TSLAC Annual Report FY2013 revised 4-29-14 ANNUAL REPORT FOR LOCAL FISCAL YEAR 2013 This report is due at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission by . All data applies to your library's 2013 fiscal year. We strongly urge libraries to report no later than , to provide time to make any necessary revisions. This sectionrequests information for contacting the library, its staff, board, and friends group.By entering this information you understand that this becomes public information. In the online form, questionsthrough have been prefilled and locked. You will not be able to change the data. Please contact TSLAC staffif changes need to be made to these questions. Schertz Public LibraryGuadalupe 10/01/2012 09/30/2013 The local fiscal year covered by this report began (___/____/____and ended ()___/____/____ Schertz 798 Schertz Pkwy781541954 Mailing Address Schertz 798 Schertz Pkwy781541954 Street Address (if different) (210) 619-1700 (210) 619-1711 PhoneTelefax (Area code) Phone number(Area code) Phone number Admin E-mail Address Head Librarian/Director - muhlhorn@schertz.com addresses if not for public consumption. E-mail Address (Library) muhlhorn@schertz.com Internet/Web Address http://www.schertzlibrary.org Head Librarian Melissa Uhlhorn If the Head Librarian position is vacant, contact TSLAC staff) 4 Yes Is this a number that can be accessed through Directory Assistance? No 4 Yes Is the information provided in 1.1 through 1.19correct? No Please contact TSLAC staffif any of the information in 1.1 through 1.19 has changed. MelissaUhlhorn Contact Person (person completing report) muhlhorn@schertz.com Texas Public Libraries Annual Report Accreditation-related question Page 1 Sonia Samora Board Chair Friends of the Library President This section requests information on public service outlets. Report figures as of the last day of the fiscal year. If there is a new branch, but it was not open for business before the end of your local fiscal year, it should not be included on this report. Number of branch libraries Administered from a central unit, branch libraries are auxiliary units that have at least all of the following: separate quarters, organized collection of library materials, an 0 Number of bookmobiles in use A bookmobile isa traveling branch library and has at least all of the following: a truck or van that carries an organized collection of library materials, paid staff 0 regularly scheduled hours (bookmobile stops) for being open to the public Has the main library building(s) or any branch library been renovated, expanded, or Yes ( new construction completed within the period covered by this report? Structural 4 No changes only.) This is the area on all floors enclosed by the outer walls of the library. Include all areas occupied by the library, including those areas off-limits to the public. Include areas shared with another agency or agencies if the library has use of that 30,300 sq ft area, Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 2 Local accounting practice will generally determine whether a particular expense is classified as operatingor capitalexpense. Do notreport the value of freeitems as expenditures. Do notreport estimated costs. Report only those grant awards directly spent by your library. Do notreport grant funds spent for your library by another entity. Significant costs of ordinary operating expenditures, especially benefits and salaries, that are paid by other taxing agencies (government agencies with the authority to levy taxes) on behalf of the library may be included if the informationis available. Any operating expenditure not covered by Staff and Collection Expenditures should be reported in Other Operating Expenditures, question . These expenditures are from all sources of revenue, including federal, state, and foundation monies. Theinformation reported in Expenditures may differ from the information reported in Library Revenue by Source. Operating Expenditures are those current and recurrent costs necessary to support library services.Only such funds that are supported by expenditures documents (such as invoices, contracts, payroll records, etc.) at the point of disbursement should be included. This amount should be the salaries and wages for library staff including plant operation, security and maintenance staff. Include salaries and wages before deductions, but exclude "employee benefits." Include longevity, merit, and other funds paid directly to employees. report salaries paid by an outside entity, such as Green Thumb employees or employees paid under a training program administered through another entity.$513,848 These are the benefits outside of salary and wages paid and accruing to employees (including plant operations, security, and maintenance staff), regardless of whether the benefits or equivalent cash options are available to all employees. Include amounts for direct paid employee benefitsincluding social security, retirement, medical insurance, life insurance, guaranteed disability income protection, unemployment compensation, $168,055 worker's compensation, tuition, and housing benefits. () + $681,903 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 3 Include all operating expenditures from the library budget for all materials in print, microform, electronic, and other formats considered part of the collection, whether purchased, leased, or licensed. Exclude charges or fees for interlibrary loans and expenditures for document delivery. Books, serial back files, current serial subscriptions, government documents, and any $44,721 other print acquisitions. Report all operating expenditures for electronic (digital) materials. Types of electronic materials include e-books, audio and video downloadables, e-serials (including journals), government documents, databases (including locally mounted, full text or not), electronic files, reference tools, scores, maps, or pictures in electronic or digital format, including materials digitized by the library. Electronic materials can be distributed on magnetic tape, diskettes, computer software, CD-ROM, or other portable digital carrier, and can be accessed via a computer, via access to the Internet, or by using an e-book reader. Include expenditures for materials held locally and for remote materials for which permanent or temporary access rights have been acquired. Exclude operating expenditures for library system software and microcomputer $16,663 software used only by the library staff or fees for TexShare databases. These are reported in “.” Report all operating expenditures for other materials, such as microforms, audio and $12,738 videophysical units, DVD, and materials in new formats. s () $74,122 This includes all expenditures other than those reported for Total Staff Expenditures (Question) and Total Collection Expenditures (Question). Include expenses such as binding, supplies, repair or replacement of existing furnishings and equipment; and costs of computer hardware and software used to support library operations or to link to external networks, including the Internet. Report contracts for services, such as costs for operating and maintaining physical facilities, and fees paid to a consultant, auditor, architect, attorney, etc. $85,803 () ++ $841,828 (Optional – attach documentation if claimed) This should only be reported when a library has failed to meet the requirement for accreditation in state library system. If included, the expense must be documented by the local government entity that provided the service, and the document must be submitted to the state library with a signature from a government official with fiscal authority. An indirectcost is a cost incurred for a normal library operating expenditure (such as janitorial services, purchasing, accounting, grounds maintenance, utilities, insurance, telecommunications, or payroll services) that is not assigned to the library's budget, but paid for by a local government agency on behalf of the library. . If you are claiming indirect expenditures and are uncertain whether an expenditure may be claimed, please contact TSLAC staff. $0 TOTAL (+) $841,828 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 4 — include Operating Expenditures reported above These would be one-time only or extraordinary expendituresThese are major capital expenditures (the acquisition of or additionsto fixed assets). Examples include expenditures for building sites, new buildings and additions to or renovations of library buildings. Include expenditures for furnishings, equipment andinitial book stockfor new buildings,building additions or renovations; library automation systems, and new vehicles,and other one-time major projects. Include federal, state, local, or other revenue used for major capital expenditures. Exclude replacement and repair of existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase of library materials, and investments for capital appreciation. Exclude contributions to endowments, or revenue passed through to another agency (e.g., fines). $0 This section contains questions which will help determine whether the library meets the minimum accreditation criteria. Of the amount shown in Total Library Collection - Expenditures (Question 3.7), how much was expendedfrom local funds? Report the total amount spent for library materials from local funds only. That is, thatpart of the amount of Total Library Collection Materials in Question that was paid for with city, library district, county, school district, or other local revenue sources(such as fines, memorials, and monetary gifts). This amount may be the same as Total Library Collection Materials, but $74,122 . Local Expenditures on Collectionsis a subset of Local Operating Expenditures and should be included in Question - Of the amount shown in Total Operating Expenditures (Question), how much was expendedfrom local funds? Report the amount of funds spent for total operating purposes from local funds only. That is, that part of the amount in Total Operating Expenditures (Question 3.11) that was paid for with city, library district, county, school district, and other local sources. This amount maybe the same as Total Operating Expenditures; however, $841,828 . Include documented indirect costs (Question) only when necessary to meet the average of expenditures for the Maintenance of Effort requirement. - Of the amount shown in Total Operating Expenditures (Question), how much was expendedfrom local government funds? Report the amount of funds spent for total operating purposes from local government funds only. That is, that part of the amount in Total Operating Expenditures (Question 3.11) that was paid for with city, library district, county, or $831,383 school district sources. Local Government Expenditures is a subset of Local Funds Expenditures and should be included in Question. Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 5 The total funds reported as Library Revenuewill not necessarily equal the total of library expenditures reported. report grant funds spent on behalf of your library by some other entity. report salary revenue if the library did not pay the salary, as in the case of Green Thumbemployees or employees paid under a training program administered by another entity.include costs. Report revenue received by the library for the current and recurrent costs of operation, including recurring/ongoing grants. Report by source of revenue. include revenue for major , construction, renovation, endowment fund deposits, other extraordinary items such as one-time grant awards, revenue not available for use by the library (e.g., fines), or funds unspent from previous fiscal years All tax and nontax receipts appropriated by the city, library district, county, or school district to the public library and available for expenditure by the publiclibrary. include the value of any contributed, indirect, in-kind services, or the value of any gifts and donations, fines, fees, or grants. (include revenue from other cities) $623,040 (include revenue from other counties) $208,343 $0 Subtotal(++) $831,383 All revenue from funds collected by the State and distributed directly to your library for expenditureby the public library. $0 Please use the “notes” to record the source of funds. All revenue from a federal LSTA grant distributed directly to your library for expenditure by the public library, received directly from the Institute for Museum and Library Services agency. Please use the “notes” to record the name of the LSTA program thatwere the $0 source of the funds. All other revenue from the federal government other than that reported in Question distributed directly to your library for expenditure by the public library, including such federal monies distributed by the State. Include BTOP funds. $0 Please use the “notes” to record the source of funds. Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 6 Subtotal(+) $0 Cash grants from private foundations or corporations that are received on an ongoing $15,131 basis. List all the sources in the “notes.” Report all revenue other than that reported in any of the other revenue categories. Include monetary gifts and donations from individuals, interest, fines, and fees. include the value ofany contributed services or the value of any non-monetary gifts $10,446 and donations. Subtotal(+) $25,577 TOTAL(+++) $856,960 Report revenueto be usedfor major capital expenditures, by source of revenue. Include funds received for (a)site acquisition; (b)new buildings; (c)additions to or renovation of library buildings; (d)furnishings, equipment and initial collections (all type) for new buildings, building additions, or building renovations; (e)computer hardware and software used to support library operations, to link to networks, or to run information products; (f)new vehicles; and (g)other one-time major projects. Exclude revenue for replacement and repairof existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase of library materials, and investments for capital appreciation. include revenuepassed through to another agency (e.g., fines), or funds unspent from previous fiscal years. . $ (include revenuefrom other cities) $0 $ (include revenuefrom other counties) $0 $ $0 All revenue from funds collected by the State and distributed directly to your library for expenditure by the public library. $ $0 Please use the “notes” to record the source of funds. All revenuefrom a federal LSTA grant distributed directly to your library for expenditure by the public library, received directly from the Institute for Museum and Library Services agency. $ $0 Please use the “notes” to record the name of the LSTA program that were the source of the funds. Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 7 All other revenue from the federal government other than that reported in Question $ distributed directly to your library for expenditure by the public library, including such $0 federal monies distributed by the State. Include BTOP funds Please use the “notes” to record the source of funds.. $ $0 Cash grants from private foundations or corporations that are received for the purpose of major capital expenditures. List all the sources in the “notes.” Report all revenueother than that reported in any of the other revenue categories. $ $0 Includemonetary giftsanddonations from individuals, interest, fines, and fees. include the value of any contributed services or the value of any non-monetary gifts and donations. TOTAL(Add all amounts,through) $0 If the library received funds from a city or county the one in which the library is located, list the appropriate cities or counties separately and indicate the total of the Amount received: funds received from each city or county. ( ) Guadalupe County$208,343 ( ) City of Cibolo$20,000 ( ) $26,560 City of Selma ( ) ( ) ( ) Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 8 This section collects data on selected types of materials. It does not cover all materials for which expenditures are reported in the Collection Expenditures section.Unless otherwise indicated, report for each item, title, and physical unit the amount held at the end of the fiscal year. Physical units are volumes, items, or pieces. For reporting purposes, a title is a publication that forms a separate bibliographic whole, whether issued in one or several volumes, reels, or disks. The term applies equally to printed materials, such as books and periodicals, as well as audio and video materials.Report only items the library has acquired as part of the collection, whether purchased, leased, licensed, or donated as gifts. Most software systems include a method of determining number of titles. Libraries should use whatever method their software provides. If no method is available, an estimate should be made. NOTE: For purposes of this survey, units are defined as “units of acquisition or purchase”. The “unit” is determined by considering whether the item is restricted to a finite number of simultaneous users or an unlimited number of simultaneous users. Finite simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of simultaneous usages acquired (equivalent to purchasing multiple copies of a single title). For example, if a library acquires a title with rights to a single user at a time, then that item is counted as 1 “unit”; if the library acquires rights to a single title for 10 simultaneous users, then that item is counted as 10 “units” Unlimited simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of titles acquired. For example, if a library acquires a collection of 100 books with unlimited simultaneous users, then that collection would be counted as 100 “units”. Does the library have a catalog of its holdings available to the public that is Yes 4 searchable, either manually or electronically, at a minimum by author, title, No and subject? Books are non-serial printed publications (including music and maps) that are bound in hard or soft covers, or in loose-leaf format. Include non-serial government documents. Report the number of physical units, including duplicates. Books packaged together as a unit (e.g., a 2-volume set) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical unit. count un-cataloged paperbacks. Number ofTitlesNumber of Volumes, Items, or 67,30271,276 Physical Units These are materials circulated in a fixed, physical format on which sounds (only) are stored (recorded) and that can be reproduced (played back) mechanically, electronically, or both. Include records, audiocassettes, audio cartridges, audio discs (including audio-CD-ROMs), audio-reels, talking books, and other sound recordings stored in a fixed, physical format. include downloadable electronic audio files. Items packaged together as a unit (e.g. two audiocassettes for one recorded book) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical item. Number ofTitlesNumber of Volumes, Items, or 3,103 Physical Units 3,160 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 9 These are downloadable electronic files on which sounds (only) are stored (recorded) and that can be reproduced (played back) electronically. Report the number of units. Report only items the library has selected as part of the collection. Include both cataloged and uncataloged titles. NOTE: For purposes of this survey, units are defined as “units of acquisition or purchase”. The “unit” is determined by considering whether the item is restricted to a finite number of simultaneous users or an unlimited number of simultaneous users. Finite simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of simultaneous usages acquired (equivalent to purchasing multiple copies of a single title). For example, if a library acquires a title with rights to a single user at a time, then that item is counted as 1 “unit”; if the library acquires rights to a single title for 10 simultaneous users,then that item is counted as 10 “units” Unlimited simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of titles acquired. For example, if a library acquires a collection of 100 books with unlimited simultaneous 920 users, then that collection would be counted as 100 “units”. These are materials circulated in a fixed, physical format on which moving pictures are recorded, with or without sound. Electronic playback reproduces pictures, with or without sound, using a television receiver or computer monitor. Video formats may include tape, DVD and CD-ROM. include downloadable electronic video files. Items packaged together as a unit (e.g., two video cassettes or DVDs for one movie) and checked out as a unit are counted as one physical item. Number ofTitlesNumber of Volumes, Items, or 7,065 6,643 Physical Units These are downloadable electronic files on which moving pictures are recorded, with or without sound. Electronic playback reproduces pictures, with or without sound, using a television receiver, computer monitor or video-enabled mobile device. Report the number of units. Report only items the library has selected as part of the collection. Include both cataloged and uncataloged titles. NOTE: For purposes of this survey, units are defined as “units of acquisition or purchase”. The “unit” is determined by considering whether the item is restricted to a finite number of simultaneous users or an unlimited number of simultaneous users. Finite simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of simultaneous usages acquired (equivalent to purchasing multiple copies of a single title). For example, if a library acquires a title with rights to a single user at a time, then that item is counted as 1 “unit”; if the library acquires rights to a single title for 10 simultaneous users, then that item is counted as 10 “units” Unlimited simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of titles 22 acquired. For example, if a library acquires a collection of 100 books with unlimited simultaneous users, then that collection would be counted as 100 “units”. . E-books are digital documents (including those digitized by the library), licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a printed book (monograph). Include non-serial government documents. E-books are loaned to users on portable devices (e- book readers) or by transmitting the contents to the user’s personal computer for a limited time. Include e-books held locally and remote e-books for which permanent or temporary access rights have been acquired. Report the number of physical or electronic units, including duplicates, for all outlets. For smaller libraries, if volume data are not available, the number of titles may be counted. E-books packaged together as a unit (e.g., multiple titles on a single e-book reader) and checked out as a unit are counted as one unit. Include items acquired through a consortium. Report the number of units. Report only items the library has selected as part of the collection.Exclude public domainor un-copyrighted e-books that have unlimited access, such as Project Gutenberg. NOTE: For purposes of this survey, units are defined as “units of acquisition or purchase”. The “unit” is determined by considering whether the item is restricted to a finite number of simultaneous users or an unlimited number of simultaneous users. Finite simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of simultaneous usages acquired Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 10 (equivalent to purchasing multiple copies of a single title). For example, if a library acquires a title with rights to a single user at a time, then that item is counted as 1 “unit”; if the library acquires rights to a single title for 10 simultaneous users, then that item is counted as 10 “units” Unlimited simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of titles 5,905 acquired. For example, if a library acquires a collection of 100 books with unlimited simultaneous users, then that collection would be counted as 100 “units”. Report the number of licensed databases (including locally mounted or remote, full-text or not) for which temporary or permanent access rights have been acquired through payment by the library, or by formal agreement with the State Library or a cooperative agreement within the state or region. A database is a collection of electronically stored data or unitrecords (facts, bibliographic data, abstracts, texts) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data. : The data or records are usually collected with a particular intent and relate to a defined topic. A database may be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or via the Internet. Each database is counted individually even if access to several databases is supported through the same vendor interface (e.g., ProQuest, OCLC FirstSearch). Subscriptions to individual electronic serial titles are reported under . 5 Databases made available through purchase by the library. Libraries that were a member in 2013, and purchased the databases, should report the number of TexShare databases available to their patrons (The number to report for Questionis ). Libraries that chose to purchase one or more databases would have up to an additional options to report in . 51 Include databases obtained through cooperative agreements or consortia within state 0 or region. Subtotal (++) 56 Number ofTitles Number of Volumes, Items, or 77,47087,931 (++) Physical Units (++++++) Report both paid subscriptions and gifts. report number of individual issues. The total number of subscriptions in the library system, including duplicates, should be reported here. These are print only. Examplesare periodicals (magazines), newspapers, annuals, some government documents, some reference tools, and numbered monographic series 164 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 11 . Report the number of current electronic and digital serial subscriptions (e-serials, e-journals), including duplicates. Examples include periodicals (magazines), newspapers, annuals, some government documents, some reference tools, and numbered monographic series distributed in the following ways: (a) via the Internet (e.g., HTML, PDF, JPEG, or compressed file formats such as zipped files), (b) on CD-ROM or other portable digital carrier, (c) on databases (including locally mounted databases), and (d) on diskettes or magnetic tapes. Electronic serial subscriptions include serials held locally or remote resources that the library has authorization to access, including those available through statewide or consortia agreements. 1,893 include subscriptions to indexing and abstracting databases that include full- text serial content (e.g., EBSCO Host, ProQuest, and OCLCFirstSearch). Number of Report the total reference transactions. A reference transaction is an information contact in person, phone, fax, mail, or email or through live or networked electronic reference service. It involves the: knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation, and instruction in the use of one or more information sources by a member of the library staff. The term includes information and referral services including: print and non-print materials, machine-readable databases (including computer-assisted instruction), catalog and other holdings records and through communication or referral with other libraries and institutions and persons both inside and outside the library. When a staff member uses information gained from previous use of information sources, report as a reference transaction even if the source is not consulted again. : When reporting ‘reference transactions,’ it is criticalto not include directional transactions. A directional transaction involves disseminating information that aids customers in the use of the library (i.e., giving instructions for locating staff, library users, physical features, etc., within the library or giving technical, not bibliographic, assistance with machines). Directional transactions use only information resources that describe the library (i.e., schedules, floor plans, 2,948 handbooks, policy statements). The act of lending an item for use outside the library. This activity includes charging out (checking- out) and renewals, each of which is reported as a circulation transaction. Report the total annual circulation (including renewals) of all library materials in physical formats, marked as children’s, whether borrowed by a juvenile, young adult, or adult including renewals. This is the act of lending for use outside the library. This includes charging out (checking out) and renewals, each of which is reported as a circulation transaction. This includes books, 175,236 audiobooks, videos, and other materials. include digital formats. Report the total annual circulation/downloads (including renewals) of all downloadable electronic materials, marked as children’s, whether borrowed by a juvenile, young adult, or adult, including renewals. Electronic Materials are materials that aredistributed digitally and can be accessed via a computer, the Internet, or a portable device such as an e-book reader. Types of electronic materials include e-books and downloadable electronic video and audio files. Electronic Materials packaged together as a unit and checked out as a unit are counted as one unit. 953 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 12 (Other thanChildren’s) Count all materials in physical formats. This is the act of lending for use outside the library. This includes charging out (checking out) and renewals, each of which is reported as a circulation transaction. This includes books, audiobooks, videos, and other materials. Interlibrary loan transactions included are only items borrowed for users. include items checked out to another library.include digital formats. include children’s circulation, 159,720 reported in . (Other than Children’s) Report the total annual circulation/downloads (including renewals) of all downloadable electronic materials, excluding those marked as children’s.Electronic Materials are materials that are distributed digitally and can be accessed via a computer, the Internet, or a portable device such as an e-book reader. Types of electronic materials include e-books and downloadable electronic video and audio files. Electronic Materials packaged together as a unit and checked out as a unit are 7,199 counted as one unit.include children’s circulation, reported in . TOTALAdd all amounts,through () 343,108 Total number ofprovided by the library The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): Children and Young Adults Defined \[ Services and , August 1995, NCES 95357\] defines children as Resources for Children and Young Adults in Public Libraries persons age 11 and under. A children’s program is any planned event for which the primary audience is children and which introduces the group of children attending to any of the broad range of library services or activities for children or which directly provides information to participants. Children’s programs may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours. Children’s programs may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information, often designed to meet a specific social need. Examples of these types of programs include story hours and summer reading events. Count all children’s programs, whether held on- or off-site that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. include children’s programs sponsored by other groups that use library facilities. If children’s programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series. : a story hour offered once a week, 48 weeks a year should be counted as 48 programs. Exclude library activities for children delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as one-to-one literacy tutoring, services to homebound, homework 406 assistance, and mentoring activities . Total number ofprovided by the library The Young Adult Services Association (YALSA) defines young adults as ages 12 through18. A young adult program is any planned event for which the primary audience is young adult and which introduces the group of young adults attending to any of the broad range of library services or activities for young adults or which directly provides information to participants. Young adult programs may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours. Young adult programs may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information, often designed to meet a specific social need. Examples of these types of programs include book clubs and summer reading events. Count all young adult programs, whether held on- or off-site, that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. include young adult programs sponsored by other groups that use library facilities. If young adult programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series. :, a book club offered every two . Exclude library activities foryoung adults weeks, 24 weeks a year, should be counted as 24 programs delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as one-to-one literacy tutoring, services to homebound, homework assistance, and mentoring activities. 5 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 13 Total number ofprovided by the library Report the number ofplanned events whose primary audience is adults which introduces the group to any of the broad range of library services or activities for adults or which directly provides information to participants. Adult programs may cover use of the library, libraryservices, or library tours. Adult programs may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information, often designed to meet a specific social need. Examples include book clubs and resume writing workshops. Count all adult programs, whether held on- or off-site that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. include adult programs sponsored by other groups that use library facilities. If adult programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series. : acomputer skills class offered . Exclude library once a week for 10 weeks should be counted as 10 programs activities for adults delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as 174 one-to-one resume assistance and services to homebound. TOTAL (++) 585 provided by the library This is the total annual count of the attendance, both adults and children, at programs 11,573 for which the primary audience is children 11 years of age and younger. provided by the library This is the total annual count of the attendance, both adults and children, at programs 33 for which the primary audience is young adults 12 through 18 years. provided by the library This is the total count of the attendance, both adults and childrenat programs for 975 which the primary audience is adults, ages 19 and older. TOTAL (++) 12,581 Number of (gate count) 254,633 This is the number of persons entering the library for anypurpose during the year. Number of A registered useris a library user who has applied for and received an identification number or card from the public library that has established conditions under which the user may borrow library materials and gain access to other library resources. 31,658 Files should have been purged within the past three (3) years. Does the library have a ? Report whether or not the library is operating with a long-range plan in place. The 4 Yes library’s governing board shall approve this plan. It must be reviewed and updated at No least every five years and must include a collection development element. Does the library have available a photocopier for use by ?4 Yes No Does the library have available a photocopier for use by the public? 4 Yes No Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 14 Include all positions funded in the library’s budget whether those positions are filled or not. Report figures as of the last day of the fiscal year.Report all hours worked for each employee type and report as total hours worked per week. DONOT REPORT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES. Librarians with from program accredited by ALA — Persons reported under this category usually do work that requires professional training and skill in the theoretical or scientificaspect of library work, or both, as distinct from its mechanical or clerical aspect. The educational requirement is a master's degree from a library education program accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). NCATE librarians. Report total number of hours all MLS librarians work per week, not as number of personsExample .: 2 MLS librarians each work 40 hours per week - report 80 hours 160.00 (40 X 2) Other persons holding title of — Persons reported under this category do paid work that usually requires some professional training and skill in library work that might include mechanical or clerical aspects. Report total number of hours all librarians work per week,not as number of persons. Example : 2 librarians each work 30 hours per week. Report 60 hours (30 X 2) 0.00 All other — Includes all other persons paid by the library budget including plant operation, security, and maintenance staff. Reporttotal number of hours all other paid staff work per week, not as number of Use the employees' normal work schedule to calculate. persons.Example : 3 paid part-time employees: 1 works 10 hours/week, 1 works 20 hours/week, one works 400.00 25 hours/week. Report55hours (10+20+25) TOTAL (++) 560.00 How many hours last year did work in your library? Indicate the total number of hours that were worked in the library by persons who were noton the library's payroll. Includevolunteers, community service persons and those 4,924 paid from non-library programs, such as Green Thumb. What was the ? Report the annual rate of pay for the head librarian (director) at the end of the library’s fiscal year. Include merit, longevity, and other payments made directly to the individual. $90,853 If the position is vacant, report the annual salary that you expect to pay when someone is hired. How many in 40 library duties? Has the Head Librarian obtained a minimum of within this reporting period? Continuing education activities that meet qualitative standards for which the applicant can supply documentation of participation, duration, and relevance to the operation of a library. These activities must 4 Yes be instructional and may include workshops, appropriate sessions at library association conference, and distance education meetings. No Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 15 An item of library material, or a copy of the material, is made available by one autonomous library to another upon request. The libraries involved in interlibrary loan are not under the same library administration. Report both "specific item" and "subject request" in this section. Questions and are part of the library’s accreditation,based on Texas Administrative Code 13, Rule.§1.83. Is your library willing to materials from another library foryour 4 Yes patrons? No 4 Yes Is your library willing to materials to another library for their patrons? No Please report number of loans actually received or actually loaned, even if that number is zero(exclude informational requests). How many loans were other libraries? These are library materials, or copies of the materials, received by one autonomous library from another upon request. The libraries involved in interlibrary loans are not 1,085 under the same library administration. How many loans were otherlibraries? These are library materials, or copies of the materials, provided by one autonomous library to another upon request.The libraries involved in interlibrary loans are not 0 under the same library administration. 4 Does your library have a computer with Internet access for the use by Yes ? No Does your library have a computer with Internet access for the use by the 4 Yes ? No How many are used to access the Internet by general public? Report the number of Internet computers (personal computers (PCs) and laptops), 63 whether purchased, leased or donated, used by the general public in the library. What was the in the library during the year? This is for in-library use only. Report the total number of uses (sessions) of the library’s Internet computers in the library during the last year. If the computer is used for multiple purposes (Internet access, word-processing, OPAC, etc.) and Internet uses (sessions) cannot be isolated, report all usage. A typical week or other reliable estimate may be used to determine the annual number. The number of uses (sessions) may be counted manually, using registration logs. Count each use (session) for public internet computers, regardless of the amount of time spent on the computer. A use (session) on the library’s public Internet computer(s) three times a week would count as three uses (sessions). Software can also be used to track the number of uses (sessions) at each public Internet computer. If the data is collected as a weekly figure, multiply that figure by 52 43,765 for an annual estimate. Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 16 persons were trained How many in the use of electronic resources (formal and informal)? How many persons were trained in the use of electronic resources in formal settings and/or informal settings? A formal setting can be a class in computer hardware or software usage, instruction on how to access Internet or email, the library online catalog, how to search electronic databases or CD-ROMs, etc. A formal setting can be small or large classes in instruction on the use of any electronic resource. An informal setting can include one-on-one instruction computer hardware or software usage, instruction on how 10.5 to access Internet or email, the library online catalog, how to search electronic databases 10,680 or CD-ROMs, etc. Wi-Fi sessions Number of Report the total number of sessions in a year of the library’s wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) by users. A wireless connection allows users to make a connection to the library’s Internet using a personal laptop, tablet, or smart phone. A typical week or other reliable estimate may be used to 10.6 Do not determine the yearly number. include use of library equipment in this count. Website visits Number of No website 10.7 Data not collected 4 . Report the total number of visits to the library’s website SECTION 11: LIBRARY HOURS Annual Total of Public Service Hours - Central Library Only This is the number of hours of library service that were available to your patrons last year at the Central/Main Library. This total should be reduced for any hours that any of the facilities were closed to the public (e.g., holidays, weather emergencies, natural disasters, staff development days, construction, repairs, etc.). . Report every hour that the facility is open to the public during all of last year Branch hours open per year will be reported in each branch sub-report. 11.1 2,962 Annual Total of Public Service Weeks - Central Library Only This is the number of weeks open for public service. The count should be based on number of weeks open for half or more of its scheduled service hours. Extensive weeks closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events Do not should be excluded from the count. calculate based on total number of service hours per year. For example, do notdivide total hours by 52 (weeks). Round to the nearest whole number of weeks. If the library was open half or more of its scheduled hours in a given week, round up to the 52 11.2 next week. If the library was open less than half of its scheduled hours, round down. unduplicated hours How manyis the library and its branches open per week during a regular scheduled week? If your library does not have any branches,this answer will be the same as your answer to 11.4Libraries with branches should report the total number of unduplicated hours per week the libraries are open.For assistance or clarification, contact TSLAC, or use the Weekly Total Calculator available on our website under “Public Library Annual Report”. ExampleMain is open M-F 8-5; the branch is open M-F 9-6. This library would be open 10 : 60 unduplicated hours per day. The total for five days would equal 50 hours per week. 11.3 Total hours library open during Regular Week - Central Library Only 60 Total hours open during the central library’s regular weekly schedule. 11.4 Total hours library open during Summer Week - Central Library Only Total hours open during the central library’s summer schedule. If same as regular 60 schedule, please put same hours as in 11.4. 11.5 Texas Public Libraries Annual ReportAccreditation-related question Page 17 4