8-20 PowerPoint Proposed Budget 2013-14Public Hearing Presentation FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget Budget Goals: ?Balanced Structurally ?Conservative and Responsible ?Follows Financial Policies ?Maintains Current Service Levels ?Focuses on Priorities FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 2 Management Practices ?Focus on priorities ?Maintain Appropriate Fund Balance ?Team Input ?Departments, Council, and Citizens ?Forward Looking ?Planning for Future Revenues & Expenses ?Consider Project schedules ?5 Year Forecast FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 3 Key City 5 Year Goals 2/22/13 ?Building Repairs ?Rebuild Reserves ?Fire Station 3 ?P25 Compliant Public Safety Radios ?Master Facilities Plan ?Hold Tax Rate Flat ?Compensation Study FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 4 Pre-Budget Community Requests ?Improved maintenance of Crescent Bend pathways ?Provide a facility to pay utility bills farther south ?Plan the Fire Station 3 as a multiuse facility ?Fire & Public Safety be the top priority ?More Senior Support ?Continue to have the new Natatorium as a priority FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 5 Budget Highlights ?Elevated Water Tank Construction ?Master Communication Plan Phase 1 ?Council Chamber Improvements ?New Vacuum & Router Truck for Public Works ?Northcliffe Waterline Replacement FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 6 Budget Video Tax Rate FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 9 Tax Rate Tax Rate Current M&O $0.2993 Funds general City services I&S $0.2006 Pays for the City’s debt Total $0.4999 The combined tax rate seen on the tax bill FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 10 Tax Rate Effective: The tax rate which, on average, will keep the tax bill the same as in 2012. Current: The rate currently adopted by the City. Preliminary: The maximum rate set at which the final adopted rate cannot exceed. Rollback: The rate if exceeded allows citizens to initiate a rollback election. The results of this election can reduce the adopted tax rate back to the rollback rate. FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 11 Tax Rate Effective: $0.4829 Current: $0.4999 Preliminary: $0.4999 Rollback: $0.5218 $0.01 is equal to $247,608 revenue or $16.47 on the average home Proposed budget is balanced at this rate FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 12 2013 Property Taxes Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 14 All Funds -Revenues General Fund $23,125,022 Special Events Fund 147,100 PEG Fund 361,500 Water & Sewer Fund 19,153,029 EMS Fund 7,359,681 Drainage Fund 1,042,700 Hotel Tax 508,288 Park Fund 150,300 Tree Mitigation 139,525 Capital Recovery 2,895,869 I&S Fund 5,705,230 Historical Committee 5,650 Parks & Rec Foundation 293,850 SEDC 3,105,211 Grand Total $63,992,955 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 15 All Funds -Expenses Administrative $5,390,018 General Fund 17,228,579 Special Events Fund 147,100 PEG Fund 361,500 Water & Sewer Fund 19,015,038 EMS Fund 6,833,405 Drainage Fund 1,039,006 Hotel Tax 508,288 Park Fund 40,000 Tree Mitigation 139,525 Capital Recovery 2,326,109 I&S Fund 5,596,775 Historical Committee 5,650 Parks & Rec Foundation 275,250 SEDC 3,074,554 Grand Total $61,980,797 All Funds -Expenses FY 2012-13 Budget FY 2013-14 Proposed General Fund $21,888,943 $22,618,597 Special Events Fund $ 131,300 $ 147,100 PEG Fund $ 131,000 $ 361,500 Water & Sewer Fund $16,679,539 $19,015,038 EMS Fund $ 5,857,199 $ 6,833,405 Drainage Fund $ 959,088 $ 1,039,006 Hotel Tax Fund $ 491,945 $ 508,288 Park Fund $ 246,484 $ 40,000 Tree Mitigation $ 96,525 $ 139,525 Capital Recovery Fund $ 3,765,624 $ 2,326,109 Tax I&S Fund $ 5,201,936 $ 5,596,775 Historical Committee $ 5,650 $ 5,650 Parks & Recreation Foundation $ 271,762 $ 275,250 SEDC $ 2,674,444 $ 3,074,554 Total $58,401,439 $61,980,797 16 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 17 General Fund Revenues Property Taxes $ 7,892,712 Sales Taxes 6,179,166 Fees 3,053,888 Fund Transfers 1,975,009 Franchises 1,738,605 Permits 1,007,062 Inter-Jurisdictiona 685,780 Miscellaneous 464,700 Licenses 70,100 Library Fines 30,000 Other Taxes 28,000 Total Revenues $23,125,022 Property Taxes34%Sales Taxes27%Fees13%Property TaxesSales TaxesOther TaxesFranchisesPermitsLicensesFeesLibrary FinesInter-JurisdictionalFund TransfersMiscellaneous FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 18 General Fund -Expenses 5% 6% Fire Rescue 13% Internal Service 14% General Government 28% Police 24% General Government Internal Service Police Fire Rescue Parks & Recreation Inspections Marshal Service Library Animal Service Streets General Government $ 6,186,975 Internal Service 3,207,708 Police 5,468,836 Fire Rescue 3,028,337 Inspections 472,996 Marshal Service 652,391 Streets 1,074,802 Parks & Recreation 1,195,086 Library 876,277 Animal Services 455,189 Total Expenses $22,618,597 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 19 General Fund Revenues $23,125,022 Expenditures 22,618,597 Increase of Fund Balance 506,425 Beginning Fund Balance 3,976,709 Ending Fund Balance 4,483,134 25% Requirement Policy $ 5,637,149 FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 20 The Current Tax Rate Total Change in Expenditures $231,000 New Programs $323,000 Capital Purchases $551,000 Maintain Current Level of Services $1,105,000 Total Increase $506,000 Reserve Funding FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 21 The Current Tax Rate New Programs $125,000 Merit Program $47,000 Computer Technician $14,000 Part-time Animal Adoption Facility Technician $45,000 New Animal Adoption Center Operations $231,000 Total New Programs FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 22 GF Capital Purchases Capital Purchases – General Fund ?Replacement Vehicle for Marshal Service ?Purchase of 2 Vehicles for Streets (reimbursed by Water) ?Council Chamber Improvements (reimbursed by court security, court technology, and hotel tax restricted funds) ?New Email Server and Set Up ?Increase the Amount of Desktop Replacements 5 Year History FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Revenue $15,056,043 $16,659,199 $17,734,300 $19,588,076 $20,887,412 $22,689,507 Expense $(18,785,108) $(19,659,116) $(17,455,785) $(19,035,998) $(20,205,316) $(21,513,138) Reserve Funding $(3,729,065) $(2,999,917) $278,515 $552,078 $682,096 $1,176,369 M&O Fund Balance $4,287,568 $1,287,651 $1,566,166 $2,118,244 $2,800,340 $3,976,709 25% Goal $4,229,049 $4,468,903 $4,363,946 $4,759,000 $5,143,680 $5,471,635 Over/Under $58,519 $(3,181,252) $(2,797,780) $(2,640,756) $(2,343,340) $(1,494,926) FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 23 5 Year Forecast – Current Tax Rate FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 24 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Revenue $22,689,507 $23,125,022 $23,455,563 $24,044,300 $24,705,558 $25,390,198 Expense $(21,513,138) $(22,618,597) $(22,776,669) $(24,009,901) $(24,699,240) $(25,547,867) Reserve Funding $1,176,369 $506,425 $678,894 $34,399 $6,318 $(157,669) M&O Fund Balance $3,976,709 $4,483,134 $5,162,028 $5,196,427 $5,202,745 $5,045,076 25% Goal $5,471,635 $5,637,149 $5,694,167 $5,983,725 $6,174,810 $6,371,967 Over/Under $(1,494,926) $(1,154,015) $(532,139) $(787,298) $(972,065) $(1,326,891) FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 25 Target Tax Rate Tax Rate Current Preliminary Tax Rate Alternative M&O $0.2993 $0.3035 $0.3010 I&S $0.2006 $0.1964 $0.1964 Total $0.4999 $0.4999 $0.4974 M&O Impact $0 $103,740 $41,990 FY 2018 Projections FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 26 Current Recommended Alternative Revenue $25,390,198 $25,514,855 $25,440,654 Expense $(25,547,867) $(25,547,867) $(25,547,867) Reserve Funding $(157,669) $(33,012) $(107,213) M&O Fund Balance $5,045,078 $5,633,099 $5,283,086 25% Goal $6,371,967 $6,371,967 $6,371,967 Over/Under $(1,326,889) $(738,868) $(1,088,880) FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget 27 Budget Calendar FY 2013-14 July 31 File with City Secretary, Budget Workshop August 6 Budget Workshop, vote to place a preliminary tax rate on the agenda, and schedule public hearings August 13 Budget Workshop August 15 First Community Budget Presentation August 20 First Public Hearing August 21 Second Community Budget Presentation August 27 Second Public Hearing, First Vote September 3 Second Vote October 1 Budget goes into effect Proposed Budget FY 2013-14