79-C-21 ORDINANCE NO. 79-t:!-- a./ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1979 EDITION, AS AMENDED, AS THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AS HEREIN MODIFIED AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, that SECTION 1. This ordinance is, shall be known and may be cited as, the Building Code of the City of Schertz. SECTION 2. The Southern Standard Building Code, 1979 Edition, as amended, revised and corrected, published by the Southern Building Code Congress, two (2) copies of which are on file with the City Secretary, is hereby adopted and incorp- orated by reference as the Building Code of the City of Schertz, Texas, subject to and including by reference such amendments as herein shall appear. SECTION 3. In accordance with Section 106.2 of the Building Code, the City Council hereby establishes the amount of bond required to be $5,000.00. SECTION 4. The Building Code of the City of Schertz shall be amended to read as follows: "Section 111.1 The Board of Adjustments and Appeals created by Section 8.02 of the Charter is hereby empowered to hear and rule on all appeals filed under this ordinance. Section 111. 2 Repealed." SECTION 5. A. This ordinance and the Southern Standard Building Code, 1979 Edition with amendments, adopted herein by reference are cum- ulative of any other ordinance on this subject dealt with herein and does not repeal any present ordinance unless this ordinance and said Southern Standard Building Code, 1979 Edition, as amended, are in direct conflict therewith, in which connection this ordinance and the Southern Standard Building Code, 1979 Edition with amendments, shall prevail. B. The ordinance hereby repealed is: No. 79-C-2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the ~~day of ~~~~ 19 ?q &rc~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: (SEAL OF CITY) Affidcmt By,........ Of. 4.~..... STATE OF TE~XS' County of GJj~upc. Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared ...... ...';(//. ~~~1~;~ng by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and sayS that he is the publisher j" The ~ a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the C-74 ,,---;tI. ',,'7 ' within and foregoing ...~~...... was published in said newspaper ....../....... times 00- fore the return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: ..~~~..~...~~~~.......................... .................................................. and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and sub"l:l'ibed before me, this .ld. -----. ORDINANCE 79-D-21 . A-N ORDINANCE ADOp. TING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1979 EDlTWN, ASI AME~DED, AS THE BUILDING C(IDE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AS HEREIN MODIFIED. AND REPEALING AbL OR- DINANCES IN CONFLICT. : PASSED, APPROVED ANP ADOPft:D the 2 day cit Oofuber, 197.. .j """.. JWleG.Kr_. City Secr~taij- City of SclJ8I't; . d -, '.- . I -.,", ~'-'..;/ ]\-U/c v-_ I! v J ~r~?' ,~'$;~~';o>r,~" ~ihOl\D;J(ANci":i>Ro- VIDJl4u :rOR-'!'HR~ SIOl'f1)F':mE BOUNDARY LINES'!OlI'!'1'!fE''''a'I'V':.oF ~TEXA$..J1Y THE. AliNEXAnON OF'A'TRACT, OF LAND CONTAINING AP-' PROXlMATELY'.300 ACRES. OlJTOF.GUAOALUPE_~, :~~tP~:,t'::~) Approved at first reading I ~11,19/ll. ,I 'C' JuneG.Kra....j .. . ,City Se<ntary , A:i,i;;oiiDiNANCE "PRO- WING FOR mEExTEN- SlONOF:THE BOUNDARY IJN:E2; OF 'mE CITY oF SCIIERTZ, TEXAs, BY mE .ulNEXATION OF A TRACT OF L.\NO CONTAINING 2.016. .ACRESOF LAND OUT {)F ~;~~:/.~,~;~~ /',1. . Appr,;:;~ "~tfirSi~1'eading 0'~~:G\;';'~, ,}q.......~~re~ry AN ORDINANCE-.:PRO; VIDING FOR mE :EXTEN- SlON OF 'THE ,BOUNDARY lJNES OF mE CiTY..OF &:HERTZ. TEXAS. BY'THE ~nON OF A'TRAl;T llF L.\NO CONTAINING 0.912 ACRES OUT, OF BE~R '~., " ',<"':~:"~~'i':''''' '1 .\)pr""Od at first' .,readlng , 'ir"I;I9;'9.. I i ", ~" ,i,~. .;-+. JuneG.Krause, I ~~k~~;~1 ,;~~~JTi'D~~~ ,19/ll EDlTIDN,;6.S AMEND-' cED, AS THE -BUILDING :CODE--eF--'I'HEYCITY ""OF 'SCHERTZ;"'::TEXASif!iti'.$ IlEREIN MODIF1E;P'::ANIJ, .aEPEALING':, 'ALL;.',OR- ~CF.SIN~ . "fi.... ' 'R~__.~' ~~:::~ ;,<. J1meG.Kra..... .....;' ".QTIloI:reWy '.., .....I.- '~"'l/ .'v f ': , t/, ' "_&::;-1'-1 '-- , . ,[ ,,,,r--- ~/I~ 1 9/ fJ Il\IO~ ~v a_l<1 1 ~/TJ 1t frrfrO '19- ,VI ,1010 V J -fjr'o /}~ '1f o ;-JJ} ff ? 7--- I 1)- 3