6% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 53 Fire Rescue ?No change in operations ?Increase due to personnel service increase from merit and health insurance Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $2,870,550 2013-14 Budget $3,028,337 % Change 5.5% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 54 Inspections ?No change in operations ?Increase in personnel due to promotion of Administrative Assistant to Executive Assistant Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $454,603 2013-14 Budget $472,996 % Change 4.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 55 Marshal Services ?Increase due to a purchase of a replacement vehicle Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $608,289 2013-14 Budget $652,391 % Change 7.3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 56 Public Works -Streets ?Increase in street maintenance materials ?Purchase of 2 Trucks which will be reimbursed by the Water & Sewer Fund ?Personnel services increased due to the unexpected turnover seen in FY 2012-13 Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $875,339 2013-14 Budget $1,074,802 % Change 22.8% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 57 Parks, Recreation, & Community Services ?Decrease due to lower maintenance required on the soccer fields while they are under construction Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $813,358 2013-14 Budget $797,974 % Change -1.9% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 58 Swimming Pools ?No change, the service contract for pool operations will be in its last year and will be renegotiated for FY 2014-15 Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $254,503 2013-14 Budget $254,503 % Change 0.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 59 Event Facilities ?Discontinued the additional advertising reimbursed by the Hotel Tax Fund ?Reduced ancillary products account to match actual expenditures Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $162,062 2013-14 Budget $142,609 % Change -12.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 60 Library ?Increase in personnel services related to the merit is half of the department increase ?Increase in library materials to maintain our level of service ?The City will also send 4 representatives to the Texas Library Association Conference in 2014 ?Increase in other maintenance agreements to provide additional landscaping maintenance in front of the Library Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $852,708 2013-14 Budget $876,277 % Change 2.8% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 61 Animal Services ?Increase due to additional costs of the new Animal Adoption Facility ?Utilities ?Hire a part time position to help with cleaning ?Furniture ?Other Maintenance Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $386,933 2013-14 Budget $455,189 % Change 17.6% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 62 Information Technology ?Moved the Administrative Assistant from Engineering to IT ?Added an Computer Technician I position ?The EMS portion of the CAD system will now be reported in IT and then reimbursed by the EMS fund ?Additional licenses required for Laserfiche Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $965,016 2013-14 Budget $1,262,467 % Change 30.8% ?Purchase additional equipment ?Increased desktop replacement ?Replace PAC Library desktops ?Replace email server ?Purchase server for CAD reporting FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 63 Human Resources ?Less unemployment compensation required in FY 2012-13 ?Other increases in personnel services are related to merit and the health insurance increase Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $385,005 2013-14 Budget $415,122 % Change 7.8% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 64 Finance ?Anticipate sending 2 employees to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Conference in 2014 ?Additional increase due to merit and the health insurance increase Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $456,750 2013-14 Budget $472,030 % Change 3.3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 65 Purchasing & Asset Management ?Purchase new office chairs ?Add overtime funding for workers’ compensation claims after normal work hours ?Other increase due to the merit and health insurance Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $257,571 2013-14 Budget $267,861 % Change 4.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 66 Fleet Services ?Purchase a diagnostic scanning tool for emergency vehicles which should reduce the cost of outside repairs ?Increase is due to higher than anticipated turn over in the current year Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $462,302 2013-14 Budget $491,348 % Change 6.3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 67 Building Maintenance ?Improvements for the Council Chambers in security and for the A/V system to be reimbursed with restricted funds ?Was combined with General Services and broken out midyear; other increases are for full year funding of this new department Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $191,640 2013-14 Budget $298,880 % Change 56.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 68 City Assistance ?Added new service to provide transportation to the elderly who are unable to get a ride on their own Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $52,000 2013-14 Budget $74,000 % Change 42.3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 69 Special Events Fund ?New Events ?Steve Simonson Award ?Retirements/Reception funding ?Estimated more expenditures for Absolute Jazz ?Employee appreciation events were spread out between funds but will now be consolidated here Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $113,650 $107,617 2013-14 Budget $147,100 $147,100 % Change 29.4% 36.7% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 70 PEG Fund ?Master Communication Plan Phase 1 will continue in FY 2013-14 and will partially be funded with reserves Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $98,000 $83,052 2013-14 Budget $361,500 $365,500 % Change 29.3% 57.8% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 71 Interest & Sinking Debt Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 72 Interest & Sinking Debt Fund ?The increase in expenses is due to the 2 tax notes issued in FY 2012-13 for the P25 compliant public safety radios and the new fire engine Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $5,426,796 $5,181,586 2013-14 Budget $5,705,230 $5,596,775 % Change 5.1% 8.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 73 Water & Sewer Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 74 Business Office ?Bad Debt expense will now be realized in Water & Sewer Administration rather than here ?Offsetting that decrease are a general increase in operational costs specifically personnel services, software, and professional services Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $620,210 2013-14 Budget $621,700 % Change 0.2% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 75 Water & Sewer Administration ?Will use vehicle and equipment reserves to purchase $392,880 in new trucks and a Vac & Router truck for the sewer lines ?The Water & Sewer Fund will issue another $5 million in debt for the southern Schertz reclamation for the sewer lines and the purchase of buildings on Commercial Place ?There is also expected to be a contribution to CCMA to help pay for the construction of the new sewer plant ?There will be an increase for sewer treatment and garbage service rates ?Personnel Services will increase with a projected lower turn over rate and becoming fully staffed Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $14,727,059 2013-14 Budget $16,343,338 % Change 11.0% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 76 Drainage Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 77 Drainage Fund ?Full year funding of the new Stormwater Manager ?Begin Borgfeld Detention and Arroyo Verde Dietz Creek improvements Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $1,020,300 $883,376 2013-14 Budget $1,042,700 $1,039,006 % Change 2.2% 17.6% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 78 Capital Recovery Fund ?Increase in revenue due to a transfer in from reserves to fund the southeast quadrant water tank and distribution lines ?New Projects include the southeastern quadrant water tank and distribution lines Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $1,662,041 $2,355,431 2013-14 Budget $2,895,869 $2,326,109 % Change 74.2% -1.2% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 79 Capital Recovery Projects Working Projects ?Projects to be Completed in FY 2013-14 ?Preliminary Engineering for South Schertz Wastewater Treatment Plant ?Engineering for the Southeast Elevated Tank FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 80 EMS Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 81 EMS Fund ?Increased fees and expected transports Revenues 2012-13 Estimate $6,382,802 2013-14 Budget $7,359,681 % Change 15.3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 82 EMS Fund ?Increase in bad debt expense with the increase in revenue ?Begin paying for CAD system and building maintenance through transfer to the General Fund ?Procure new equipment including patient/defib monitors, driving computers, and new supervisor truck Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $5,975,147 2013-14 Budget $6,833,405 % Change 14.4% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 83 Schertz Economic Development Corporation FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 84 Schertz Economic Development Corporation ?Sales Taxes are projected to increase by 3% ?Increase Development Incentive Fund for the Amazon.com permit reimbursement Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $3,017,089 $2,731,104 2013-14 Budget $3,105,211 $3,074,554 % Change 2.9% 12.6% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 85 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 86 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund ?Revenue increase due to one time transfer from reserves ?Will fund a portion of the council chamber improvements out of reserves ?Purchase Management software for the Event Facilities Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $480,600 $472,813 2013-14 Budget $508,288 $508,288 % Change 5.8% 7.5% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 87 Parkland Dedication ?Revenue decrease due to one time transfer from reserves to fund projects in FY 2012-13 ?Expenses decreased due to onetime transfers for Animal Shelter improvements in FY 2012-13 ?In FY2013-14 only 2 pavilions will be purchased while the remaining funds go to rebuild the fund balance Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $221,160 $141,815 2013-14 Budget $150,300 $40,000 % Change -32.0% -71.8% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 88 Tree Mitigation ?The revenue will increase due to a one time transfer from reserves to fund new projects ?Projects to be funded in FY2013-14 are ornamental trees for the soccer complex and Animal Adoption Center and shade trees for the soccer complex, Animal Adoption Center, and the Arroyo Verde Drainage Project Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $29,140 $61,526 2013-14 Budget $139,525 $139,525 % Change 378.8% 126.8% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 89 Historical Committee ?Budget will be set at the default amount Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $750 $750 2013-14 Budget $5,650 $5,650 % Change 653.3% 653.3% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 90 Parks & Recreation Foundation ?The increase for the Festivals’ budget is offset by the one time transfer out of the Veteran’s Memorial donations into a separate fund Revenues Expenses 2012-13 Estimate $302,021 $305,590 2013-14 Budget $293,850 $275,250 % Change -2.7% -9.9% FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 91 Budget Calendar FY 2013-14 July 31 File with City Secretary, Budget Workshop August 6 Budget Workshop, vote to place a preliminary tax rate on the agenda, and schedule public hearings August 13 Budget Workshop August 15 First Community Budget Presentation August 20 First Public Hearing August 21 Second Community Budget Presentation August 27 Second Public Hearing, First Vote September 3 Second Vote October 1 Budget goes into effect Proposed Budget FY 2013-14